LAJU RESAPAN AIR PADA BERBAGAI JENIS TANAH DAN BERAT JERAMI DENGAN MENERAPKAN TEKNOLOGI BIOPORI DI KECAMATAN MEDAN AMPLAS Rasmita Br. Ginting, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumono, MS, Prof. Ir. Zulkifli Nasution, M.Sc., Ph.D dan Dr. Sutarman, M.Sc ABSTRAK Isu lingkungan yang perlu menjadi perhatian di Kota Medan diantaranya adalah terjadinya genangan pada saat hujan dan menurunnya ketersediaan air tanah. Timbulnya masalah tersebut dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor: pertama pesatnya pembangunan, kedua tingginya peningkatan jumlah penduduk, ketiga minimnya fasilitas infrastruktur dan keempat tingginya pemanfaatan air tanah. Dalam hal ini tentu diperlukan berbagai upaya pengelolaannya baik secara kebijakan administratif maupun aplikasi teknis. Teknologi lubang resapan biopori sangat tepat diterapkan di Kota Medan, karena kondisi fisik kota yang mana umumnya memiliki persentase lahan kedap yang tinggi sedangkan biopori tersebut dapat dengan ukurannya yang relatif kecil sehingga dapat diaplikasikan pada lokasi lahan yang sempit. Lubang resapan biopori memiliki berbagai manfaat yaitu: mengurangi genangan, menambah ketersediaan air tanah dan mengurangi volume sampah organik. Cara membuat lubang resapan biopori adalah dengan menggali tanah secara vertikal kedalaman 80 cm diameter 10 cm diberi jerami yang akan berfungsi sebagai sumber energi bagi kelangsungan hidup organisme tanah. Organisme tersebut akan berperan dalam pembentukan pori-pori tanah, bertambahnya pori-pori tanah berbanding lurus dengan meningkatnya laju resapan air ke dalam tanah. Untuk menentukan berapa jumlah lubang resapan biopori yang perlu dipasang untuk satuan lahan kedap, maka perlu diketahui berapa laju resapan air pada masing-masing jenis tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan interaksi perlakuan berbagai jenis tanah dan berat jerami, yaitu jenis tanah ultisol, inseptisol dan entisol sedangkan berat jerami adalah 150 g, 200 g, 250 g dan kontrol. Data yang telah diperoleh dan dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap kemudian diuji dengan uji F dilanjutkan dengan uji (BNJ) maka diketahui bahwa: pertama semua perlakuan berat jerami memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kontrol, kedua perlakuan berat jerami 200 g memberikan angka laju resapan tertinggi untuk semua jenis tanah yang diuji, ketiga, pada jenis tanah entisol diperoleh angka laju resapan tertinggi rata-rata sebesar 147,32 liter/jam, pada jenis tanah inseptisol 104,56 liter/jam dan pada jenis tanah ultisol 25,03 liter/jam, interaksi perlakuan yang memberi angka laju resapan air tertinggi diperoleh pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across Universitas Sumatera Utara nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now! pada tanah entisol dengan berat jerami 200 g berbeda nyata pada taraf 5% terhadap tanah inseptisol dan ultisol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa jumlah biopori yang dibutuhkan berbeda berdasarkan jenis tanahnya. Angka laju resapan air pada tanah ultisol sangat rendah, sehingga pemanfaatan lahan harus dibarengi dengan pendekatan pengelolaan yang baik agar tidak menimbulkan permasalahan genangan pada saat hujan dan berkurangnya ketersediaan air tanah. Kata Kunci: Laju Resapan Air, Biopori, Lubang Resapan, Bahan Organik, Mikroorganisme. pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across Universitas Sumatera Utara nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now! INFILTRATION RATE VARIOUS TYPES OF WATER ON SOIL AND STRAW WITH WEIGHT APPLYING TECHNOLOGY BIOPORI SANDPAPER SUB IN MEDAN Rasmita Br. Ginting, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumono, MS, Prof. Ir. Zulkifli Nasution, M.Sc., Ph.D and Dr. Sutarman, M.Sc ABSTRACT The environmental issue as a concern of Medan City included the flood in rainy season and declined supply of underground water. The problem was effected by some factors: first, the rapid development, second high rate of population growth, third the minimum facility and infrastructure, and fourth the high utilization of underground water. Of course, it required some attempt of management either administrative policy of technical application. Technology of biopore absorption hole was very relevant to apply in Medan City, because physical condition of city has a very high percentage of tighted land, while the size of biopore was relative small, thus it could be applied in narrow location. The biopore absorpotion hole has some significant: To decrease the flood, to add the supply of underground water and to decrease the volume of organic waste. The method of preparing biopore absorpotion hole was to dig the land vertically into 80 cm of depth at 10 cm diameter, filled with straws as energy source for organism survival of soil. The organism would serve to form the soil pores. The addition of soil pores was directly proportional would serve to form the soil pores. The addition of soil pores was directly the number of biopore absorption hole to install for a tighted land, it would be important to know the rate of water precipitation in each type of soil. The research used interaction of treatments with several types of soil and the weight of straw; ultisol soil, inseptisal and entisol, with several types of soil and the 150 g, 200g, 250g, and control. The data gained was the analyzed through complete random sampling with F-test and continued with BNJ-Test, and then it has been known that: First, all treatment of straw weight indicated significant effect on control; second treatment of straw 200 g indicated highest rate of precipitation for all types of precipitation was 147.32 lt/h and ultisol 25,03 lt/h. the interaction of treatment with highes rate of water precipitation was gained in entisiol with straw weight of 200 g, significant difference at level of 5% on both inseptisol and ultisol soils. The result of research indicated that number of biopore needed would be different based on the type of soil. The rate of water precipitation in ultisol was pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across Universitas Sumatera Utara nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now! lowest, thus the utilization of land should be accompanied by good approach of management to prevent the problem of flood especially in rainy season and declined supply of underground water. Keywords: Water Infiltration Rate, Biopore, Hole Absorption, Organic Material, Microorganism. pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across Universitas Sumatera Utara nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now!