TOPIK BAHASAN: Fundamental Principle of IL; 2. Legal Source; 3. The Nature of State Responsibility; 4. Internationally Wrongful Act; 5. Imputability; Imputability; 6. Reparation; 7. Preclusion of wrongfulness; 8. Expropriation; 1. Tanggungjawab Negara Iman Prihandono, Prihandono, SH., MH., LL.M Departemen Hukum Internasional Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga E-Mail: [email protected] Blog: Blog: 1. Fundamental Principle of IL The Nature of International Legal System; Doctrine of state sovereignty; Doctrine of equality between states; 2. Sumber Hukum: Draft articles on Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts Ketika sebuah negara melakukan perbuatan melanggar hukum (internationally unlawful act) act) terhadap negara lain, maka tanggungjawab internasional timbul. timbul. Pelanggaran terhadap kewajiban internasional akan menimbulkan kewajiban untuk melakukan reparasi. reparasi. 3. The Nature of State Responsibility 1. Adanya kewajiban hukum internasional yang mengikat diantara kedua negara; negara; 2. Telah terjadinya perbuatan (act) act) atau tindakan (omission) omission) yang melanggar kewajiban hukum tersebut; tersebut; 3. Adanya kerugian sebagai akibat dari pelanggaran tersebut; tersebut; adopted by the International Law Commission at its fiftyfifty-third session (2001) (DASR) 1 4. Internationally Wrongful Act Art 2 DASR - there is an internationally wrongful act of a state when: a) Conduct consisting of an action or omission is attributable to the state under international law; and b) That conduct constitutes a breach of an international obligation of the state. Art 1 DASR: every internationally wrongful act of a state entails responsibility; Every state is subject to the possibility of being held to have committed internationally wrongful act entailing its international responsibility; IL Tidak Membedakan: Existence of a breach of an international obligation Contractual Responsibility; Art 12 DASR: There is a breach of an international obligation by a State when an act of that State is not in conformity with what is required of it by that obligation, regardless of its origin or character. character. Tortius Responsibility; Dengan tambahan: International Crimes; Mungkinkah negara dipidana? Ian Brownlie: Brownlie: State responsibility was limited to the obligation to compensate. compensate. Berdasar pada 3 perkembangan IL: 1. Concept of Jus Cogens; Cogens; 2. Tanggungjawab pidana internasional terhadap individu; individu; 3. UN Charter terhadap ancaman atau pelanggaran perdamaian internasional; internasional; Contoh: Aggressions; Colonial domination; Slavery; Genocide; Apartheid; Massive pollution of the atmosphere of seas; 2 Teori Tanggungjawab 1. 2. Objective Responsibility (Risk (Risk Theory): Theory): Tanggung jawab negara lahir bila terdapat: terdapat: unlawful act, caused injury, committed by state or its agent, irrespective of good or bad faith; Negara tidak bertanggungjawab dalam hukum internasional terhadap perbuatan warganegaranya. warganegaranya. Namun negara bertanggungjawab terhadap perbuatan atau tindakan dari pejabatnya. pejabatnya. Subjective Responsibility (Fault (Fault Theory): Theory): Tanggung jawab negara hanya lahir bila terdapat: ), negligent terdapat: intention (dolus (dolus), (culpa); culpa); act of state organ = an act of state; position of the organ in the constitutional structure is irrelevant; territorial government entity; an organ not part of formal structure; 5. Imputability Art 10 DASR: a movement which become the new government; IranIran-US Claims Tribunal. Short v. The Islamic Republic of Iran; not yet established control. Yeager v. The Islamic Republic of Iran; Revolutionary Guard. Rankin v. The Islamic Republic of Iran; difficulties of life. life. Nicaragua Case (ICJ 1986); Corfu Channel Case (ICJ 1949); Rainbow Warrior incident; Art 8 DASR: conduct of a person or group of persons; Art 11 DASR Acknowledge by State Iran Case (ICJ 1980); The conduct of a person or group of persons shall be considered an act of a State under international law if the person or group of persons is in fact acting on the instructions of, or under the direction or control of, that State in carrying out the conduct. the organ exceeded its competence or contravened instructions; action of rioters and rebels – State must show due diligence; 6. Reparation 1. Cessation of unlawful activities; 2. Restitution in kind; 3. Compensation; 4. Satisfaction; 5. Assurance of nonnon-repetition; 3 Restitution: “…that is, to re-establish the situation which existed before the wrongful act was committed…”.. Compensation: Rainbow Warrior incident case. Art 36 DASR: “…any financially “… assessable damage including loss of profits…”.. Satisfaction: Official apologies, the punishment of guilty officials, the formal acknowledgement of the unlawful character of the act, an expression of regret.. Art 37 DASR. Art 24 DASR: in a situation of extreme distress. 7. Preclusion of wrongfulness Consent of the Injured State; troops at its request (Art 20 DASR). Legitimate application of a sanction; reprisal – countermeasures. Art 49 DASR: entitled IS not to comply. Art 50 DASR: may not include threat or use of force. Art 23 DASR: irresistible force or unforeseen external event; Gill Case. 8. Expropriation/Nasionalisasi Art 25 DASR: only means of safeguarding an essential interest of the state against a grave and imminent peril. Torrey Canyon Case. Dalam hukum internasional, internasional, nasionalisasi terhadap hak milik/asset milik/asset asing adalah dimungkinkan. dimungkinkan. Namun beberapa syarat dan kondisi harus terpenuhi. terpenuhi. Art 51 jo. jo. 2(4) UN Charter: self defense – if armed attack occurs (Art 21 DASR). Kenapa hukum internasional? internasional? Karena adanya “internationalized contract” contract”. Sumber Hukum: Syarat dan Kondisi Nasionalisasi 1. The World Bank Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment; 1. 2. The 1961 Harvard Draft Convention on the International Responsibility of States for Injury of Aliens; Kepentingan umum (Public Utility); Utility); BP Case (Libya Libya v. UK); ); ( UK 2. Kompensasi yang langsung, langsung, layak dan efektif (prompt, adequate dan effective compensation); compensation); Amco v. Indonesia – future profits. 3. Tidak diskriminatif (NonNon-Discrimination). Discrimination). 3. The 1962 General Assembly Resolution on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources; 4. The 1974 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States; 4 The 1985 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Memberikan perlindungan terhadap “nonnon-commercial risks” risks”: Pembatasan transfer dalam mata uang asing; asing; 2. Nasionalisasi; Nasionalisasi; 3. Pelanggaran kontrak oleh pemerintah; pemerintah; 4. Kerugian yang timbul akibat perang atau gangguan sipil; sipil; 1. 5