Katalog BPS: 8403001.34 TINGKAT PENGHUNIAN KAMAR HOTEL .id Room Occupancy Rate of Hotels ht tp :// yo gy ak ar ta .b p 2011 s. go DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA TINGKAT PENGHUNIAN KAMAR HOTEL PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province o. id 2011 : 8403001.34 ISBN : 978 979 472 997 3 No. Publikasi/Number of Publication : 34543.12.08 Jumlah halaman/Number of pages : 69 halaman/pages ar ta .b Naskah/Manuscripts ps .g No. Katalog BPS/Catalog Number of BPS ak Seksi Statistik Niaga dan Jasa/Commerce and Services Statistic Sub Division :// yo gy Bidang Statistik Distribusi/Distribution Statistic Division Gambar Kulit/Cover Seksi Statistik Niaga dan Jasa/Commerce and Services Statistic Sub Division ht tp Bidang Statistik Distribusi/Distribution Statistic Division Diterbitkan oleh/Published by Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta BPS - Statistics of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province Boleh dikutip dengan menyebutkan sumbernya May be cited with reference to the source TINGKAT PENGHUNIAN KAMAR HOTEL PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province o. id 2011 : General in Charge Penanggung Jawab Teknis / : ht tp Penulis/Writer : Ir. Haryono, M.Si. : Leoni Maria Tri Wahyuni : Nur Mujib, S.St. :// yo gy Editor/Editor Ir. Haryono, M.Si. ak Technical in Charge Ir. Wien Kusdiatmono, MM ar ta .b Penanggung Jawab Umum / ps .g TIM PENYUSUN / COMPILING TEAM Pengolah Data/ Data Processor Dita Andian, SE Penyiapan Draft/ Draft Designer : Leoni Maria Tri Wahyuni Nur Mujib, S.St. KATA PENGANTAR Publikasi Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel Tahun 2011 merupakan publikasi tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Publikasi ini berisi informasi mengenai tingkat penghunian kamar hotel, jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung, rata-rata lama menginap tamu dan informasi perhotelan lainnya yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi tentang produktivitas perhotelan di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. o. id Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada semua pihak terutama pihak hotel .g atas bantuan dan kerja samanya. ps Saran dan kritik yang membangun dari berbagai pihak untuk perbaikan/ Yogyakarta, Agustus 2012 Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kepala, Ir. Wien Kusdiatmono, MM NIP. 19561120 197903 1 001 ht tp :// yo gy a ka rta .b penyempurnaan isi penerbitan yang akan datang sangat diharapkan. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel – DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 i :// yo tp ht o. id .g ps ka rta .b gy a PREFACE The Publication of Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel 2011 is an annual publication published by BPS-Statistics of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. This publication consists of information covering the number of room occupancy rates, guests visiting and staying, room night occupied, average length of stay and other information of hotels. Hopefully, it can fulfill the need of information on hotel’s productivity in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. o. id We would like to express our gratitude to all parties involved for their help .g and cooperation, especially to the hotel managers, in giving the accurate data. ps Comment and suggestions to improve the contents of this publication are Yogyakarta, Agustus 2011 BPS - Statistics of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Head, Ir. Wien Kusdiatmono, MM NIP. 19570110 197803 1 001 ht tp :// yo gy a ka rta .b always welcome. ii Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel – DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 :// yo tp ht o. id .g ps ka rta .b gy a ABSTRAKSI Publikasi Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel 2011 diterbitkan setiap tahun oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Data tersebut dikumpulkan setiap bulan secara sensus untuk hotel bintang dan secara sampel untuk usaha hotel non bintang, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 220 responden yang terdiri dari 41 hotel bintang dan 179 dari hotel non bintang/akomodasi lain yang ada. Selama tahun 2011 jumlah akomodasi yang ada mengalami perubahan dari tahun sebelumnya, yaitu dari 1.137 usaha jasa akomodasi menjadi 1.106 usaha jasa o. id akomodasi. Proses relokasi dan penertiban usaha akomodasi yang dialihkan ke .g peningkatan sarana penunjang kepariwisataan seperti pasar dan area parkir, serta ps bencana erupsi merapi memberi pengaruh terhadap pergerakan pariwisata pada tahun 2011. ekonomi dan politik juga mempengaruhi daya tarik ka rta .b Aspek stabilitas wisatawan untuk mengunjungi obyek daerah tujuan wisata. Keadaan tersebut tercermin dari jumlah tamu yang datang dan menginap pada gy a tahun 2011 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 7,18 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Jumlah tamu yang datang dan menginap di hotel sebanyak 3.206.334 orang, terdiri :// yo dari 148.756 orang wisatawan mancanegara dan 3.057.578 orang wisatawan dalam negeri. Dari sejumlah wisatawan yang datang sebanyak 24,41 persen menginap di tp hotel bintang, dan lainnya menginap pada jenis akomodasi lain. ht Rata-rata lama menginap tamu pada hotel bintang mencapai 1,76 malam, mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2010 yang mencapai 1,70 malam. Sedangkan rata-rata lama menginap tamu pada akomodasi lainnya mencapai 1,59 malam, atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,24 malam dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 1,35 malam. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar (TPK) pada hotel bintang mengalami peningkatan, dari 48,83 persen pada tahun 2010 menjadi 50,65 persen pada tahun 2011. TPK akomodasi lainnya naik dari 31,59 persen menjadi 34,55 persen. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel – DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 iii :// yo tp ht o. id .g ps ka rta .b gy a ABSTRACT Publication of Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel 2011 is published annually by BPS-Statistics of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. The data were collected monthly by listing to all classified hotels and drawing sample to non-classified hotels. There were 220 respondents consisting of 41 classified hotels and 179 (of 1,106) nonclassified hotels/ other accommodations. Number of accommodations endured a decrease during 2010, from 1,137 to 1,106 accommodations. Relocation and controlling a number of hotels and other o. id accommodation with increasing supporting tourist means, as market and parking area, and .g the the natural disasters the eruption of Mount Merapi gave a significant impact on ps the increase. Political and economic stability aspects influencing the tourist attention to ka rta .b visit the tourism objects. Therefore, number of guests visiting in and staying at Yogyakarta inecreased to 7.18 percent compared with that of the previous year. Number of guests visiting and gy a staying was 3,206,334 persons, which comprised 148,756 foreign tourists and 3,057,578 domestic tourists. From 3,206,334 guests, 24.41 percent stayed at classified :// yo hotels, while the rest stayed at non-classified hotels. Average length of stay of guests at classified hotels increased from 1.70 night tp in 2010 to 1.76 night in 2011, while at non classified hotels, it increased from ht 1.35guest night to 1.59 guest night. Room Occupancy Rate (ROR) at classified hotels increased from 48.83 percent to 50.65 percent, while at non classified hotels, ROR increased from 31.59 percent to 34.55 percent. iv Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel – DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 DAFTAR ISI/CONTENTS Halaman/page i/ii ABSTRAKSI/ABSTRACTS ................................................................................ iii/iv DAFTAR ISI/CONTENTS .................................................................................. v DAFTAR GAMBAR/LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................... vi DAFTAR TABEL/LIST OF TABLES ................................................................ vii o. id KATA PENGANTAR/PREFACE ..................................................................... PENDAHULUAN/INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1 BAB II. RUANG LINGKUP DAN CAKUPAN /SCOPE AND COVERAGE 3 ps .g BAB I. BAB III. CARA PENGUMPULAN DAN PENGOLAHAN ar ta .b DATA/DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING METHOD.......... 3 BAB IV. BEBERAPA KONSEP DAN DEFINISI/CONCEPT 5 PENYAJIAN DATA/DATA PRESENTATION .................................. 8 BAB VI. ULASAN SINGKAT/HIGHLIGHT ................................................... 9 a. Jumlah wisatawan/The Number of Tourists ................................ 9 b. Banyaknya Malam Tamu/The Number of Staying Guest ............ 11 :// yo gy BAB V. ak AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................... ht tp c. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri/Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Tourists 13 d. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar (TPK)/Room Occupancy Rate ....... 16 e. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur/Bed Occupancy Rate ............ 16 f. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar /Guest Per Room ............................ 18 TABEL-TABEL/TABLES ................................................................................. 20 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 v ak :// yo gy ht tp o. id ps .g ar ta .b DAFTAR GAMBAR/LIST OF FIGURES Gambar 3. Figure 3. Gambar 4. Figure 4. Gambar 5. Figure 5. Gambar 6. Figure 6. Gambar 7. figure 7. Gambar 8. Figure 8. vi Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2006- 2010 ......................... Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification 2007- 2011.................................................... o. id 2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang , 2007- 2011 .................................................. Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotel 2007- 2011 ....................................................................................... ps .g Figure Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007-2011 .................................................. Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2007 - 2011 ............................................................ ar ta .b Gambar 2. 10 10 12 12 15 15 15 15 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 20072011 ................................................................................................. Room Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification 2007- 2011 ........... 17 17 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011... .............................................................................. Room Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel, 2011 .......................... 17 17 Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ................................................................................................. Bed Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification, 2011........................ 18 18 Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007-2011 ......... Guest Per Room by Hotel Classification, 2007- 2011 .................… 19 19 ak 1. :// yo gy Figure Banyaknya Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang menginap menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 - 2011............................... Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2007 -2011 ............................................................. ht tp Gambar 1. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 ak :// yo gy ht tp o. id ps .g ar ta .b DAFTAR TABEL/LIST OF TABLES A HOTEL BINTANG DAN HOTEL NON BINTANG / CLASSIFIED HOTELS AND NON-CLASSIFIED HOTELS Tabel 1. Table 1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ........................................................................... Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2011 ...................................................................................... 21 21 22 22 Tabel 1.2. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .............................................................................................................. Table 1.2. Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2011 ............ 23 23 ar ta .b Table 2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ......................................................................................... Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 ...................................................................................... ps .g Tabel 2. o. id Tabel 1.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .............................................................................................................. Table 1.1. Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2011............... 24 24 25 25 Tabel 2.2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .......... Table 2.2. Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 .............................................................................................................. 26 Tabel 3. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .......................................................................... Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 ...................................................................................... ht tp Table 3. :// yo gy ak Tabel 2.1. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .......... Table 2.1. Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 .. Tabel 3.1. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ........................................................................... Table 3.1. Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 ... 26 27 27 28 28 Tabel 3.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ........................................................................... Table 3.2. Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification, 2011 .............................................................................................................. 29 Tabel 4. Table 4. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .................... Room Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification, 2011 .................................. 30 30 Tabel 5. Table 5. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 .......... Bed Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification, 2011 ...................................... 31 31 Tabel 6. Table 6. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ............................... Guest per Room by Hotel Classification, 2011 ............................................. 32 32 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 29 vii Tabel 7. Table 7. 33 33 HOTEL BINTANG /CLASSIFIED HOTEL Table 8.2. Tabel 9. Table 9. Tabel 9.1. Table 9.1. Tabel 9.2. Table 9.2. Tabel 10. Table 10. Tabel 10.1. o. id Tabel 8.2. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ............................................................................................ Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel, 2011 ............... ps .g Table 8.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ............................................................................................ Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel, 2011 ................. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ........................................................................ Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011 ............................................................................... ar ta .b Tabel 8.1. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ........................................................................................................... Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011 ..... ak Table 8. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .......................................................... Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel, 2011 ........................................................................................................... :// yo gy Tabel 8. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ........................................................................................................... Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011... Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .............................................. Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011 ................................................................................................ ht tp B Persentase Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 ............................................................... Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2011 ...................................................................................... 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .................................................................................. Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011 ...... 42 42 Table 10.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .................................................................................. Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel, 2011 .... 43 43 Tabel 11. Table 11. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 ............. Room Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel, 2011 .................................... 44 44 Tabel 12. Table 12. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .. Bed Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel, 2011 ........................................ 45 45 Table 10.1. Tabel 10.2. viii Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Tabel 13. Table 13. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .............. Guest Per Room Hotel by Classified Hotel, 2011 ..................................... Tabel 14. Persentase Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang datang menurut kelas Hotel Bintang, 2011 .......................................................... Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting By Classified Hotel, 2011 ................................................................................................ Table 14. 47 47 HOTEL NON-BINTANG/NON-CLASSIFIED HOTEL Tabel 15.2. Table 15.2. Tabel 16. Table 16. Tabel 16.1. Table 16.1. Tabel 16.2. Table 16.2. Tabel 17. Table 17. Tabel 17.1. Table 17.1. o. id ps .g Table 15.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ................................................ Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 .............................................................................................. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ................................................ Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 .................................................................................... ar ta .b Tabel 15.1. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ........................................ Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 .................................................. ak Table 15. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011............................... Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ................................................................... :// yo gy Tabel 15. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ............................................................. Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guest by Non -Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ............................................................................. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 .............................................................. Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ............................................................................ ht tp C 46 46 Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 .......... Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 .................................................. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ............................................... Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ............................................................................. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 ix Table 17.2. Tabel 18. Table 18. Tabel 19. Table 19. Tabel 20. Table 20. Tabel 21. 57 57 58 58 Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel pada hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 .............................................................. Bed Occupancy Rate by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011.... 59 59 Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar Hotel pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ............................................................................ Guest Per Room by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011........... 60 60 Persentase Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ...................... Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 .................................................. 61 61 ht tp :// yo gy ak ar ta .b ps .g Table 21. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ................................................ Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ............................................................................. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel pada Hotel Non Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar, 2011 ............................................................................ Room Occupancy Rate by Non Classified Hotel and Room Group, 2011 ........................................................................................................... o. id Tabel 17.2. x Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 BAB I. PENDAHULUAN CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Pariwisata mempunyai peran penting dan strategis dalam pembangunan nasional. Peranan sektor pariwisata sebagai penggerak pembangunan ekonomi cukup dominan dalam meningkatan pendapatan daerah, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan kesempatan berusaha yang pada gilirannya akan terjadi pemerataan pendapatan serta akan lebih memperkenalkan seni budaya dan keindahan Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Tourism has an important and strategic role in regional development. The role of tourism as a driver of economic development is quite dominant in increasing regional income, job creation, and business opportunities which in turn will occur and the distribution of income will introduce more arts and culture and beauty of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. ps .g o. id There are two stability aspects reinforcing the tourist attention to visit the tourism objects. Political stability gives comfort and freedom for foreign tourist to socialize the community around the tourist objects, while the economic stability gives easiness to do the travel and other tourist access. As these two conditions do not seem to be maximize reached yet, the tourism sector has not progressed as we hope. ht tp :// yo gy ak ar ta .b Ada dua aspek stabilitas yang memperkuat daya tarik wisatawan untuk datang ke daerah tujuan wisata. Pertama adalah stabilitas politik yang memberikan perasaan aman dan kebebasan wisatawan mancanegara untuk bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat di sekitar Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) khususnya, sedangkan stabilitas ekonomi memberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan perjalanan dan akses wisata lainnya. Dua keadaan ini rupanya belum tercapai maksimal, sehingga sektor wisata belum mencapai seperti yang diharapkan. Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memiliki potensi pariwisata yang cukup besar, seperti pusat budaya dan wisata alam yang sangat menarik sehingga diharapkan menjadi andalan utama untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah. Kondisi ini mendorong para pengusaha untuk menambah fasilitas dan atau mengembangkan usaha akomodasinya. Perkembangan industri pariwisata dapat diketahui melalui indikator yang dihasilkan oleh statistik perhotelan, seperti tingkat penghunian kamar, jumlah kamar yang terjual/digunakan, rata-rata Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province is potential for tourism, like cultural center and natural resorts. These features promote the businesses in accommodation. Therefore, tourism sector is expected to be the main power increasing the regional income. These conditions encourage enterpreneurs to add or expand their business facilities and accomodation. The prospect of tourism industry can be seen from the indicators presented in hotel statistics, such as the occupancy rate of hotel rooms, the number of the rooms occupied, the average length of stay 1 o. id The collection of these hotel statistical data was based on the address of hotels obtained from the listing of accommodations conducted by officers of BPS-Statistics of City/Regency. In this publication, the various types of accommodation were classified into two groups, namely the classified hotels (star hotels) and non-classified hotels, including other accommodations such as guest houses, boarding houses, motels, hostels, bungalows, and pensions. :// yo gy ak ar ta .b Pada Publikasi ini usaha akomodasi dibedakan menjadi 2 (dua) kelompok yaitu hotel bintang dan non bintang. Hotel non bintang mencakup di dalamnya usaha akomodasi lainnya seperti wisma, penginapan, motel, penginapan remaja, dan losmen. of the guests, and the progress of the number of hotels/other accommodations. Data related to the above matters are presented in this hotel statistics publication 2011, so that it can be used as references for the government, nongovernment institution, and for hotel entrepreneurs to set their policies in promoting their business. ps .g lama menginap serta perkembangan jumlah kamar hotel/akomodasi. Data tersebut sebagian besar tersedia di dalam publikasi statistik perhotelan tahun 2011 sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan perencanaan dan evaluasi baik oleh pemerintah, swasta maupun para pengusaha hotel/akomodasi untuk menentukan kebijakan di dalam usaha mereka. Pengumpulan data statistik perhotelan didasarkan pada nama dan alamat perusahaan yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan inventarisasi akomodasi yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten/ Kota. ht tp Tabel 1. Banyaknya Usaha Akomodasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota tahun 2010 - 2011 Table 1. Number of Accommodations by Regency/ City, 2010- 2011 Kabupaten/Kota Bintang Non Bintang Jumlah Regency/ City Classified 2010 2011 (2) (3) Non Classified 2010 2011 (4) (5) Total (1) 2 2010 (6) 2011 (7) Kulonprogo Bantul Gunungkidul Sleman Yogyakarta 15 21 1 16 24 18 299 47 405 332 20 270 53 378 344 18 299 47 420 353 20 271 53 394 368 D.I. Yogyakarta 36 41 1.101 1.065 1.133 1.106 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 BAB II. RUANG LINGKUP DAN CAKUPAN CHAPTER II. SCOPE AND COVERAGE Dalam publikasi ini, data tingkat penghunian kamar yang dikumpulkan mencakup : 1. Semua hotel bintang yang ada di wilayah Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta, berdasarkan hasil klasifikasi hotel yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata. 2. Akomodasi menurut kelompok kamar, baik hotel maupun akomodasi lainnya di seluruh wilayah Provinsi D I. Yogyakarta, yang dicacah secara sampel. In this publication, the data on room occupancy rates collected covers: BAB III. CARA PENGUMPULAN DAN PENGOLAHAN DATA CHAPTER III. DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING METHOD 1. ar ta .b ps .g o. id 2. All the existing classified hotels through out D.I. Yogyakarta based on hotel classification result, which were conducted by the Directorate General of Tourism/Provincial Office of Tourism. All accommodations by rooms group, both hotels and other accommodations through out D.I Yogyakarta, which observed on selected sample. As the previous years, the implementation of this statistical data collection was conducted by the officers of BPS-Statistics of City/Regency all over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as follow: 1. Mendatangi semua hotel atau akomodasi lainnya seperti yang tercakup dalam ruang lingkup dan ruang cakupan setiap awal bulan. Memberikan daftar isian VHT-S untuk diisi oleh pengusaha hotel/akomodasi yang bersangkutan dan mengambilnya pada setiap awal bulan berikutnya. 2. Semua pertanyaan yang telah diisi dan diperiksa kebenarannya oleh petugas pengumpul data di BPS Kabupaten/ Kota, dikirim ke BPS Provinsi untuk diolah dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: 1. ht tp :// yo gy ak Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pelaksanaan pengumpulan data statistik ini dilakukan oleh para petugas Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Daerah, baik tingkat provinsi, kabupaten, maupun kota yang ada di seluruh wilayah D I. Yogyakarta dengan cara sebagai berikut : Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 2. Visiting all hotels or other accommodations in the scope and coverage area at the beginning of each month, and by giving VHT-S questionnaires to be filled by the hotel owners and collecting the questionnaires every beginning of the following month. All questionnaires which have already been filled out correctly by the data collector are sent to the Provincial BPS-Statistics in order to be processed with the following phases: 3 a. Editing a. Pemeriksaan Conducting a reexamination of the VHT-S questionnaires, especially concerning: 1. The completeness of fillingout 2. The correctness of filling-out 3. The consistency among the filling-out If there are errors, mistakes, inconsistencies or incompleteness in the filling-out of the questionnaire that can not be edited, then these questionnaires will be sent back by data collector to the accommodation concerned. o. id Melakukan pemeriksaan ulang terhadap daftar isian VHT-S terutama mengenai: 1. Kelengkapan isian 2. Kebenaran isian 3. Konsistensi antar isian. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan, inkonsistensi atau ketidaklengkapan pada isiannya yang tidak dapat diedit, maka daftar isian tersebut dikembalikan oleh petugas pengumpul data ke usaha akomodasi yang bersangkutan untuk diperbaiki. b. Coding c. Validasi :// yo gy ak ar ta .b Setelah proses editing selesai dilakukan, kegiatan pengolahan dilanjutkan dengan pemberian kode masing-masing daftar isian, agar dapat diolah langsung dengan komputer. ps .g b. Pengkodean ht tp Setelah data diolah dengan komputer, mungkin masih terdapat beberapa kesalahan yang harus diperbaiki dan diatasi sesuai dengan aturan validasi (validation rules) yang telah ditetapkan untuk mendapatkan data yang bersih dari kesalahan. d. Tabulasi Setelah data bersih dari kesalahan (error), dilakukan tabulasi sesuai dengan bentuk tabel yang telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan komputer. 4 After the editing process has been conducted, the processing activities are continued by giving codes on the respective questionnaires, in order to be directly processed by computer. c. Validation After the data have been processed by computer, there is still the possibility of several mistakes which must be corrected in accordance with the stipulated validation rules, so that the data are really clean from errors. d. Tabulation Only after the data are clean from errors, they will be tabulated by the computer, Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 in accordance with the already stipulated table forms. These results are sent to the BPS-Statistics, which will be compiled with the results from other provinces. Hasil pengolahan berupa tabel-tabel dikirim ke BPS melalui email yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan penggabungan dengan Provinsi lainnya. BAB IV. BEBERAPA KONSEP DAN DEFINISI CHAPTER IV. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS 1. Room Occupancy Rate is the number room-nights occupied, divided by the number of room nights available, multiplied 100 percent. 2. Tingkat Penghunian Tempat Tidur ialah banyaknya malam tempat tidur yang dipakai dibagi dengan banyaknya malam tempat tidur yang tersedia dikalikan 100 persen. 2. Bed-Occupancy Rate is the number bed-nights used divided by the number bed-nights available, multiplied by 100 percent. ak ar ta .b ps .g o. id 1. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel ialah banyaknya malam kamar yang dihuni dibagi dengan banyaknya malam kamar yang tersedia dikalikan 100 persen. ht tp :// yo gy 3. Rata-rata Lamanya Tamu Menginap ialah banyaknya malam tempat tidur yang dipakai dibagi dengan banyaknya tamu yang datang menginap ke akomodasi. Rata-rata lamanya tamu menginap ini dapat dibedakan antara tamu mancanegara dan tamu domestik. a. Rata-rata Tamu Manca-negara menginap ialah banyaknya malam tempat tidur oleh tamu mancanegara dibagi dengan banyaknya tamu mancanegara yang menginap. b. Rata-rata Lama Tamu Domestik menginap ialah banyaknya malam tempat tidur oleh tamu domestik dibagi dengan banyaknya tamu domestik yang menginap. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 3. Average Length of Stay (ALS) is the number of bed-night used (Guest nights), divided by number guests coming to stay at the accommodation. This average length of stay is distinguished between the foreign and domestic guests. a. ALS of foreign guest is the number of bed-nights used by foreign guests, divided by the total number of foreign guest visiting the hotels. b. ALS of domestic guest is the number of bed-nights used by domestic guests, divided by the total number of domestic guests visiting the hotels. 5 Example: GPR = 1.43 means that the average sold room is occupied by 1.43 persons. Note: 1 room-night = 1 room x 1 night 1 bed-night = 1 bed x 1 night 1 guest-night = 1 guest x 1 night :// yo gy ak ar ta .b Penjelasan: GPR menggambarkan rata-rata banyaknya tamu yang menghuni satu kamar yang terjual. Contoh: GPR = 1,43, berarti bahwa rata-rata kamar yang terjual dihuni oleh 1,43 orang Catatan: 1 malam kamar = 1 kamar x 1 malam 1 malam tempat tidur = 1 tempat tidur x 1 malam 1 malam tamu = 1 tamu x 1 malam o. id 5. Rata-rata Tamu Per Kamar ialah perbandingan antara banyaknya malam tamu atau malam tempat tidur dengan banyaknya malam kamar yang dihuni 4. Foreign and Domestic Guest Ratio is the ratio between percentage of foreign guests from the total number of guests and percentage of domestic guests from the total number of guests. 5. Guest per Room (GPR) is the ratio of guest nights or bed-nights to room nights occupied. In other words the GPR shows the average number of guests occupying one room sold. ps .g 4. Perbandingan Tamu Manca-negara dan Domestik ialah perbandingan antara persentase tamu mancanegara dari seluruh tamu dan persentase tamu domestik dari seluruh tamu. ht tp 6. Hotel ialah: Suatu usaha yang menggunakan suatu bangunan atau sebagian bangunan yang disediakan secara khusus, untuk setiap orang dapat menginap, makan, memperoleh pelayanan dan menggunakan fasilitas lainnya dengan pembayaran. Ciri khusus dari hotel adalah mempunyai restoran yang dikelola langsung di bawah ma-najemen hotel tersebut. Kelas hotel ditentukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata. 7. Hotel Bintang ialah suatu usaha yang menggunakan suatu bangunan atau sebagian bangunan yang disediakan secara khusus, dimana setiap orang dapat menginap, makan, 6 6. Hotel is an establishment using a building or a part of building especially provided/reserved that any person can stay, obtain food, service and use other facilities against payment. Restaurant managed by hotel is the special characteristic of hotel. Hotel classification is determined by the Directorate General of Tourism. 7. Classified Hotel is an establishment using a building or a part of building especially provided/reserved, that any person can stay, obtain food, service and use other facilities against payment, which have fulfilled the requirements as stared hotel, which are determined by the Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 o. id Those requirements are: a. Physical requirement, such as location and condition of hotel. b. Service provided c. Manpower qualifications, such as education and employees welfare. d. Sport facilities and other available recreations, such as tennis courts, swimming pools, discotheques. e. The number of rooms available. ar ta .b Persyaratan tersebut antara lain mencakup: a. Persyaratan fisik, seperti lokasi hotel, kondisi bangunan. b. Bentuk pelayanan yang diberikan (service) c. Kualifikasi tenaga kerja, seperti pendidikan, dan kesejahteraan karyawan. d. Fasilitas olahraga dan rekreasi lainnya yang tersedia, seperti lapangan tenis, kolam renang, dan diskotik. e. Jumlah kamar yang tersedia. Directorate General of Tourism. ps .g memperoleh pelayanan dan menggunakan fasilitas lainnya dengan pembayaran, dan telah memenuhi persyaratan sebagai hotel berbintang seperti yang ditentukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata. 8. Non-Classified Hotel is an establishment using a building or a part of building especially provided/reserved, that any person can stay, obtained food or not, service, and use other facilities against payment. Non-classified hotel excluded pension is the hotel which has not fulfilled the requirements as classified hotel determined by the Directorate General of Tourism, such as youth hostel, home stay, and other non classified hotels. a. Hotel Melati / Losmen / Penginapan, adalah usaha pelayanan penginapan bagi umum yang dikelola secara komersial dengan menggunakan sebagian atau seluruh bagian bangunan. Pension is a kind of accommodation, which managed commercially by using a building, or apart of building where any person can stay against payment. ht tp :// yo gy ak 8. Hotel Non Bintang ialah suatu usaha yang menggunakan suatu bangunan atau sebagian bangunan yang disediakan secara khusus, di mana setiap orang dapat menginap dengan atau tanpa makan dan memperoleh pelayanan serta menggunakan fasilitas lainnya dengan pembayaran. Akomodasi lainnya meliputi: hotel melati yaitu hotel yang belum memenuhi persyaratan sebagai hotel berbintang seperti yang ditentukan Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata, penginapan remaja, pondok wisata, dan jasa akomodasi lainnya. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 7 Youth Hostel is a kind of accommodation provided for teenager who doing tourism activities for recreation spread acknowledgment experience of trip. c. Pondok Wisata, adalah usaha penyediaan jasa pelayanan penginapan bagi umum dengan pembayaran harian, yang dilakukan perseorangan dengan menggunakan sebagian dari tempat tinggalnya. Home stay is a kind of accommodation using part of building/house provided/ reserved, where any person can stay against payment. d. Jasa Akomodasi lainnya, adalah usaha penyediaan jasa pelayanan penginapan yang tidak termasuk pada Hotel Melati, Penginapan Remaja dan Pondok Wisata misalnya Wisma. Other non-classified hotel is a kind of accommodation, other than pension, youth hostel, and home stay, like wisma. ht tp :// yo gy Penyajian data publikasi ini berupa uraian singkat, grafik dan tabel. Tabeltabel yang disajikan adalah tingkat penghunian kamar hotel, rata-rata lama tamu menginap, jumlah tamu, jumlah malam kamar, dan malam tamu. Data tersebut menggambarkan tingkat produktivitas hotel. 8 ps .g ar ta .b ak BAB V. PENYAJIAN DATA o. id b. Penginapan Remaja, adalah usaha penyediaan jasa akomodasi dalam rangka kegiatan pariwisata dengan tujuan untuk rekreasi, memperluas pengetahuan dan perjalanan. CHAPTER V. DATA PRESENTATION The data presented in this publication are brief descriptions, figures, and tables. The presented tables, not only present the occupancy rate but also other statistics, such as the average length of stay, total guests, total room nights, and guest nights which show the hotel productivity rate. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 BAB VI. ULASAN SINGKAT CHAPTER VI. HIGHLIGHT a. Jumlah Wisatawan a. Number of Tourists During 2011, the number of tourists visiting D.I. Yogyakarta Province decreased. The controlling a number of hotels and other accomodations with increasing suupporting tourist means, as market and parking area, also the natural disaster eruption of Merapi Mount gave impact on the decrease of the tourists. ps .g o. id Number of both foreign and domestic tourists staying at Yogyakarta in 2011 was increased than that in the previous year. Generally, the number of tourists visiting and staying at Yogyakarta increased from 2,991,642 persons in 2010 to 3,206,334 persons in 2011 or it increase to 7.84 percent. Elaborated by hotel classification, number of tourists staying at classified hotels increased to 7.44 percent, that of from 728,572 persons in 2010 to 782,814 persons in 2011. While at non-classified hotels, there were 2,263,070 tourists staying in 2010, and it increased to 7.09 percent or became 2,423,520 persons in 2011. From the number of tourists, 24.42 percent or 782,814 persons stayed at classified hotels and 75.58 percent or 2,423,520 persons stayed at non-classified ones. ht tp :// yo gy ak ar ta .b Selama periode tahun 2011 arus wisatawan di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta mengalami penurunan. Penertiban usaha akomodasi yang dialihkan ke peningkatan sarana penunjang kepariwisataan seperti pasar, area parkir dan juga bencana alam erupsi Gunung Merapi memberi pengaruh terhadap penurunan arus wisatawan. Jumlah wisatawan yang menginap di Yogyakarta selama tahun 2011 baik wisatawan mancanegara maupun wisatawan dalam negeri mengalami peningkatan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Secara keseluruhan jumlah wisatawan yang datang dan menginap di Yogyakarta mengalami peningkatan dari 2.991.642 orang pada tahun 2010 menjadi 3.206.334 orang pada tahun 2011 atau naik sebesar 7,18 persen. Bila dirinci menurut golongan hotel, jumlah wisatawan yang menginap pada hotel bintang naik 7,44 persen atau dari 728.572 orang pada tahun 2010 menjadi 782.814 orang pada tahun 2011. Sedangkan wisatawan yang menginap di hotel non bintang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 7,09 persen, yaitu dari 2.263.070 orang pada tahun 2010 menjadi 2.423.520 orang di tahun 2011. Dari jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke Yogyakarta, sebanyak 24,42 persen atau sebanyak 782.814 orang menginap di hotel bintang dan 75,58 persen atau 2.423.520 orang menginap pada usaha akomodasi lain. Bila dirinci per bulan, wisatawan yang datang selama tahun 2011 terendah terjadi pada bulan Agustus sebanyak 195.066 orang, dan tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Desember sebanyak 350.408 orang (tabel 1). Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 The lowest number of tourists occurred in August 2011 that of 195.066 persons, while the highest one occurred in December that of 350,408 persons (see table 1). 9 Gambar 1. Banyaknya Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Menginap menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 - 2011 Figure 1. Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2007 - 2011 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 o. id 1,500,000 1,000,000 ps .g 500,000 0 2008 2009 Bintang ak a.1 Wisatawan Mancanegara 2011 Non Bintang a.1 Foreign tourists Number of foreign tourists visiting and staying during 2011 was recorded 148,756 persons. It increased to 5.76 percent compared with that in the previous year. Most of the foreign tourists or 68.80 percent preferred staying at classified hotels than staying at non-classified ones. The highest number of foreign tourists was in July, that of 20,393 persons and the lowest one was in January, that of 8,881 persons (table 1.1) Five-star hotels were mostly choosen by foreign tourists to stay at, with the number of 47,851 persons. (table 8.1) Sedangkan kelompok hotel non bintang yang paling diminati oleh wisman adalah kelompok kamar 1024 dengan jumlah pengunjung 16.360 orang. (tabel 15.1) While in the group of non-classified hotels, hotels with room 10-24 was mostly choosen, with the number of guests staying at reached 16,360 persons. (table 15.1) :// yo gy Jumlah wisatawan mancanegara yang datang dan menginap selama tahun 2011 tercatat sebanyak 148.756 orang; mengalami peningkatan sebesar 5,76 persen bila dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Sebagian besar dari mereka atau 68,80 persen memilih menginap di hotel bintang. Jumlah wisman yang menginap, tertinggi pada bulan Juli yaitu sebanyak 20.393 orang; dan terendah pada bulan Januari hanya sebesar 8.881 orang (tabel 1.1). Klasifikasi hotel bintang lima menerima tamu paling banyak dengan jumlah tamu yang menginap sebanyak 47.851 orang. (tabel 8.1) ht tp 10 2010 ar ta .b 2007 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 a.2. Wisatawan Dalam Negeri a.2. Domestic Tourists Number of domestic tourists that come and stayed at hotels was 3,057,578 persons or it increased to 7.25 percent compared with that in 2010. There were 680,468 persons or 22.26 percent stayed at classified hotels, and the rest stayed at nonclassified ones. Number of domestic tourists that stayed at classified hotels increased from 630,126 persons in 2010 to 680,468 persons in 2011. Whereas, the number of domestic tourists that stayed at non-classified hotels increased from 2,220,868 persons in 2010 to 2,377,110 persons in 2011 (see table 15.2). The highest number of domestic tourists happened in December, that was a holiday season, that of 340,385 persons and the lowest one was in August, that of 178,834 persons. (see table 1.2). :// yo gy ak ar ta .b ps .g o. id Jumlah Wisatawan dalam negeri yang datang dan menginap seluruhnya tercatat sebanyak 3.057.578 orang atau naik 7,25 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Dari jumlah tersebut sebanyak 680.468 orang atau 22,26 persen menginap di hotel bintang, dan selebihnya menginap pada akomodasi lainnya. (Tabel 1.2) Pada hotel bintang, wisatawan dalam negeri yang datang mengalami kenaikan dari 630.126 orang menjadi 680.468 orang pada tahun 2011. Sedangkan wisatawan yang menginap di hotel non-bintang naik dari 2.220.868 orang pada tahun 2010 orang menjadi 2.377.110 orang pada tahun 2011 (tabel 15.2). Puncak kedatangan wisatawan dalam negeri terjadi pada bulan Desember bertepatan dengan libur akhir tahun yaitu sebanyak 340.385 orang dan wisatawan yang datang paling sedikit dibandingkan dengan bulan-bulan lainnya terjadi pada bulan Agustus yaitu 178.834 orang. (tabel 1.2). ht tp b. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Malam Tamu menunjukkan perkembangan produktifitas dari usaha akomodasi, yang dihitung dengan menjumlahkan banyaknya tamu yang menginap setiap malam. Selama tahun 2011, malam tamu hotel bintang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 11,36 persen; demikian pula untuk hotel non-bintang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 26,68 persen. Secara keseluruhan malam tamu mencapai 5.244.900 malam tamu. Jumlah ini naik 22,26 persen dibandingkan dengan tahun 2010 yang mencapai 4.290.071 malam tamu (tabel 2). Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 b. Number of Guest night Guest night indicates the progress of productivity on accommodation business, which is calculated by totaling the number of guests staying each night. In 2011, the number of guest nights at classified hotels increased to 11.36 percent, while at non-classified hotels, it increased to 26.68 percent. Generally, number of guest nights achieved 5,244,900 guest nights. It increased to 22.26 percent compared with that in 2010 that reached 4,290,071 guest nights. (table 2). 11 Bila dilihat dari asal wisatawan yang datang dan menginap, terjadi peningkatan malam tamu wisatawan mancanegara sebesar 11,21 persen atau dari 299.362 menjadi 332.930 malam tamu. Sedangkan malam tamu wisatawan dalam negeri mengalami kenaikan sebesar 23,09 persen atau dari 3.990.709 menjadi 4.911.970 malam tamu (tabel 2.1 dan 2.2). The number of guest night of foreign tourists showed an increase to 11.21 percent, from 299,362 in 2010 to 332,930 guest nights in 2011. While the number of guest nights of domestic tourists increased to 23.09 percent, from 3,990,709 to 4,911,970 guest nights (table 2.1 and 2.2). Gambar 2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 – 2011 Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification, 2007 - 2011 ar ta .b ak Non Bintang Bintang :// yo gy 5.000.000 4.500.000 4.000.000 3.500.000 3.000.000 2.500.000 2.000.000 1.500.000 1.000.000 500.000 0 ps .g o. id Figure 2 ht tp 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 12 Mancanegara Dalam Negeri Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan (Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri) c. Average Length of Stay of Guests (Foreign and Domestic Guests) Tabel 3 menggambarkan ratarata lama menginap Wisatawan (mancanegara dan dalam negeri) pada hotel bintang dan hotel non bintang. Pada tahun 2011 rata-rata lama menginap tamu di hotel bintang mengalami kenaikan dari 1,70 malam menjadi 1,76 malam. Rata-rata lama menginap tamu di hotel non bintang naik dari 1,35 malam menjadi 1,59 malam. Terlihat bahwa rata-rata menginap tamu di hotel bintang lebih lama daripada di hotel non bintang. of stay of both foreign and domestic Lama Menginap Mancanegara guests at classified and non-classified hotels. In 2011, average length of stay of guests at classified hotels increased from 1.70 nights to 1.76 nights. Average length of stay of guests at non-classified hotels increased from 1.35 nights to 1.59 nights. It is seen that average length of o. id stay of guests at classified hotels was longer than one at nonclassified hotels. c.1. The Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests ar ta .b c.1. Rata-rata Wisatawan Table 3 showed the average length ps .g c. ht tp :// yo gy ak Rata-rata lama menginap wisatawan mancanegara di hotel bintang pada tahun 2011 mencapai 2,13 malam. Bila berdasarkan kelas hotel, hotel bintang dua mencapai rata-rata paling rendah yaitu 1,91 malam; sedangkan yang tertinggi pada hotel bintang empat yaitu 2,41 malam. (tabel 10.1) Secara keseluruhan, rata-rata lama menginap tamu mancanegara pada hotel non bintang mencapai 2,48 malam Rata-rata lama menginap tamu pada kelompok kamar 25-40 menunjukkan angka tertinggi mencapai besaran 3,07 malam. Sementara terendah selama 1,58 malam dicapai hotel kelompok kamar < 10 (tabel 17.1). Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 The average length of stay of foreign guests at classified hotels reach 2.13 nights in 2011. Specified by classified hotel, 2-starhotels reached the lowest number on average length of stay, that of 1.91 nights. While highest one was reached by 4-star hotels, that of 2.41 nights. Average length of stay of foreign guests at non-classified hotels generally reached 2.01 nights. (table 3.1) The average length of stay of tourists at room group 25-40 reached the highest figure, that 3.07 nights. While the lower one was reached by <10 room group, that 1.58 nights (table 17.1). 13 c.2. Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests Secara umum, rata-rata lama menginap wisatawan dalam negeri di hotel bintang naik dari 1,63 malam pada tahun 2010 menjadi 1,71 malam pada tahun 2011. Bila dilihat pada kelas hotel bintang, rata rata lama menginap wisatawan tertinggi dicapai oleh hotel bintang satu dan bintang lima yaitu 1,91 malam, dan yang terendah selama 1,51 malam dicapai pada kelas hotel bintang dua (tabel 10.2). Pada kelas hotel non bintang, rata-rata lama menginap wisatawan dalam negeri mencapai 1,58 malam atau mengalami peningkatan 0,24 malam dibanding tahun 2010. Bila dirinci menurut kelompok kamar, rata-rata lama menginap tertinggi pada hotel kelompok kamar <10 yaitu 1,67 malam, dan yang terendah hanya 1,51 malam dicapai hotel kelompok kamar hotel 25-40 kamar (tabel 17.2). During 2011, the average length of stay of domestic guests (at classified hotels) generally decreased from 1.63 nights to 1.71 nights. Specified by classified hotel, the highest number of average length of stay was achieved by 1-star and 5-star-hotels, that of 1.91 nights; and the lowest number was attained by 2-star-hotels, that of 1.51 nights (table 10.2). o. id c.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri ht tp :// yo gy ak ar ta .b ps .g The average length of stay of domestic guests at non-classified hotels reached 1.58 nights, or it decreased to 0.24 night compared with that in 2010. Specified by group of rooms, the hotels with room < 10 reached the highest number of average length of stay, that of 1.67 nights. While the lowest number was reached by hotels with room 25-40 that of 1.51 nights (table 17.2). 14 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 Gambar 3. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 – 2011 Figure 3 Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification, 2007 - 2011 Hari 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 o. id Bintang 1.00 ps .g 0.50 Non Bintang 0.00 Figure 4 Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotels, 2007 - 2011 ht tp Hari 4 Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang , 2007 – 2011 :// yo gy Gambar 4. Dalam Negeri ak Mancanegara ar ta .b 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 20113 3 2 1 0 * ** *** 2007 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 2008 **** 2009 2010 ***** Total 2011 15 One of the indicators to measure the productivity of hotel was Room Occupancy Rate (ROR) of hotel. Generally, ROR at classified hotel was higher than that at non-classified hotel. In 2011, the rooms occupied at classified hotels were 50.65 percent, while those at non-classified hotel were 34.55 percent. (table 4) o. id Specified by classified hotels, ROR at 5-star-hotels reached the highest number, that of 55.09 percent. While the lowest number was reached at 1-starhotels, that of 35.80 percent. At nonclassified hotel, the highest ROR was achieved by hotels of > 40 room group, that of 36.34 percent, and the lowest ROR was achieved by hotels of 25-40 room group, that of only 27.20 percent. ar ta .b Salah satu indikator untuk melihat produktifitas hotel adalah Tingkat Penghunian Kamar (TPK) hotel. Secara umum TPK hotel bintang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan hotel non bintang. Pada tahun 2011 TPK hotel bintang sebesar 50,65 persen sedangkan TPK hotel non bintang hanya sebesar 34,55 persen. (tabel 4) Berdasarkan kelas hotel bintang, TPK hotel bintang lima mencapai tingkat penghunian yang tertinggi, yaitu 55,09 persen dan terendah hotel bintang satu yaitu hanya 35,80 persen. Sedangkan menurut kelas hotel non bintang, tampak TPK tertinggi dicapai kelompok kamar >40, sebesar 36,34 persen, dan TPK terendah dicapai hotel kelompok kamar 25-40, sebesar 27,20 persen. d. Room Occupancy Rate (ROR) ps .g d. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar (TPK) e. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur ht tp :// yo gy ak Tabel 5 menunjukkan persentase pemakaian tempat tidur hotel setiap malam. Berbeda dengan pemakaian kamar yang bisa dihuni oleh 1 atau lebih orang tamu, maka setiap tempat tidur yang terjual dianggap hanya dipakai oleh 1 orang tamu. Tingkat pemakaian tempat tidur pada hotel bintang tercatat sebesar 61,78 persen, sedangkan pada hotel non bintang hanya sebesar 44,09 persen. Tingkat pemakaian tempat tidur terbesar dicapai hotel bintang 5 sebesar 68,05 persen. Sedangkan pada hotel non bintang sebesar 59,82 persen pada kelompok kamar <10 16 e. Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) Table 5 showed the percentage of bed occupancy of hotel each night. Each bed sold was assumed to be used by one person only. The highest number of bed occupancy rate was recorded by classified hotels that was 61.78 percent, while at non-classified hotels the bed occupancy rate was only 44.09 percent. The highest bed occupancy rate was reached by the 3-stars hotel, that is 68,05percent. While those at nonclassified hotel was reach 59.82 percent by hotels of <10 room group. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 Gambar 5. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 – 2011 Figure 5. Room Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification, 2007 - 2011 TPK / ROR 60 50 40 30 20 o. id 10 0 2008 2009 2011 Non Bintang ar ta .b Bintang 2010 ps .g 2007 ak Gambar 6. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel :// yo gy Bintang , 2011 Figure 6. Room Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel, 2011 ht tp Persen Percent 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 Bintang 1 40.00 Bintang 2 Bintang 3 30.00 Bintang 4 20.00 10.00 Bintang 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bulan/Month Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 17 Gambar 7. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel, 2011 Figure 7. Bed Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification, 2011 Persen 80 70 60 50 40 o. id 30 20 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 Non Bintang :// yo gy f. Rata-rata tamu per kamar ak ar ta .b Bintang 7 ps .g 1 ht tp Rata-rata tamu per kamar adalah perbandingan antara malam tamu dengan malam kamar yang terjual, angka ini menunjukkan rata-rata tamu yang menggunakan setiap kamar. Selama tahun 2011, rata-rata tamu per kamar pada hotel bintang mencapai 1,97 orang (tabel 6). Sedangkan rata-rata tamu per kamar pada kelas hotel non bintang lebih tinggi, yaitu 2,06 orang. Rata-rata tamu per kamar hotel bintang tertinggi dicapai pada bulan Juni sebesar 2,09 orang, dan yang terendah mencapai 1,87 orang pada bulan Januari. Rata-rata tamu per kamar pada hotel non bintang tertinggi sebesar 2,15 pada bulan September dan yang terendah pada bulan Januari sebesar 1,97 orang. Apabila dirinci menurut kelas hotel bintang, tampak kelas hotel 18 f. Average Guest per Room The average guest per room (GPR) is a ratio of guest nights to room nights sold. This figure showed the average number of guests occupying each room. In 2011, the average number of guests per room at classified hotels reached 1.97 persons (table 6). While the average number of guests per room at non-classified hotels was higher, that of 2.06 persons. The highest GPR at classified hotels was reached in June, that of 2.09 persons, and the lowest one was in January that reached 1.87 persons. The highest GPR at non classified hotels was in September, that of 2.15 persons, and the lowest one was in Januari, that of 1.97 persons. Specified by classified hotels, GPR Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 at 3-stars hotel was the highest, that of 2.20 persons, while the lowest one was at 5-star hotel, that of 1.82 person. On the other side, at non-classified hotel, hotels with rooms 25-40 had the highest number of GPR, that of 2.11 persons and the lowest GPR was at hotels with rooms 10-24 that of 2.04 persons. bintang tiga memiliki rata-rata tamu per kamar tertinggi, yaitu 2,20 orang, sedangkan hotel bintang lima mempunyai rata-rata tamu per kamar terkecil yaitu hanya 1,82 orang. Pada hotel non bintang, kelompok 25-40 mengalami rata-rata tamu per kamar terbesar, 2.11 orang dan yang terendah 2,04 orang ditemui pada kelompok kamar 10-24. Gambar 8. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel, 2007 - 2011 Guest per Room by Hotel Classification, 2007 - 2011 ps .g o. id Figure 8. ak ar ta .b Non Bintang :// yo gy Bintang 1.5 ht tp 1 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel – DIY 2011 2011 2 2010 2.5 2009 3 2008 3.5 2007 19 .id go ps . ak ar ta .b yo gy :// tp ht Tabel – tabel Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] Non-Bintang/ Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 51,701 189,871 241,572 Februari/February 53,544 167,755 221,299 Maret/March 55,694 174,807 April/April 65,511 Mei/May 69,396 Juni/June 74,363 go .id Januari/January 230,501 245,317 208,503 277,899 228,721 303,084 82,768 225,629 308,397 47,340 147,726 195,066 68,284 219,994 288,278 68,914 210,987 279,901 66,093 198,519 264,612 79,206 271,202 350,408 782,814 2,423,520 3,206,334 728,572 2,263,070 2,991,642 2009 694,945 2,425,052 3,119,997 2008 640,618 1,986,295 2,626,913 2007 557,757 1,646,073 2,203,830 Agustus/August September/September Oktober/October yo gy November/November ak ar ta .b Juli/July :// Desember/December tp Jumlah/Total ht 2010 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 ps . 179,806 21 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 1.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] [2] Jumlah/Total [3] [4] 5,827 3,054 8,881 Februari/February 6,521 3,232 9,753 Maret/March 7,036 3,613 April/April 8,126 3,080 Mei/May 8,745 Juni/June 8,090 Juli/July 12,705 go .id Januari/January ps . 3,212 10,649 11,206 11,957 11,585 7,688 20,393 9,860 6,372 16,232 10,304 3,984 14,288 9,848 3,620 13,468 7,777 2,544 10,321 7,507 2,516 10,023 102,346 46,410 148,756 98,446 42,202 140,648 2009 97,039 25,228 122,267 2008 90,701 20,008 110,709 2007 65,507 10,696 76,203 September/September Oktober/October yo gy November/November Desember/December tp :// Jumlah/Total ht 2010 ak ar ta .b 3,495 Agustus/August 22 Non-Bintang/ Non-Classified Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 1.2. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Jumlah/Total [3] [4] Januari/January 45,874 186,817 232,691 Februari/February 47,023 164,523 211,546 Maret/March 48,658 171,194 219,852 April/April 57,385 176,726 234,111 Mei/May 60,651 205,291 265,942 Juni/June 66,273 225,226 291,499 70,063 217,941 288,004 37,480 141,354 178,834 57,980 216,010 273,990 59,066 207,367 266,433 58,316 195,975 254,291 71,699 268,686 340,385 680,468 2,377,110 3,057,578 630,126 2,220,868 2,850,994 2009 597,906 2,399,824 2,997,730 2008 549,917 1,966,287 2,516,204 2007 492,250 1,635,377 2,127,627 Juli/July Agustus/August September/September Oktober/October yo gy November/November :// Desember/December tp Jumlah/Total ht 2010 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 ps . .id [2] ak ar ta .b [1] Non-Bintang/ Non-Classified go Classified 23 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [4] Januari/January 89,400 307,238 396,638 Februari/February 93,940 263,366 357,306 Maret/March 101,365 288,744 390,109 April/April 117,147 284,521 401,668 Mei/May 118,947 Juni/June 129,418 September/September go 452,275 333,589 463,007 146,871 360,803 507,674 86,568 277,699 364,267 123,177 356,544 479,721 121,746 335,205 456,951 yo gy Oktober/October 333,328 ak ar ta .b Agustus/August .id [3] Juli/July 117,458 323,517 440,975 Desember/December 133,650 400,659 534,309 Jumlah/Total 1,379,687 3,865,213 5,244,900 2010 1,238,993 3,051,078 4,290,071 2009 1,258,345 3,286,821 4,545,166 2008 1,117,494 2,778,562 3,896,056 2007 1,003,647 2,280,759 3,284,406 tp :// November/November ht 24 Jumlah/Total [2] ps . [1] Non-Bintang/ Non-Classified Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 2.1. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] Non-Bintang/ Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 14,371 8,194 Februari/February 14,599 9,384 Maret/March 17,249 April/April 18,196 Mei/May 20,297 22,565 23,983 25,074 7,868 26,064 7,088 27,385 18,930 7,704 26,634 24,171 18,802 42,973 19,115 16,133 35,248 20,888 10,084 30,972 18,163 10,064 28,227 November/November 15,165 6,421 21,586 Desember/December 16,564 5,655 22,219 Jumlah/Total 217,708 115,222 332,930 2010 214,464 84,898 299,362 2009 205,788 58,171 263,959 2008 207,217 48,523 255,740 2007 181,262 28,243 209,505 Juli/July Agustus/August tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b Juni/June Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 ps . 7,825 ht go .id Januari/January 25 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 2.2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 75,029 299,044 374,073 Februari/February 79,341 253,982 333,323 Maret/March 84,116 280,919 365,035 April/April 98,951 Mei/May 98,650 375,604 326,240 424,890 110,488 325,885 436,373 122,700 342,001 464,701 67,453 261,566 329,019 102,289 346,460 448,749 103,583 325,141 428,724 November/November 102,293 317,096 419,389 Desember/December 117,086 395,004 512,090 Jumlah/Total 1,161,979 3,749,991 4,911,970 2010 1,024,529 2,966,180 3,990,709 2009 1,052,557 3,228,650 4,281,207 2008 910,276 2,730,039 3,640,315 2007 822,385 2,252,515 3,074,900 Juli/July Agustus/August tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 276,653 ht ps . go .id Januari/January Juni/June 26 Non-Bintang/ Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 3. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bintang/ Classified [1] Non-Bintang/ Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 1.73 1.62 Februari/February 1.75 1.57 Maret/March 1.82 April/April 1.79 Mei/May 1.71 go Januari/January .id Bulan/Month ps . 1.65 1.64 1.61 1.69 1.64 1.60 1.63 1.74 1.46 1.53 1.78 1.60 1.65 1.83 1.88 1.87 1.80 1.62 1.66 1.77 1.59 1.63 November/November 1.78 1.63 1.67 Desember/December 1.69 1.48 1.52 Jumlah/Total 1.76 1.59 1.64 2010 1.70 1.35 1.43 2009 1.81 1.36 1.46 2008 1.74 1.40 1.48 2007 1.80 1.39 1.49 Juni/June Juli/July Agustus/August ht tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 1.58 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 27 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 3.1. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bintang/ Classified [1] Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 2.47 2.68 Februari/February 2.24 2.90 Maret/March 2.45 April/April 2.24 Mei/May 2.32 go Januari/January ps . 2.17 2.54 2.46 2.35 2.33 2.21 2.29 2.34 2.20 2.30 1.91 2.45 2.11 1.94 2.53 2.17 2.02 2.53 2.17 1.85 2.78 2.10 November/November 1.96 2.52 2.09 Desember/December 2.20 2.25 2.22 Jumlah/Total 2.13 2.48 2.24 2010 2.18 2.01 2.13 2009 2.12 2.31 2.16 2008 2.28 2.43 2.31 2007 2.77 2.64 2.75 Juli/July Agustus/August ht tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 2.55 Juni/June 28 Non-Bintang/ .id Bulan/Month Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 3.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bintang/ Classified [1] Non-Bintang/ Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 1.64 1.60 Februari/February 1.69 1.54 Maret/March 1.73 April/April 1.72 Mei/May 1.63 go Januari/January .id Bulan/Month ps . 1.64 1.61 1.58 1.66 1.60 1.59 1.60 1.67 1.45 1.50 1.75 1.57 1.61 1.80 1.85 1.84 1.76 1.60 1.64 1.75 1.57 1.61 November/November 1.76 1.62 1.65 Desember/December 1.64 1.47 1.50 Jumlah/Total 1.71 1.58 1.61 2010 1.63 1.34 1.40 2009 1.76 1.35 1.43 2008 1.66 1.39 1.45 2007 1.67 1.38 1.45 Juni/June Juli/July Agustus/August ht tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 1.57 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 29 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 4. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel Room Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 39.31 32.81 34.63 Februari/February 43.71 30.25 33.41 Maret/March 43.51 28.92 32.99 April/April 47.44 Mei/May 49.75 ps . go .id Januari/January 35.36 33.88 37.90 53.80 36.64 41.09 61.24 37.70 42.76 36.87 27.06 31.01 57.12 35.66 41.08 58.03 33.04 39.44 November/November 56.67 33.36 38.71 Desember/December 62.02 40.54 45.28 Juli/July Agustus/August tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 30.59 Juni/June Jumlah/Total 50.65 34.55 37.82 2010 48.83 31.59 35.34 2009 49.44 33.66 36.94 2008 49.26 30.97 35.73 2007 45.85 24.17 29.11 ht 30 Non-Bintang/ Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 5. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel menurut Kelas Hotel Bed Occupancy Rate by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bulan/Month Bintang/ Classified [1] Non-Bintang/ Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 45.83 41.21 42.17 Februari/February 53.16 38.76 41.73 Maret/March 53.61 39.20 42.14 April/April 61.64 Mei/May 63.28 ps . go .id Januari/January 44.87 44.44 48.21 69.61 47.12 51.80 76.73 49.55 55.21 45.00 38.65 39.99 65.99 48.46 52.01 66.48 43.94 48.31 November/November 67.86 43.65 48.03 Desember/December 75.09 52.98 57.19 Juni/June Juli/July Agustus/August tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 40.35 61.78 44.09 47.68 2010 57.97 41.00 44.78 2009 61.41 45.80 49.27 2008 55.33 39.60 43.97 2007 55.33 28.55 33.50 ht Jumlah/Total Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 31 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 6. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel Guest Per Room by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bintang/ Classified [1] Jumlah/Total Non-Classified [2] [3] [4] 1.87 2.00 Februari/February 1.96 2.06 Maret/March 1.99 April/April 2.04 Mei/May 2.05 go Januari/January ps . 2.07 1.97 2.03 2.05 2.00 2.07 2.07 2.09 2.02 2.04 2.02 2.10 2.08 1.98 2.08 2.05 1.88 2.15 2.07 1.86 2.04 1.99 November/November 1.94 2.09 2.04 Desember/December 1.95 2.08 2.05 Jumlah/Total 1.97 2.06 2.04 2010 1.94 2.04 2.01 2009 2.02 2.04 2.03 2008 2.20 3.06 2.75 2007 1.98 2.51 2.32 Juli/July Agustus/August ht tp :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September ak ar ta .b 1.99 Juni/June 32 Non-Bintang/ .id Bulan/Month Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 Hotel Bintang+non Bintang Classified+non Classified Hotel Tabel 7. Persentase Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Hotel Classification 2011 Kelas Hotel/Hotel Classification Bintang/ Non-Bintang/ Classified m.negara/ foreign [2] d.negeri/ domestic [3] m.negara/ foreign [4] d.negeri/ domestic [5] 11.27 88.73 1.61 Februari/February 12.18 87.82 1.93 Maret/March 12.63 87.37 2.07 April/April 12.40 87.60 Mei/May 12.60 87.40 Juni/June m.negara/ foreign [6] 98.39 d.negeri/ domestic [7] 3.68 96.32 98.07 4.41 95.59 go Januari/January ak ar ta .b [1] Jumlah/Total Non-Classified 97.93 4.62 95.38 1.71 98.29 4.57 95.43 1.54 98.46 4.30 95.70 10.88 89.12 1.53 98.47 3.82 96.18 15.35 84.65 3.41 96.59 6.61 93.39 20.83 79.17 4.31 95.69 8.32 91.68 15.09 84.91 1.81 98.19 4.96 95.04 14.29 85.71 1.72 98.28 4.81 95.19 November/November 11.77 88.23 1.28 98.72 3.90 96.10 Desember/December 9.48 90.52 0.93 99.07 2.86 97.14 Jumlah/Total tp 13.07 86.93 1.91 98.09 4.64 95.36 ht ps . .id Bulan/Month 2010 13.51 86.49 1.86 98.14 4.70 95.30 2009 13.96 86.04 1.04 98.96 3.92 96.08 2008 14.16 85.84 1.01 98.99 4.21 95.79 2007 11.74 88.26 0.65 99.35 3.46 96.54 Juli/July Agustus/August :// Oktober/October yo gy September/September Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel - DIY 2011 33 Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 8. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang Tabel 14. P menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel Percenta 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel 2 3 4 Bulan/Month 1 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Jumlah/ 5 Total [6] [7] 3,034 5,879 11,276 22,007 9,505 51,701 Februari/February 2,653 5,911 12,372 21,906 10,702 53,544 Maret/March 3,160 6,133 12,076 24,787 9,538 55,694 April/April 3,718 7,836 13,272 Mei/May 3,740 8,986 14,423 Juni/June 4,267 9,667 15,258 Juli/July 5,010 9,276 Agustus/August 2,206 September/September Oktober/October go .id Januari/January 13,404 65,511 28,737 13,510 69,396 30,007 15,164 74,363 15,691 32,655 20,136 82,768 5,555 9,858 18,970 10,751 47,340 4,310 8,301 12,168 27,978 15,527 68,284 4,146 9,636 12,971 24,200 17,961 68,914 3,924 9,284 24,042 16,811 66,093 Desember/December yo gy 12,032 4,845 12,124 16,897 27,872 17,468 79,206 45,013 98,588 158,294 310,442 170,477 782,814 2010 39,795 40,254 157,987 336,090 154,446 728,572 2009 38,984 40,543 128,641 331,960 154,817 694,945 2008 38,754 33,027 120,226 321,081 127,530 640,618 2007 57,428 17,574 115,600 277,097 90,058 557,757 :// November/November tp ak ar ta .b ps . 27,281 ht Jumlah/Total Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 35 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 8.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel [1] 1 2 3 4 5 Total [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 2,447 5,827 Januari/January 121 413 700 2,146 Februari/February 134 600 785 2,053 Maret/March 127 710 1,079 2,685 April/April 122 696 1,089 Mei/May 125 691 Juni/June 140 Juli/July 331 Agustus/August 337 September/September 183 Oktober/October 189 6,521 2,435 7,036 2,393 3,826 8,126 1,011 3,083 3,835 8,745 552 1,022 2,222 4,154 8,090 1,401 1,663 3,492 5,818 12,705 1,156 1,421 2,906 4,040 9,860 778 1,214 3,646 4,483 10,304 789 1,171 2,431 5,268 9,848 ps . ak ar ta .b yo gy go 2,949 242 925 1,216 1,095 4,299 7,777 Desember/December 154 510 1,563 983 4,297 7,507 :// November/November 2,205 9,221 13,934 29,135 47,851 102,346 2010 2,373 3,884 14,456 33,831 43,902 98,446 2009 2,740 5,191 12,998 31,683 44,427 97,039 2008 2,195 4,212 9,235 33,388 41,671 90,701 2007 3,681 1,284 4,962 29,628 25,952 65,507 tp Jumlah/Total ht 36 Jumlah/ .id Bulan/Month Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 8.2. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Bulan/Month [1] Jumlah/ 1 2 3 4 5 Total [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 2,913 5,466 10,576 19,861 Februari/February 2,519 5,311 11,587 19,853 7,753 47,023 Maret/March 3,033 5,423 10,997 22,102 7,103 48,658 April/April 3,596 7,140 12,183 24,888 9,578 57,385 Mei/May 3,615 8,295 13,412 25,654 9,675 60,651 Juni/June 4,127 9,115 14,236 27,785 11,010 66,273 Juli/July 4,679 7,875 14,028 29,163 14,318 70,063 Agustus/August 1,869 4,399 8,437 16,064 6,711 37,480 September/September 4,127 7,523 10,954 24,332 11,044 57,980 Oktober/October 3,957 8,847 11,800 21,769 12,693 59,066 go ps . ak ar ta .b yo gy 7,058 .id Januari/January 45,874 3,682 8,359 10,816 22,947 12,512 58,316 Desember/December 4,691 11,614 15,334 26,889 13,171 71,699 42,808 89,367 144,360 281,307 122,626 680,468 2010 37,422 36,370 143,531 302,259 110,544 630,126 2009 36,244 35,352 115,643 300,277 110,390 597,906 2008 36,559 28,815 110,991 287,693 85,859 549,917 2007 53,747 16,290 110,638 247,469 64,106 492,250 tp Jumlah/Total ht :// November/November Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 37 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 9. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 16,661 89,400 7,675 9,342 18,763 36,959 Februari/February 5,298 9,330 20,272 40,662 Maret/March 5,844 10,311 22,793 April/April 7,432 11,644 24,002 Mei/May 7,125 14,418 25,393 Juni/June 8,300 15,213 Juli/July 9,395 Agustus/August .id Januari/January go 18,378 93,940 16,574 101,365 48,623 25,446 117,147 46,628 25,383 118,947 29,157 47,978 28,770 129,418 15,085 29,178 56,315 36,898 146,871 4,149 9,906 16,793 33,015 22,705 86,568 September/September 7,149 13,248 19,637 52,185 30,958 123,177 Oktober/October 7,570 14,298 19,595 45,718 34,565 121,746 November/November 7,445 13,804 17,863 43,168 35,178 117,458 Desember/December 8,903 16,406 26,188 47,480 34,673 133,650 yo gy ak ar ta .b ps . 45,843 Jumlah/Total tp 86,285 153,005 269,634 544,574 326,189 1,379,687 ht :// 38 Jumlah/ Bulan/Month 2010 75,035 59,870 239,235 574,890 289,963 1,238,993 2009 76,005 76,096 186,718 587,028 332,498 1,258,345 2008 75,431 57,815 179,050 541,924 263,435 1,117,654 2007 112,131 27,931 173,875 517,960 171,348 1,003,245 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 9.1. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Jumlah/ Bulan/Month 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 276 706 1,841 7,168 4,380 14,371 Februari/February 260 1,098 2,080 6,118 5,043 14,599 Maret/March 385 1,200 3,108 April/April 240 1,148 3,169 Mei/May 256 1,893 2,861 Juni/June 294 994 Juli/July 645 Agustus/August 4,286 17,249 4,571 9,068 18,196 6,351 8,936 20,297 2,678 4,911 10,053 18,930 2,564 3,226 7,613 10,123 24,171 691 2,208 3,041 6,509 6,666 19,115 September/September 339 1,587 2,877 7,657 8,428 20,888 Oktober/October 408 1,381 2,131 5,445 8,798 18,163 November/November 339 1,767 2,396 3,011 7,652 15,165 Desember/December 365 1,076 3,954 2,575 8,594 16,564 Jumlah/Total tp 4,498 17,622 33,362 70,199 92,027 217,708 2010 6,017 5,302 34,500 81,642 87,003 214,464 2009 7,271 9,835 25,561 63,085 100,037 205,788 2008 4,600 9,202 20,608 80,312 92,467 207,217 2007 8,857 3,729 19,089 87,891 61,292 181,262 :// yo gy ak ar ta .b ps . 8,270 ht go .id Januari/January Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 39 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 9.2. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Jumlah/ Bulan/Month 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 7,399 8,636 16,922 29,791 12,281 75,029 Februari/February 5,038 8,232 18,192 34,544 13,335 79,341 Maret/March 5,459 9,111 19,685 April/April 7,192 10,496 20,833 Mei/May 6,869 12,525 22,532 Juni/June 8,006 14,219 Juli/July 8,750 Agustus/August go .id Januari/January 12,288 84,116 44,052 16,378 98,951 40,277 16,447 98,650 26,479 43,067 18,717 110,488 12,521 25,952 48,702 26,775 122,700 3,458 7,698 13,752 26,506 16,039 67,453 September/September 6,810 11,661 16,760 44,528 22,530 102,289 Oktober/October 7,162 12,917 17,464 40,273 25,767 103,583 November/November 7,106 12,037 15,467 40,157 27,526 102,293 Desember/December 8,538 15,330 22,234 44,905 26,079 117,086 40 Jumlah/Total tp 81,787 135,383 236,272 474,375 234,162 1,161,979 ht :// yo gy ak ar ta .b ps . 37,573 2010 69,018 54,568 204,735 493,248 202,960 1,024,529 2009 68,734 66,262 161,158 523,943 232,460 1,052,557 2008 70,831 48,613 158,442 461,612 170,967 910,276 2007 103,275 24,202 154,786 430,068 110,055 822,385 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 10. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Jumlah/ 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Januari/January 2.53 1.59 1.66 1.68 1.75 1.73 Februari/February 2.00 1.57 1.64 1.86 1.71 1.75 Maret/March 1.85 1.68 1.89 April/April 2.00 1.49 1.81 Mei/May 1.90 1.60 1.76 Juni/June 1.95 Juli/July 1.88 Agustus/August 1.88 September/September 1.66 Oktober/October 1.82 go .id Bulan/Month 1.74 1.82 1.78 1.90 1.79 1.62 1.88 1.71 ak ar ta .b ps . 1.85 1.91 1.60 1.89 1.74 1.63 1.86 1.73 1.83 1.78 1.79 1.71 1.74 2.11 1.83 1.60 1.62 1.86 1.99 1.80 1.48 1.51 1.89 1.93 1.77 yo gy 1.57 1.91 1.48 1.49 1.80 2.09 1.78 Desember/December 1.84 1.35 1.55 1.71 1.99 1.69 Jumlah/Total tp 1.92 1.55 1.70 1.75 1.91 ht :// November/November 2010 1.89 1.49 1.51 1.71 1.88 1.70 2009 1.95 1.88 1.45 1.77 2.15 1.81 2008 1.95 1.75 1.49 1.69 2.07 1.74 2007 1.95 1.59 1.50 1.87 1.90 1.80 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 1.76 41 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 10.1. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Januari/January 2.28 1.71 2.63 3.34 1.79 2.47 Februari/February 1.94 1.83 2.65 2.98 Maret/March 3.03 1.69 2.88 April/April 1.97 1.65 2.91 Mei/May 2.05 2.74 2.83 Juni/June 2.10 Juli/July 1.95 Agustus/August 2.05 September/September 1.85 Oktober/October 2.16 .id Bulan/Month go 1.71 3.08 1.76 2.45 1.91 2.37 2.24 2.06 2.33 2.32 ps . ak ar ta .b 2.24 2.62 2.21 2.42 2.34 1.83 1.94 2.18 1.74 1.91 1.91 2.14 2.24 1.65 1.94 2.04 2.37 2.10 1.88 2.02 1.75 1.82 2.24 1.67 1.85 yo gy 1.80 November/November 1.65 1.91 1.97 2.75 1.78 1.96 Desember/December 2.37 2.11 2.53 2.62 2.00 2.20 Jumlah/Total tp 2.04 1.91 2.39 2.41 1.92 2.13 ht :// 42 Jumlah/ 2010 2.54 1.37 2.39 2.41 1.98 2.18 2009 2.65 1.89 1.97 1.99 2.25 2.12 2008 2.10 2.18 2.23 2.41 2.22 2.28 2007 2.41 2.90 3.85 2.97 2.36 2.77 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 10.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Jumlah/ 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Januari/January 2.54 1.58 1.60 1.50 1.74 1.64 Februari/February 2.00 1.55 1.57 1.74 1.72 1.69 Maret/March 1.80 1.68 1.79 April/April 2.00 1.47 1.71 Mei/May 1.90 1.51 1.68 Juni/June 1.94 Juli/July 1.87 Agustus/August 1.85 September/September 1.65 Oktober/October 1.81 go .id Bulan/Month 1.73 1.73 1.77 1.71 1.72 1.57 1.70 1.63 ak ar ta .b ps . 1.70 1.86 1.55 1.70 1.67 1.59 1.85 1.67 1.87 1.75 1.75 1.63 1.65 2.39 1.80 1.55 1.53 1.83 2.04 1.76 1.46 1.48 1.85 2.03 1.75 yo gy 1.56 1.93 1.44 1.43 1.75 2.20 1.76 Desember/December 1.82 1.32 1.45 1.67 1.98 1.64 Jumlah/Total tp 1.91 1.51 1.64 1.69 1.91 1.71 ht :// November/November 2010 1.84 1.50 1.43 1.63 1.84 1.63 2009 1.90 1.87 1.39 1.74 2.11 1.76 2008 1.94 1.69 1.43 1.60 1.99 1.66 2007 1.92 1.49 1.40 1.74 1.72 1.67 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 43 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 11. Tingkat Penghunian Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Room Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Jumlah/ 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 36.76 39.31 39.90 43.71 42.06 30.21 42.36 41.88 Februari/February 29.77 36.86 47.72 49.58 Maret/March 29.44 34.83 49.32 April/April 33.17 41.33 52.06 Mei/May 37.00 44.12 52.96 Juni/June 39.97 Juli/July 42.36 Agustus/August 21.19 September/September 36.09 Oktober/October 38.19 go Januari/January .id Bulan/Month 41.01 43.51 50.35 48.17 47.44 54.99 47.30 49.75 ak ar ta .b ps . 48.06 56.18 57.64 51.76 53.80 51.21 59.13 63.90 70.58 61.24 38.42 38.18 38.90 37.83 36.87 50.16 48.98 67.76 58.17 57.12 52.54 48.82 62.58 68.76 58.03 yo gy 53.00 38.29 53.96 44.91 64.52 62.26 56.67 Desember/December 42.44 55.14 57.77 66.84 69.04 62.02 44 Jumlah/Total tp 35.80 45.11 49.85 55.09 52.87 50.65 ht :// November/November 2010 37.23 28.48 53.77 52.77 49.09 48.83 2009 37.96 38.30 53.43 52.38 49.21 49.44 2008 33.01 32.63 54.21 52.54 55.03 49.26 2007 35.76 23.93 44.07 49.56 51.73 45.85 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 12. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Bed Occupancy Rate by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel Bulan/Month Jumlah/ 2 3 4 5 Total [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Januari/January 49.72 37.25 49.48 48.81 40.72 45.83 Februari/February 34.58 42.88 59.27 59.45 Maret/March 34.47 42.96 60.31 April/April 42.91 50.32 65.50 Mei/May 41.95 59.87 67.23 Juni/June 50.63 Juli/July 57.57 Agustus/August 24.00 September/September 42.69 Oktober/October 43.77 go 53.16 60.54 47.88 53.61 66.34 64.17 61.64 68.38 61.96 63.28 ps . ak ar ta .b 49.59 65.42 79.52 68.64 72.47 69.61 62.89 77.28 77.77 90.16 76.73 41.29 44.50 45.62 55.41 45.00 57.08 53.73 74.15 77.90 65.99 59.39 51.93 72.40 84.50 66.48 yo gy [1] .id 1 44.90 59.33 54.95 70.73 80.74 67.86 Desember/December 52.57 68.28 78.00 75.26 85.95 75.09 Jumlah/Total tp 43.23 53.90 61.72 65.32 68.05 61.78 ht :// November/November 2010 41.06 33.34 66.67 61.44 60.33 57.97 2009 43.02 48.19 65.66 61.67 69.52 61.41 2008 42.76 43.36 65.50 58.28 79.54 60.60 2007 44.20 26.73 50.50 61.21 64.59 55.33 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 45 . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel Tabel 13. Rata-rata Tamu Per Kamar menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Guest Per Room by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel 1 2 3 4 5 Total [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 2.06 2.09 1.91 1.56 1.87 Februari/February 1.86 1.97 2.21 1.97 1.75 1.96 Maret/March 1.88 2.08 2.18 1.64 1.99 April/April 1.91 2.05 2.25 2.07 1.88 2.04 Mei/May 1.82 2.30 2.26 2.04 1.84 2.05 Juni/June 2.03 2.08 2.53 1.98 1.97 2.09 Juli/July 2.10 2.07 2.33 2.02 1.80 2.02 Agustus/August 1.85 1.81 2.07 1.95 2.06 1.98 September/September 1.94 1.92 1.95 1.83 1.89 1.88 ak ar ta .b ps . 2.06 1.87 1.91 1.89 1.94 1.73 1.86 November/November 1.90 1.86 2.15 1.84 2.01 1.94 Desember/December 1.98 2.09 2.37 1.89 1.73 1.95 tp ht yo gy .id 1.86 go Januari/January 1.92 2.02 2.20 1.96 1.82 1.97 2010 1.87 2.09 2.13 1.98 1.72 1.94 2009 1.91 2.19 2.14 2.01 1.97 2.02 2008 1.37 4.42 2.27 2.08 2.65 2.20 2007 2.03 2.13 2.21 1.99 1.72 1.98 :// Oktober/October Jumlah/Total 46 Jumlah/ Bulan/Month Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 . Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 . . Hotel Bintang Classified Hotel . . Tabel 14. Persentase Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang menurut Kelas Hotel Bintang Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Classified Hotel 2011 Kelas Hotel Bintang/Classified Hotel 2 3 4 1 Bulan/Month m.negara /foreign [1] [2] d.negeri /domestic [3] m.negara /foreign [4] d.negeri /domestic [5] m.negara /foreign [6] d.negeri /domestic m.negara /foreign [7] [8] d.negeri /domestic 5 m.negara /foreign [9] Jumlah/Total d.negeri /domestic [10] [11] m.negara /foreign [12] d.negeri /domestic [13] 3.99 96.01 7.03 92.97 6.21 93.79 9.75 90.25 25.74 74.26 11.27 88.73 Februari/February 5.05 94.95 10.15 89.85 6.34 93.66 9.37 90.63 27.56 72.44 12.18 87.82 Maret/March 4.02 95.98 11.58 88.42 8.94 91.06 10.83 89.17 25.53 74.47 12.63 87.37 April/April 3.28 96.72 8.88 91.12 8.21 91.79 Mei/May 3.34 96.66 7.69 92.31 7.01 92.99 10.73 89.27 28.39 71.61 12.60 87.40 Juni/June 3.28 96.72 Juli/July 6.61 93.39 15.10 84.90 10.60 89.40 10.69 89.31 28.89 71.11 15.35 84.65 go ps . ak ar ta .b 5.71 94.29 .id Januari/January 6.70 93.30 8.77 91.23 28.54 71.46 12.40 87.60 7.40 92.60 27.39 72.61 10.88 89.12 15.28 84.72 20.81 79.19 14.41 85.59 15.32 84.68 37.58 62.42 20.83 79.17 Agustus/August 4.25 95.75 9.37 90.63 Oktober /October 4.56 95.44 8.19 91.81 November /November 6.17 93.83 9.96 90.04 10.11 89.89 4.55 95.45 25.57 74.43 11.77 88.23 Desember /December 3.18 96.82 4.21 95.79 9.25 90.75 3.53 96.47 24.60 75.40 9.39 90.61 28.07 71.93 13.07 86.93 9.98 90.02 13.03 86.97 28.87 71.13 15.09 84.91 9.03 90.97 10.05 89.95 29.33 70.67 14.29 85.71 9.48 90.52 Jumlah/Total 4.90 95.10 9.35 90.65 8.80 91.20 2010 5.96 94.04 9.65 90.35 9.15 90.85 10.07 89.93 28.43 71.57 13.51 86.49 2009 7.03 92.97 12.80 87.20 10.10 89.90 2008 5.66 94.34 12.75 87.25 7.68 92.32 10.40 89.60 32.68 67.32 14.16 85.84 2007 6.41 93.59 4.29 95.71 10.69 89.31 28.82 71.18 11.74 88.26 ht tp :// yo gy September/September Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 7.31 92.69 9.54 90.46 28.70 71.30 13.96 86.04 47 . Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 15. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang Tabel pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group Percentage o 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month [1] < 10 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Jumlah/ Total [6] 49,010 78,832 27,451 34,578 189,871 Februari/February 41,584 71,972 22,843 31,356 167,755 Maret/March 49,925 73,737 23,423 27,722 174,807 April/April 51,656 71,666 25,772 30,712 179,806 Mei/May 54,606 78,974 31,289 43,634 208,503 Juni/June 57,476 89,973 35,501 45,771 228,721 Juli/July 54,096 94,111 36,735 40,687 225,629 Agustus/August 45,858 59,119 20,997 21,752 147,726 September/September 58,191 87,373 32,185 42,245 219,994 Oktober/October 57,684 81,543 29,167 42,593 210,987 November/November 52,062 72,036 30,642 43,779 198,519 Desember/December 70,107 99,090 42,750 59,255 271,202 642,255 958,426 358,755 464,084 2,423,520 883,167 761,179 380,572 238,152 2,263,070 2009 1,073,303 704,845 418,381 228,523 2,425,052 2008 790,605 633,510 378,504 183,676 1,986,295 2007 621,214 608,039 293,869 122,952 1,646,073 ht 2010 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 go ps . ak ar ta .b yo gy :// tp Jumlah/Total .id Januari/January 49 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 15.1. Jumlah Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Foreign Guests Visiting by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Bulan/Month < 10 [1] [2] [3] [4] 41+ Jumlah/ Total [5] [6] 879 1,069 730 376 3,054 Februari/February 879 1,318 652 383 3,232 1,042 1,328 577 666 3,613 April/April 879 1,283 599 319 3,080 Mei/May 951 1,216 736 309 3,212 Juni/June 1,010 1,018 906 561 3,495 Juli/July 1,519 3,105 2,350 714 7,688 Agustus/August 1,093 2,266 1,858 1,155 6,372 September/September 1,088 1,059 1,174 663 3,984 Oktober/October 1,109 1,067 959 485 3,620 ak ar ta .b ps . go .id Januari/January Maret/March 727 959 623 235 2,544 Desember/December 888 672 592 364 2,516 16,360 11,756 6,230 46,410 :// yo gy November/November 12,064 2010 15,199 11,958 12,360 2,685 42,202 ht tp Jumlah/Total 50 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group 10-24 25-40 2009 1,804 10,980 7,739 4,705 25,228 2008 291 8,148 9,161 2,408 20,008 2007 272 7,088 1,195 2,141 10,696 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 15.2. Jumlah Wisatawan Dalam Negeri yang Datang pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Domestic Guests Visiting by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Bulan/Month < 10 41+ Jumlah/ Total [3] [4] [5] [6] Januari/January 48,131 77,763 26,721 34,202 186,817 Februari/February 40,705 70,654 22,191 30,973 164,523 Maret/March 48,883 72,409 22,846 27,056 171,194 April/April 50,777 70,383 25,173 30,393 176,726 Mei/May 53,655 77,758 30,553 43,325 205,291 Juni/June 56,466 88,955 34,595 45,210 225,226 Juli/July 52,577 91,006 34,385 39,973 217,941 Agustus/August 44,765 56,853 19,139 20,597 141,354 September/September 57,103 86,314 31,011 41,582 216,010 Oktober/October 56,575 80,476 28,208 42,108 207,367 yo gy ps . go .id [2] ak ar ta .b [1] Kelompok Kamar/Room Group 10-24 25-40 51,335 71,077 30,019 43,544 195,975 Desember/December 69,219 98,418 42,158 58,891 268,686 630,191 942,066 346,999 457,854 2,377,110 2010 867,968 749,221 368,212 235,467 2,220,868 2009 1,071,499 693,865 410,642 223,818 2,399,824 2008 790,314 625,362 369,343 181,268 1,966,287 2007 620,942 600,951 292,673 120,811 1,635,377 :// November/November ht tp Jumlah/Total Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 51 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 16. Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Guest Nights of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Bulan/Month < 10 [1] [2] [3] 41+ Jumlah/ Total [4] [5] [6] 72,388 126,380 51,804 56,666 307,238 Februari/February 63,498 105,295 38,817 55,756 263,366 Maret/March 84,435 117,135 35,618 51,556 288,744 April/April 83,701 109,552 39,592 51,676 284,521 Mei/May 93,866 117,234 47,735 74,493 333,328 Juni/June 90,015 125,530 48,481 69,563 333,589 Juli/July 90,784 140,932 57,156 71,931 360,803 Agustus/August 93,397 111,632 39,076 33,594 277,699 September/September 99,033 138,669 51,056 67,786 356,544 101,757 123,191 45,891 64,366 335,205 go ps . ak ar ta .b 91,470 114,891 43,632 73,524 323,517 Desember/December 104,327 145,283 59,534 91,515 400,659 1,068,671 1,475,724 558,392 762,426 3,865,213 2010 1,065,577 1,070,792 554,047 360,662 3,051,078 2009 1,289,036 1,013,052 593,026 391,708 3,286,822 2008 960,657 939,611 575,638 302,655 2,778,562 2007 673,344 928,164 459,671 219,580 2,280,759 :// November/November tp yo gy .id Januari/January Oktober/October ht Jumlah/Total 52 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group 10-24 25-40 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 16.1 Banyaknya Malam Tamu Mancanegara pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Guest Nights of Foreign Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Januari/January 1,635 2,737 2,905 917 8,194 Februari/February 1,626 2,847 3,977 934 9,384 Maret/March 1,334 3,453 1,806 1,232 7,825 April/April 1,442 3,977 1,833 616 7,868 Mei/May 1,579 2,152 2,517 840 7,088 Juni/June 1,363 1,883 3,162 1296 7,704 Juli/July 1,929 8,973 5,922 1,978 18,802 Agustus/August 1,629 7,591 4,626 2,287 16,133 September/September 1,958 3,156 3,299 1,671 10,084 Oktober/October 1,619 4,087 2,733 1,625 10,064 806 6,421 go ak ar ta .b yo gy [1] .id < 10 Jumlah/ Total ps . Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month November/November 1,120 2,589 1,906 Desember/December 1,883 1,593 1,356 Jumlah/Total 19,117 45,038 2010 26,040 2009 5,655 36,042 15,025 115,222 25,420 26,093 7,345 84,898 2,913 22,990 15,813 16,455 58,171 2008 953 20,138 20,296 7,136 48,523 2007 849 20,439 3,141 3,814 28,243 ht tp :// 823 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 53 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 16.2 Banyaknya Malam Tamu Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Number of Guest Nights of Domestic Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group < 10 10-24 25-40 41+ Jumlah/ Total [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 55,749 299,044 Bulan/Month [1] 70,753 123,643 48,899 Februari/February 61,872 102,448 34,840 Maret/March 83,101 113,682 33,812 50,324 280,919 April/April 82,259 105,575 37,759 51,060 276,653 Mei/May 92,287 115,082 45,218 73,653 326,240 Juni/June 88,652 123,647 45,319 68,267 325,885 Juli/July 88,855 131,959 51,234 69,953 342,001 Agustus/August 91,768 104,041 34,450 31,307 261,566 September/September 97,075 135,513 47,757 66,115 346,460 100,138 119,104 43,158 62,741 325,141 November/November 90,350 112,302 41,726 72,718 317,096 Desember/December 102,444 143,690 58,178 90,692 395,004 54 go ps . ak ar ta .b yo gy 54,822 tp 253,982 Jumlah/Total 1,049,554 1,430,686 522,350 747,401 3,749,991 ht :// Oktober/October .id Januari/January 2010 1,039,537 1,045,372 527,954 353,317 2,966,180 2009 1,286,123 990,061 577,214 375,252 3,228,650 2008 959,704 919,473 555,343 295,519 2,730,039 2007 672,495 907,725 456,530 215,766 2,252,515 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 17. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month Jumlah/ Total 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Januari/January 1.48 1.60 1.88 1.64 1.62 Februari/February 1.52 1.47 1.70 Maret/March 1.69 1.59 1.52 April/April 1.63 1.53 Mei/May 1.72 1.48 Juni/June 1.57 1.39 Juli/July 1.67 Agustus/August [1] .id < 10 1.57 1.86 1.65 1.54 1.68 1.58 1.52 1.71 1.60 1.37 1.52 1.46 1.50 1.56 1.77 1.60 2.04 1.89 1.86 1.55 1.88 September/September 1.71 1.59 1.59 1.61 1.62 Oktober/October 1.76 1.51 1.57 1.51 1.59 yo gy ak ar ta .b ps . go 1.78 1.76 1.59 1.43 1.68 1.63 Desember/December 1.49 1.46 1.39 1.55 1.48 1.66 1.54 1.56 1.64 1.59 2010 1.21 1.41 1.46 1.51 1.35 2009 1.20 1.44 1.42 1.71 1.36 2008 1.22 1.48 1.52 1.65 1.40 2007 1.08 1.53 1.56 1.79 1.39 tp Jumlah/Total ht :// November/November Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 55 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 17.1. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Mancanegara pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Average Length of Stay of Foreign Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Januari/January 1.86 2.56 3.98 2.44 Februari/February 1.85 2.16 6.10 Maret/March 1.28 2.60 3.13 April/April 1.64 3.10 Mei/May 1.66 1.77 Juni/June 1.35 1.85 Juli/July 1.27 Agustus/August 2.68 2.90 1.85 2.17 3.06 1.93 2.55 3.42 2.72 2.21 3.49 2.31 2.20 2.89 2.52 2.77 2.45 1.49 3.35 2.49 1.98 2.53 September/September 1.80 2.98 2.81 2.52 2.53 Oktober/October 1.46 3.83 2.85 3.35 2.78 November/November 1.54 2.70 3.06 3.43 2.52 Desember/December 2.12 2.37 2.29 2.26 2.25 yo gy ak ar ta .b ps . 2.44 Jumlah/Total tp 1.58 2.75 3.07 2.41 2.48 ht :// 56 [6] go [1] .id < 10 Jumlah/ Total 2010 1.71 2.13 2.11 2.74 2.01 2009 1.61 2.09 2.04 3.50 2.31 2008 3.27 2.47 2.22 2.96 2.43 2007 3.12 2.88 2.63 1.78 2.64 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 17.2. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Wisatawan Dalam Negeri pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Average Length of Stay of Domestic Guests by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month Jumlah/ Total 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Januari/January 1.47 1.59 1.83 1.63 1.60 Februari/February 1.52 1.45 1.57 1.77 1.54 Maret/March 1.70 1.57 1.48 April/April 1.62 1.50 Mei/May 1.72 1.48 Juni/June 1.57 1.39 Juli/July 1.69 Agustus/August September/September go 1.64 1.50 1.68 1.57 1.48 1.70 1.59 1.31 1.51 1.45 1.45 1.49 1.75 1.57 2.05 1.83 1.80 1.52 1.85 1.70 1.57 1.54 1.59 1.60 1.77 1.48 1.53 1.49 1.57 November/November 1.76 1.58 1.39 1.67 1.62 Desember/December 1.48 1.46 1.38 1.54 1.47 Jumlah/Total 1.67 1.52 1.51 1.63 1.58 2010 1.20 1.40 1.43 1.50 1.34 2009 1.20 1.43 1.41 1.68 1.35 2008 1.21 1.47 1.50 1.63 1.39 2007 1.08 1.51 1.56 1.79 1.38 ak ar ta .b yo gy :// Oktober/October ps . 1.86 tp [6] ht [1] .id < 10 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 57 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 18 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Room Occupancy Rate by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Jumlah/ Total 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Januari/January 31.13 37.87 29.55 31.47 32.81 Februari/February 28.61 33.71 24.21 33.87 30.25 Maret/March 31.78 33.33 22.37 29.97 28.92 April/April 35.60 33.11 24.37 32.50 30.59 Mei/May 37.48 34.55 27.46 38.98 33.88 Juni/June 37.55 39.49 29.45 43.15 36.64 Juli/July 35.15 39.80 32.75 43.73 37.70 Agustus/August 35.32 32.41 21.17 22.78 27.06 September/September 39.06 39.35 30.51 35.68 35.66 39.63 35.83 26.42 34.70 33.04 November/November 35.01 35.96 24.93 39.54 33.36 Desember/December 42.33 40.50 32.87 49.23 40.54 go ak ar ta .b [6] 58 Jumlah/Total tp 35.78 36.34 27.20 36.33 34.55 ht :// Oktober/October yo gy [1] .id < 10 ps . Bulan/Month 2010 29.93 32.49 31.42 35.01 31.59 2009 34.40 31.77 33.58 37.27 33.66 2008 28.54 30.70 32.63 38.84 30.97 2007 19.37 27.29 28.39 25.46 24.17 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 19. Tingkat Pemakaian Tempat Tidur Hotel pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Bed Occupancy Rate by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Jumlah/ Total 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Januari/January 47.83 46.63 36.22 31.47 41.21 Februari/February 45.94 42.86 29.64 33.87 38.76 Maret/March 55.70 43.35 24.94 29.97 39.20 April/April 57.14 41.94 28.60 32.50 40.35 Mei/May 63.32 43.71 33.48 38.98 44.44 Juni/June 61.89 47.89 34.83 43.15 47.12 Juli/July 60.37 51.96 40.23 43.73 49.55 Agustus/August 60.58 40.64 27.47 22.78 38.65 September/September 68.46 52.91 36.71 35.68 48.46 64.29 44.48 32.30 34.70 43.94 November/November 62.85 42.69 31.06 39.54 43.65 Desember/December 68.64 53.00 41.26 49.23 52.98 go ak ar ta .b [6] Jumlah/Total tp 59.82 46.02 33.09 36.53 44.09 ht :// Oktober/October yo gy [1] .id < 10 ps . Bulan/Month 2010 45.50 39.67 36.68 40.49 41.00 2009 54.74 40.81 37.88 50.62 45.80 2008 41.26 38.22 36.50 46.41 39.60 2007 24.50 31.82 29.74 28.22 28.55 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 59 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 20. Rata-rata Tamu per Kamar Hotel pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Guests Per Room by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Jumlah/ Total 10-24 25-40 41+ [2] [3] [4] [5] Januari/January 1.92 1.97 2.14 2.05 2.00 Februari/February 2.02 2.04 2.16 2.08 2.06 Maret/March 2.18 2.08 1.94 1.96 2.07 April/April 1.99 2.03 2.03 1.87 1.99 Mei/May 2.05 2.01 2.11 2.18 2.07 Juni/June 2.03 1.95 2.05 2.11 2.02 Juli/July 2.11 2.11 2.08 2.10 2.10 Agustus/August 2.15 2.03 2.22 1.89 2.08 September/September 2.16 2.15 2.08 2.18 2.15 2.06 2.01 2.11 2.03 2.04 November/November 2.20 1.94 2.18 2.14 2.09 Desember/December 2.02 2.11 2.18 2.07 2.08 ps . ak ar ta .b [6] 60 Jumlah/Total tp 2.08 2.04 2.11 2.07 ht :// Oktober/October yo gy [1] .id < 10 go Bulan/Month 2010 2.00 2.03 2.10 2.15 2.04 2009 2.04 1.96 2.14 2.12 2.04 2008 3.36 2.64 3.35 3.25 3.06 2007 2.36 2.60 2.68 2.36 2.51 2.06 Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 Hotel non bintang non classified hotel Tabel 21. Persentase Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Dalam Negeri yang Datang pada Hotel Non-Bintang menurut Kelompok Kamar Percentage of Foreign and Domestic Guests Visiting by Non-Classified Hotel and Room Group 2011 Kelompok Kamar/Room Group Bulan/Month 10-24 < 10 25-40 Jumlah/Total 41+ m.negara/ d.negeri/ m.negara/ d.negeri/ m.negara/ d.negeri/ m.negara/ d.negeri/ m.negara/ d.negeri/ foreign domestic foreign domestic foreign domestic foreign domestic foreign domestic [3] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] .id [2] 1.79 98.21 1.36 98.64 2.66 97.34 1.09 Februari/February 2.11 97.89 1.83 98.17 2.85 Maret/March 2.09 97.91 1.80 98.20 2.46 April/April 1.70 98.30 1.79 98.21 Mei/May 1.74 98.26 1.54 98.46 Juni/June 1.76 98.24 1.13 Juli/July 2.81 97.19 Agustus/August 2.38 September/September Oktober/October [8] [9] 98.91 1.61 98.39 1.22 98.78 1.93 98.07 97.54 2.40 97.60 2.07 97.93 97.68 1.04 98.96 1.71 98.29 2.35 97.65 0.71 99.29 1.54 98.46 98.87 2.55 97.45 1.23 98.77 1.53 98.47 3.30 96.70 6.40 93.60 1.75 98.25 3.41 96.59 97.62 3.83 96.17 8.85 91.15 5.31 94.69 4.31 95.69 1.87 98.13 1.21 98.79 3.65 96.35 1.57 98.43 1.81 98.19 1.92 98.08 1.31 98.69 3.29 96.71 1.14 98.86 1.72 98.28 1.40 98.60 1.33 98.67 2.03 97.97 0.54 99.46 1.28 98.72 1.27 98.73 0.68 99.32 1.38 98.62 0.61 99.39 0.93 99.07 Jumlah/Total 1.88 98.12 1.71 98.29 2010 1.72 98.28 1.57 98.43 3.25 96.75 1.13 98.87 1.86 98.14 2009 0.17 99.83 1.56 98.44 1.85 98.15 1.31 97.94 1.04 98.96 2008 0.04 99.96 1.29 98.71 2.42 97.58 1.31 98.69 1.01 98.99 2007 0.04 99.96 1.17 98.83 0.41 99.59 1.74 98.26 0.65 99.35 tp Desember/December Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel-DIY 2011 Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel-DIY 2011 2.32 ak ar ta .b yo gy :// November/November ps . 97.15 ht Januari/January go [1] 3.28 96.72 1.34 98.66 1.91 98.09 61 o. id ps .g ar ta .b ak :// yo gy ht tp BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA Ringroad Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul 55183. Telp. 4342234, Fax. 4342230 E-mail:[email protected]; [email protected] homepage:http//regional.bps.go.id/~yogya