Fund Fact Sheet, September 2017 Investa Dana Dollar Mandiri Fixed Income Fund Price USD 1.41 Investment Objective Reporting Date: 29-September-2017 To obtain a stable income denominated in US Dollar. Custodian Bank: Standard Chartered, Cabang Jakarta Inception Date 28-May-2008 Asset Under Management USD 8.12 Million Currency Dollar (USD) Investment Policy Portfolio Allocation Money Market Bonds Money Market Bonds : 0% - 20% : 80% - 100% Fund Performance Management Fee Max. 2 % p.a Subscription Fee Max. 1% 10% 20% Redemption Fee Max. 1% (< 1 year*) * holding period ISIN Code IDN000061207 0% -10% May-08 Dec-08 Aug-09 Apr-10 Dec-10 Aug-11 Apr-12 Dec-12 Aug-13 Apr-14 Dec-14 Aug-15 Apr-16 Dec-16 Aug-17 Aug-17 -20% -30% Kode Bloomberg MANINVD : IJ -40% Top Holdings Monthly Performance (In Alphabetical Order) Main Risk Factors IDAMAN 1.00% Risks of Changes in Economic and Political Risk of Default Risk of Liquidity Risk of Reduced Net Asset Value Each Unit Risk of Interest Rate Risk of Transactions Through Electronic Media Investment Period 3-5 TD$ 12M 40% 30% <3 IDAMAN 50% Custodian Fee Max. 0.12% p.a • • • • • • : 9.11% : 90.89% >5 Government PLN Bonds Bonds TD$ 12M 0.50% 0.00% -0.50% -1.00% -1.50% Sep-16 Nov-16 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Performance - 29 September 2017 3-5 : medium-term 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months Risk Tolerance medium IDAMAN : Benchmark* : 0.01% 0.05% 1.24% 0.16% 2.34% 0.30% 1 Year 1.49% 0.59% 3 Years 5 Years 10.77% 2.11% 7.47% 3.79% YTD 4.25% 0.44% Since inc. 41.03% 9.38% *TD$ 12M Bonds Market Outlook The domestic bond market slightly upward until September with 10-year government bond yield moving up from 6.7% to 6.5%. There main reason why Indonesian government bond yield still moving up because of buying support from local investor despite outflow from foreign investor due to weakening of the Rupiah. Rupiah currently have a little bit of increase in volatility with range from Rp 13,323/US$ - Rp 13,472/US$ from beginning of 2017 until September 2017. About Mandiri Investasi PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi (Mandiri Investasi) is a separate subsidiary of PT Mandiri Sekuritas established in December 28, 2004. PT Mandiri Sekuritas is Indonesia’s leading investment bank and a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., the country’s largest state-owned Bank. Mandiri Investasi and/or its predecessors have been managing investment portfolios since 1993. Mandiri Investasi is Indonesia’s largest domestic mutual fund, with total assets under management totaling Rp 50.54 Trillion (as of 29 September 2017). Care Center : 527-3110 DISCLAIMER There are risks in investing in mutual fund including potential loss of the participation unit holders of the mutual fund as a result of the fluctuation of the NAV of the fund. Potential investor must read and understand the prospectus of the fund before deciding to invest in mutual fund. Past performance does not reflect the future performance of the fund. Mutual fund is a capital market product and is not a bank product, and it is also not secured by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation. The selling agent of the fund shall not be responsible against any claim and risks of the management of the mutual fund’s portfolio. PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority, and any form of offering of its product is conducted by the licensed officer that is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority. Confirmation of the ownership of the participation unit of mutual fund issued by the custodian bank is a valid evidence of ownership. PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority, and each product offering shall be made by workers who have been registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority. PUJK (Pelaku Usaha Jasa Keuangan) and Individual registered and supervised by OJK.