PROGRAM PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA DI RUMAH SAKIT HARI PARATON. dr. SpOGK KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA AMR & RUMAH SAKIT? • AMR banyak di Rumah sakit (ICU, ICCU, NICU, PICU, Int. Care, Rawat inap. Infeksi) • Antibiotik sistemik banyak digunakan di RS • HAI prevalensi meningkat • Staff medis RS perlu pemahaman • 50-80% Antibiotik digunakan tidak tepat. PENGGUNAAN ANTIBIOTIK DI RUMAH SAKIT Kategori Hasil Sby Semg (%) (%) Tidak ada indikasi terapi 76 53 Tidak ada indikasi profilaksis 55 81 AMRIN STUDY : 2002-2005 4 4 THE PROBLEM ANTIBIOTIC USE HAI • • • • • AMR more difficult to treat more procedures high cost ICU use failure morbidity and mortality • • • • Blood stream Pneumonia UTI SSI ESBL PRODUCING BACTERIA PREVALENCE of ESBL in INDONESIA 70 66 60 presentage 50 40 35 30 28 20 10 40 RSDS 9 AMRI N 2000 2005 0 2010 RSDS 2013 WHO/ PPRA 2656% 2016 surveilla nce 2016 45-89% ESBL Table. Antibiotic susceptibility (n) pattern of ESBL producing E.coli Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Ceftazidime Cefepime Ciprofloxasin Amikacin Gentamycin Fosfomycin Piperacillintazobactam Cefoperazonesulbactam Meropenem Levofloxacin Tigecyclin RSDS 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.34 16.10 97.95 61.43 92.86 RSSA 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.06 29.37 95.24 69.05 100.00 RSDM NA 2.62 12.07 26.21 10.00 82.99 62.15 NA RSDK 1.57 5.93 4.19 9.42 18.32 96.34 10.99 78.57 RSSD 3.31 NA 8.33 25.62 7.50 73.33 56.30 82.89 RSP NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.42 98.96 63.54 NA TOTAL 0,78 1,19 3,83 12,78 15,21 92,4 55,12 90,85 49.57 76.19 NA 76.44 65.81 66.67 60,4 53.85 NA 83.33 72.73 57.98 15.63 57,08 99.83 20.14 78.08 98.41 29.37 99.21 98.96 9.00 97.92 95.29 21.48 99.48 94.96 15.38 40.63 100.00 10.42 100.00 98,51 17,66 94,67 Data surveillance PPRA RSDS-Balitbangkes-WHO 2013 7 GLOBAL AMR KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN PENDAHULUAN When I was asked to chair the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), I was told that AMR was one of the biggest health threats that mankind faces now and in the coming decades. My initial response was to ask, ‘Why should an economist lead this? Why not a health economist?’ The answer was that many of the urgent problems are economic, so we need an economist, especially one versed in macro-economic issues and the world economy, to create the solutions. MASALAH GLOBAL KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN THE AMR IMPACTS MASALAH GLOBAL WHO 2013 2013 700.000 / tahun 2050 10.000.000/tahun USD. 100 TRILLIUN (Jim O Neill 2015) KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN WHO; Global Action Plan 1. Improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training 2. Strengthen the knowledge and evidence base through surveillance a nd research. 3. Reduce the incidence of infection through effective sanitation, hygiene and infection prevention measures. 4. Optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and ani mal health. 5. Develop the economic case for sustainable investment that takes acco unt of the needs of all countries, and increase investment in new medicines, diagnostic tools, vaccines and other interventions. KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN Proble ms Map Pertanian/ Peternakan /perikanan Growth promotor Food Residu AB (+) Knowledg e OTC/Apate k Regulasi Cegah infeksi R AB / self medikasi AMR RS Regulasi Kurikulu m Insenti f R AB/ DR Knowled ge ASP Mikro klinik KM/K FT Farmasi klinik TOP MGT PPI Klinisi Training/ Seminar Worksho p PERLUNYA HIGH QALITY CARE KASUS OPERASI SEMBUH IDO • • • • • DELAYED COST TENAGA KENYAMANAN NEGATIVE PROMOTION SEMBUH MENINGGAL CACAT HEALTH RESOURCES IN INDONESIA 2016 Profesion total Specialist 32.280 GP 116.900 Dentist 31.360 Midwife 400.000 Nurse 288.000 Pharmacist 54.900. Facilities total Hospital 2.415 Health center 9.600 Drug store 24.000 Medical Faculty 73 Dentistry Faculty 27 Pharmaceutical 127 Faculty Midwife Academy 720 Nurse academy 300 18 REGULASI SEBAGAI LANDASAN HUKUM KPRA – RS PERMENKES no 8/2015 pasal 6 Setiap rumah sakit harus melaksanakan Program Pengendalian Resistensi Antimikroba secara optimal. pasal 7 susunan organisasi Komite / Tim Pelaksana Program Pengendalian Resistensi Antimikroba pasal 8 Keanggotaan tim pelaksana Program Pengendalian Resistensi Antimikroba rumah sakit KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN PARADIGMA MENGATASI BAKTERI RESISTEN Mengguna kan normal flora Save Normal Flora ASP, Limitasi Antiseptik Host defence /Immunitas Temukan ANTIBIOTIK baru Cegah Transmisi AMR Cegah Resistensi Pro-Pre biotik Lama, Cost tinggi, Sulit PPI/Universal precaution Antibiotik Bijak Cuci Tangan ASP ANTIBIOTIK TERAPI DAN PROFILAKSIS DALAM RANGKA PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIBAKTERI DI RUMAH SAKIT HARI PARATON. dr. SpOGK KOMITE PENGENDALIAN RESISTENSI ANTIMIKROBA • • • • Anak 1,4 tahun, operasi Tetralogy Fallot hari 16. Temp/ 37-39C, PCT > 5, lekosit 23.000. Pus luka op. Pathogen: Acinotobacter baumannii Resistance to Cephalosphorine, Meropenem, Amikacin, Fosfomycin. ANTIBAKTERI TERAPI PRINSIP PENANGANAN PASIEN INFEKSI Bakter i antibiot ikempiri k mikrobiolo gi infeksi NonBakter i sourc e contr ol antibiot ik definitif • Monitori ng • follow up • deeskala si • stop 25 LANGKAH PERESEPAN ANTIBAKTERI 1. Apakah pasien sakit infeksi ? suhu tubuh > 38C, Nadi >90 2. Apakah infeksi bakteri Lekosit>11.000, CRP(+), PCT (+) 3. Apakah ada penyebab / sumber infeksi? kateter, drain, tampon, abces • Demam Berdarah ? • Stroke ? • Asthma attack ? DOSIS DAN WAKTU PEMBERIAN ANTIBIOTIK PEMICU MUTASI BAKTERI RESISTEN MPC Window of Selection MIC MIC: Minimal inhibitotr concentration MPC: mutant prevention concentratration) ANTIBAKTERI PROFILAKSIS TERAPI PROFILAKSIS 1. Antibakteri, yang digunakan untuk mencegah komplikasi infeksi pada tindakan operasi. 2. diberikan sebelum operasi, ulangan saat operasi atau setelah operasi 3. batasan waktu: tidak melebihi 24 jam INDIKASI PROFILAKSIS • • • • • GOLONGAN OPERASI bersih bersih kontaminasi kontaminasi kotor kolonisasi Antibiotika profilaksis Profilaksis Dosis Tunggal v/s Multipel Fakta laporan Tidak ada perbedaa n signifikan Single-dose versus multiple-dose antibiotic prophylaxis for the surgical treatment of closed fractures . Acta Orthopaedica 2010; 81 (2): 256–262 Results: A total of 540 patients were recruited; (females73.7% of total ). The performed surgical procedures were 547. The rate of wound infection was 10.9%. Multivariable logistic analysis showed that; ASA score > 3; (p= <0.001), wound class (p= 0.001), and laparoscopic surgical technique; (p= 0.002) were significantly associated with prevalence of wound infection. Surgical prophylaxis was unnecessarily given to 311 (97.5%) of 319 patients for whom it was not recommended. Prophylaxis was recommended for 221 patients; of them 218 (98.6 %) were given preoperative dose in the operating rooms. Evaluation of prescriptions for those patients showed that; spectrum of antibiotic was adequate for 160 (73.4%) patients, 143 (65.6%) were given accurate doses, only 4 (1.8%) had the first preoperative dose/s in proper time window, and for 186 (85.3%) of them prophylaxis was extended post-operatively. Only 36 (6.7%) prescriptions were found to be complying with the stated criteria. Conclusion: The rate of wound infection was high and prophylactic antibiotics were irrationally used. Multiple interventions are needed to correct the situation. cara pemberian AB PROFILAKSIS • Antibakteri – Cefazolin 2 g – Cefuroxime 1,5 g • • • • • • dikamar operasi i.v/drip dalam 100 ml NS 30 menit sebelum insisi dalam 15 menit tanpa skin test tidak perlu pemberian AB oral pasca operasi SIGN 2015 Prosedure Antibiotik Evidence Level Odd.Rt HR 1 0.41 R 1 0.17 Tonsilectomy NR 1 Luka pada wajah NR 1 Partus normal + episiotomi NR 1 Strumecomy NR 1 Ca Mammae R 1 Appendectomy HR 1 Colorectal surgery HR 1 Hernia NR 1 TUR prostate HR 1 Arthroplasty HR 1 Pemasangan kateter NR 1 Sectio Cesarea Histerektomi TAH / TVH 0.58 3 - TAKE HOME MESSAGE 1. RS melaksanakan Permenkes no.8/2015 2. RS memiliki kebijakan, pedoman dan PPK penggunaan antibiotik terapi dan profilaksis 3. penggunaan antibiotik bijak menekan jumlah dan jenis penggunaan antibiotik menekan angka komplikasi, resistensi, kesakitan dan kematian menekan pembeayaan pelayanan pasien 4. Perlu adanya monev dan surveillance HARAPAN BERSAMA PREVALENCE of ESBL in INDONESIA 70 surveillan ce 2016 45-89% 60 60 HARAPAN KITA BERSAMA presentage 50 40 35 30 40 RSDS RSDS 20 AMRI N 9 0 2000 ESBL 30 28 20 10 40 2005 2010 2013 2016 2017 2018 2019