Berita - Swisscontact

5th Edition January - March 2016
Cover Story:
Diver in Wakatobi’s Underwater, Wakatobi
Wakatobi at
Your Fingertips
First Cycle of HoCo
Ends on a High Note
Tanjung Puting
Moves Forward with
Destination Branding Efforts
Developing Community-based
Tourism in Sesean Suloara’
Creating a Legal Compass for
Wakatobi’s Tourism Development
WISATA Program
Succsess Story
ITB Berlin 2016,
a Gateway to Promoting Indonesia’s Emerging Destinations
By Weny Kohongia - Program Officer Media & Events
Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi Destinations are aware of
the importance of international marketing in increasing
international visitors. As such, earlier in March,
representatives of DMO and FTKP in these
destinations headed to Germany to participate in ITB Berlin
2016, one of the largest tourism trade fairs, attended by
business players from all over the world.
P.I.E.C.E.S. volunteers with the Minister of Tourism of Indonesia
According to Yohan Tangke Salu, member of Toraja
DMO Marketing Commission, ITB Berlin was selected as
destinations promotion tactic because its international
reputation as well as exit survey results in 2015 that showed
European travelers contributing to the highest number of
visits in Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi -- something that makes
their participation in the fair all the more relevant.
Swiss Student Volunteers
Make Their Mark in Makassar
By Mawar Lestari Andu - Project Officer Education and Market Linkage
Twice every year since 2014, a group of four to five
students from Switzerland’s St. Gallen University would
come down to the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar
Makassar) in a volunteering initiative established by P.I.E.C.E.S.,
an organization established by students of the Swiss university,
aimed at offering their Poltekpar counterpart a unique English
learning experience and creating a platform for cultural exchange.
Dua kali setahun sejak tahun 2014, sebanyak empat
hingga lima mahasiswa dari Universitas St. Gallen, Swiss
hadir di Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar (Poltekpar
Makassar) dalam rangka membantu para pelajar Poltekpar
mengasah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka melalui
program P.I.E.C.E.S., sebuah organisasi berbasis sukarela yang
didirikan oleh para mahasiswa St. Gallen.
Throughout the program, students were able to discuss a range
of tourism-related topics with their peers from Switzerland, from
the different types of tourists, systems and departments in the
hotel industry, destination issues, as well as economic issues,
which the volunteers were able to provide useful insights on
thanks to their extensive management and business knowledge.
Tamara, Pablo, Rodrigo, Matthew, and Louis as volunteers also
helped the student organization develop the Poltekpar Makassar
English Club.
Kehadiran para sukarelawan muda ini membuat proses
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi pengalaman yang
menyenangkan bagi para mahasiswa Poltekpar sekaligus
membuka sebuah kesempatan untuk saling bertukar
kebudayaan. Selain mendiskusikan isu-isu pariwisata seperti
tipe-tipe wisatawan, sistem dan departemen yang ada di
bidang perhotelan, serta berbagai isu destinasi, isu ekonomi
juga menjadi topik hangat, mengingat para sukarelawan juga
memiliki pengetahuan mengenai manajemen dan bisnis. Tamara,
Pablo, Rodrigo, Matthew, dan Louis sebagai sukarelawan juga
membantu senat mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan kelompok
Bahasa Inggris Poltekpar Makassar.
On their last day, volunteers delivered a presentation on Poltekpar
Makassar’s SWOT analysis with regards to the institution’s
facilities, lecturers, and students, followed by recommendations
on issues they have managed to identify during their time in
Makassar. The volunteers expressed their appreciation for the
program, from which they were able to gain new experiences and
perspectives to take home. Poltekpar Makassar’s management
team and representatives of WISATA also in return expressed their
high appreciation of the volunteers’ contribution and hard work
throughout the program. It is expected to become a sustainable
program where Poltekpar Makassar has been started in partly
financing the activity.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Held for the 50th time in Messe Berlin from March 9 to 13,
the event saw Indonesia take home the Best Exhibitor award
in the Asia Australia Oceania category.
Di akhir program tersebut, sebuah analisis SWOT Poltekpar
terkait fasilitas kampus, dosen, dan mahasiswa disampaikan oleh
para sukarelawan melalui sebuah presentasi yang diikuti oleh
penyampaian berbagai rekomendasi atas isu-isu yang ditemukan.
Para sukarelawan juga menyampaikan rasa terima kasih atas
pengalaman dan pandangan baru yang dapat mereka pelajari
selama berpartisipasi dalam program. Pihak pengelola Poltekpar
Makassar bersama perwakilan dari WISATA pun turut hadir dan
menyampaikan apresiasi besar atas kontribusi dan kerja keras
para sukarelawan. Program ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah
program kemitraan berkelanjutan di mana Poltekpar Makassar
telah mulai mengambil bagian pembiayaan sebagian kegiatan.
“We need to continue to update [potential visitors] with
information on the latest attractions and events schedule
so as to keep the market well informed and increase their
interest in visiting these destinations,” Flores DMO Marketing
manager Girda Safitri says.
Toraja DMO in ITB Berlin 2016
FTKP Wakatobi in ITB Berlin
Toraja DMO in ITB Berlin
Aside from exhibiting at ITB Berlin, a business luncheon was
also held in Amsterdam on March 16, where representatives
were able to introduce Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi to tour
operators in the Netherlands.
“By participating in this event, we hope to share updated
information and maintain a good relationship with tourism
businesses in order to strengthen the global market network,
including Europe,” says La Ode Amaluddin of FTKP Wakatobi.
Destinasi Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi menyadari
meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara.
Oleh karena itu, diwakili oleh DMO dan FTKP, organisasi tata
kelola destinasi pariwisata setempat, ketiga destinasi
tersebut berpartisipasi dalam acara ITB Berlin 2016, salah
satu pameran pariwisata terbesar yang menjadi ajang
berkumpulnya para pelaku bisnis dari berbagai penjuru dunia.
oleh hasil exit survey pada tahun 2015 yang menunjukkan
bahwa wisatawan Eropa merupakan pengunjung terbesar
destinasi Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi.
Pameran ITB Berlin yang ke-50 diselenggarakan di Messe
Berlin, Jerman, pada tanggal 9 sampai 13 Maret, dan
pada kesempatan tersebut Paviliun Indonesia berhasil
memenangkan penghargaan sebagai Peserta Pameran
Terbaik untuk kategori Asia Australia Oceania.
Selain menjadi peserta ITB Berlin, perwakilan dari ketiga
destinasi tersebut juga mengadakan business luncheon di
Amsterdam pada tanggal 16 Maret untuk memperkenalkan
Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi secara langsung pada pengelola
tur Belanda.
Menurut Yohan Tangke Salu dari Komisi Pemasaran Toraja
DMO, ITB Berlin terpilih sebagai taktik promosi destinasi
karena reputasinya yang mendunia. Selain itu, Eropa
merupakan pasar utama destinasi Toraja. Hal ini ditunjang
“Melalui kedua acara ini, kami berharap dapat berbagi
informasi dan membina hubungan baik dengan pelaku bisnis
pariwisata, guna memperkuat jaringan pasar global, termasuk
Eropa,” pungkas La Ode Amaluddin dari FTKP Wakatobi.
“Kami perlu terus menyampaikan informasi terbaru, seperti
atraksi menarik dan jadwal kegiatan, sehingga pasar tahu
dan semakin tertarik untuk berkunjung ke destinasi,” ujar
Girda Safitri, manajer pemasaran DMO Flores.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Vocational & Higher Education
Content & Publisher’s Note
Apa Kabar
Human Resources Department from Hotel Zest is explaining about
hotel management and internship opportunity
Ruedi Nuetzi
Swisscontact WISATA
Program Manager
We proudly present to you the Berita WISATA in its new look. With this edition will introduce to you
the beauty of Wakatobi and it’s nature, not only underwater, but also the many breathtaking scenery
on land.
For Wakatobi, this year will be the time to develop tourism as a leading sector. In line and in
cooperation with the local government, WISATA supports marketing and promotion of Wakatobi
tourism as a priority, including destination website development.
Beside implementing the promotion and marketing strategy, tourism attractions need to be
prepared well to welcome visitors. A dive site survey has been conducted together with Wakatobi
Professional Dive Association (WPDA) in Binongko, which is as the farthest away island from
Wangi-Wangi. Binongko has a wide range potential attractions and activities that can be offered to
the visitors. With this dive site survey, Wakatobi can promote its whole destination from Wangi-wangi
to Binongko which will attract visitors to come to Wakatobi and explore also newly known places.
Happy reading and warmest regards from all of us.
Building Bridges Between
Schools and Businesses
By Mercya Soesanto - Component Manager for Education and Training & Shyerly
Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications
For vocational high schools (SMK) to produce the best
possible talents that are ready to contribute to the industry,
it is important that these institutions establish a mutually
beneficial partnership with businesses, one that is based on
values of sustainability and responsibility.
Today, however, this alliance seems to be solely focused on fulfilling
vocational high school students’ need for internship opportunities,
leaving plenty of room for improvement and new programs. For
example, businesses can offer teachers internship opportunities,
schools can start regularly inviting business practitioners as guest
lecturers and involve businesses in putting together a curriculum
that is based on the necessary skills needed in the industry, while
the recruitment system and career centers could be improved.
It is based on this understanding that WISATA on March 15 to
16 facilitated a workshop that addresses this alliance between
schools and businesses, which was held in partnership with model
schools from the WISATA Sister School Program in Surabaya.
During the event, representatives from SMKN 3 Denpasar, SMK
Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar, SMKN 8 Makassar, and SMKN
1 Surabaya were invited to share their experience in working
with businesses and discuss any needs and challenges faced in
establishing more effective partnerships.
Adanya hubungan simbiosis mutalisme antara Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan dan dunia usaha sangat dibutuhkan.
Hubungan dengan pelaku bisnis perlu dibangun dengan
tanggung jawab dan berkelanjutan sehingga membawa manfaat
bagi banyak pihak, di mana SMK akan mencetak tenaga yang
terampil dan siap kerja.
Sayangnya, hubungan tersebut pada umumnya masih terfokus
pada kebutuhan pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan semata,
sehingga bila dilihat lebih dekat, masih banyak ruang yang
bisa dioptimalkan. Misalnya, pekerja industri bisa saja menjadi
guru tamu atau penguji di SMK secara reguler, guru-guru bisa
diberikan kesempatan untuk magang, industri dapat dilibatkan
dalam merancang komponen pengajaran dan menyusun
kurikulum kejuruan yang berorientasi pada keahlian standar
dunia industri, dan sistem perekrutan kerja dan pusat karir juga
dapat ditingkatkan sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia industri.
Berangkat dari pemahaman tersebut, WISATA memfasilitasi
adanya loka karya mengenai hubungan dengan pelaku bisnis
yang diadakan bersama SMK model dari WISATA Sister School
Program di Surabaya pada 15 - 16 Maret lalu. Dalam kegiatan
tersebut, SMKN 3 Denpasar, SMK Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar,
SMKN 8 Makassar, dan SMKN 1 Surabaya sebagai tuan rumah
diajak untuk saling membagikan pengalaman kerja sama dengan
industri, sekaligus menggali lebih dalam kebutuhan dan kesulitan
yang dihadapi sekolah dalam menjalin kerja sama yang efektif.
Dengan terbangunnya hubungan bisnis yang harmonis antara
SMK dan industri, diharapkan kulitas sumber daya manusia
Indonesia lulusan SMK bisa lebih memiliki daya saing yang
tinggi dan akan membawa dampak positif bagi dunia pariwisata
It is hoped that by establishing a solid relationship between these
educational institutions and businesses, vocational schools could
move forward and produce high quality human resources who will
then bring a positive impact on Indonesia’s tourism industry.
First Cycle of HoCo Ends on a High Note
Moves Forward with Destination Branding
Developing Community-based Tourism in
Sesean Suloara’
Creating a Legal Compass for Wakatobi’s
Tourism Development
Creating a Legal Compass for Wakatobi’s
Tourism Development
Building Bridges Between Schools and
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In the article “Swisscontact Connects
CBT with the Tourism Businesses”
appeared on Berita Wisata, 4th
Edition of October-December 2015, page
17, the correct sentences should read:
“On December 14, 2015, a workshop
…. On Wangi-wangi Island in Wakatobi,
Sulawesi Tenggara”
We apologize for the error.
- Editor
Pada tulisan “Swisscontact Connects
CBT with the Tourism Businesses” di
Berita Wisata, Edisi 4 (OctoberDecember 2015), halaman 17, kalimat yang
benar seharusnya:
“Swisscontact pada 14 Desember 2015
memfasilitasi … di Pulau Wangi-wangi,
Sulawesi Tenggara”
Demikian kesalahan diperbaiki.
- Redaksi
Workshop on Business Linkage in SMKN 10
Publisher Swisscontact WISATA
Jl. Batur Sari No. 20SB, Sanur
Denpasar - Bali 80227 Indonesia
Photography Swisscontact WISATA, Dinas
Pariwisata Kabupaten Wakatobi, La Ode Orba,
Akas hamid, Seto Ariyadi
Design & Layout Swisscontact WISATA
Printer PT Cintya Grafika
The project is supported by SECO in cooperation with
Ministry of Tourism, implemented by Swisscontact
*No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced
in any form by any means.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Island-based Working Groups,
the Future of Tourism Development in Wakatobi
By Asri Kasim - Field Office Manager Wakatobi & Shyerly Hariyanto - Project
Officer Communications
Ena from Surya Hotel is explaining their hotel progress, Flores
First Cycle of HoCo
Ends on a High Note
By Novie Afrillies - Jr. Project Officer Quality and Standards
As one of the programs that were successfully implemented
this year, the first round of the Hospitality Coaching (HoCo)
which uses synergies with the SCORE ILO program, has
earned positive feedback from the global initiative and delivered
significant results, with participants making substantial progress
in improving their business performance over the past few
On February 26, HoCo participants gathered at the Luwansa
Beach Resort in Labuan Bajo to each deliver a presentation
about the developments they have been able to make by showing
photographs of their work before and after the coaching program.
Led by the Flores DMO, the event was attended by the hotels,
HoCo facilitators, local and master HoCo trainers, as well as
representatives from the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant
Association (PHRI), the Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD),
Manggarai Barat Tourism Office, as well as ILO Jakarta. The
event is an important session, as it becomes a platform for hotels
to discuss and share information on the progress and positive
changes they’ve accomplished throughout the length of the
HoCo program.
Salah satu program yang sukses diimplementasikan pada
tahun ini adalah Hospitality Coaching (HoCo). Inisiatif awal
ini bersinergi dengan program SCORE ILO dan berhasil
mendapatkan respon positif serta membuahkan hasil signifikan,
di mana peserta HoCo telah membuat kemajuan berarti dalam
memperbaiki performa bisnis mereka selama beberapa bulan
Pada Februari 26, para peserta HoCo berkumpul bersama di
Luwansa Beach Resort di Labuan Bajo untuk mempresentasikan
kemajuan yang telah mereka capai melalui foto-foto kondisi
sebelum dan sesudah adanya intervensi HoCo. Diprakarsai oleh
DMO Flores, kegiatan presentasi hasil ini dihadiri oleh hotelhotel, fasilitator HoCo, pelatihan utama dan lokal HoCo, PHRI,
DPRD, Dinas Pariwisata Manggarai Barat, dan juga ILO Jakarta.
Presentasi ini sangat penting sebagai ajang berbagi informasi
mengenai kemajuan dan perubahan positif yang telah dicapai
selama mengikuti program HoCo.
Dari empat hotel yang berpartisipasi, Surya Hotel dinobatkan
sebagai hotel dengan pencapaian terbaik selama implementasi
siklus pertama HoCo. Dalam acara tersebut, para peserta dan
pelatih juga diberikan sertifikat apresisasi atas kontribusi dan
komitmen mereka.
The Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) plays an
important part in the development of a tourism destination,
bringing together stakeholders in the region to play an
active role in the execution of strategies and planning. Wakatobi
being a region that comprises several different islands, however,
FTKP members are faced with challenges in coordinating with
one another and in effectively accomplishing the purpose of this
IWG members include representatives from the sub-district
government, local police, local military, traditional authorities,
tourism villages, as well as staffers from the Wakatobi National
Park and all technical units in each island.
John from Matahari Hotel is explaining the indicator progress of their hotel
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kaledupa IWG members on workshop on organizational structure and work plan
With the goal of tackling this issue, WISATA recently initiated
the establishment of island-based tourism management groups
named the Island Working Group (IWG), which is set to function
as a bridge between FTKP and stakeholders in each island,
coordinating and planning programs, and bringing information on
progress and developments to the district-level FTKP.
Of the four participating hotels, Surya Hotel was awarded for
having achieved the most progress during the first cycle of the
HoCo. Certificates were also handed to each of the hotels and
trainers as a form of appreciation for their contribution and
Kaledupa IWG members on
workshop on organizational
structure and work plan.
To date, WISATA has facilitated the formation of IWG in three
different islands in Wakatobi, namely Kaledupa (KITG), Tomia
(TITG), and Binongko (BITG). In Kaledupa and Binongko, these
groups have also managed to put together a tourism working plan
that covers the next five years by involving all members of the
organization in each island.
Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) memegang peranan
penting dalam pengembangan pariwisata sebuah destinasi
dengan peran aktif dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan
kawasan tersebut. Namun, bentuk geografis Wakatobi, dengan
pulau-pulau yang terpisah, mengakibatkan kesulitan koordinasi
antar anggota FTKP dan dalam melaksanakan fungsi kelompok
tersebut secara efektif. Untuk itu, WISATA baru-baru ini
menginisiasi pembentukan wadah pengelolaan pariwista di
tingkat pulau yang dinamakan Island Working Group (IWG).
IWG merupakan perpanjangan fungsi dan peran FTKP
pada tingkat kepulauan dan memberikan seluruh pemangku
kepentingan pariwisata di tiap pulau ruang untuk koordinasi,
perencanaan, dan komunikasi, serta meneruskan berbagai
informasi mengenai berbagai perkembangan yang ada ke FTKP
tingkat kabupten.
Mereka yang menjadi anggota IWG adalah antara lain Musyawarah
Pimpinan Kecamatan (Muspika) yaitu pemerintah kecamatan,
polisi sektor, dan komandan rayon militer, juga pemangku adat
setempat, LSM lokal, pelaku usaha pariwisata, desa wisata, seksi
taman nasional Wakatobi, dan seluruh unit pelaksana teknis
daerah yang terdapat di masing-masing pulau.
WISATA telah memfasilitasi pembentukan IWG di tiga pulau di
Wakatobi, yaitu Kaledupa (KITG), Tomia (TITG), dan Binongko
(BITG). Selain itu, KITG dan BITG juga telah berhasil merumuskan
program kerja pembangunan kepariwisataan selama lima tahun
ke depan dengan melibatkan seluruh unsur keanggotaan IWG di
masing-masing pulau.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Creating a Legal Compass for
Wakatobi’s Tourism Development
Finding Indonesia’s Best Coffee in Flores
By Asri Kasim - Field Office Manager Wakatobi & Shyerly Hariyanto - Project
Officer Communications
With the growth of Wakatobi’s tourism industry as a leading
sector in the region, the establishment of a legal document
that could serve as a guideline has become a necessity for
local stakeholders.
Filling this gap, the local district office of Wakatobi has developed
an academic document named the Regional Tourism Development
Master plan (RIPPARDA), with Singajaya as consultant, which is
currently undergoing a legal review process by the legal staff
from the Wakatobi Regional Secretariat office. According to
Nadar, chief of the Wakatobi Tourism and Creative Economy
office, RIPPARDA is established as a compass for stakeholder
involved in the development of Wakatobi as a tourism destination.
“Hopefully RIPPARDA can be completed and become a Regional
Regulation,” he said.
Working with the Wakatobi local government, WISATA supported
this move by helping organize a working group for the creation of
the document as well as the development of a Wakatobi tourism
marketing blueprint. Representatives from all organizations under
the Wakatobi FTKP were also involved in the process and were
tasked with monitoring the consultants for the project.
The Wakatobi government is aware that it is important for the
document to be implemented and reflect the needs of the local
tourism industry, which is to become a well-managed, sustainable
industry with a socioeconomic impact for locals. “We hope the
tourism blueprint can be used as a guideline in establishing an
effective and efficient marketing strategy in order to achieve
Wakatobi’s tourism target,” says Nadar.
Marketing Blue Print Seminar in Wakatobi
Dalam pengembangan peran pariwisata sebagai sektor
unggulan Wakatobi, diperlukan sebuah panduan
berlegitimasi hukum. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut,
Kabupaten Wakatobi telah menyusun dan menghasilkan
dokumen akademis Rencana Induk Pembangunan Pariwisata
Daerah Kabupaten (RIPPARDA) dengan bantuan Singajaya
selaku konsultan.
Pada saat ini, proses perumusan dan kajian hukum RIPPARDA
tengah dilakukan oleh bagian hukum Sekretariat Daerah
Kabupaten Wakatobi. Menurut Nadar, selaku Kepala Dinas
Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kabupaten Wakatobi, RIPPARDA
disusun sebagai kompas bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan
yang terlibat dalam menentukan arah pengembangan pariwisata
Wakatobi. “Mudah-mudahan RIPPARDA dapat segera
diselesaikan sampai akhirnya menjadi Peraturan Daerah,”
By Vianney Andro Prasetyo – Project Officer Eco and Local Products
Manggarai, a region in Western Flores, may be popular
among tourists for the local Caci dance, komodo dragons,
and the exotic Wae Rebo village. But for coffee enthusiasts,
the region is home to coffee beans, both Arabica and Robusta,
that are some of the best in the Indonesian archipelago.
Introduced by the Dutch in the early 20th century, coffee plants
can be found today in almost every corner of the Manggarai
highlands, with plantations stretching 100 kilometers from the
Manggarai Timur district to the Manggarai Barat district and
amounting to the largest plantation in Flores and possibly the
entire East Nusa Tenggara province.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In 2015, Flores Manggarai coffee was named Indonesia’s best
Arabica and Robusta specialty coffee, with the Arabica beans
being known for their strong character and a medium- to highlevel acidity and strong sweet notes. In medium roast, the beans
are known to produce herbal and floral aroma.
Kopi Mane
Dalam pengembangan dokumen tersebut, WISATA bekerja sama
dengan pemerintah Kabupaten Wakatobi guna mendukung
pembentukan kelompok kerja untuk menyusun RIPPARDA
dan cetak biru pemasaran pariwisata Wakatobi. Perwakilan
dari seluruh unsur yang tergabung dalam keanggotaan Forum
Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) Wakatobi juga turut andil dalam
mengawasi kerja konsultan.
Wakatobi menyadari pentingnya dihasilkannya dokumen
yang dapat diimplementasikan dan mencerminkan kebutuhan
pariwisata setempat, yaitu sebuah industri yang dapat dikelola,
berkelanjutan, dan membawa manfaat sosial dan ekonomi bagi
masyarakat. “Cetak biru pemasaran pariwisata diharapkan dapat
menjadi panduan dalam menetapkan strategi pemasaran yang
efektif dan efisien untuk menjaring target pariwisata Wakatobi,”
pungkas Nadar.
Stakeholders on FGD about RIPPARDA
Manggarai, sebuah kawasan di bagian Barat pulau Flores,
memang dikenal dengan Tarian Caci, komodo, dan Desa
Wae Rebo yang eksotis. Namun, lebih dari itu, Manggarai
juga memiliki kekayaan kopi, baik Arabika maupun Robusta, yang
tak kalah menariknya, terutama bagi pecinta kopi.
Diperkenalkan oleh penjajah Belanda pada awal abad ke-20, kini
pohon-pohon kopi sangat mudah ditemukan di tiap sudut dataran
tinggi kawasan tersebut. Terbentang sekitar 100 kilometer dari
kabupaten Manggarai Timur hingga Manggarai Barat tanaman
kopi tradisional Manggarai bisa jadi merupakan yang terluas di
Flores maupun keseluruhan provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Marketing Blue Print Seminar in Wakatobi
Not only is coffee a cash crop commodity that helps locals
generate income, these beans have become a vital part of the
local culture and plays an important role in the people’s day-today social life. Every afternoon, locals would prepare cups of
coffee in their homes in what is called the kopi mane culture or
afternoon coffee.
Di Manggarai, kopi tidak hanya menjadi komoditas yang
menjanjikan untuk diperdagangkan, namun juga menjadi bagian
dari kebudayaan lokal dan memegang peranan penting dalam
kehidupan sosial masyarakat setempat. Saat sore tiba, secangkir
kopi selalu siap diseduh di rumah-rumah, sebuah budaya yang
disebut kopi mane dalam bahasa lokal, yang artiya kopi sore.
Pada tahun 2015 lalu, kopi Manggarai dinobatkan sebagai kopi
khusus terbaik Indonesia untuk kategori Arabika dan Robusta.
Flores Manggarai Arabika memiliki karakter unik dengan tingkat
keasaman medium hingga cukup tinggi, serta rasa manis yang
kuat. Pada level penyangraian sedang, kopi ini memiliki aroma
herbal dan floral.
Stakeholders on FGD about RIPPARDA
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kumpai Batu,
a Taste of Java in Kalimantan
Toraja Gets Set for AEC 2016
By Azmi Mirrah Azizah - Intern for Tourism Product Development Tanjung Puting
Despite being located in Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan
Tengah, Kumpai Batu Village in the Arut Selatan subdistrict makes for a unique destination thanks to its strong
Javanese ambiance, with lines of joglos, or traditional Javanese
In their spacious yards, locals have planted a wide variety of fruits
such as mango, rambutan, jackfruit, and durian—a sight that can
be extremely tempting in the right season—while the surrounding
rice fields and plantations offer a welcome air of coolness that
contrasts with Kalimantan’s dry temperature.
Thanks to its strategic location not too far from the downtown
Pangkalan Bun, there are plenty of tourism potentials worth
developing in Kumpai Batu, such as cycling, which can be an
alternative holiday activity that takes visitors exploring the village
and getting up close and personal with its people. The surrounding
beautiful hills and a lake, a former zircon sand mining area, could
also make for some interest attractions with picture-perfect views
to take in. When hungry, visitors can dine on a local delicacy called
nasi tiwul, or rice mixed with processed cassava and served with
organic chicken and shredded coconut vegetables.
Danau Hitam, One of Tourist Attraction at Kumpai Batu Village
By Edwardus Ada - Project Officer for Community-based Tourism Toraja
Meski terletak di kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat,
Kalimantan Tengah, Desa Kumpai Batu di kecamatan Arut
Selatan mempunyai keunikan tersendiri, di mana setiap
kunjungan seakan membawa kita ke Pulau Jawa dengan
pemandangan jejeran rumah joglo, bangunan tradisional Jawa
yang berdinding kayu dan beratap genteng.
Rumah-rumah penduduk setempat pada umumnya berhalaman
luas dan ditanami dengan berbagai pohon buah-buahan,
dari rambutan, mangga, nangka, hingga durian, sementara
pemandangan persawahan dan ladang yang menyejukkan kerap
terasa jauh berbeda dari terik dan panasnya tanah Kalimantan.
Ada banyak potensi wisata Kumpai Batu yang dapat
dikembangkan, terutama mengingat lokasi desa yang masih
terbilang dekat dari pusat kota Pangkalan Bun. Bersepeda,
contohnya, dapat menjadi sebuah kegiatan pariwisata yang
menarik, di mana para wisatawan dapat diajak menjelajah
kampung ini dan mengenal lebih dekat para penduduknya.
Daya tarik Kumpai Batu lainnya adalah keindahan bukit-bukit
di kawasan tersebut serta danau bekas penambangan pasir
zircon. Apabila perut mulai keroncongan usai bersepeda, para
pengunjung dapat mencicipi sajian khas Kumpai Batu, yaitu
nasi tiwul, nasi yang dicampur dengan olahan singkong dan siap
dihidangkan dengan opor ayam kampung serta urap sayur.
The ASEAN Economic Community came into effect in the
region, including Indonesia, earlier this year, and in Toraja,
professionals have begun preparing themselves to face
international competition, especially that in the tourism sector.
Upon the request of the Toraja tourism association, Swisscontact
was able to work in partnership with the Phinisi Profession
Certification Agency from Makassar, an agency licensed by the
National Certification Board (BNSP), to conduct a certification
test in Toraja as part of the government’s plan to speed up
workers’ certification process in the tourism sector.
Up to 21 examiners from LSP Phinisi visited Toraja on November
26 to 28, 2015, to test as many as 200 hotel and restaurant
workers, as well as local tour guides, for a certificate that will
enable tourism workers in the region to compete with those from
other countries.
Results of the test were announced on February 29 during the
PHRI’s Coffee Club event at the Puri Artha Hotel. Up to 150 hotel
and restaurant workers and 30 tour guides passed the test and
received a certificate signed by the BSNP based in Jakarta.
“I’m so proud for having received this certificate, which will
motivate me to work better according to the standard operating
procedure,” says Martina Saringallo, a front desk staff at Pantan
Hotel. Welianus Sampe, a housekeeping staff at Sahid Toraja
Hotel, also expressed joy in having passed the test, emphasizing
that the results have helped him feel more confident in facing
global competition.
Memasuki 2016, Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)
mulai diberlakukan, termasuk di Indonesia. Tak ingin
ketinggalan, para profesional di Toraja mulai berbenah dan
mempersiapkan diri menghadapi persaingan, terutama terkait
tenaga kerja di sektor pariwisata. Menyanggupi permintaan dari
asosiasi pariwisata di Toraja, Swisscontact memfasilitasi
kerjasama dengan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Phinisi dari
Makassar, salah satu LSP yang memiliki lisensi dari Badan
Nasional Sertifikasi, untuk melakukan sertifikasi di Toraja, sesuai
dengan program pemerintah dalam hal percepatan sertifikasi
untuk tenaga kerja sektor pariwisata.
Sebanyak 21 penguji dari LSP Phinisi datang ke Toraja pada
26-28 November 2015, untuk menguji 200 pekerja hotel dan
restoran serta pemandu wisata setempat. Sertifikasi ini diperlukan
agar tenaga kerja pariwisata di Toraja dapat bersaing dengan
tenaga kerja dari negara lain.
Pada tanggal 29 Februari lalu, pengumuman kelulusan dan
penyerahan sertifikat dilakukan bersamaan dengan kegiatan
Coffee Club PHRI di Hotel Puri Artha. Sebanyak 150 tenaga
kerja hotel dan restoran dan 30 pemandu wisata dinyatakan lulus
dan mendapatkan sertifikat yang ditandatangani oleh BNSP di
“Saya merasa sangat bangga dapat menerima sertifikat kelulusan
ini, yang akan memotivasi saya untuk bekerja lebih baik sesuai
SOP [standar operasional prosedur],” ujar Martina Saringallo,
staf front office Pantan Hotel. Sementara itu, Welianus Sampe,
staf housekeeping Sahid Toraja Hotel, juga mengekspresikan
kegembiraan atas kelulusannya karena merasa lebih percaya diri
untuk menghadapi persaingan global.
Profession Certification Test
Cycling, An Alternative Holiday
Activity at Kumpai Batu Village
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Tanjung Puting
Potential Village Tourism Maping
Potential Village Tourism Maping
Assessment Result Presentation for CBT
Development in Sesean Suluoara’
One of the Brand Agency is Presenting His Proposal
Tanjung Puting
Community-based Tourism
in Sesean Suloara’
By Edwardus Ada - Project Officer for Community-based Tourism Toraja
It was a cold, misty early morning in Batutumonga on
February 26, but locals and tourism stakeholders have
come out to gather in high spirits at the Sesean Suluoara’
Sub-district Office for a presentation by Agus Wiyono, a
consultant on the development and management of communitybased tourism villages.
For no less than a month, the consultant and a team from WISATA
conducted an assessment, interviews, and discussions, as well as
provided counsel for up to five villages in the Sesean Suluoara’
Sub-district in an effort to identify existing and untapped tourism
potentials and to put together strategic plans regarding their
development and management.
Presenting the group’s findings, Mr. Wiyono covered potential
tourism products that can be developed in the area, a blueprint
of the local tourism management, recommended programs,
as well as a slew of activities that need to be held for Sesean
Suluoara’ to become an ideal tourism destination. The document
containing these findings were later on handed over to the local
tourism working group and to the district coordination team to
be followed up.
Sesean Suluoara’ Sub-district chief, Marthinus Tangkeallo
expressed his appreciation towards Swisscontact for the support
in developing tourism potentials through enriching programs.
Markus Sampe Bongga, Head of Suluoara’ Village’s tourism
working group also shared Marthinus’ views, emphasizing that
with active participation from the local community and the full
support of the government as well as other stakeholders,
Batutumonga and Suluoara’ can move towards becoming a
sustainable, ideal tourism destination in Toraja.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kabut dan dinginnya pagi masih menyelimuti
kawasan Batutumonga pada Februari 26 lalu,
namun ruang pertemuan di kantor camat Sesean
Suluoara’ sudah dipenuhi masyarakat setempat serta
para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata. Mereka hadir
dengan antusias untuk mendengarkan pemaparan
Agus Wiyono, selaku konsultan studi pengembangan
dan pengelolaan desa wisata berbasis masyarakat di
kawasan Batutumonga.
Selama sekitar satu bulan, konsultan dan tim WISATA
melakukan pengamatan, wawancara, diskusi terarah,
serta konsultasi di lima desa di Kecamatan Sesean
Suluoara’ untuk mengidentifikasi potensi dan produk
wisata yang sudah ada dan yang belum dikelola untuk
kemudian merancang rencana strategis berdasarkan
berbagai penemuan yang ada.
Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Agus menyampaikan
hasil dari pengamatan yang telah dilakukan, termasuk
potensi dan produk wisata yang dapat dikembangkan,
rancangan model pengelolaan wisata, rekomendasi
program, serta kegiatan yang perlu dilakukan untuk
mencapai kawasan wisata yang ideal. Dokumen
hasil pengamatan tersebut kemudian diserahkan
kepada kelompok kerja (pokja) pariwisata yang telah
terbentuk dan tim koordinasi kabupaten untuk dapat
Marthinus Tangkeallo, selaku camat Sesean Suluoara’,
menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada Swisscontact, yang
selama ini mendampingi pengembangan pariwisata
di Sesean Suluoara’ lewat berbagai kegiatan yang
memperkaya ilmu. Hal yang sama disampaikan oleh
ketua pokja pariwisata Desa Suluoara’, Markus Sampe
Bongga, yang merasa yakin dengan adanya partisipasi
aktif dari masyarakat serta dukungan dari pemerintah
dan pemangku kepentingan lain, maka kawasan
Batutumonga, khususnya Desa Suluoara’, akan menjadi
tujuan wisata yang ideal dan berkelanjutan di Toraja.
Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with
Destination Branding Efforts
By Azmi Mirrah Azizah - Intern for Tourism Product Development Tanjung Puting
Trailing on the success of Toraja’s newly launched brand as
a tourism destination, FTKP Tanjung Puting this year
agreed to follow in Toraja’s footsteps. In January, a call for
proposals was announced, inviting professional branding
agencies to pitch their best possible ideas in developing Tanjung
Puting’s tourism brand.
Menyusul kesuksesan Toraja yang baru saja meluncurkan
citra barunya sebagai destinasi pariwisata, FTKP Tanjung
Puting sepakat untuk mengikuti jejak Toraja dan pada akhir
Januari lalu mengumumkan permintaan proposal untuk
mengundang agensi-agensi pengembangan citra atau branding
profesional membantu mewujudkan hal tersebut.
The first round of this selection process was held on February
20 at the Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office, with
13 FTKP members in attendance to choose three agencies who
have pitched the best proposals.
Pada 20 Februari, 13 anggota FTKP hadir dalam proses seleksi
awal untuk memilih tiga agensi dengan proposal terbaik di ruang
pertemuan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin
The next round of the selection was held on March 1 to 2 at
the DMO Flores office, attended by representatives from the
Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office, two FTKP
representatives, as well as WISATA’s marketing, and Tanjung
Puting team. Agustini Rahayu, Wonderful Indonesia International
Marketing & Communication of Tourism Ministry was also invited
to attend the event, where she shared the ministry’s views and
insights on matters related to destination branding efforts.
Tahap seleksi selanjutnya kemudian dilaksanakan sesuai rencana
pada tanggal 1-2 Maret di kantor DMO Flores, dihadiri oleh
perwakilan dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota waringin
Barat serta dua perwakilan FTKP, didampingi tim pemasaran
WISATA Bali dan tim Tanjung Puting. Agustini Rahayu, bagian
Pemasaran & Komunikasi Internasional Wonderful Indonesia dari
Kementerian Pariwisata juga turut diundang pada kesempatan
tersebut untuk memberikan arahan terkait proses pencitraan
destinasi dari sudut pandang Kementerian Pariwisata.
Results of the selection were announced on March 31, 2016.
Hasi keputusan seleksi diumumkan pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story
Wakatobi at
Your Fingertips
By Weny Kohongia - Program Officer Media and Event & Shyerly Hariyanto Project Officer Communications
The availability of new information that is accessible by
visitors plays an important role when it comes to promoting
a tourism destination. It was on such grounds that the
Wakatobi Tourism Office initiated the development of a website.
Noval Monali, marketing head of the Wakatobi Tourism and
Creative Economy Office, emphasized the need for a medium
that will be able to fulfill visitors’ expectations and their need
for information that is consistently and continuously managed.
Acting in support of this decision, WISATA contributed to the
initiative by assisting them in selecting a website consultant and
by providing insights throughout the development process. “We
really appreciate the support given by WISATA,” Noval said.
The website created is, the official
Wakatobi tourism site that features information on local tourism
and acts as a platform to promote the beauty of this region to the
international market., currently managed
under the Wakatobi Tourism Office by a team of 12 tasked with
providing content for the website, is also designed to support
local tourism businesses through a dedicated page that lists
various businesses operating in the area. Aside from the website,
Wakatobi has also developed an Android smartphone application
that can be downloaded and used offline.
Ketersediaan informasi baru yang dapat diakses oleh
pengunjung adalah bagian penting dari usaha promosi
sebuah destinasi. Untuk mengisi kebutuhan tersebut,
Dinas Pariwisata Wakatobi berinisiatif memulai pengembangan
situs web pariwisata yang—sesuai dengan paparan Noval Monali,
selaku Kepala Bidang Pemasaran Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi
Kreatif Kabupaten Wakatobi—dapat memenuhi ekspektasi
pengunjung akan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan dikelola secara
WISATA mendukung rencana terebut dengan membantu proses
pemilihan konsultan situs web dan memberi berbagai masukan
selama pengembangannya. “Kami sangat mengapresiasi
dukungan yang diberikan WISATA selama ini,” ujar Noval.
Situs web yang dibangun adalah, sebuah
situs resmi Destinasi Wakatobi yang memuat informasi seputar
pariwisata setempat serta berperan sebagai media promosi
pariwisata Wakatobi ke pasar global. Situs,
yang kini dikelola oleh 12 orang untuk mendukung penyediaan
konten dan berada di bawah koordinasi Dinas Pariwisata
Wakatobi, juga dirancang untuk mendukung bisnis pariwisata
setempat melalui laman khusus direktori bisnis. Di samping situs
tersebut, destinasi Wakatobi juga menyediakan aplikasi yang
dapat diunduh pada smartphone berbasis Android dan dapat
digunakan secara offline.
WAVE 2015
The Wakatobi Wonderful Festival and Expo 2015 (WAVE)
was held on November 26, 2015, showcasing a cultural
parade from the four islands of Wakatobi, namely Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. The event kicked off with
the launch of Wakatobi’s official tourism website by Coordinating
Human Development and Culture Minister, Puan Maharani.
During the program, Mrs. Maharani says she was impressed by
the beauty of Wakatobi’s nature and the fresh seafood options,
emphasized wanting to return to Wakatobi to enjoy more of its
beauty. “As a tourism destination, Wakatobi is ready, it just has to
focus on the areas and potentials that it wants to develop in the
future,” she says.
such as the Tombak Tamburu Liya dance, a carnival by the tribes
chiefs, a Karia’a and Kansoda’a akil balig celebration, as well as
a marine life–themed costume competition and a car decorating
Wakatobi also launched its new tourism brand at the festival,
reaffirming its position as a world-class maritime destination.
Wakatobi regent Ir. Hugua during his speech said he hopes to be
able to make an impactful contribution to the people of Wakatobi
before the end of his term.
Also present at WAVE 2015 were the deputy assistant from the
Tourism Ministry, the 40th Buton Sultan, local tribes chiefs, head
of the Wakatobi Legislative Council (DPRD) and other related
working units.
A series of cultural shows were performed during the event,
1. A Diver Explore Wakatobi’s Underwater, Wakatobi | 2. Sunset nearby Liya Togo, Wangi-wangi Island, Wakatobi | 3. Weaving in Limbo Langge, Kaledupa Island, Wakatobi
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Underwater - DinasParawisata
Pada tanggal November 26, 2015, Wakatobi Wonderful
Festival and Expo 2015 (WAVE) diselenggarakan dengan
parade budaya dari empat pulau di Wakatobi, yaitu Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, dan Binongko. Peluncuran situs web
pariwisata Wakatobi ditandai dengan pemukulan gong oleh
Menteri Pengembangan Manusia dan Kebudayaan Puan
Puan mengaku sangat terkesan dengan alam Wakatobi yang
begitu menawan dan berbagai makanan hasi laut yang segar, dan
menyatakan keinginannya untuk kembali berkunjung ke wilayah
tersebut. “Wakatobi sebagai destinasi wisata sebenarnya telah
siap hanya harus fokus pada wilayah dan potensi mana yang
akan dikembangkan di kemudian hari,” pungkas Puan.
Cover Story
Atraksi yang ditampilkan dalam acara tersebut antara lain tarian
Tombak Tamburu Liya, karnaval tokoh adat, perayaan akil balig
Karia’a dan Kansoda’a hingga lomba kostum bertema bahari
serta lomba mobil hias.
Festival WAVE juga menjadi ajang peluncuran citra baru pariwisata
Wakatobi sebagai destinasi maritim kelas dunia. Bupati Wakatobi
Ir. Hugua dalam sambutannya menyatakan harapannya untuk
dapat memberikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat
Wakatobi di akhir masa jabatannya.
Selain Puan, perayaan WAVE 2015 juga dihadiri oleh Asisten
Deputi dari Kementerian Pariwisata, Sultan Buton ke-40, para
tokoh adat setempat, ketua DPRD Wakatobi, dan jajaran SKPD
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story
Stone Park On The Way to the Light House in Binongko
In Binongko,
Underwater Beauty and Beyond
By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications
Binongko, one of the four islands that make up the
Wakatobi archipelago in Indonesia’s province of Sulawesi
Tenggara, is a region that abounds with natural beauty and
local culture that makes it stand out as one of Indonesia’s finest
tourism destinations. When setting foot on the island, visitors will
find themselves welcomed by beautiful hills, hundreds of sea
turtles, and coral reefs that extend all the way to the mangrove
forests that line the beaches.
“It is important for us to protect the sea turtle habitat,” says
Amursan, leader of the Binongko Fishermen Forum (Foneb).
“According to the local culture, it is taboo to trap sea turtles. We
always use traditional tools when it comes to fishing. We need
to make sure that the locals are involved in the preservation of
Binongko so as to encourage tourists to visit.”
Stone Park On The Way to the Light House in Binongko,
Blacksmith in Binongko
Binongko’s enchanting beauty will easily make the six-hour
trip from Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi’s main island, one that is
worth making. Prior to being known as Wakatobi, the region is
also popular as being blacksmiths archipelago, who to this day
continue their work in almost every corner of the island. Once the
sun readies to set, the sound of blacksmiths at work, followed
by the occasional fiery bursts, become the soundtrack that
accompanies a unique experience as one ends another beautiful
day in Binongko.
Pulau Binongko adalah salah satu dari empat pulau
Wakatobi, kawasan di Sulawesi Tenggara yang kaya akan
keindahan alam dan kearifan lokal yang tak kalah menarik
bila disandingkan dengan berbagai destinasi pariwisata lainnya di
Indonesia. Saat menapakkan kaki di pulau terluar Wakatobi ini,
pengunjung akan disambut oleh bukit berbatu, ratusan penyu,
serta hamparan batu karang yang tak hanya terlihat di bawah
laut, namun menjadi taman di sepanjang jalan ke hutan mangrove
di tepi pantai.
An Underwater Exploration
Sets Eyes on Binongko’s Tourism Potentials
By Putri Wilda Kirana – Project Officer External Destination Marketing Wakatobi
Wakatobi is home to a beautiful and rich marine life that
stretches across the region’s four islands, namely Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. Unfortunately, due
to the distance issue to reach Binongko from Wangi-wangi, the
latter remains a largely untapped tourism destination despite its
potentials. Having discussed this issue with members of the
Wakatobi Professional Dive Association (WPDA), a team from
WISATA, along with divers La Ode Orba, Akas Hamid, and Seto
Ariyadi initiated an exploration in hope of discovering underwater
sites in Binongko.
Throughout the four-day exploration, the team was able to identify
up to 12 potential diving sites around Binongko. Discoveries in the
western part of the island showed a wide variety of hard corals,
while sites in the eastern part of the island is reportedly home
to a massive sea turtle habitat, with up to 300 turtles identified
throughout the length of the exploration.
Results from this initiative were subsequently handed over to the
Binongko Island Tourism Group (BITG), led by La Ode Muhammad
Safei. “Thanks to this exploration and these documentations,
we have now realized the richness and beauty of Binongko
underwater,” Safei said. “All this time, locals have yet to see with
their own eyes the potentials that we have. The documentations
that show damaged reefs will also remind locals of the importance
of preserving nature.”
Wakatobi memiliki potensi kekayaan alam bawah laut yang
tersebar di empat pulau, yaitu Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa,
Tomia, dan Binongko. Namun, sayangnya, jarak yang cukup
jauh antara Wangi-wangi dan Binongko, sehingga potensi wisata
alam Binongko masih jarang terjamah wisatawan. Berangkat dari
diskusi dengan para penyelam anggota Wakatobi Professional
Dive Association (WPDA), eksplorasi potensi bawah laut
Binongku pun mulai dilakukan bersama La Ode Orba, Akas
Hamid, dan Seto Ariyadi, serta tim dari WISATA.
Selama empat hari, tim eksplorasi berhasil mengidentifikasi 12
titik di sekitar Pulau Binongko yang berpotensi dikembangkan
sebagai titik penyelaman. Perairan sebelah barat Pulau Binongko
ditemui mempunyai terumbu karang yang lebih rapat dan
bervariasi dan didominasi oleh terumbu karang keras, sementara
itu titk-titik selam di wilayah timur didapati lebih kaya dengan
keberadaan penyu. Selama penyelaman, sekitar 300 ekor penyu
berhasil diidentifikasi oleh tim eksplorasi.
Hasil dokumentasi eksplorasi ini kemudian dibagikan kepada
Kelompok Pariwisata Pulau Binongko (BITG) yang diwakili oleh
La Ode Muhammad Safei selaku ketua. “Dengan adanya kegiatan
eksplorasi dan hasil dokumentasi ini, kami baru menyadari betapa
kaya dan indahnya alam bawah laut Binongko,” ucapnya. “Selama
ini, masyarakat belum melihat secara langsung potensi apa yang
kami miliki. Hasil dokumentasi yang juga memperlihatkan daerah
dengan terumbu karang yang telah rusak ini akan menjadi bahan
untuk menyadarkan masyarakat mengenai pentingnya menjaga
“Kami harus melindungi penyu di sini,” ujar Amursan, ketua Forum
Nelayan Binongko (Foneb). “Menurut adat, menjaring penyu
kecil itu pamali. Kami selalu menggunakan alat tradisional untuk
menangkap ikan. Kami harus memastikan bahwa masyarakat
harus menjaga alam Binongko agar banyak wisatawan yang
datang ke sini.”
Blacksmith in Binongko
Keindahan Binongko seakan menyihir para pengunjung dan
dengan mudah mengobati lelah perjalanan sekitar enam jam
yang harus ditempuh dari Wangi-wangi, pulau utama Wakatobi.
Sebelum terkenal sebagai kawasan pariwisata Wakatobi, kawasan
tersebut juga dikenal dengan sebutan “pulau-pulau tukang besi”,
karena selain memiliki alam yang menakjubkan, Binongko juga
menjadi kawasan yang dipenuhi dengan kelompok pemandai besi
yang dapat ditemukan di tiap sudut pulau. Kala matahari mulai
tenggelam, suara tempa besi yang beradu diikuti bara api yang
menyala saat parang-parang mulai menajam, akan membawa
sensasi yang khas dan menghanyutkan sembari menutup hari
Anda di Binongko.
Turtle in Binongko’s Underwater
Dive Site Survey in Binongko,
Diver in Binongko Underwater During the Dive Exploration
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story
Stone Park On The Way to the Light House in Binongko
In Binongko,
Underwater Beauty and Beyond
By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications
Binongko, one of the four islands that make up the
Wakatobi archipelago in Indonesia’s province of Sulawesi
Tenggara, is a region that abounds with natural beauty and
local culture that makes it stand out as one of Indonesia’s finest
tourism destinations. When setting foot on the island, visitors will
find themselves welcomed by beautiful hills, hundreds of sea
turtles, and coral reefs that extend all the way to the mangrove
forests that line the beaches.
“It is important for us to protect the sea turtle habitat,” says
Amursan, leader of the Binongko Fishermen Forum (Foneb).
“According to the local culture, it is taboo to trap sea turtles. We
always use traditional tools when it comes to fishing. We need
to make sure that the locals are involved in the preservation of
Binongko so as to encourage tourists to visit.”
Stone Park On The Way to the Light House in Binongko,
Blacksmith in Binongko
Binongko’s enchanting beauty will easily make the six-hour
trip from Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi’s main island, one that is
worth making. Prior to being known as Wakatobi, the region is
also popular as being blacksmiths archipelago, who to this day
continue their work in almost every corner of the island. Once the
sun readies to set, the sound of blacksmiths at work, followed
by the occasional fiery bursts, become the soundtrack that
accompanies a unique experience as one ends another beautiful
day in Binongko.
Pulau Binongko adalah salah satu dari empat pulau
Wakatobi, kawasan di Sulawesi Tenggara yang kaya akan
keindahan alam dan kearifan lokal yang tak kalah menarik
bila disandingkan dengan berbagai destinasi pariwisata lainnya di
Indonesia. Saat menapakkan kaki di pulau terluar Wakatobi ini,
pengunjung akan disambut oleh bukit berbatu, ratusan penyu,
serta hamparan batu karang yang tak hanya terlihat di bawah
laut, namun menjadi taman di sepanjang jalan ke hutan mangrove
di tepi pantai.
An Underwater Exploration
Sets Eyes on Binongko’s Tourism Potentials
By Putri Wilda Kirana – Project Officer External Destination Marketing Wakatobi
Wakatobi is home to a beautiful and rich marine life that
stretches across the region’s four islands, namely Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. Unfortunately, due
to the distance issue to reach Binongko from Wangi-wangi, the
latter remains a largely untapped tourism destination despite its
potentials. Having discussed this issue with members of the
Wakatobi Professional Dive Association (WPDA), a team from
WISATA, along with divers La Ode Orba, Akas Hamid, and Seto
Ariyadi initiated an exploration in hope of discovering underwater
sites in Binongko.
Throughout the four-day exploration, the team was able to identify
up to 12 potential diving sites around Binongko. Discoveries in the
western part of the island showed a wide variety of hard corals,
while sites in the eastern part of the island is reportedly home
to a massive sea turtle habitat, with up to 300 turtles identified
throughout the length of the exploration.
Results from this initiative were subsequently handed over to the
Binongko Island Tourism Group (BITG), led by La Ode Muhammad
Safei. “Thanks to this exploration and these documentations,
we have now realized the richness and beauty of Binongko
underwater,” Safei said. “All this time, locals have yet to see with
their own eyes the potentials that we have. The documentations
that show damaged reefs will also remind locals of the importance
of preserving nature.”
Wakatobi memiliki potensi kekayaan alam bawah laut yang
tersebar di empat pulau, yaitu Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa,
Tomia, dan Binongko. Namun, sayangnya, jarak yang cukup
jauh antara Wangi-wangi dan Binongko, sehingga potensi wisata
alam Binongko masih jarang terjamah wisatawan. Berangkat dari
diskusi dengan para penyelam anggota Wakatobi Professional
Dive Association (WPDA), eksplorasi potensi bawah laut
Binongku pun mulai dilakukan bersama La Ode Orba, Akas
Hamid, dan Seto Ariyadi, serta tim dari WISATA.
Selama empat hari, tim eksplorasi berhasil mengidentifikasi 12
titik di sekitar Pulau Binongko yang berpotensi dikembangkan
sebagai titik penyelaman. Perairan sebelah barat Pulau Binongko
ditemui mempunyai terumbu karang yang lebih rapat dan
bervariasi dan didominasi oleh terumbu karang keras, sementara
itu titk-titik selam di wilayah timur didapati lebih kaya dengan
keberadaan penyu. Selama penyelaman, sekitar 300 ekor penyu
berhasil diidentifikasi oleh tim eksplorasi.
Hasil dokumentasi eksplorasi ini kemudian dibagikan kepada
Kelompok Pariwisata Pulau Binongko (BITG) yang diwakili oleh
La Ode Muhammad Safei selaku ketua. “Dengan adanya kegiatan
eksplorasi dan hasil dokumentasi ini, kami baru menyadari betapa
kaya dan indahnya alam bawah laut Binongko,” ucapnya. “Selama
ini, masyarakat belum melihat secara langsung potensi apa yang
kami miliki. Hasil dokumentasi yang juga memperlihatkan daerah
dengan terumbu karang yang telah rusak ini akan menjadi bahan
untuk menyadarkan masyarakat mengenai pentingnya menjaga
“Kami harus melindungi penyu di sini,” ujar Amursan, ketua Forum
Nelayan Binongko (Foneb). “Menurut adat, menjaring penyu
kecil itu pamali. Kami selalu menggunakan alat tradisional untuk
menangkap ikan. Kami harus memastikan bahwa masyarakat
harus menjaga alam Binongko agar banyak wisatawan yang
datang ke sini.”
Blacksmith in Binongko
Keindahan Binongko seakan menyihir para pengunjung dan
dengan mudah mengobati lelah perjalanan sekitar enam jam
yang harus ditempuh dari Wangi-wangi, pulau utama Wakatobi.
Sebelum terkenal sebagai kawasan pariwisata Wakatobi, kawasan
tersebut juga dikenal dengan sebutan “pulau-pulau tukang besi”,
karena selain memiliki alam yang menakjubkan, Binongko juga
menjadi kawasan yang dipenuhi dengan kelompok pemandai besi
yang dapat ditemukan di tiap sudut pulau. Kala matahari mulai
tenggelam, suara tempa besi yang beradu diikuti bara api yang
menyala saat parang-parang mulai menajam, akan membawa
sensasi yang khas dan menghanyutkan sembari menutup hari
Anda di Binongko.
Turtle in Binongko’s Underwater
Dive Site Survey in Binongko,
Diver in Binongko Underwater During the Dive Exploration
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Underwater - DinasParawisata
Pada tanggal November 26, 2015, Wakatobi Wonderful
Festival and Expo 2015 (WAVE) diselenggarakan dengan
parade budaya dari empat pulau di Wakatobi, yaitu Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, dan Binongko. Peluncuran situs web
pariwisata Wakatobi ditandai dengan pemukulan gong oleh
Menteri Pengembangan Manusia dan Kebudayaan Puan
Puan mengaku sangat terkesan dengan alam Wakatobi yang
begitu menawan dan berbagai makanan hasi laut yang segar, dan
menyatakan keinginannya untuk kembali berkunjung ke wilayah
tersebut. “Wakatobi sebagai destinasi wisata sebenarnya telah
siap hanya harus fokus pada wilayah dan potensi mana yang
akan dikembangkan di kemudian hari,” pungkas Puan.
Cover Story
Atraksi yang ditampilkan dalam acara tersebut antara lain tarian
Tombak Tamburu Liya, karnaval tokoh adat, perayaan akil balig
Karia’a dan Kansoda’a hingga lomba kostum bertema bahari
serta lomba mobil hias.
Festival WAVE juga menjadi ajang peluncuran citra baru pariwisata
Wakatobi sebagai destinasi maritim kelas dunia. Bupati Wakatobi
Ir. Hugua dalam sambutannya menyatakan harapannya untuk
dapat memberikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat
Wakatobi di akhir masa jabatannya.
Selain Puan, perayaan WAVE 2015 juga dihadiri oleh Asisten
Deputi dari Kementerian Pariwisata, Sultan Buton ke-40, para
tokoh adat setempat, ketua DPRD Wakatobi, dan jajaran SKPD
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story
Wakatobi at
Your Fingertips
By Weny Kohongia - Program Officer Media and Event & Shyerly Hariyanto Project Officer Communications
The availability of new information that is accessible by
visitors plays an important role when it comes to promoting
a tourism destination. It was on such grounds that the
Wakatobi Tourism Office initiated the development of a website.
Noval Monali, marketing head of the Wakatobi Tourism and
Creative Economy Office, emphasized the need for a medium
that will be able to fulfill visitors’ expectations and their need
for information that is consistently and continuously managed.
Acting in support of this decision, WISATA contributed to the
initiative by assisting them in selecting a website consultant and
by providing insights throughout the development process. “We
really appreciate the support given by WISATA,” Noval said.
The website created is, the official
Wakatobi tourism site that features information on local tourism
and acts as a platform to promote the beauty of this region to the
international market., currently managed
under the Wakatobi Tourism Office by a team of 12 tasked with
providing content for the website, is also designed to support
local tourism businesses through a dedicated page that lists
various businesses operating in the area. Aside from the website,
Wakatobi has also developed an Android smartphone application
that can be downloaded and used offline.
Ketersediaan informasi baru yang dapat diakses oleh
pengunjung adalah bagian penting dari usaha promosi
sebuah destinasi. Untuk mengisi kebutuhan tersebut,
Dinas Pariwisata Wakatobi berinisiatif memulai pengembangan
situs web pariwisata yang—sesuai dengan paparan Noval Monali,
selaku Kepala Bidang Pemasaran Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi
Kreatif Kabupaten Wakatobi—dapat memenuhi ekspektasi
pengunjung akan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan dikelola secara
WISATA mendukung rencana terebut dengan membantu proses
pemilihan konsultan situs web dan memberi berbagai masukan
selama pengembangannya. “Kami sangat mengapresiasi
dukungan yang diberikan WISATA selama ini,” ujar Noval.
Situs web yang dibangun adalah, sebuah
situs resmi Destinasi Wakatobi yang memuat informasi seputar
pariwisata setempat serta berperan sebagai media promosi
pariwisata Wakatobi ke pasar global. Situs,
yang kini dikelola oleh 12 orang untuk mendukung penyediaan
konten dan berada di bawah koordinasi Dinas Pariwisata
Wakatobi, juga dirancang untuk mendukung bisnis pariwisata
setempat melalui laman khusus direktori bisnis. Di samping situs
tersebut, destinasi Wakatobi juga menyediakan aplikasi yang
dapat diunduh pada smartphone berbasis Android dan dapat
digunakan secara offline.
WAVE 2015
The Wakatobi Wonderful Festival and Expo 2015 (WAVE)
was held on November 26, 2015, showcasing a cultural
parade from the four islands of Wakatobi, namely Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. The event kicked off with
the launch of Wakatobi’s official tourism website by Coordinating
Human Development and Culture Minister, Puan Maharani.
During the program, Mrs. Maharani says she was impressed by
the beauty of Wakatobi’s nature and the fresh seafood options,
emphasized wanting to return to Wakatobi to enjoy more of its
beauty. “As a tourism destination, Wakatobi is ready, it just has to
focus on the areas and potentials that it wants to develop in the
future,” she says.
such as the Tombak Tamburu Liya dance, a carnival by the tribes
chiefs, a Karia’a and Kansoda’a akil balig celebration, as well as
a marine life–themed costume competition and a car decorating
Wakatobi also launched its new tourism brand at the festival,
reaffirming its position as a world-class maritime destination.
Wakatobi regent Ir. Hugua during his speech said he hopes to be
able to make an impactful contribution to the people of Wakatobi
before the end of his term.
Also present at WAVE 2015 were the deputy assistant from the
Tourism Ministry, the 40th Buton Sultan, local tribes chiefs, head
of the Wakatobi Legislative Council (DPRD) and other related
working units.
A series of cultural shows were performed during the event,
1. A Diver Explore Wakatobi’s Underwater, Wakatobi | 2. Sunset nearby Liya Togo, Wangi-wangi Island, Wakatobi | 3. Weaving in Limbo Langge, Kaledupa Island, Wakatobi
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Tanjung Puting
Potential Village Tourism Maping
Potential Village Tourism Maping
Assessment Result Presentation for CBT
Development in Sesean Suluoara’
One of the Brand Agency is Presenting His Proposal
Tanjung Puting
Community-based Tourism
in Sesean Suloara’
By Edwardus Ada - Project Officer for Community-based Tourism Toraja
It was a cold, misty early morning in Batutumonga on
February 26, but locals and tourism stakeholders have
come out to gather in high spirits at the Sesean Suluoara’
Sub-district Office for a presentation by Agus Wiyono, a
consultant on the development and management of communitybased tourism villages.
For no less than a month, the consultant and a team from WISATA
conducted an assessment, interviews, and discussions, as well as
provided counsel for up to five villages in the Sesean Suluoara’
Sub-district in an effort to identify existing and untapped tourism
potentials and to put together strategic plans regarding their
development and management.
Presenting the group’s findings, Mr. Wiyono covered potential
tourism products that can be developed in the area, a blueprint
of the local tourism management, recommended programs,
as well as a slew of activities that need to be held for Sesean
Suluoara’ to become an ideal tourism destination. The document
containing these findings were later on handed over to the local
tourism working group and to the district coordination team to
be followed up.
Sesean Suluoara’ Sub-district chief, Marthinus Tangkeallo
expressed his appreciation towards Swisscontact for the support
in developing tourism potentials through enriching programs.
Markus Sampe Bongga, Head of Suluoara’ Village’s tourism
working group also shared Marthinus’ views, emphasizing that
with active participation from the local community and the full
support of the government as well as other stakeholders,
Batutumonga and Suluoara’ can move towards becoming a
sustainable, ideal tourism destination in Toraja.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kabut dan dinginnya pagi masih menyelimuti
kawasan Batutumonga pada Februari 26 lalu,
namun ruang pertemuan di kantor camat Sesean
Suluoara’ sudah dipenuhi masyarakat setempat serta
para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata. Mereka hadir
dengan antusias untuk mendengarkan pemaparan
Agus Wiyono, selaku konsultan studi pengembangan
dan pengelolaan desa wisata berbasis masyarakat di
kawasan Batutumonga.
Selama sekitar satu bulan, konsultan dan tim WISATA
melakukan pengamatan, wawancara, diskusi terarah,
serta konsultasi di lima desa di Kecamatan Sesean
Suluoara’ untuk mengidentifikasi potensi dan produk
wisata yang sudah ada dan yang belum dikelola untuk
kemudian merancang rencana strategis berdasarkan
berbagai penemuan yang ada.
Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Agus menyampaikan
hasil dari pengamatan yang telah dilakukan, termasuk
potensi dan produk wisata yang dapat dikembangkan,
rancangan model pengelolaan wisata, rekomendasi
program, serta kegiatan yang perlu dilakukan untuk
mencapai kawasan wisata yang ideal. Dokumen
hasil pengamatan tersebut kemudian diserahkan
kepada kelompok kerja (pokja) pariwisata yang telah
terbentuk dan tim koordinasi kabupaten untuk dapat
Marthinus Tangkeallo, selaku camat Sesean Suluoara’,
menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada Swisscontact, yang
selama ini mendampingi pengembangan pariwisata
di Sesean Suluoara’ lewat berbagai kegiatan yang
memperkaya ilmu. Hal yang sama disampaikan oleh
ketua pokja pariwisata Desa Suluoara’, Markus Sampe
Bongga, yang merasa yakin dengan adanya partisipasi
aktif dari masyarakat serta dukungan dari pemerintah
dan pemangku kepentingan lain, maka kawasan
Batutumonga, khususnya Desa Suluoara’, akan menjadi
tujuan wisata yang ideal dan berkelanjutan di Toraja.
Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with
Destination Branding Efforts
By Azmi Mirrah Azizah - Intern for Tourism Product Development Tanjung Puting
Trailing on the success of Toraja’s newly launched brand as
a tourism destination, FTKP Tanjung Puting this year
agreed to follow in Toraja’s footsteps. In January, a call for
proposals was announced, inviting professional branding
agencies to pitch their best possible ideas in developing Tanjung
Puting’s tourism brand.
Menyusul kesuksesan Toraja yang baru saja meluncurkan
citra barunya sebagai destinasi pariwisata, FTKP Tanjung
Puting sepakat untuk mengikuti jejak Toraja dan pada akhir
Januari lalu mengumumkan permintaan proposal untuk
mengundang agensi-agensi pengembangan citra atau branding
profesional membantu mewujudkan hal tersebut.
The first round of this selection process was held on February
20 at the Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office, with
13 FTKP members in attendance to choose three agencies who
have pitched the best proposals.
Pada 20 Februari, 13 anggota FTKP hadir dalam proses seleksi
awal untuk memilih tiga agensi dengan proposal terbaik di ruang
pertemuan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin
The next round of the selection was held on March 1 to 2 at
the DMO Flores office, attended by representatives from the
Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office, two FTKP
representatives, as well as WISATA’s marketing, and Tanjung
Puting team. Agustini Rahayu, Wonderful Indonesia International
Marketing & Communication of Tourism Ministry was also invited
to attend the event, where she shared the ministry’s views and
insights on matters related to destination branding efforts.
Tahap seleksi selanjutnya kemudian dilaksanakan sesuai rencana
pada tanggal 1-2 Maret di kantor DMO Flores, dihadiri oleh
perwakilan dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota waringin
Barat serta dua perwakilan FTKP, didampingi tim pemasaran
WISATA Bali dan tim Tanjung Puting. Agustini Rahayu, bagian
Pemasaran & Komunikasi Internasional Wonderful Indonesia dari
Kementerian Pariwisata juga turut diundang pada kesempatan
tersebut untuk memberikan arahan terkait proses pencitraan
destinasi dari sudut pandang Kementerian Pariwisata.
Results of the selection were announced on March 31, 2016.
Hasi keputusan seleksi diumumkan pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kumpai Batu,
a Taste of Java in Kalimantan
Toraja Gets Set for AEC 2016
By Azmi Mirrah Azizah - Intern for Tourism Product Development Tanjung Puting
Despite being located in Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan
Tengah, Kumpai Batu Village in the Arut Selatan subdistrict makes for a unique destination thanks to its strong
Javanese ambiance, with lines of joglos, or traditional Javanese
In their spacious yards, locals have planted a wide variety of fruits
such as mango, rambutan, jackfruit, and durian—a sight that can
be extremely tempting in the right season—while the surrounding
rice fields and plantations offer a welcome air of coolness that
contrasts with Kalimantan’s dry temperature.
Thanks to its strategic location not too far from the downtown
Pangkalan Bun, there are plenty of tourism potentials worth
developing in Kumpai Batu, such as cycling, which can be an
alternative holiday activity that takes visitors exploring the village
and getting up close and personal with its people. The surrounding
beautiful hills and a lake, a former zircon sand mining area, could
also make for some interest attractions with picture-perfect views
to take in. When hungry, visitors can dine on a local delicacy called
nasi tiwul, or rice mixed with processed cassava and served with
organic chicken and shredded coconut vegetables.
Danau Hitam, One of Tourist Attraction at Kumpai Batu Village
By Edwardus Ada - Project Officer for Community-based Tourism Toraja
Meski terletak di kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat,
Kalimantan Tengah, Desa Kumpai Batu di kecamatan Arut
Selatan mempunyai keunikan tersendiri, di mana setiap
kunjungan seakan membawa kita ke Pulau Jawa dengan
pemandangan jejeran rumah joglo, bangunan tradisional Jawa
yang berdinding kayu dan beratap genteng.
Rumah-rumah penduduk setempat pada umumnya berhalaman
luas dan ditanami dengan berbagai pohon buah-buahan,
dari rambutan, mangga, nangka, hingga durian, sementara
pemandangan persawahan dan ladang yang menyejukkan kerap
terasa jauh berbeda dari terik dan panasnya tanah Kalimantan.
Ada banyak potensi wisata Kumpai Batu yang dapat
dikembangkan, terutama mengingat lokasi desa yang masih
terbilang dekat dari pusat kota Pangkalan Bun. Bersepeda,
contohnya, dapat menjadi sebuah kegiatan pariwisata yang
menarik, di mana para wisatawan dapat diajak menjelajah
kampung ini dan mengenal lebih dekat para penduduknya.
Daya tarik Kumpai Batu lainnya adalah keindahan bukit-bukit
di kawasan tersebut serta danau bekas penambangan pasir
zircon. Apabila perut mulai keroncongan usai bersepeda, para
pengunjung dapat mencicipi sajian khas Kumpai Batu, yaitu
nasi tiwul, nasi yang dicampur dengan olahan singkong dan siap
dihidangkan dengan opor ayam kampung serta urap sayur.
The ASEAN Economic Community came into effect in the
region, including Indonesia, earlier this year, and in Toraja,
professionals have begun preparing themselves to face
international competition, especially that in the tourism sector.
Upon the request of the Toraja tourism association, Swisscontact
was able to work in partnership with the Phinisi Profession
Certification Agency from Makassar, an agency licensed by the
National Certification Board (BNSP), to conduct a certification
test in Toraja as part of the government’s plan to speed up
workers’ certification process in the tourism sector.
Up to 21 examiners from LSP Phinisi visited Toraja on November
26 to 28, 2015, to test as many as 200 hotel and restaurant
workers, as well as local tour guides, for a certificate that will
enable tourism workers in the region to compete with those from
other countries.
Results of the test were announced on February 29 during the
PHRI’s Coffee Club event at the Puri Artha Hotel. Up to 150 hotel
and restaurant workers and 30 tour guides passed the test and
received a certificate signed by the BSNP based in Jakarta.
“I’m so proud for having received this certificate, which will
motivate me to work better according to the standard operating
procedure,” says Martina Saringallo, a front desk staff at Pantan
Hotel. Welianus Sampe, a housekeeping staff at Sahid Toraja
Hotel, also expressed joy in having passed the test, emphasizing
that the results have helped him feel more confident in facing
global competition.
Memasuki 2016, Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)
mulai diberlakukan, termasuk di Indonesia. Tak ingin
ketinggalan, para profesional di Toraja mulai berbenah dan
mempersiapkan diri menghadapi persaingan, terutama terkait
tenaga kerja di sektor pariwisata. Menyanggupi permintaan dari
asosiasi pariwisata di Toraja, Swisscontact memfasilitasi
kerjasama dengan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Phinisi dari
Makassar, salah satu LSP yang memiliki lisensi dari Badan
Nasional Sertifikasi, untuk melakukan sertifikasi di Toraja, sesuai
dengan program pemerintah dalam hal percepatan sertifikasi
untuk tenaga kerja sektor pariwisata.
Sebanyak 21 penguji dari LSP Phinisi datang ke Toraja pada
26-28 November 2015, untuk menguji 200 pekerja hotel dan
restoran serta pemandu wisata setempat. Sertifikasi ini diperlukan
agar tenaga kerja pariwisata di Toraja dapat bersaing dengan
tenaga kerja dari negara lain.
Pada tanggal 29 Februari lalu, pengumuman kelulusan dan
penyerahan sertifikat dilakukan bersamaan dengan kegiatan
Coffee Club PHRI di Hotel Puri Artha. Sebanyak 150 tenaga
kerja hotel dan restoran dan 30 pemandu wisata dinyatakan lulus
dan mendapatkan sertifikat yang ditandatangani oleh BNSP di
“Saya merasa sangat bangga dapat menerima sertifikat kelulusan
ini, yang akan memotivasi saya untuk bekerja lebih baik sesuai
SOP [standar operasional prosedur],” ujar Martina Saringallo,
staf front office Pantan Hotel. Sementara itu, Welianus Sampe,
staf housekeeping Sahid Toraja Hotel, juga mengekspresikan
kegembiraan atas kelulusannya karena merasa lebih percaya diri
untuk menghadapi persaingan global.
Profession Certification Test
Cycling, An Alternative Holiday
Activity at Kumpai Batu Village
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Creating a Legal Compass for
Wakatobi’s Tourism Development
Finding Indonesia’s Best Coffee in Flores
By Asri Kasim - Field Office Manager Wakatobi & Shyerly Hariyanto - Project
Officer Communications
With the growth of Wakatobi’s tourism industry as a leading
sector in the region, the establishment of a legal document
that could serve as a guideline has become a necessity for
local stakeholders.
Filling this gap, the local district office of Wakatobi has developed
an academic document named the Regional Tourism Development
Master plan (RIPPARDA), with Singajaya as consultant, which is
currently undergoing a legal review process by the legal staff
from the Wakatobi Regional Secretariat office. According to
Nadar, chief of the Wakatobi Tourism and Creative Economy
office, RIPPARDA is established as a compass for stakeholder
involved in the development of Wakatobi as a tourism destination.
“Hopefully RIPPARDA can be completed and become a Regional
Regulation,” he said.
Working with the Wakatobi local government, WISATA supported
this move by helping organize a working group for the creation of
the document as well as the development of a Wakatobi tourism
marketing blueprint. Representatives from all organizations under
the Wakatobi FTKP were also involved in the process and were
tasked with monitoring the consultants for the project.
The Wakatobi government is aware that it is important for the
document to be implemented and reflect the needs of the local
tourism industry, which is to become a well-managed, sustainable
industry with a socioeconomic impact for locals. “We hope the
tourism blueprint can be used as a guideline in establishing an
effective and efficient marketing strategy in order to achieve
Wakatobi’s tourism target,” says Nadar.
Marketing Blue Print Seminar in Wakatobi
Dalam pengembangan peran pariwisata sebagai sektor
unggulan Wakatobi, diperlukan sebuah panduan
berlegitimasi hukum. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut,
Kabupaten Wakatobi telah menyusun dan menghasilkan
dokumen akademis Rencana Induk Pembangunan Pariwisata
Daerah Kabupaten (RIPPARDA) dengan bantuan Singajaya
selaku konsultan.
Pada saat ini, proses perumusan dan kajian hukum RIPPARDA
tengah dilakukan oleh bagian hukum Sekretariat Daerah
Kabupaten Wakatobi. Menurut Nadar, selaku Kepala Dinas
Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kabupaten Wakatobi, RIPPARDA
disusun sebagai kompas bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan
yang terlibat dalam menentukan arah pengembangan pariwisata
Wakatobi. “Mudah-mudahan RIPPARDA dapat segera
diselesaikan sampai akhirnya menjadi Peraturan Daerah,”
By Vianney Andro Prasetyo – Project Officer Eco and Local Products
Manggarai, a region in Western Flores, may be popular
among tourists for the local Caci dance, komodo dragons,
and the exotic Wae Rebo village. But for coffee enthusiasts,
the region is home to coffee beans, both Arabica and Robusta,
that are some of the best in the Indonesian archipelago.
Introduced by the Dutch in the early 20th century, coffee plants
can be found today in almost every corner of the Manggarai
highlands, with plantations stretching 100 kilometers from the
Manggarai Timur district to the Manggarai Barat district and
amounting to the largest plantation in Flores and possibly the
entire East Nusa Tenggara province.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In 2015, Flores Manggarai coffee was named Indonesia’s best
Arabica and Robusta specialty coffee, with the Arabica beans
being known for their strong character and a medium- to highlevel acidity and strong sweet notes. In medium roast, the beans
are known to produce herbal and floral aroma.
Kopi Mane
Dalam pengembangan dokumen tersebut, WISATA bekerja sama
dengan pemerintah Kabupaten Wakatobi guna mendukung
pembentukan kelompok kerja untuk menyusun RIPPARDA
dan cetak biru pemasaran pariwisata Wakatobi. Perwakilan
dari seluruh unsur yang tergabung dalam keanggotaan Forum
Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) Wakatobi juga turut andil dalam
mengawasi kerja konsultan.
Wakatobi menyadari pentingnya dihasilkannya dokumen
yang dapat diimplementasikan dan mencerminkan kebutuhan
pariwisata setempat, yaitu sebuah industri yang dapat dikelola,
berkelanjutan, dan membawa manfaat sosial dan ekonomi bagi
masyarakat. “Cetak biru pemasaran pariwisata diharapkan dapat
menjadi panduan dalam menetapkan strategi pemasaran yang
efektif dan efisien untuk menjaring target pariwisata Wakatobi,”
pungkas Nadar.
Stakeholders on FGD about RIPPARDA
Manggarai, sebuah kawasan di bagian Barat pulau Flores,
memang dikenal dengan Tarian Caci, komodo, dan Desa
Wae Rebo yang eksotis. Namun, lebih dari itu, Manggarai
juga memiliki kekayaan kopi, baik Arabika maupun Robusta, yang
tak kalah menariknya, terutama bagi pecinta kopi.
Diperkenalkan oleh penjajah Belanda pada awal abad ke-20, kini
pohon-pohon kopi sangat mudah ditemukan di tiap sudut dataran
tinggi kawasan tersebut. Terbentang sekitar 100 kilometer dari
kabupaten Manggarai Timur hingga Manggarai Barat tanaman
kopi tradisional Manggarai bisa jadi merupakan yang terluas di
Flores maupun keseluruhan provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Marketing Blue Print Seminar in Wakatobi
Not only is coffee a cash crop commodity that helps locals
generate income, these beans have become a vital part of the
local culture and plays an important role in the people’s day-today social life. Every afternoon, locals would prepare cups of
coffee in their homes in what is called the kopi mane culture or
afternoon coffee.
Di Manggarai, kopi tidak hanya menjadi komoditas yang
menjanjikan untuk diperdagangkan, namun juga menjadi bagian
dari kebudayaan lokal dan memegang peranan penting dalam
kehidupan sosial masyarakat setempat. Saat sore tiba, secangkir
kopi selalu siap diseduh di rumah-rumah, sebuah budaya yang
disebut kopi mane dalam bahasa lokal, yang artiya kopi sore.
Pada tahun 2015 lalu, kopi Manggarai dinobatkan sebagai kopi
khusus terbaik Indonesia untuk kategori Arabika dan Robusta.
Flores Manggarai Arabika memiliki karakter unik dengan tingkat
keasaman medium hingga cukup tinggi, serta rasa manis yang
kuat. Pada level penyangraian sedang, kopi ini memiliki aroma
herbal dan floral.
Stakeholders on FGD about RIPPARDA
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Island-based Working Groups,
the Future of Tourism Development in Wakatobi
By Asri Kasim - Field Office Manager Wakatobi & Shyerly Hariyanto - Project
Officer Communications
Ena from Surya Hotel is explaining their hotel progress, Flores
First Cycle of HoCo
Ends on a High Note
By Novie Afrillies - Jr. Project Officer Quality and Standards
As one of the programs that were successfully implemented
this year, the first round of the Hospitality Coaching (HoCo)
which uses synergies with the SCORE ILO program, has
earned positive feedback from the global initiative and delivered
significant results, with participants making substantial progress
in improving their business performance over the past few
On February 26, HoCo participants gathered at the Luwansa
Beach Resort in Labuan Bajo to each deliver a presentation
about the developments they have been able to make by showing
photographs of their work before and after the coaching program.
Led by the Flores DMO, the event was attended by the hotels,
HoCo facilitators, local and master HoCo trainers, as well as
representatives from the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant
Association (PHRI), the Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD),
Manggarai Barat Tourism Office, as well as ILO Jakarta. The
event is an important session, as it becomes a platform for hotels
to discuss and share information on the progress and positive
changes they’ve accomplished throughout the length of the
HoCo program.
Salah satu program yang sukses diimplementasikan pada
tahun ini adalah Hospitality Coaching (HoCo). Inisiatif awal
ini bersinergi dengan program SCORE ILO dan berhasil
mendapatkan respon positif serta membuahkan hasil signifikan,
di mana peserta HoCo telah membuat kemajuan berarti dalam
memperbaiki performa bisnis mereka selama beberapa bulan
Pada Februari 26, para peserta HoCo berkumpul bersama di
Luwansa Beach Resort di Labuan Bajo untuk mempresentasikan
kemajuan yang telah mereka capai melalui foto-foto kondisi
sebelum dan sesudah adanya intervensi HoCo. Diprakarsai oleh
DMO Flores, kegiatan presentasi hasil ini dihadiri oleh hotelhotel, fasilitator HoCo, pelatihan utama dan lokal HoCo, PHRI,
DPRD, Dinas Pariwisata Manggarai Barat, dan juga ILO Jakarta.
Presentasi ini sangat penting sebagai ajang berbagi informasi
mengenai kemajuan dan perubahan positif yang telah dicapai
selama mengikuti program HoCo.
Dari empat hotel yang berpartisipasi, Surya Hotel dinobatkan
sebagai hotel dengan pencapaian terbaik selama implementasi
siklus pertama HoCo. Dalam acara tersebut, para peserta dan
pelatih juga diberikan sertifikat apresisasi atas kontribusi dan
komitmen mereka.
The Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) plays an
important part in the development of a tourism destination,
bringing together stakeholders in the region to play an
active role in the execution of strategies and planning. Wakatobi
being a region that comprises several different islands, however,
FTKP members are faced with challenges in coordinating with
one another and in effectively accomplishing the purpose of this
IWG members include representatives from the sub-district
government, local police, local military, traditional authorities,
tourism villages, as well as staffers from the Wakatobi National
Park and all technical units in each island.
John from Matahari Hotel is explaining the indicator progress of their hotel
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Kaledupa IWG members on workshop on organizational structure and work plan
With the goal of tackling this issue, WISATA recently initiated
the establishment of island-based tourism management groups
named the Island Working Group (IWG), which is set to function
as a bridge between FTKP and stakeholders in each island,
coordinating and planning programs, and bringing information on
progress and developments to the district-level FTKP.
Of the four participating hotels, Surya Hotel was awarded for
having achieved the most progress during the first cycle of the
HoCo. Certificates were also handed to each of the hotels and
trainers as a form of appreciation for their contribution and
Kaledupa IWG members on
workshop on organizational
structure and work plan.
To date, WISATA has facilitated the formation of IWG in three
different islands in Wakatobi, namely Kaledupa (KITG), Tomia
(TITG), and Binongko (BITG). In Kaledupa and Binongko, these
groups have also managed to put together a tourism working plan
that covers the next five years by involving all members of the
organization in each island.
Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) memegang peranan
penting dalam pengembangan pariwisata sebuah destinasi
dengan peran aktif dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan
kawasan tersebut. Namun, bentuk geografis Wakatobi, dengan
pulau-pulau yang terpisah, mengakibatkan kesulitan koordinasi
antar anggota FTKP dan dalam melaksanakan fungsi kelompok
tersebut secara efektif. Untuk itu, WISATA baru-baru ini
menginisiasi pembentukan wadah pengelolaan pariwista di
tingkat pulau yang dinamakan Island Working Group (IWG).
IWG merupakan perpanjangan fungsi dan peran FTKP
pada tingkat kepulauan dan memberikan seluruh pemangku
kepentingan pariwisata di tiap pulau ruang untuk koordinasi,
perencanaan, dan komunikasi, serta meneruskan berbagai
informasi mengenai berbagai perkembangan yang ada ke FTKP
tingkat kabupten.
Mereka yang menjadi anggota IWG adalah antara lain Musyawarah
Pimpinan Kecamatan (Muspika) yaitu pemerintah kecamatan,
polisi sektor, dan komandan rayon militer, juga pemangku adat
setempat, LSM lokal, pelaku usaha pariwisata, desa wisata, seksi
taman nasional Wakatobi, dan seluruh unit pelaksana teknis
daerah yang terdapat di masing-masing pulau.
WISATA telah memfasilitasi pembentukan IWG di tiga pulau di
Wakatobi, yaitu Kaledupa (KITG), Tomia (TITG), dan Binongko
(BITG). Selain itu, KITG dan BITG juga telah berhasil merumuskan
program kerja pembangunan kepariwisataan selama lima tahun
ke depan dengan melibatkan seluruh unsur keanggotaan IWG di
masing-masing pulau.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Vocational & Higher Education
Content & Publisher’s Note
Apa Kabar
Human Resources Department from Hotel Zest is explaining about
hotel management and internship opportunity
Ruedi Nuetzi
Swisscontact WISATA
Program Manager
We proudly present to you the Berita WISATA in its new look. With this edition will introduce to you
the beauty of Wakatobi and it’s nature, not only underwater, but also the many breathtaking scenery
on land.
For Wakatobi, this year will be the time to develop tourism as a leading sector. In line and in
cooperation with the local government, WISATA supports marketing and promotion of Wakatobi
tourism as a priority, including destination website development.
Beside implementing the promotion and marketing strategy, tourism attractions need to be
prepared well to welcome visitors. A dive site survey has been conducted together with Wakatobi
Professional Dive Association (WPDA) in Binongko, which is as the farthest away island from
Wangi-Wangi. Binongko has a wide range potential attractions and activities that can be offered to
the visitors. With this dive site survey, Wakatobi can promote its whole destination from Wangi-wangi
to Binongko which will attract visitors to come to Wakatobi and explore also newly known places.
Happy reading and warmest regards from all of us.
Building Bridges Between
Schools and Businesses
By Mercya Soesanto - Component Manager for Education and Training & Shyerly
Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications
For vocational high schools (SMK) to produce the best
possible talents that are ready to contribute to the industry,
it is important that these institutions establish a mutually
beneficial partnership with businesses, one that is based on
values of sustainability and responsibility.
Today, however, this alliance seems to be solely focused on fulfilling
vocational high school students’ need for internship opportunities,
leaving plenty of room for improvement and new programs. For
example, businesses can offer teachers internship opportunities,
schools can start regularly inviting business practitioners as guest
lecturers and involve businesses in putting together a curriculum
that is based on the necessary skills needed in the industry, while
the recruitment system and career centers could be improved.
It is based on this understanding that WISATA on March 15 to
16 facilitated a workshop that addresses this alliance between
schools and businesses, which was held in partnership with model
schools from the WISATA Sister School Program in Surabaya.
During the event, representatives from SMKN 3 Denpasar, SMK
Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar, SMKN 8 Makassar, and SMKN
1 Surabaya were invited to share their experience in working
with businesses and discuss any needs and challenges faced in
establishing more effective partnerships.
Adanya hubungan simbiosis mutalisme antara Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan dan dunia usaha sangat dibutuhkan.
Hubungan dengan pelaku bisnis perlu dibangun dengan
tanggung jawab dan berkelanjutan sehingga membawa manfaat
bagi banyak pihak, di mana SMK akan mencetak tenaga yang
terampil dan siap kerja.
Sayangnya, hubungan tersebut pada umumnya masih terfokus
pada kebutuhan pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan semata,
sehingga bila dilihat lebih dekat, masih banyak ruang yang
bisa dioptimalkan. Misalnya, pekerja industri bisa saja menjadi
guru tamu atau penguji di SMK secara reguler, guru-guru bisa
diberikan kesempatan untuk magang, industri dapat dilibatkan
dalam merancang komponen pengajaran dan menyusun
kurikulum kejuruan yang berorientasi pada keahlian standar
dunia industri, dan sistem perekrutan kerja dan pusat karir juga
dapat ditingkatkan sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia industri.
Berangkat dari pemahaman tersebut, WISATA memfasilitasi
adanya loka karya mengenai hubungan dengan pelaku bisnis
yang diadakan bersama SMK model dari WISATA Sister School
Program di Surabaya pada 15 - 16 Maret lalu. Dalam kegiatan
tersebut, SMKN 3 Denpasar, SMK Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar,
SMKN 8 Makassar, dan SMKN 1 Surabaya sebagai tuan rumah
diajak untuk saling membagikan pengalaman kerja sama dengan
industri, sekaligus menggali lebih dalam kebutuhan dan kesulitan
yang dihadapi sekolah dalam menjalin kerja sama yang efektif.
Dengan terbangunnya hubungan bisnis yang harmonis antara
SMK dan industri, diharapkan kulitas sumber daya manusia
Indonesia lulusan SMK bisa lebih memiliki daya saing yang
tinggi dan akan membawa dampak positif bagi dunia pariwisata
It is hoped that by establishing a solid relationship between these
educational institutions and businesses, vocational schools could
move forward and produce high quality human resources who will
then bring a positive impact on Indonesia’s tourism industry.
First Cycle of HoCo Ends on a High Note
Moves Forward with Destination Branding
Developing Community-based Tourism in
Sesean Suloara’
Creating a Legal Compass for Wakatobi’s
Tourism Development
Creating a Legal Compass for Wakatobi’s
Tourism Development
Building Bridges Between Schools and
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In the article “Swisscontact Connects
CBT with the Tourism Businesses”
appeared on Berita Wisata, 4th
Edition of October-December 2015, page
17, the correct sentences should read:
“On December 14, 2015, a workshop
…. On Wangi-wangi Island in Wakatobi,
Sulawesi Tenggara”
We apologize for the error.
- Editor
Pada tulisan “Swisscontact Connects
CBT with the Tourism Businesses” di
Berita Wisata, Edisi 4 (OctoberDecember 2015), halaman 17, kalimat yang
benar seharusnya:
“Swisscontact pada 14 Desember 2015
memfasilitasi … di Pulau Wangi-wangi,
Sulawesi Tenggara”
Demikian kesalahan diperbaiki.
- Redaksi
Workshop on Business Linkage in SMKN 10
Publisher Swisscontact WISATA
Jl. Batur Sari No. 20SB, Sanur
Denpasar - Bali 80227 Indonesia
Photography Swisscontact WISATA, Dinas
Pariwisata Kabupaten Wakatobi, La Ode Orba,
Akas hamid, Seto Ariyadi
Design & Layout Swisscontact WISATA
Printer PT Cintya Grafika
The project is supported by SECO in cooperation with
Ministry of Tourism, implemented by Swisscontact
*No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced
in any form by any means.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA Program
Succsess Story
ITB Berlin 2016,
a Gateway to Promoting Indonesia’s Emerging Destinations
By Weny Kohongia - Program Officer Media & Events
Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi Destinations are aware of
the importance of international marketing in increasing
international visitors. As such, earlier in March,
representatives of DMO and FTKP in these
destinations headed to Germany to participate in ITB Berlin
2016, one of the largest tourism trade fairs, attended by
business players from all over the world.
P.I.E.C.E.S. volunteers with the Minister of Tourism of Indonesia
According to Yohan Tangke Salu, member of Toraja
DMO Marketing Commission, ITB Berlin was selected as
destinations promotion tactic because its international
reputation as well as exit survey results in 2015 that showed
European travelers contributing to the highest number of
visits in Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi -- something that makes
their participation in the fair all the more relevant.
Swiss Student Volunteers
Make Their Mark in Makassar
By Mawar Lestari Andu - Project Officer Education and Market Linkage
Twice every year since 2014, a group of four to five
students from Switzerland’s St. Gallen University would
come down to the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar
Makassar) in a volunteering initiative established by P.I.E.C.E.S.,
an organization established by students of the Swiss university,
aimed at offering their Poltekpar counterpart a unique English
learning experience and creating a platform for cultural exchange.
Dua kali setahun sejak tahun 2014, sebanyak empat
hingga lima mahasiswa dari Universitas St. Gallen, Swiss
hadir di Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar (Poltekpar
Makassar) dalam rangka membantu para pelajar Poltekpar
mengasah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka melalui
program P.I.E.C.E.S., sebuah organisasi berbasis sukarela yang
didirikan oleh para mahasiswa St. Gallen.
Throughout the program, students were able to discuss a range
of tourism-related topics with their peers from Switzerland, from
the different types of tourists, systems and departments in the
hotel industry, destination issues, as well as economic issues,
which the volunteers were able to provide useful insights on
thanks to their extensive management and business knowledge.
Tamara, Pablo, Rodrigo, Matthew, and Louis as volunteers also
helped the student organization develop the Poltekpar Makassar
English Club.
Kehadiran para sukarelawan muda ini membuat proses
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi pengalaman yang
menyenangkan bagi para mahasiswa Poltekpar sekaligus
membuka sebuah kesempatan untuk saling bertukar
kebudayaan. Selain mendiskusikan isu-isu pariwisata seperti
tipe-tipe wisatawan, sistem dan departemen yang ada di
bidang perhotelan, serta berbagai isu destinasi, isu ekonomi
juga menjadi topik hangat, mengingat para sukarelawan juga
memiliki pengetahuan mengenai manajemen dan bisnis. Tamara,
Pablo, Rodrigo, Matthew, dan Louis sebagai sukarelawan juga
membantu senat mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan kelompok
Bahasa Inggris Poltekpar Makassar.
On their last day, volunteers delivered a presentation on Poltekpar
Makassar’s SWOT analysis with regards to the institution’s
facilities, lecturers, and students, followed by recommendations
on issues they have managed to identify during their time in
Makassar. The volunteers expressed their appreciation for the
program, from which they were able to gain new experiences and
perspectives to take home. Poltekpar Makassar’s management
team and representatives of WISATA also in return expressed their
high appreciation of the volunteers’ contribution and hard work
throughout the program. It is expected to become a sustainable
program where Poltekpar Makassar has been started in partly
financing the activity.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Held for the 50th time in Messe Berlin from March 9 to 13,
the event saw Indonesia take home the Best Exhibitor award
in the Asia Australia Oceania category.
Di akhir program tersebut, sebuah analisis SWOT Poltekpar
terkait fasilitas kampus, dosen, dan mahasiswa disampaikan oleh
para sukarelawan melalui sebuah presentasi yang diikuti oleh
penyampaian berbagai rekomendasi atas isu-isu yang ditemukan.
Para sukarelawan juga menyampaikan rasa terima kasih atas
pengalaman dan pandangan baru yang dapat mereka pelajari
selama berpartisipasi dalam program. Pihak pengelola Poltekpar
Makassar bersama perwakilan dari WISATA pun turut hadir dan
menyampaikan apresiasi besar atas kontribusi dan kerja keras
para sukarelawan. Program ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah
program kemitraan berkelanjutan di mana Poltekpar Makassar
telah mulai mengambil bagian pembiayaan sebagian kegiatan.
“We need to continue to update [potential visitors] with
information on the latest attractions and events schedule
so as to keep the market well informed and increase their
interest in visiting these destinations,” Flores DMO Marketing
manager Girda Safitri says.
Toraja DMO in ITB Berlin 2016
FTKP Wakatobi in ITB Berlin
Toraja DMO in ITB Berlin
Aside from exhibiting at ITB Berlin, a business luncheon was
also held in Amsterdam on March 16, where representatives
were able to introduce Flores, Toraja, and Wakatobi to tour
operators in the Netherlands.
“By participating in this event, we hope to share updated
information and maintain a good relationship with tourism
businesses in order to strengthen the global market network,
including Europe,” says La Ode Amaluddin of FTKP Wakatobi.
Destinasi Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi menyadari
meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara.
Oleh karena itu, diwakili oleh DMO dan FTKP, organisasi tata
kelola destinasi pariwisata setempat, ketiga destinasi
tersebut berpartisipasi dalam acara ITB Berlin 2016, salah
satu pameran pariwisata terbesar yang menjadi ajang
berkumpulnya para pelaku bisnis dari berbagai penjuru dunia.
oleh hasil exit survey pada tahun 2015 yang menunjukkan
bahwa wisatawan Eropa merupakan pengunjung terbesar
destinasi Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi.
Pameran ITB Berlin yang ke-50 diselenggarakan di Messe
Berlin, Jerman, pada tanggal 9 sampai 13 Maret, dan
pada kesempatan tersebut Paviliun Indonesia berhasil
memenangkan penghargaan sebagai Peserta Pameran
Terbaik untuk kategori Asia Australia Oceania.
Selain menjadi peserta ITB Berlin, perwakilan dari ketiga
destinasi tersebut juga mengadakan business luncheon di
Amsterdam pada tanggal 16 Maret untuk memperkenalkan
Flores, Toraja, dan Wakatobi secara langsung pada pengelola
tur Belanda.
Menurut Yohan Tangke Salu dari Komisi Pemasaran Toraja
DMO, ITB Berlin terpilih sebagai taktik promosi destinasi
karena reputasinya yang mendunia. Selain itu, Eropa
merupakan pasar utama destinasi Toraja. Hal ini ditunjang
“Melalui kedua acara ini, kami berharap dapat berbagi
informasi dan membina hubungan baik dengan pelaku bisnis
pariwisata, guna memperkuat jaringan pasar global, termasuk
Eropa,” pungkas La Ode Amaluddin dari FTKP Wakatobi.
“Kami perlu terus menyampaikan informasi terbaru, seperti
atraksi menarik dan jadwal kegiatan, sehingga pasar tahu
dan semakin tertarik untuk berkunjung ke destinasi,” ujar
Girda Safitri, manajer pemasaran DMO Flores.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
5th Edition January - March 2016
Cover Story:
Diver in Wakatobi’s Underwater, Wakatobi
Wakatobi at
Your Fingertips
First Cycle of HoCo
Ends on a High Note
Tanjung Puting
Moves Forward with
Destination Branding Efforts
Developing Community-based
Tourism in Sesean Suloara’
Creating a Legal Compass for
Wakatobi’s Tourism Development