12/2/2016 R. Sutiawan1 *Sub Topik Kuliah Demografi Kesehatan, Program Magister IKM 1Dept Biostatistika dan Kependudukan, FKMUI 15% kematian maternal disebabkan oleh Abortion1 2 jt/thn (37/1000 ) di Indonesia2 Strategi: kontrol unwanted pregnancy Contraceptive use Fakta: contra. prev abortion rate 15-49 Data utk evaluasi terbatas Data Abortion sulit dikuantifikasi 1WHO (2003), Unsafe abortion: Global and Regional Estimates and Associated Mortality in Sout East Asia B, et.al (2001), Community-Base Survey in 10 major Cities/6 District 2Utomo 1 12/2/2016 Skenario perubahan abortion rate Model kaitan abortion rate dengan “direct” determinannya • Fertility preferences – # anak diinginkan (# anak diinginkan >> unintended preg rate <<) Pd masy masa transisi fertilitas: # anak diinginkan selama thn diperlukan utk mengandung # thn dimana berisiko alami unintd.preg akan Pd masy paska transisi: # unintd.preg >>, kecuali dg praktek kontrasepsi efektif – Jarak antar kelahiran yg lebih suka memperpanjangberisiko>> unintd.preg 2 12/2/2016 • Prevalence (effectiveness) of contraception - unintd.preg mcegahnya dg kontrasepsi sempurna - efektifitas metode < 100% - prev.kontr bervariasi (<10% - 75%) • Abortion probability of unintended pregnancies - Aborsi nyata dipengaruhi: rate unintd.preg dan berapa prob. kehamilan tsb berakhir dg aborsi (41-91%)3 - Aborsi >> di masy. dg norma keluarga kecil;%kontr<< 3Alan Guttmacher Institute(1999), Sharing Responsibility: Women, Society and Abortion Worldwide KOREA INDONESIA Rate aborsi 2.2 Alan Guttmacher Institute 1999; Ross et al. 1999; Tietze 1979; United Nations 1999. 3 12/2/2016 TFR=Yr/Ib=8 Yr(1-u)=5 TFR=Yr(1-u)/Ib=2 Yri=TFR.Ib=5 Yr.e.u Ia=1,251 TFR.Ib TFR=2 Yr=(Yr.e.u)+(TFR.Ib)+(TAR.Ia) u=0,751 TAR=Yr-Yri/Ia=12 TAR.Ia Yr.u=15 Yra=TAR.Ia=15 1u=0,625; e=1 TAR=2 Yr=20 Bongaarts, J .2000 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 4 12/2/2016 • paborsi=TAR/(TAR+UITFR) • TFR=UITFR+ITFR • YR = YR*e*u+TFR*IB+TAR*IA ….1 • TAR = YR(1–e*u)/IA–TFR*IB/IA……1.1 • TAR = p*(YR*(1–e*u)–ITFR*IB)/(p*IA+(1–p)*IB) • (unintended: mistimed, unplanned or unwanted at the time of fertility) YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion Abortion Determinants Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Total Abortion Rate (TAR) Wanted Total Fertility Rate (WTFR) Intended Total Fertility Rate (ITFR) Abortion Probability (p) Reproductive Years (YR) Average Birth Interval (IB) Contraceptive Prevalence (u) Perfective Contraceptive Prev (up) Contraceptive Effectiveness (e) Abortion Interval (IA) 1991 2,8 4,6 1994 2,7 3,8 1997 2,61 2,54 2002 2,55 2,38 2007 2,602 1,75 2,7 2,51 2,46 2,4 2,46 2,3 2,22 2,15 2,19 2,13 0,9 22,7 2,3 0,49 0,9 22,6 2,4 0,52 0,85 22,5 2,5 0,55 0,83 22,3 2,7 0,59 0,8 22,1 2,9 0,59 0,77 0,71 0,71 0,7 0,68 0,96 0,97 0,98 0,94 0,96 is assumed: 14 months (Bongaarts) 5 12/2/2016 Ada 6 faktor mpengaruhi variasi angka aborsi Variasi penurunan aborsi melalui: Pengendalian langsung melalui: Program KB; akses dan efektifitas penggunaan alokon (>68%) Meningkatkan rata2 usia kawin pertama (1+thn) memperpanjang jarak antar kelahiran ( 3thn) Model alternatif kuantifikasi perencanaan YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 6 12/2/2016 • TFR=5ASFRi; ASFR=Bi/Pfi*k • Rata2 total jml anak yg dimiliki oleh 1 org wanita selama masa reproduksi • Utk wanita pernah kawin, usia 15-49 th • Umur responden; p105-106 • Jml kelahiran pd umur tertentu sebelum survei; p212-221; kalender YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion • WTFR • Rata2 total jml anak yg diinginkan oleh 1 wanita selama masa reproduksi • Jml anak yg diinginkan selama hidup • Waktu lahir sesuai rencana+tdk sesuai rencana • Jml anak yg diinginkan selama hidup; p614 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 7 12/2/2016 • ITFR=5IASFRi • Rata2 total jml anak yg diinginkan oleh 1 wanita dan wkt kelahiran sesuai dgn rencana selama masa reproduksi • Utk wanita umur tertentu yg sedang hamil saat survei • Menginginkan kehamilan tsb; p228 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion • TAR=5ASARi • Rata2 total jml aborsi tiap 1 wanita selama masa reproduksi • Pernah hamil yg berakhir dgn keguguran, digugurkan atau lahir mati sebelum periode survei; p229-234; kalender YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 8 12/2/2016 • paborsi=TAR/(TAR+UITFR) • Probabilitas/peluang kehamilan yg berakhir dengan aborsi • UITFR=TFR-ITFR YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion • Yr • Rata2 lama wkt (tahun) dimiliki 1 wanita (15-49) yg berisiko utk hamil • [35 – (masa hamil, postpartum, menyusui)]*proporsi kontrasepsi • Masa hamil = jml anak lahir pd periode survei*9 bln • Masa post = jml anak lahir pd periode survei*40 hr • Masa menyusui = jml anak lahir pd periode survei*6 bln • Prop kontr = jml bln pakai / 72 bln YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 9 12/2/2016 • Ib Interval kelahiran • Rata2 rentang wkt yg diperlukan utk 1 kelahiran (ke kelahiran berikutnya) • Selisih tahun lahir anak pertama dgn yg terakhir;p215 / jml anak pernah lahir hidup; p208 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion • • • • u prevalensi kontrasepsi Utk wanita kawin 15-49 th Responden tdk steril; p302(01-02) Responden (pasangan) pengguna kontrasepsi pd periode tertentu sebelum survei; p302-304 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 10 12/2/2016 • e : efektifitas penggunaan kontrasepsi • e = 1 - failure rate • f: The percentage of women using a particular contraceptive method who experience an unintended pregnancy in the first year of use • Utk wanita kawin 15-49 th • Responden tdk steril; p302(01-02) • Responden (pasangan) pengguna kontrasepsi pd periode tertentu sebelum survei; p304 • Kalender KB; p318 kolom 1-3 YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion • up prevalensi kontrasepsi sempurna • up = 1-fr*[(1 - (WTFR*Ib)/Yr)] YR = reproductive years; e = contraceptive effectiveness; u = contraceptive prev; TFR = total fertility rate; IB = birth interval; TAR = total abortion rate; IA = interval of abortion 11