ANALISIS PETROGRAFI BATUAN FORMASI TONDO DI DAERAH BANAUWE DAN SEKITARNYA KECAMATAN PASARWAJO, KABUPATEN BUTON PROVINSI SULAWESI TENGGARA Oleh: FENI ALFIANI (Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Universitas Halu oleo) [email protected] ABSTRAK Daerah penelitian terletak di daerah Banauwe, Kecamatan Pasarwajo, Kabupaten Buton, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Secara Geografis terletak pada 5026’00’’ LS dan 122048’00’’- 122051’00’’ BT dengan luas penelitian sebesar 9 km2 (3 km × 3 km ). Daerah penelitian merupakan bagian dari Formasi Tondo, yang terdir dari batuan sedimen karbonat dan batuan sedimen klastik. Batuan karbonat dikelompokan menjadi 3 jenis batuan, yakni Batugamping Pacstone, Batugamping Wackestone, dan Batugamping Crystaline. Jenis batuan sedimen klastik berupa Batupasir Quartzs Arenit Sandstone. Jenis batupasir dan batugamping tersebut memiliki porositas yang beragam dan berpotensi sebagai reservoir hidrokarbon. Porositas Batupasir Quartz Arenit berkisar 10-15%, batugamping Pacstone berkisar dari 15%-20%, batugamping Wackestone berkisar 5%-10% dan batugamping Crystaline berkisar 15%-20%. Jenis porositas yang terdapat dalam pengamatan sampel batugamping tersebut, yaitu jenis intergranular porosity dan intragranular porosity (tipe porositas primer), dan Vuggy porosity ( tipe porositas sekunder ). Kata kunci: Formasi Tondo, Batuan sedimen karbonat, Batuan sedimen klastik, porositas reservoir, petrografi. PETROGRAPHY ANALYSIS OF TONDO FORMATION ROCKS AT BANAUWE AREA ITS SURROUNDING, PASARWAJO SUBDISTRICT, BUTON DISTRICT OF SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE By: FENI ALFIANI (Geological, Faculty Of Earth Science & Technology, Halu Oleo University) [email protected] ABSTRACT Study area is located at Banauwe and Pasarwajo Subdistric, Buton District, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Geographical position of this region lies in 5026’00’’ of south latitude and 122048’00’’– 122051’00’’ of east longitude with a wide of 9 km2 (3 km× 3 km). Study area is constituted by Tondo Formation wich consists of Carbonat and clastic sediment rocks. The carbonat sediment rocks are classified into three types, namely Packstone, Wackstone and Crystalline Limestone. The clastic sediment rocks is in the form of Quartsz Arenit Sandstone. The Limestone and Sandstone have various porosities and have good potential as hydrocarbon reservoir. The porosity of the Quartsz Arenit Sandstone is about of 10-15%, Packstone of about is 15%-20%, Wackstone of about is 5%-10% and Crystalline Limestone of about 15%-20%. The types of porosity in the study area are intergranular porosity and intragranular porosity ( a types of primer porosity) and Vuggy porosity ( a types of secunder porosity). Keywords: Tondo Formation, Carbonate Sedimentary Sedimentary Rocks, Reservoir Porosity, Petrography. Rocks, Clastic