c. The Influence of leverage to the disclore of CSR The result of

The Influence of leverage to the disclore of CSR
The result of multiple regression analysis on hypothesis 3 shows that
the leverage has significant influence on the disclosure of CSR. The
coefficient of leverage is positive and statistically significant (p=0,031), it
means the hypothesis 3 is accepted. Leverage has significant influence to
disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This gives assumption
that higher level of leverage, the greater diclosure of CSR done by company
to erase the hesitation of the obligation holder as creditor to the rights will
be fulfilled or not. The result is supported by the study held by Darwis
(2009), Janggu et al (2007) and Reverte (2008) explained that the context of
the agency theory, Jensen and Meckling (1976) argue that more highly
leveraged firms disclose voluntary information in order to to reduce their
agency cost and, as a result, their cost of capital.
This chapter discusses the conclusions from the research that have
already been conducted by the researcher. This chapter includes
implications, limitations and recommendations for future research. This
chapter also explains to the future researcher what they will be able to use as
guidance for their related study.
After conducting some analysis by using certain analytical methods
such as descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and hypothesis
testing on sample data, the researcher will present the conclusion of this
research. This result is based on the annual report of Sharia banks published
during 2010 to 2013. Based on the statistical test, analysis, and discussion
that have been done in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that
company size and leverage have influence to the disclosure of CSR while
the profitability does not have any influence to the disclosure of CSR.
Research Implication
Results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of
accounting sciences in particular to discuss the influence of company size,
profitability and leverage on the disclosure of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). Based on the conclusions that have been described,
company size has a significant influence on the disclosure of Corporate
Social Responsibility. It can be concluded that the larger companies will
disclose social responsibility with more information. Profitability did not
have any significant influence on the disclosure of Corporate Social
Responsibility. This showed that the company having high profitability did
not indicate to have more social activities. This phenomenon has an impact
that companies with high profitability, but did not reveal the social
disclosure because it is considered to report things that can interfere with
information about the success of the financial statements. Leverage has a
significant influence on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility.
This results an assumption that the higher the leverage, the greater the level
of social disclosure made by the company to dispel doubts bondholders
towards the fulfillment of their rights as creditors.
Research Limitation
This research has the limitations and it can be the guide for future
research,which are:
This research only used three factors influencing disclosure of
Corporate Social responsibility in companies‟ annual report for 4
period because of limitaion of time.
This research only usedannual report as a source.
Research on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
in the future is expected to provide a higher quality of research results,
taking into account the suggestions below:
Add longer observation period and few other variables as factors that
could influence the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR), such as media exposure, environmental performance,
managerial performance, and firm‟s reputation.
In addition, future research can use other collecting data technique,
such as questionnaires or interviews to a company or Government
agency to find out more information on the disclosure of Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR).
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