RELATIONSHIP PARITY AND AGE WITH GRADATIONS OF PRE ECLAMPSIA IN PREGNANT Yani Erniyawati1, Ratna Dewi2, Amellia Mardhika3 Akademi Keperawatan Pemerintah Kabupaten Lamongan Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Pre Eclampsia represent one of the high risk of pregnancy which can cause death of pregnant. Pre eclampsia can be influenced by parity and age. The aims of this research is to know relation of parity and age with gradation of pre eklamsia in pregnant. Method: Desain in this Research with method of cross sectional. Sampel in this research taken by simple random sampling. Data collecting use observation sheet of medical record. Data were analysed by Chi- Square test and Spermank Rank test. Result: Result of research show that 34,5 % pregnant of multigravida can severe of pre eclapmsi and 1,8 % pregnant grande multigravida can mild of pre eclampsia. Result of test of Chi- Square got p= 0,443, so p> 0,05 and its meaning no siognificance correlation. Result of research is also got 38,1% pregnant with low risk age experience of mild of pre eclampsi and 12,4 % pregnant which have high risk age experience of mild of pre eclampsia. Result of test of Spearman got p= 0,062, so p> 0,05 that mean not significance correlation between age with gradation of pre eclampsia in pregnant. Conclusion: Health care provider need to give early management in women who have high risk of pre eclampsia. Keyword: Parity, Age, Gradasi of Pre Eclampsia, Pregnant INTRODUCTION Pregnancy, childbirth and parturition involves the normal reproduction, nevertheless pregnancy, childbirth and parturition normal have any risk. High risk irregularities and pregnancy is directly can cause pain and mortality of maternal and baby. The most problem that can be found in pregnant is pre eclampsia (Puspita, 2011). The incident pre eclampsia highly influenced by parity, pertaining to a race or ethnicity.Besides also affected by genetic predisposition and environmental factors. One of the causes of morbidity and mortilitas in mother and the fetus is pre eclampsia. According to WHO, incident of pre eclampsia ranged from 0,51% -38,4% (Amelda , 2006). In an advanced state of progress pre eclampsia is around 6-7% and eclampsia 0,10,7%. While the figure maternal mortality is caused pre eclampsia and eclampsia in the developing country is still high. In Indonesia according to Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) in 2009, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) resulting from pre eclampsia was still quite high that is 390 per 100.000 life birth (SDKI, 2009) . Factors predisposing of pre eclampsia is parity, primigravida pregnant too young and too old, history of pre eclampsia in family, obesity, chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, double pregnancy (Chapman, 2006). Parity more than 3 have higher of maternal mortality rate. High incidence found in primigravida in young and old age. Primigravida in old age have higher risk to heavy pre eclampsia because in primigravida the formation of antibody barrier (blocking antibodies that have not perfect raising risk of pre eclampsia (Manuaba, 2008). Pregnancy in teenagers and over 35 years old have very high risk of pre eclampsia (Royston, 1994 ). The youth with the possibility of first pregnancy experienced stress that can rise blood pressure. If high blood pressure can not handled it can be occur a decrease in rate of filtration glomerolus that would improve sodium reabsorption so that can occur odema (Benson, 2008). The aims of this research was to relationship of parity and age with pre eclampsia in pregnant. METHOD Design research used is analytic correlational with the approach cross sectional study .In research aims to understand relations of parity and age with gradations pre eclampsia for pregnant women in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan. The sample in research conducted with simple random sampling technique. Included in this study is partly pregnant women with pre eclampsia. A total of 113 soegiri lamongan pregnant women .Research carried out in January and November in 2015 Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan. Technique data collection in this research is through secondary data from record medical a patient begins to August-October 2015. Data then will be analyzed by the use test chi- square to know whether there was a correlation between of parity with gradations pre eklamsi for pregnant women. While to know relations between the ages of with gradations pre eklamsi for pregnant women use the correlation the spearman RESULT Table 1. Distribution Pregnant based on Age in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan No Age Frequency (n) Prosentase (%) 1 < 20 year 7 6,2 2 20- 35 year 76 67,3 3 >35 year 30 26,5 Total 113 100,0 Table 2. The parity on the distribution of pregnant women who experience pre eclampsia in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan No Parity Frequency (n) Prosentase (%) 1 Primigravida 38 33,6 2 Multigravida 74 65,5 3 Grandemultigravida 1 0,9 Total 113 100,0 Table 3. Distribution Kind Of Age For Pregnant Women That Experienced Pre Eclampsia in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan No Jenis Usia Frequency (n) Prosentase (%) 1 Low risk age 76 67,3 2 High risk age 37 32,7 Total 113 100,0 Table 3 shows that the majority of or 67,3 % pregnant women that experienced pre eclampsia having age risk low and almost all or 32.7 % have age high risk. Table 4 Cross Table Between Parity and Gradations of Pre Eclampsia in Pregnant in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan No Paritas Pre eclampsia n % PER PEB n (%) n (%) 1 Primigravida 21 18,6 17 15,0 38 100,0 2 Multigravida 35 31,0 39 34,5 74 100,0 3 Grandemultigravida 1 1,8 0 0 1 100,0 Jumlah 57 51,4 56 49,5 113 100,0 n= 113 p= 0,443 Table 4 show that almost part or 34,5 % pregnant women multigravida experienced severe pre eclampsi weight and a small part or 1,8 % pregnant women grandemultigravida experienced mild pre eklamsi. Test chi- square with a get = 0,443 p, then p ˃ 0,05 which means not a significant correlation exists between parity with gradations of pre eclampsi for pregnant. Table 5 Cross Table Between Age and Gradations of Pre Eclampsia No Usia Pre Eclampsia n (%) PER PEB n (%) n 1 Low risk 43 38,1 2 High risk 14 12,4 Total 57 50,4 56 49,6 n= 113 p= 0,062 For Pregnant in Poli Hamil RSUD dr .Soegiri Lamongan (%) 33 23 113 29,2 20,4 100,0 76 37 100,0 100,0 Table 5 shows that almost a part or 38,1 % pregnant women with age low risk experienced pretax eklamsi light and a small part or 12.4 % pregnant mothers having the age of high risk are experienced pretax eklamsi light .So it can be concluded that the incidence of preeklamsi larger found at the age of risk low .The results of the study found some 76 pregnant women at the age of the risk of low consisting of 47 or 61,84 % of mothers aged 20- 30 years and 29 or 38,16 % of mothers 31- between the ages of 35 years. Spearman testing shows p = 0,062, p = ˃ 0.05 which there is a no significant corelation exists between the ages of with gradations pretax eclampsi for pregnant. DISCUSSION The results of the study in table 2 shows that the majority of or 65,5 % pregnant women that experienced pre eklamsi with status multigravida as many as 74 pregnant women .Of parity high have maternal mortality rate higher , incidence high on primigravida young and old , primigravida old risk higher to pre eklamsi difficult because in primigravida old the formation of antibody barrier ( blocking antibodies that have not perfect raising risk of pre eklamsi . Multigravida is one of the factors predisposing the pre eklamsi for 5 pregnant women, but in degree of parity have been explained that can cause scene pre eklamsi higher primigravida (Bobak, 2004), where primigravida with pregnancy first possible to stress that it did not have experience and this could trigger a rise in blood pressure , and if high blood pressure not measures can occur a decrease in rate of filtration glomerolus to improve reabsorbsi sodium that can happen odema (Benson, 2008) , but results obtained largely or 65,5 % is multigravida that the risk factors lower than primigravida the pre eklamsi not very significant good multigravida or primigravida .This could be caused by the acts of preeklamsi in pregnancy ago and preeklamsi in family history . The results of the study in table 1 showed that the large ( 67,3 % ) pregnant women that experienced pre eklamsi between the ages of 20- 35 years or as many as 76 pregnant women. According to who for children aged most secure undergo pregnancy and childbirth is 20 to 30 years .But remember progress the technology this , to the age of 35 years were still allowed to to conceive , because spanned that age the physical condition of woman in a state of prima .The uterus are able to provide protection or condition of being maximum for pregnancy . One of the factors predisposing the pre eklamsi is pregnancy at the INTERNATIONAL NURSING WORKSHOP AND CONFERENCE “Professional Nursing Practice In Free Trade Era: Threat & Challenge” th th Surabaya, December 6 -8 , 2016 age of less than 20 or more than 35 years (Bobak , 2004 ) .Woman teenagers in pregnancy first and women aged over 35 years have very high risk happened pre eklamsia (Erica royston , 1994 ) .The youth with the possibility of pregnancy first experienced stress that it had yet to have experience and this can trigger a rise in blood pressure , and if high blood pressure not handled can occur a decrease in rate of filtration glomerolus that would improve reabsorbsi sodium so that can occur odema (Benson , 2008). The research results show that table 3 showed that the or 50,4 % of mothers impregnate with pre eklamsi experienced pre eklamsi light with 57 pregnant women.According to bobak in 2004, preeklamsi is a condition specific pregnancy in which hypertension happened on sunday when all 20 in a woman who had previously having normal blood pressure.Preeklamsi is a disease vasospastik involving many the system and characterized by hemoconcentration, hypertension and proteinurin. According to Sujiyatini, (2009 ), preeklamsi light is the hypertension accompanied proteinuria and or edema after age pregnancy 20 weeks or immediately after they give birth.These symptoms can take before age pregnancy 20 weeks in disease the trophoblast.Preeklamsi heavy is a 6 complication pregnancy characterized by the hypertension 160 / 110 mmhg or more accompanied proteinuria and or edema in pregnancy 20 week or more. Test results chi- square obtained p = 0,443, so p ˃ 0.05 which means h1 rejected it means there is no a significant relation exists between of parity with gradations pre eklamsi for pregnant women in poly pregnant rsud dr.Soegiri lamongan.This could be caused by factors that in being fatness or obesity, pre eklamsi in previous pregnancies, the process of a chronic disease as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, kidney disease, vascular disease and complication pregnancy covering pregnancy multiple, a fetus large, hidrop the fetus and polihidramnion.Cause pre eclampsia or eclampsia not yet known until now.Many theories who tries to explain the cause of the disease, but none that can be answering satisfactory.The theory mature is much proposed as for pre eclampsia is ischemia the placenta will surely reveal various symptoms pre eclampsia and eclampsia can be increase pressure virgin Test spearman get = 0,062 p, then p & gt; 0,05 which means h1 rejected this means that there is not a significant relation between the ages of with gradations pre eklamsi for pregnant INTERNATIONAL NURSING WORKSHOP AND CONFERENCE “Professional Nursing Practice In Free Trade Era: Threat & Challenge” th th Surabaya, December 6 -8 , 2016 women.Research shows 4.1 shows that most ( 67,3 % ) pregnant women who have pre eklamsi aged between 20- 35 years or some 76 pregnant women.One factor predisposing the pre eklamsi is pregnancy at the age of less than 20 years or more of 35 years ( bobak, 2004 ).Women first teenager in pregnancy and women aged over 35 years have the very highest pre eklamsia ( erica royston, 1994 ).20 to age 35 years have the risk lower than children less than 20 and more than 35 years, the pre eklamsi not very significant risk good age inferior nor high risk.This could be because that age range of pregnant women have stressor and activities are ting CONCLUSION It can be conclude that 1. the majority of pregnant women that experienced preeklamsi in Poli Hamil RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. 2. the majority of pregnant women that experienced preeklamsi in Poli Hamil RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan having age low risk. 3. pregnant women that experienced preeklamsi in Poli Hamil RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan experienced pre eklamsi light. 4. there was no a significant relation exists between of parity with gradations pre eklamsi for 7 pregnant women in Poli Hamil RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. 5. there was no a significant relation between the ages of with gradations pre eklamsi for pregnant women in Poli Hamil RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. 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