1. 2. 3. 4. State of the Art (membandingkan dengan karya ilmuwan lain yang serumpun) Pemanfaatan metode penulis lain Pemanfaatan teori untuk menemukan hasil. Membandingkan dengan temuan penulis lain. Academic Search Engine (Microsoft Academic Search, Google Scholar) 2. General Index (DOAJ, Copernicus, World Cat, etc) 3. Quality Assured Indexes (PubMed, Enginering Village, etc) 4. Citation Indexes (Google Scholar, Scopus, Web Of Science) 5. Regional Indexes (ISJD, IPI, Asean Citation Index) (hal ini penting di ketahui agar tidak dianggap predatory journal) 1. Abstract Database General http://ipscience.thomsonreuters.com/product/web-of-science/ https://www.scopus.com/ https://doaj.org/ Specific http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed http://repec.org/ https://www.engineeringvillage.com/ etc Agregatore Journal https://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.proquest.com/ Etc 1. 2. Use open access index Use general or special index and abstract service to search your article. Narrow down only open access article https://doaj.org/ https://www.openaire.eu/search https://core.ac.uk/search/ http://www.springeropen.com/journals http://id.portalgaruda.org http://scholar.google.com http://www.sciencedirect.com http://online.sagepub.com/search https://www.scopus.com http://onesearch.id/Search http://search.crossref.org http://id.portalgaruda.org https://www.base-search.net/ http://ristekdikti.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!/ http://e-resources.perpusnas.go.id 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use https://scholar.google.co.id with pdf after title (with quotation) eg. “pembelajaran kognitif” pdf If not success Use https://oadoi.org/ If not success, use http://sci-hub.cc/ If not success, use #icanhazpdf and tweet on your twitter account If not success, search on https://www.researchgate.net/home If not success, mail the author. If not success, contact university of the author, maybe they have copied article. 1. 2. 3. 4. Reference Manager Repository => article search Academic Network Academic Profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Install Mendeley Desktop in your Laptop Create Account in Mendeley Log In via Mendeley Desktop Click Tools, Install Web Importer and MS Word Plug In. Tracking Article (See 2 ways to Tracking scientific article). Use web importer, or import bibtek, or add manually to mendeley. Open your working paper, click reference, insert citation, choose your citation style. Insert Bibliograpy in the end of your paper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Activate bibtex button in setting option Find word or phrase with relative keywords. ("notaris pasar modal" indonesia | Jawa timur) Find intitle (“notaris pasar modal” intitle:bursa efek) Find keyword or title with exclude (pasar modal bursa efek) or (“pasar modal” -bursa efek) Find title with author ( “Notary” author:multazam) Find title with filetype (“Notary” filetype:pdf) Find word or concept meaning (Define:notary) Use advanced Scholar Search. By clicking narrow button on “search” column 1. 2. 3. 4. Integrate your mendeley profile to orcid, Join group in mendeley, according to your field Share your paper there (pre-print or post-print) See the article metric and get your feedback