Suppl I - 1998 Development of recombinant S- typhimurium as a model for S. typhi-based vaccine vectors Vaccine and Molecular BiologY t87 VMB.6 S.J. Dunstant, C.P. Simmonsl'2, R.A. Strugnelll'2 Abstrak membuka kesempatan untuk Keberhasilan uji serta peredaran vaksin baru berasaL dari mutan S. typhi yang dilemahkan telah perlu memperhatikan analisis ini semacam vaksin yang Pengembangan baru. mengembangkan vaksin-vaksin bivalen atau multivalen bahwa rekombinan s' menjamin prometer dsb) untuk gen, (closis kekuatan yang gen dipakm ekspresi yang teliti terhadap sistem optimal model ini mengembangkan Penelitian typhi menimbulkan respons maksimal dibandingknn antigen heterolog yang diekpresi bersamanya. (TT) tetanus c toksin digunakan ltang gai antigen model fragmen ,àkri, biuol", S. typhimurium yang dicoba pada mencit tifuid. seb Pada yang dilemahkan' typhimvitm protein dari s. rekombinan dengan diekspresikan pa'da biitt mencit ternyata sangat imunogenik jumlah plasmid dan stabilitastrya, kekuatnn penelitian ni aitetiti berbagai parameter yang penting seperti mutasi yang mungkin ada, SL 1344 akan prometer dan efek translasi. Mutan gen yang isogenik seperrr purA, aroA, aroA"/aroD, htrA dan ompR darl S. typhimurium pula dibantlingknn dan penetrasi linrfuid ke organ dart pertumbuhan it vivo hal dalam' clibandingkan tlengan mutan cyalcrp dari SR lI kecuali mutan Salmonella rekombinan pada seluruh tlitemuknn TT spesifik antibodi protektif dari Efek C. clengan imurtisasi fragmen tidak purA. Reaksl immtogenisitas terbukti tidak ada hubungannya dengan kemampuan kuman melnkukan penetrasi ke limpa dan maksimaL plak Imunogenitas Peyer kuman daLam koLonisasi tlengan berkorelasi berhubungan pukt lengan respons spesifi.k sel T; namun jumlah )tang rendah, dari konstruksi plasmid yang'mengandung fragmen C berkorelasi dengan stabilitas plasmid; dan replikon dengan oleh col El plasmid yang diekspresiknn c namun stabil (mis. pRSF NIT) akàn sangat efektif sebagai wahana pembawavaksin. Fragmen plttsmid pIC21H yang clerivat sedangkan tinggi, dalam level TT spesifik pBR 322 clm derivatnya pAT 153 dapat menginduksi antibodi juga Gen ,pagC, in vivo. stabil tidak TT, dan imun spesifik justru respon memacu tidak ternyata jumlah tiuggi plnsmid/sel sangat yang yorrg diregulasi in vivo dibandingkan dengan promoter constitutive ,trc tlalam hal ekspresi pio*ot"r yang *"rr1roko,, clan ,kaLG ,nirB ln vivo antigen reporter firefly luciferase, dan dalam hal imunogenitas konstruksifragmen C tnvivo. Promoter in vivo yang terkuat digu(ptrc) tentyàa kurang efektif pada imunisasi dibandingkan dengan promoter yatxg diregulasi in vivo (opagC)' Informasi ini akan tujuan akhir nakan untuk secara optimàl mengekspresikan antigen heterolog lain pada mtûan rekombinan S. typhimurium, dengan mengembangknn vaksin bivalen S. typhi yang baru. Abstract oPportutlity The successfuIl testing and cLevelopment of a new live, attenuated mutant (s) o/S. typhi as a typhoid vaccine creates an of optimal exanalysis require careful wiIL vaccines of such Development for eleveloping novel bivalent or multivalent human vaccines. the co-exagainst response maximal typhi elicit a S. the recombinant that to ensLtre promoter strength,...) (gene closage, pression system antigen. We have ntodelled the construction of bivalent vaccines ln S. typhimurium uslng the murine model of (TT), is highly immunogenic in mice when exfever TIte moclel àntigen userl in these studies, the C fragment of tetaruts toxin including background mutation, plasmid copy num. Parameters typhimurium S. attenuated pinrr"d o, a recombinant protein from live, purA, aroA, aroA/aroD, htrA bers and stability, promoter strength/regulation and translation effects were examined in this study. Isogenic growth and penetration into in vivo of SR-ll for and ompR mutants o/S. typhimurfum 5L1344 were compared with the cyalcrp mutant were elicited by all recombinant antibody TT-s1tecific levels of Protective against C centraliymphoid organs, and immmisation fragment. ceII except the purA mutant. Immunogenicity did not correLate with penetration into the spleen or specific splenic T with correlated plasmid of C constructs fragment spotxses, but did correlate with Peyer's patch colonisation. Maximal immunogenicity of pressecL 'typhoid heterologous plasmid stability, anl low copy, but stable replicons (eg. pRSF 1010) were effective in vaccine delivery. C fragment expressed from Co 1 E I plasmù;s pBRj22 and its eleriyatit,e pAT153, ùtdr.tcedttery high let,els of Tt-speëific antibody whereas tlæ high copy derivative ptC2qH rlkl not elicit TT- specific immune ,"|rponr" ancl was highly unsmble in t,ivo. In vivo-regr'Llated promoters (pPagC, onitB and ,katG) were compared with the constitutiye promoter ttrc for in vivo expression of the reporter antigen firefly luciJ'erase, ancl in vivo immunogenicity of C fragment consÛucts. The strongest in vivo promoter (otrc) was Less effective at immunisalion th(]n the in vivo regulatetl promoter express other heterologous antigens from recombinanr S. typhimurium ,pugô. Wr^ationfrom tlrcse studies wiII be used to optimally s. typhi vaccines. mutants, with the ultimate aim of deveLoping novel bivaLent I Department of Microbiology antl Immunology, University of M elbourne ZCRC 1o, Vaccine Technology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052, Australia. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Minerva Access is the Institutional Repository of The University of Melbourne Author/s: Dunstan, SJ; Simmons, CP; Strugnell, RA Title: Development of recombinant S. Typhimurium, as a model for S. Typhi-based vaccine vectors Date: 1998-01-01 Citation: Dunstan, SJ; Simmons, CP; Strugnell, RA, Development of recombinant S. Typhimurium, as a model for S. Typhi-based vaccine vectors, Medical Journal of Indonesia, 1998, 7 pp. 187 ? Persistent Link: File Description: Published version