FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Program Studi Department Jenjang Pendidikan Programme Kompetensi Lulusan Graduate Competence Teknik Informatika Bidang Keahlian Sistem Informasi Informatics Concentration Information Systems Magister Master x x x x x x Kemampuan mengambil keputusan permasalahan dunia nyata Kemampuan mengelola SI/TI terkini Kemampuan mengintegrasikan bisnis dan teknologi informasi The ability to make decisions on real life problems The ability to manage current Information Systems and Technology The ability to integrate business and information technology STRUKTUR KURIKULUM/COURSE STRUCTURE Kode MK Code SEMESTER I 1 KI092241 2 KI092342 3 KI092243 4 KI092344 Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) Course Title Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi IT Infrastructure Analisis, Pemodelan dan Desain Analysis, Modeling and Design Model-model Perusahaan Enterprise Models Manajemen Proyek dan Perubahan Project and Change Management Jumlah sks/Total of credits SEMESTER II KI092245 1 2 3 4 KI092346 KI092247 Teknologi dan Masalah-masalah Baru Emerging Technologies and Issues Strategi dan Kebijakan Strategy and Policy Implikasi dari Digitalisasi Implications of Digitization Pilihan 1 Elective Module 1 Jumlah sks/Total of credits Sks Credits 3 3 2 3 11 2 3 2 3 10 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 No. 1 SEMESTER III 1 KI092348 2 3 Integrasi Bisnis dan TI Business and IT Integration Pilihan 2 Elective Module 2 Pilihan 3 Elective Module 3 Jumlah sks/Total of credits SEMESTER IV 1 KI092361 Tesis Thesis 3 3 3 9 6 Jumlah sks/Total of credits 6 Pilihan untuk konsentrasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dan Intelijensia Bisnis (Elective Modules for Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence Concentration) 1 KI092351 Soft Computing 3 Soft Computing 2 KI092352 Pemodelan dan Simulasi 3 Modeling and Simulation 3 KI092353 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dan Sistem Informasi 3 Eksekutif Decision Support Systems and Executive Information Systems 9 Pilihan untuk konsentrasi Pengelolaan Fungsi dan Organisasi Sistem Informasi (Elective Modules for Management of Information Systems Function and Organization Concentration) 1 KI092354 Manajemen Proyek Lanjut 3 Advanced Project Management 2 KI092355 Keamanan Sistem Informasi 3 Information Systems Security 3 KI092356 Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi 3 Information Teknologi Governance Jumlah sks/Total of credits 9 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 Jumlah sks/Total of credits 2 SILABUS KURIKULUM/COURSE SYLLABUS TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu membuat aneka pilihan cerdas tentang platform dan arsitektur teknologi informasi dengan penekanan pada fleksibilitas dan pengintegrasian organisasi serta memahami regulasi-regulasi yang telah ditetapkan. Students able to make smart choices related to Information Technology platform and architecture that emphasizes on organization flexibility and integration as well as relevant regulations x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x Mahasiswa mampu memahami kelemahan dan kekuatan berbagai macam arsitektur computational, data, networking, dan perangkat lunak. Mahasiswa mampu mendesain, mengimplementasikan dan memanajemen security dan Disaster Recovery Plans serta kesinambungan bisnis dilihat dari semua aspek perspektif organisasi Mahasiswa dapat membuat Master Plan IT dengan berbagai macam tipe organisasi Students understand the strengths and weaknesses of various computation, data, networking and software architectures Students can design, implement and manage security and disaster recovery plans as well as business continuity from various organizational perspectives Students can produce IT Master Plan for various type of organizations Arsitektur Teknologi Informasi Desain dan manajemen jaringan Web services Desain dan Implementasi Data Center serta Disaster Recovery Planning, Arsitektur Sistem Enterprise dan Integrasi Application Enterprise Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092241: Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi KI092241: IT Infrastructure 3 x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x IT architecture Network design and management Web services Design and implementation of data center and Disaster Recovery Planning Enterprise Systems Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration Harris Kern, Stuart Galup, Guy Nemiro, IT Organization: Building a Worldclass Infrastructure, Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. Bernard H. Boar, Constructing Blueprints for Enterprise IT Architectures, Canada, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Rob Snevely, Enterprise Data Center: Design and Methodology, Palo Alto, Sun Microsystem Inc., 2002. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x x x 4 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: I Mahasiswa menguasai metode perancangan software, pandai mendesain software ,cakap menggunakan tools untuk mendesain software. Students understand methods for software engineering, able to design a software and can use tools for software design x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x Mahasiswa mengetahui macam pemodelan rancang bangun perangkat lunak Mahasiswa mampu mereview dokumen skpl Mahasiswa mampu merancang dan menggunakan tools dalam merancang perangkat lunak x x x Students know various model for software design Students can review Software Requirement Specification Students can design and use tools in designing a software x x x x x Systems development life cycle Teknik analisis dan perancangan Perencanaan sistem informasi Penggalian dan penyusunan kebutuhan Pemodelan proses, pemodelan data konseptual dan logis x x x x x x Systems Development life cycle Design and analysis technique Information system planning Requirement engineering and documentation Process, conceptual data and logic modeling Rosenberg Doug, Stephens Matt, Use Case Driven Object Modelling with UML, Apress,2007 Sommerville. Software Engineering 8, Adisson-Wesley, 2007 Rosenberg Doug, Scott K. Applying Use Case Driven Object Modelling With UML : An Annotated e-Commerce Example Daniel R. Windle, L. Rene Abreo, Software Requirements Using the Unified Process: A Practical Approach, Prentice Hall, 2002 x x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092342: Analisis, Pemodelan dan Design KI092342: Analysis, Modeling and Design 5 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 2 Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi, memodelkan dan meningkatkan proses bisnis untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan efisiensi dan kesesuaian. Students can identify, model and improve business process to achieve efficiency and compliance objectives x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x x x x x x x x x x x Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dari proses bisnis dalam lingkungan kompetitif. Mahasiswa dapat menganalisis, memodelkan dan memantau proses-proses bisnis di dalam organisasi. Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dari sistem ERP, SCM dan CRM dalam mengotomasi proses bisnis (bisnis secara elektronik). Students understand the role of business process in competitive environment Students can analyze, model and monitor various business process in an organization Students understands the role of Enterprise Systems such as ERP, SCM and CRM in automating business processes Cara pandang proses dari organisasi Manajemen proses bisnis Alat-alat pemodelan proses bisnis Peran sistem bisnis ERP, SCM dan CRM Process view of an organization Business process management Business process modeling tools Role of ERP, SCM and CRM Andersen, Bjorn, Business Process Improvement Toolbox, Milwaukee, ASQ Quality Press, Wisconsin, 1999 Anupindi dkk, Managing Business Process Flows, Prentice Hall, 1999 Chorafas, Dimitris N, Integrating ERP, CRM, Supply Chain Management, and Smart Materials, CRC Press, 2001. Laudon, Kenneth C. & C. G. Traver, e-Commerce; Business, Technology, Society, 3th ed, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092243: Model-model Perusahaan KI092243: Enterprise Models 6 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KI092344: Manajemen Proyek dan Perubahan KI092344: Project and Change Management Credits: 3 Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu mengelola proyek dan perubahan yang terjadi selama proyek berlangsung. Students can manage a project and change during the project x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES Mahasiswa mampu menguasai konsep & kerangka kerja manajemen proyek teknologi informasi Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan dan mengeksekusi rencana proyek teknologi informasi Mahasiswa mampu mengendalikan dan menutup proyek teknologi informasi x x Students understand the concept and framework of information technology management project Students can plan and execute information technology project plan Students can manage and close information technology project x x x x Konsep proyek TI dan manajemen proyek TI Pengantar manajemen proyek Kerangka kerja manajemen proyek Area pengetahuan proyek x x x x x Concept of IT project and management of IT project Introduction to project management Project management framework Project knowledge area Holil, Modul Ajar Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi, Edisi 2, Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS, 2009 (Holil, IT Project Management Module: 2nd Edition, Information Systems Department, ITS, 2009) PMI. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMI 2004 Schwalbe, Kathy. Information Technology Project Management, Thomson 2004 x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE 7 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: II Mahasiswa mampu memformulasikan mendukung strategi bisnis organisasi. x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x PUSTAKA SI/TI yang Students can formulate Information Systems/Technology policy that support organization’s business strategy x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS kebijakan Mahasiswa mampu menentukan proses pengembangan rencana strategis SI/TI yang efektif Mahasiswa mampu merumuskan strategi SI melalui penggunaan tools dan teknik-teknik analisis pengembangan rencana strategis SI/TI dan mengatur hasil rumusan strategi SI Mahasiswa mampu menyiapkan kebijakan pengaturan infrastruktur dan layanan TI yang dibutuhkan untuk pindah ke strategi SI/TI baru Students can determine effective IS/IT strategic plan development process Students can formulate IS strategy using tools and technique for IS/IT strategic plan development and manage the results of IS strategy formulation Students can prepare policies for IT service and infrastructure management that are needed to move to new IS/IT strategy x x x x x Pengembangan strategi SI/TI yang efektif Penentuan strategi SI perusahaan Pengelolaan portfolio aplikasi Pengorganisasian dan ketersediaan sumber daya TI Pengelolaan penyediaan infrastruktur SI/TI x x x x x x Development of effective IS/IT strategy Determining an organization’s IS strategy Application portfolio management Management and availability of IT resources Management of IS/IT infrastructure supply Ward, John. Strategic Planning for Information System, John-Wiley 2002 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092346: Strategi dan Kebijakan KI092346: Strategy and Policy 8 x Tozer, Edwin. Strategic IS/IT Planning, Butterworth-heinemann 1996 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 UTAMA/ REFERENCES 9 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: III Mahasiswa mampu berperan sebagai pemimpin dalam membantu perusahaan memanfaatkan komputer dan teknologi informasi untuk mencapai tujuannya. Students can act as leader that helps an organization achieve its goals through the use of computer and information technology x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x x x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan strategi perusahaan dan proses bisnis utama untuk menunjang strategi. Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dari aplikasi bisnis ERP, SCM dan CRM dalam mendukung strategi perusahaan. Mahasiswa mampu membuat dan melaksanakan rencana strategis SI/TI yang mendukung strategi perusahaan Students can explain organization strategy and main business processes to support the strategy Students understand the role of enterprise application such as ERP, SCM and CRM in supporting organization’s strategy Students can develop and execute IS/IT strategic plan to support organization’s strategy Cara pandang terintegrasi dari sebuah perusahaan Peran aplikasi bisnis Memahami dan mengkomunikasikan situasi sistem informasi saat ini Menentukan gap antara situasi saat ini dengan situasi yang diinginkan di masa yang akan datang Menentukan cara memperoleh keinginan bisnis di masa yang akan datang Integrated view of an organization The role of Enterprise systems Understanding and communicating current situation of information systems Determining the gap between current situation and future situation Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092348: Integrasi Bisnis dan Teknologi Informasi KI092348: Business and IT Integration 1 0 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x x Determining ways to achieve future business needs McKeen, J. D. and Smith, H.A., Making IT Happen: Critical Issues in IT Management, John Wiley Series in Information Systems, 2003 Weill, P., and M. Vitale. Place to Space: Migrating to eBusiness Models. Harvard Business School Press, 2001. Weill, P., and M. Broadbent. Leveraging the New Infrastructure: How Market Leaders Capitalize on Information Technology. Harvard Business School Press, 1998. Anita Cassidy, A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning, CRC Press, 1998 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x 1 1 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: pilihan (elective) Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan memberi alternatif solusi berbagai permasalahan dengan menggunakan teknik soft computing. Students able to provide alternative solutions for various problems using soft computing techniques x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ Kemampuan menguasai konsep-konsep soft computing dalam rangka mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan Kemampuan memilih serta menerapkan teknik soft computing yang tepat untuk permasalahan tertentu Kemampuan memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan menggunakan teknik soft computing Students understand soft computing concepts in supporting decision making process Students can choose and use the right soft computing techniques for a certain problem Students can facilitate decision making using soft computing techniques x x x x x Pengantar tentang soft computing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm (GA) Integrasi antara ANN, Fuzzy dan GA x x x x x Introduction to soft cmputing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm (GA) Integration of ANN, Fuzzy and GA x Andrea Tettamanzi, Marco Tomassini, J.Janben, Soft Computing: Integrating Evolutionary, Neural, and Fuzzy System, Springer, 2009 Eugene Fink, Changes of Problem Representation : Theory and Experiments (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing) , Springer, x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092351: Soft Computing KI092351: Soft Computing 1 2 x x x 2002 Ignacy Kaliszewski, Soft Computing For Complex Multiple Criteria Decision Making (International Series in Operation Research and Management Science) , Springer, 2009 James J. Buckley, Fuzzy Probabilities: New Approach and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing), Springer, 2005 Robert Fuller, Introduction to Neuro Fuzzy System (Advances in Intelegent and Soft Computing), Springer, 2000 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 REFERENCES 1 3 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: Pilihan (Elective) Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan membuat model simulasi di dunia fabrikasi, jasa, sosial, dan pendidikan Students have the ability to create simulation model in various sectors including manufacturing, service, social and education x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES Kemampuan menguasai pemodelan dan simulasi pada sistem diskrit dan kontinyu (sistem dinamik). Kemampuan memformulasikan dan mensimulasi model di dunia fabrikasi, jasa, sosial, dan pendidikan Kemampuan memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan dengan menggunakan teknik pemodelan dan simulasi Students understand modeling and discrete as well as continuous simulation Students can formulate and simulate model in various sectors Students can facilitate decision making using modeling and simulation x x x x x Dasar-dasar pemodelan dan simulasi Model simulasi diskret Model simulasi kontinyu Validasi Perencanaan skenario x x x x x Fundamentals of modeling and simulation Discrete simulation model Continuous simulation model Validation Scenario planning x Law A. M., Kelton W. D., Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Mc Graw Hill, 2000. Pidd, M., Computer Simulation in Management Science, Wiley, 1992. Suryani, E., Pemodelan dan Simulasi, Graha Ilmu, 2005. (Suryani, x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092346: Pemodelan dan Simulasi KI092346: Modeling and Simulation 1 4 E., Modeling and Simulation, Graha Ilmu, 2005) Sterman, J. D., Business Dynamics, Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World, 2000. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 1 5 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092353: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dan Sistem Informasi Eksekutif KI092353: Decision Support Systems and Executive Information Systems Credits: 3 Semester: Pilihan (Elective) Students can design and develop computer-based decision support systems that utilize business intelligence in solving management problems x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mahasiswa memahami berbagai macam sistem pendukung keputusan manajemen Mahasiswa mampu perancang sistem pendukung keputusan sesuai dengan tipe keputusan dan pengendalian dalam suatu organisasi bisnis. Mahasiswa mengetahui cara pengimplementasian sistem pendukung keputusan dalam sebuah bisnis Students understand various decision support systems Students can design decision support systems according to decision types and managerial control in an organization Students understand the implementation of decision support systems in a business x x x x x Sistem, pemodelan, dan pendukung pengambilan keputusan Gambaran umum dan pengembangan SPK Intelijensia bisnis Sistem informasi eksekutif Kecerdasan buatan x x x x x Systems, modeling and decision support systems Overview and development of decision support systems Business intelligence Executive information systems Artificial intelligence Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mahasiswa dapat merancang dan membangun sistem pendukung keputusan yang berbasis komputer serta didukung oleh pemanfaatan intelijensia bisnis dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan manajemen 1 6 x x Turban, Efraim, Jay E Aroson and Ting Peng Liang: Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems 7th ed, Prentice Hall, 2005 Marakas, George M: Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, 2003. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES 1 7 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES Credits: 3 Semester: Pilihan (Elective) Mahasiswa mampu mengatur dan melaksanakan jalannya proyek Students can manage and execute a project x x x Mahasiswa mampu praktek menyelesaikan proyek Mahasiswa mampu memimpin pelaksanaan proyek Mahasiswa mampu bekerja dalam sebuah tim x x x Students can practice completing a project Students can lead execution of a project Students can work in a team x x x Integrasi manajemen proyek Area dalam manajemen proyek Kasus-kasus proyek TI x x x Project Management Integration, Areas in project management, IT Project cases x Holil, Modul Ajar Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi, Edisi 2, Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS, 2009 (Holil, IT project management 2nd Edition, Information Systems Department, ITS, 2009) PMI. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMI 2004 Schwalbe, Kathy. Information Technology Project Management, Thomson 2004 x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092354: Manajemen Proyek Lanjut KI092354: Advanced Project Management 1 8 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: Pilihan (Elective) Mahasiswa mendapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang hal-hal yang mengancam keamanan sistem informasi perusahaan/organisasi dan dapat melakukan tindakan untuk pencegahannya dengan tujuan menjaga keberlangsungan bisnis, meminimalkan resiko bisnis, dan memaksimalkan return on investments dan kesempatan bisnis. Students obtain overall understanding on various organization information system threats and can determine actions to prevent the threats in order to sustain the business, minimize business risks and maximize return on investments and business opportunities. x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan sekumpulan aturan, yang meliputi policies, standar, procedures, organizational structures serta fungsi-fungsi software dan hardware Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi karakteristik standar dan pedoman pengamanan informasi seperti ISO 27001:2005 dan ISO 27002:2007 yang dapat digunakan untuk pengamanan informasi perusahaan/organisasi. Mahasiswa mampu mempertimbangkan bagaimana menciptakan lingkungan perusahaan yang mendukung keamanan informasi. Students can implement several rules which include policies, standard, procedures, organizational structures and software and hardware functions Students can evaluate information security standard and guidelines characteristics such as ISO 27001:2005 and ISO 27002:2007 that can be used for organizational/business information security Students can determine how to create organization environment that support information security Keamanan informasi dan manajemen resiko Kebijakan, standar, prosedur dan petunjuk Rencana manajemen keamanan Keamanan fisik, arsitektur dan rancangan keamanan Rencana Keberlanjutan buisnis dan rencana pemulihan bencana Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092355: Keamanan Sistem Informasi KI092355: Information Systems Security 1 9 Information Security dan Risk Management, Policies – Standards - Procedures dan Guidelines, Security Management Planning Physical (Environmental) Security, Security Architecture dan Design Business Continuity Planning dan Disaster Recovery Planning x Harold F.Tipton, Micki Krause, Information Security Management Handbook, 6th edition, Auerbach Publications, USA, 2007 Ronald L. Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, The CISM Prep Guide: Mastering the Five Domains of Information Security Management, John Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2003 Merrill Warkentin,Rayford B. Vaughn, Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Security: Managerial and Technical Issues, Idea Group Inc., 2006 x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES x x x x x 2 0 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Credits: 3 Semester: Pilihan (Elective) Mahasiswa mampu menata pengelolaan SI/TI dan melakukan pengawasan pengelolaan tersebut melalui Audit SI/TI Students can govern the management of IS/IT and control the management through IS/IT audit x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA Mahasiswa mampu mengorganisir pelaksanaan aktivitas terkait dengan pengelolaan SI/TI yang efektif Mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan rumusan pelaksanaan Audit mampu melaksanakan Audit SI/TI seusai dengan rumusan yang telah disusun Mahasiswa mampu menerjemahkan hasil ketidakpatutan dalam temuan audit dan mengembangkan rekomendasi perbaikan yang mengarahkan terhadap perbaikan sumber daya TI dan Proses TI Students can organize the execution of activities to effectively manage IS/IT Students can develop audit execution description and can execute IS/IT audit based on the description Students can translate audit findings and develop improvement recommendation to improve IT resource and process x x x x x Konsep tata kelola IT Konsep audit SI/TI Pengembangan rumusan proses Audit SI/TI Pelaksanaan Audit SI/TI Desain perbaikan tata kelola TI berdasarkan hasil Audit SI/TI x x x x x Information Technology governance concept IS/IT audit concept Development of IS/IT audit process description Execution of IS/IT audit IT governance improvement design based on IS/IT audit results x Sarno, Riyanarto. Audit Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi, ITS Press, 2009. (Sarno, Riyanarto, Information Systems/Information Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE KI092356: Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi KI092356: IT Governance 2 1 x x Technology Audit, ITS Press, 2009) Sarno, Riyanarto. Sukses Bisnis dengan Teknologi Informasi, ITS Press, 2009. (Sarno, Riyanarto, Business success with information technology, ITS Press, 2009) Sarno, Riyanarto & Iffano, Irsyat. Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi, ITS Press, 2009. (Sarno, Riyanarto & Iffano, Irsyat, Information Security Management Systems, ITS Press, 2009) Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 UTAMA/ REFERENCES 2 2