Indana Zulfa, 2010. Efektivitas Formula Konsorsium Mikroba

ADLN - Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga
Hidrokarbonoklastik dalam Bioremediasi Tanah Tercemar Limbah Minyak
Goreng (Jelantah). Skripsi ini di bawah bimbingan Dr. Ni’matuzahroh dan Tri
Nurhariyati, S.Si.,M.Kes., Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi,
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh formula konsorsium
mikroba hidrokarbonoklastik, lama waktu inkubasi dan interaksi keduanya
terhadap bioremediasi tanah tercemar limbah minyak goreng (jelantah). Pengaruh
bioremediasi dapat dilihat dari peningkatan Total Plate Count mikroba (CFU/gtanah) dan penurunan kadar minyak jelantah residu (g/g-tanah). Penelitian ini
bersifat eksperimental laboratoris yang menggunakan rancangan faktorial 7x5
dengan 7 perlakuan yaitu kontrol; formula A (3 bakteri + 3 yeast) dengan
konsentrasi 10%; formula B (3 bakteri +3 yeast) dengan konsentrasi 20%; formula
C (6 bakteri + 3 yeast) dengan konsentrasi 10%; formula D (6 bakteri +3 yeast)
dengan konsentrasi 20%; formula E (11 bakteri + 3 yeast) dengan konsentrasi
10%; formula F (11 bakteri +3 yeast) dengan konsentrasi 20% dan 5 waktu
inkubasi (minggu ke-0, 1, 2, 3, dan 4). Data Total Plate Count mikroba (CFU/gtanah) serta hasil gravimetri kadar minyak jelantah residu (g/g-tanah) dianalisis
dengan ANAVA satu arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan (α=0,05). Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: ada pengaruh formula konsorsium, lama waktu
inkubasi (minggu), dan kombinasinya terhadap jumlah total mikroba (CFU/gtanah). Formula F (11B + 3Y) konsentrasi 20% (12.808 CFU/g-tanah) dan waktu
inkubasi minggu ke-4 (12.875 CFU/g-tanah) adalah yang terbaik dalam
meningkatkan jumlah total mikroba; tidak ada pengaruh formula konsorsium dan
lama waktu inkubasi terhadap kadar minyak jelantah residu; ada pengaruh
interaksi formula dan waktu inkubasi terhadap jumlah total mikroba (CFU/gtanah) dan kadar minyak jelantah residu (g/g-tanah). Formula konsorsium D (6B +
3Y) konsentrasi 20% (10.641 CFU/g-tanah) dalam waktu inkubasi minggu ke-4
(13.371CFU/g-tanah) adalah yang terbaik dalam menurunkan kadar minyak
jelantah (34.88%).
Kata kunci :
bioremediasi, tanah, formula, konsorsium, minyak jelantah.
ADLN - Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga
Indana Zulfa, 2010. The Effectiveness of Hydrocarbonoclastic Microbial
Consorsium Formula in Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated by Waste Cooking
Oil. This study was guided by Dr. Ni’matuzahroh and Tri Nurhariyati,
S.Si.,M.Kes., Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Airlangga University, Surabaya.
This study was aimed to know the effect of hydrocarbonoclastic microbial
consortium formula, time of incubation and interaction both of them on the
bioremediation of soil contaminated by waste cooking oil. The effect of the
bioremediation can be seen by the increasing of total microbial count (CFU/wsoil) and the decreasing of waste cooking oil residue (w/w-soil). The type of this
research was experimental laboratories using factorial design 7x5 with 7 treatment
consist of control, A formula (3 bacteria + 3 yeast); 10% concentration of B
formula (3 bacteria + 3 yeast); 10% concentration of C formula (6 bacteria + 3
yeast); 20% concentration of D formula (6 bacteria + 3 yeast); 10% concentration
of E formula (11 bacteria + 3 yeast); 20% concentration of F formula (11 bacteria
+ 3 yeast) and 5 treatment time of incubation (1, 2, 3, 4 week). The resulted data
of the logarithm total microbial count and waste cooking oil residue that measured
by gravimetri method (w/w-soil) were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and was
continued with Duncan multiple range test (α=0.05). The analysis result showed
that: microbial consortium formula, time of incubation (week), and interaction
both of them influenced the total microbial number (CFU/w-soil). 20%
concentration of F formula (11B + 3Y) (12.808 CFU/w-soil) and time of
incubation fourth week are the best in increasing of total microbial count;
microbial consortium formula and time of incubation didn’t influenced waste
cooking oil residue (w/w-soil); interaction of incubation time and microbial
consortium formula influenced the total microbial number (CFU/w-soil) and
waste cooking oil residue (w/w-soil). D formula consorsium (6B + 3Y) with 20%
concentration (10.641 CFU/w-soil) in fourth week incubation time (13.371
CFU/w-soil) is the best in decreasing of waste cooking oil residue (34.88%).
Keywords : bioremediation, soil, formula, consorsium, waste cooking oil.