[Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan] [Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning] Program Studi Department Jenjang Pendidikan Programme PROGRAM STUDI PASCASARJANA JURUSAN TEKNIK SIPIL ITS [Post Graduate Program, Civil Engineering Department, ITS] [PROGRAM MAGISTER] [Master Program] x x Kompetensi Lulusan x x x Graduate Competence x x x Memiliki kompetensi sebagai tenaga ahli, sesuai stratanya, pada salah satu bidang: Struktur, Geoteknik, Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi, Manajemen dan Rekayasa Sumber Air, Manajemen dan Rekayasa Transportasi, Manajemen Aset. Mampu melakukan riset dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Mampu untuk mengembangkan diri secara terus menerus sebagai tenaga ahli sesuai bidangnya. Mampu melanjutkan pendidikan ke strata S3. Students have competency as the experts in one of divisions below: a. Structural Engineering b. Geotechnical Engineering c. Construction Project Management d. Water Resource Engineering and Management e. Transportation Engineering and Management f. Asset Management Students be able to do research and communicate the result in Indonesian and English language Students be able to improve theirself continually to be the expert in their field Students be able to take doctoral program Asset Management NO. CODE COURSE TITLE CREDITS 1 RC09-2361 Fundamental of Asset Management 2 2 RC09-2362 Infrastructure Management 6 3 RC09-2363 RC09-2364 Regional System and Land Law 2 Regional infrastructure and Human Settlement Policy 2 SEMESTER 1 4 SEMESTER 2 1 RC09-2365 Asset Management Economics 3 2 RC09-2366 Asset Maintenance Management 2 3 RC09-2461 Decision Making Method 3 4 RC09-2398 Research Metodology 2 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2361]: [Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Aset] [RC 09 2361]: [Fundamental of Asset Management] SEMESTER 3 1 RC09-2367 Valuation Technique 2 RC09-2368 Case Study of Asset Management 2 Thesis 6 SEMESTER 4 1 RC09-2399 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan tentang definisi manajemen aset, aset life cycle, strategi aset planning, aspek pengadaan, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, pemanfaatan, penghapusan dan evaluasi aset. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Student are expected to be able to explain about Asset Management Definition, Life Cycle of Asset, Long Strategic Planning, Procurement Aspects , Operation, maintanance, The Use and Removal of Assets x Kompetensi 1. Mahasiswa dapat memahami pengertian aset dan aset infrastruktur 2. Mahasiswa dapat memahami aspek perencanaan dan perancangan 3. Mahasiswa dapat memahami aspek pengadaan 4. Mahasiswa dapat memahami aspek pemakaian 5. Mahasiswa dapat memahami aspek evaluasi 6. Mahasiswa dapat memahami aspek keberlanjutan aset KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. Student can understand the sense of aset and infrastructure assets 2. Student can understand the planning and design aspects 3. Student can understand procurement aspects of assets 4. Student can understand the aspects of the use of assets 5. Student can understand the evaluation of assets 6. Student can understand the sustainability of assets POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Pokok Bahasan a. Definisi manajemen aset dan contoh b. Jenis-jenis aset (public, private, semi private) c. Aset infrastruktur ; life cycle aset ; inventarisasi aset ; Sistem Informasi manajemen aset d. Penyusunan Master plan, Studi Kelayakan, Detail Engineering Design e. Aspek pengoperasian, aspek pemeliharaan, aspek pemanfaatan f. Evaluasi aset : Penghapusan, pengembangan dan pemakaian aset g. Keberlanjutan terhadap lingkungan, terhadap finansial dan sosial x SUBJECTS a. Definition of asset management and examples b. Type of Assets (public, private, semi private) c. Infrastructure of Assets; life cycle of assets, : procurement of assets; Information system of management assets d. Design of Master Plan, Feasibility study, Detail engineering design e. f. g. PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES Operation, maintanance and the use of assets asset evaluation: Removal, development and the use of Assets Environmental, financial and social sustainability x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku 2. Siregar, D.D., (2004), Manajemen aset, Satyatama Graha Tama 3. Queensland Government (2002), Guideline to Asset Management 4. Grigg, Neil S. (1988), Infrastructure Engineering and Management, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 5. Leong, KC. (2004), The Essence of Asset Management-A Guide UNDP, Kuala Lumpur. [RC 09 2365]: [Ekonomi Manajemen Aset] [RC 09 2365]: [ ] Credits: [3 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami aspek investasi dan keterkaitan antara infrastruktur dengan ekonomi wilayah TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the investation aspects and the relationship between infrastructures and the economics x Kompetensi 1. Memahami aspek investasi yang berkaitan dengan aspek ekonomi, aspek finansial, aspek lingkungan, aspek pendanaan, aspek pasar dan pemasaran 2. Memahami keterkaitan antara infrastruktur dengan ekonomi wilayah KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. student can understand the relationship of investation aspect to economics, financial, environmental, funding, market and marketing aspects 2. student can understand the relationship between infrastructure and regional economics x Pokok Bahasan b. Aspek-aspek investasi c. Analisa kelayakan finansial dan ekonomi d. Komponen benefit dan cost yang spesifik untuk tiap infrastruktur e. Pendanaan infrastruktur f. PDRB, APBD, Kaitan infrastruktur dengan ekonomi wilayah, Pajak, retribusi, alokasi anggaran daerah untuk infrastruktur POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS a. investation aspects b. Analysis of financial and economic feasibility c. Benefit and Cost components which are specifics to each infrastructure. d. The funding of infrastructure e. PDRB, APBD, the relationship between infrastructure and regional economics, tax, retribution and regional budget allocation for infrastructure MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES [RC 09 2263]: [ Sumber daya alam dan lingkungan] [RC 09 2263]: [ ] x Pustaka Utama/ References x Engineering Economics x Studi Kelayakan Proyek x Ekonomi Infrastruktur x Ekonomi Regional Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [3] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjelaskan kaitan pembangunan infrastruktur dengan dampak lingkungan, ekonomi lingkungan TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menganalisa pemanfaatan sumber daya alam wilayah (kawasan pantai, hutan, danau, sungai) LEARNING OB.JECTIVES Students are expected to be able to explain the link of infrastructure development with environmental impact and enviromental economis Students are expected to be able to analyse the use of regional natural resources (coast, forest, lake and river) x Kompetensi 1. mampu menjelaskan prinsip dasar pembangunan ekonomi dikaitkan dengan konservasi sumber daya alam 2. mampu menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip analisa dampak lingkungan infrastruktur 3. mampu menjelaskan tentang aspek sumberdaya tanah, sumber daya air, sumber daya hutan dan pemanfaatannya 4. mampu menjelaskan tentang permasalahan ekonomi lingkungan dan melakukan valuasi lingkungan KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. Student can explain the basic principal of economic development link with the conservation of natural resources. 2. Student can explain the principles of enviromental impact assesssment of infrastructure 3. Student can explain the land resources, water resources and forest resources and their utilization 4. Student can explain the enviromental economic issues and to do the enviromental valuation. POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Pokok Bahasan Sumber daya tanah, sumber daya air, sumber daya milik umum, sumber daya hutan, metode penilaian dampak lingkungan, aplikasi metode penilaian, valuasi ekonomi.Panduan valuasi ekonomi untuk Amdal : tata cara valuasi ekonomi dampak lingkungan, metode-metode valuasi ekonomi, UU 23/1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, PP 27/1999 tentang AMDAL, Permen LH 11/2006 tentang jenis rencana usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang wajib dilengkapi dengan AMDAL, Permen LH 8/2006 tentang pedoman penyusunan AMDAL : Sistematika KA-Andal, Andal, RKL, RPL, ringkasan eksekutif x SUBJECTS Land resources, water resources, public resources, forest resources, method to evaluate the enviromental impact, application of evaluation method, economic valuation. Guidance of economic valuation for AMDAL: Standard for economic valuation of enviromental impact, methods of economic valuation, UU 23/1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, PP 27/1999 tentang AMDAL, Permen LH 11/2006 tentang jenis rencana usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang wajib dilengkapi dengan AMDAL, Permen LH 8/2006 tentang pedoman penyusunan AMDAL : Sistematika KA-Andal, Andal, RKL, RPL, ringkasan eksekutif PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Suparmoko, M., Ekonomi Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (suatu pendekatan teoritis), edisi 3, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1997. 2. Randal, A., Resource Economics, second edition, John Wiley & Son, New York, 1987 3. Reksohadiprodjo S. dan Brrodjonegoro B.P., Ekonomi Lingkungan (suatu pengantar), edisi 1, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1997. 4. Suparmoko, M. dan Suparmoko M.R., Ekonomika Lingkungan, edisi 1, BPFE Yogyakarta, 2000. 5. Askary M., Panduan Umum Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Lingkungan Untuk Penyusunan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup, Pusat Pengembangan dan Penerapan Amdal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Jakarta, 2004. [RC 09 2362]: [Manajemen Infrastruktur] [RC 09 2362]: [Infrastructure Management] Credits: [6 sks/ ] Semester: [1] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengenal aset infrastruktur, memahami konsep perencanaan, konsep pengadaan dan pengoperasian serta dapat mengidentifikasi jenis kerusakan bangunan, menghitung tingkat kerusakan aset infrastruktur TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to know the infrastructure assets; to understand the concept of planning, procurement and operation; to identify the type of building damage, to calculate the level of damage in infrastructure assests. x Kompetensi 3. Memahami infrastruktur, pengoperasian dan pemanfaatan aset SDA 4. Memahami infrastruktur, pengoperasian dan pemanfaatan aset jalan dan jembatan 5. Memahami infrastruktur, pengoperasian dan pemanfaatan aset permukiman KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. Student can undertand the infrastructure, operation and the use of SDA assets 2. Student can understand the infrastructure, operation and the use of road and bridges assets. 3. Student can understand the infrastructure, operation and the use of residential assets x Pokok Bahasan a. Konsep pengenalan infrastruktur aset SDA, jalan, jembatan dan permukiman b. Konsep perencanaan aset SDA, jalan, jembatan dan permukiman c. Konsep pengadaan aset SDA, jalan, jembatan dan permukiman d. Konsep pengoperasian aset SDA, jalan, jembatan dan permukiman POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS a. Introducing the concept of the SDA Asset, road, bridges and residential b. Concept of SDA assets planning, road, bridges and residential c. Concept of SDA assets procurement, road, bridges and residential d. Concept of SDA assets operation, road, bridges and residential x Pustaka Utama/ References x Queensland Government (2002), Guideline to Asset Management x Grigg, Neil S. (1988), Infrastructure Engineering and Management, John Wiley & Sons, New York. PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x Undang-undang RI No. 38 tahun 2004, tentang Jalan. x Keputusan Presiden RI No. 80 tahun 2003, tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah. [RC 09 [Manajemen Pemeliharaan x 2366]: Undang-undang RI No. 22 tahun 2009,Aset] tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. x Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 34 tahun 2006, tentang Jalan. [RC 09 2366]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami aspek investasi dan keterkaitan antara infrastruktur dengan ekonomi wilayah TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the Investment aspects and the relationship between infrastructure and regional economic x Kompetensi Memahami manajemen pemeliharaan infrastruktur KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY Student can understand the management of infrastructure maintanance x Pokok Bahasan a. Pengertian pemeliharaan b. Pengertian kerusakan infrastruktur c. Jenis program pemeliharaan infrastruktur d. Kebijakan pemeliharaan e. Pengembangan cara pemeliharaan f. Upaya peningkatan kinerja pemeliharaan POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS a. maintanance b. Type of infrastructure damage c. Type of infrastructure maintanance program d. Maintanance policy e. Development of maintanance f. Efforts to improve the performance of maintanance PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE x Pustaka Utama/ References x UU RI no 38 tahun 2004 tentang jalan x Manual Pemeliharaan Jalan dan Jembatan x Gayo, M.Yusuf dkk, Perbaikan dan Pengaturan Sungai x Dep PU Ditjen Air, Pedoman Pengelolaan SDA Wilayah Sungai [RC 09 2265]: [Manajemen Proyek] [RC 09 2265]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [3] Tujuan Pembelajaran pemahaman mengenai manajemen proyek infrastruktur LEARNING OB.JECTIVES TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the project management of infrastructure x Kompetensi o Memahami konsep manajemen proyek o Memahami manajemen proyek infrastruktur KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY o Student is able to understand the project management o Student is able to understand the project management of infrastructure x Pokok Bahasan a. Pengenalan proyek b. Pengenalan manajemen proyek c. 9 area keilmuan manajemen proyek d. Manajemen proyek infrastruktur POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS o o o o Introduction to project Introduction to project management The nine areas of project management discipline Project management of infrastructure x Pustaka Utama/ References x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x x Kerzner, H, (2006), “Project Management: Case Studies”, John Willey & Sons, New Jersey. Newton, R, (2006), “Project Management Step by Step: How to Plan and Manage a Highly Successful Project”. electronic-book, Pearson Education Canada Kerzner, H, (2005), “Using The Project Management Maturity Model”, John Willey & Sons, New Jersey. Kerzner, H, (2006), “Project Management Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence”, John Willey & Sons, New Jersey. Meredith, J.R., dan Mantel, S.J., (2006), “Project Management: A Managerial Approach”, John Willey & Sons, New Jersey. 1. MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2264]: [Manajemen Strategi] [RC 09 2264]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [3] Tujuan Pembelajaran pemahaman mengenai infrastruktur manajemen strategi untuk pengelolaan aset LEARNING OB.JECTIVES TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Student are expected to be able to understand the management strategies for the management of infrastructure assets. x Kompetensi o Memahami konsep manajemen strategi o Mampu menyusun strategi untuk pengelolaan aset KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY o Student is able to understand the concept of management strategy o Student is able to plan the strategy for asset management POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Pokok Bahasan e. Konsep manajemen strategi f. Analisa sumber daya dan kapabilitas g. Evaluasi dan pengembangan strategi h. Implementasi strategi i. Kebijakan program pengelolaan j. Strategi yang ditempuh (tahap pengaturan, tahap pembinaan, tahap pembangunan, tahap pengawasan) x SUBJECTS o o o o o Concept of management strategy Analysis of resources and capability Evaluation and strategy development Policy management program Strategy adopted (setting stage, provisional stage, development stage, survailance stage) PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Barney, Jay B. Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. 2/e. Reading, MA, : Addison-wesley Publishing Company, 2002 2. Hitt, Michael A.R, R Duane Ireland and Robert E. Hoskisson. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. 6/e. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-western College Publishing, 2005. MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2261]: [Metode Pengambilan Keputusan] [RC 09 2261]: [ Decision Making Method] Credits: [3 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami konsep probabilitas, analisa sistem dan riset operasi, menggunakan metode statistika dan dapat mengolah data dengan software statistika dalam pengambilan keputusan TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the probability concepts, system analysis, and operation research; to use the statistical method to get data with statistical software to make decision. x Kompetensi 1. Mampu memahami konsep pengukuran ketidakpastian dengan teknik probabilitas dan mampu menerapkannya 2. Menguasai konsep uji hipotesis, analisis varian, analisis data kategorik, analisis regresi serta mampu menerapkannya 3. Menguasai analisa sistem dan pengambilan 4. Menguasai metode pengambilan keputusan dalam keadaan resiko 5. Menguasai metode pengambilan keputusan multi kriteria KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. Student can understand and use the concept of measurement of uncertainity with probabilistic method 2. Student can understand and use the concept of hypothesis test, varian analysis, categorical data analysis, regression analysis. 3. Student can master the system analysis to make decision 4. Student can master the method of decision making in risk condition 5. Student can master the method of decision making with multi criterion. x Pokok Bahasan a. Review Probabilitas, Konsep uji hipotesis, Analisis Varians, Analisis Data Kategorik, Analisis Regresi, Statistika Multivariate b. Analisa sistem dan pengambilan keputusan : linier programming, metode transportasi dan penugasan, binary integer programming, Decision Tree Method, Analisa multi kriteria POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x SUBJECTS a. Introduction to Probabilistic, Hypothesis Test, Varians analysis, Categorical Data Analysis, Regression analysis, Mltivariate statistics b. System analysis and decesion making: linear programming, transpotation method and task management, binary integer programming, decision tree method, multi criterion analysis. x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Levin dan Rubin, 2004, Statistic for Management, Prentice Hall 2. Mendenhall, T, 2000, Statistic for Science and Engineering, PHI 3. Render, Stair, Hana, 2003, Quantitative Analysis for Management, Eight Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2398]: [Metodologi Penelitian] [RC 09 2398]: [Research Methodology] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami metode-metode penelitian, menentukan topik penelitian, menyusun proposal thesis, thesis, makalah kemudian menyusun dan mempresentasikan dengan baik rencana proposal thesis. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand research methods; to decide the research topic, to compose thesis proposal, thesis, paper; and to present the thesis proposal. x Kompetensi 1. Menguasai metode penelitian 2. Menguasai tata cara penlisan ilmiah 3. Mampu menyusun pra proposal thesis KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. Student can master the research methods 2. Student can master about how to write technical report writing 3. Student can compose the pre thesis proposal x Pokok Bahasan Pemahaman mengenai metodologi penelitian dan tata cara penulisan ilmiah yang meliputi penyusunan proposal thesis, thesis dan makalah. POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS Introduction to research methodology and technical report writing which consist of the proposal thesis, thesis and paper. x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Program Pascasarjana ITS, 2006. Pedoman Penyusunan Thesis. 2. Indrasurya B. Mochtar, Penulisan Karya Ilmiah dan Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2364]: [Kebijakan permukiman dan prasarana wilayah] [RC 09 2364]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [1] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis permasalahan-permasalahan IPU dan mampu menyusun konsep penyelesaian masalah TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to identify and analyse problem in IPU and able to find the solution concepts x Kompetensi 1. Mengerti dan dapat menerapkan teknik kerangka penyusunan penyelesaian masalah 2. Mengetahui kebijakan publik dalam bidang PU 3. Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa permasalahanpermasalahan IPU dan mampu menyusun konsep penyelesaian masalah x COMPETENCY 1. Student can understand and use the framework of technical problem solving 2. Student can understand the public policy in PU 3. Student can identifty and analyse the problem in IPU and draw the concept of problem solving x Pokok Bahasan Issue-issue strategis dalam pengelolaan IPU, metode pengambilan keputusan, penyusunan urutan tingkat kepentingan masalah, penyusunan alternatif penyelesaian masalah, pemilihan alternatif penyelesaian masalah terbaik, penentuan prioritas, Penyusunan laporan dan presentasi POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS Strategic issues of IPU management, method of decision making, determination of problem based on importance level, determination of alternative solution, determination of the best solution, determination of priority, Report and presentation. x Pustaka Utama/ References PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE [RC 09 2262]: [Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset] [RC 09 2262]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [2] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami perencanaan dan penggunaan SIM dan SIG untuk pengelolaan aset TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the planning; to use the SIM and SIG for management assets x Kompetensi 6. Memahami konsep sistem informasi aset 7. Memahami teknik basis data 8. Memahami teknik Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. To understand the concept of assets information system 2. To undertand the basic data technique 3. To understand the Graphical Information System (GIS) x Pokok Bahasan a. Konsep sistem informasi aset b. Teknik basis data c. Teknik Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS a. b. c. Concept of asset information system Basic data technique Geographical Information System Technique PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. Burrough P.A, Principle of GIS for Land Resources Assessment, Oxford, 1998 2. Christopher Jones, GIS and Computer Cartography, Longman england, 1999 3. Teguh Hariyanto, Modul Mata Kuliah SIG, Prodi Teknik Geomatika FTSPITS, 2003 [RC 09 2363]: [ Sistem wilayah dan hukum pertanahan] [RC 09 2363]: [ ] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [1] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami aspek hukum dan aspek kewilayahan TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to understand the legal aspect and regional aspect x Kompetensi 6. Memahami aspek hukum 7. Memahami aspek kewilayahan KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. To understand legal aspect 2. To understand regional aspect x Pokok Bahasan g. Hukum kepemilikan tanah h. Hukum pengadaan tanah untuk infrastruktur i. Konsep pengembangan wilayah terkait pembangunan infrastruktur j. POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Penyediaan prasarana wilayah serta pemahaman mengenai pentingnya prasarana wilayah sebagai salah satu penopang utama menuju tercapainya tujuan-tujuan pengembangan wilayah x SUBJECTS a. Land ownership law b. Law on land acquisition for infrastructure c. Concept of development of the region in relationship with the development of infrastructure d. Provision of regional infrastructure and the understanding of the importance of the infrastructure as the main foundation to achieve the regional development goals x Pustaka Utama/ References x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE Arsyad, Lincoln [1999] "Pengantar Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah", BPFE Yogyakarta Nugroho, Iwan dan Dahuri, Rokhmin [2004] "Pembangunan Wilayah, Perspektif Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Lingkungan", LP3ES, Jakarta x 2367]: ............................. [RC 09 [Teknik Valuasi ] [RC 09 2367]: [Valuation Technique] Credits: [2 sks/ ] Semester: [3] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menguasai konsep evaluasi aset dan teknik penilaian TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students are expected to be able to use the assets evaluation concept and valuation method x Kompetensi 1. Memahami konsep evaluasi aset 2. Menguasai konsep dasar nilai dan penilaian 3. Menguasai Teknik Penilaian dan mampu menerapkan mengestimasi nilai aset 4. Menguasai standar penilaian yang berlaku di Indonesia 5. Menguasai teknik pelaporan untuk KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x COMPETENCY 1. To understand the asset evaluation concept 2. To master the basic value concept and valuation 3. To master the valuation technique and to be able to estimate the assets value 4. To master the standard valuation used in Indonesia 5. To master the reporting technique x Pokok Bahasan a. Konsep evaluasi: evaluasi fisik, evaluasi fungsi, demand dan kapasitas b. Konsep kelanjutan aset : tetap, dikembangkan, dihapuskan c. Konsep dasar nilai penilaian, Prinsip Highest and Best Use, Metodemetode penilaian, Penilaian tanah, Standard Penilaian dan laporan penilaian POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x SUBJECTS a. Concept of evaluation, physicial evaluation, evaluation function, demand and capacity. b. concept of continuation of assets (fix, develop, remove) c. concept of basic valuation, highest and best use principes, valuation method, Land valuation, valuation standard and valuation report x Pustaka Utama/ References 1. MAPPI, 2002, Standart Penilaian Indonesia (SPI 2002), MAPPI 2. Ring, Alfred A., The Valuation of Real Estate, Prentice Hall 3. Supriyanto, B., Rekayasa Penilaian Bagian I dan II PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES