PENGARUH ASAM AMINO PADA PROSES ELEKTROPOLIMERISASI PIROL TESTS Oien ADHITASARI SURATMAN 20501006 BIDANG KHUSUS KIMIA ANALITIK PROGRAM STUDI KIMIA PROGRAM PASCASARJANA INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2003 Dr. I3uchari NIP.130518666 Dr. Indra Noviandri NIP. 131933271 ABSTRAK Telah dipelajari proses elektropolimerisasi pirol serta sifat elektrokimia polipirol sebagai polimer elektroaktif dengan teknik voltametri siklis. Pirol dielektropolimerisasi membentuk polipirol dalam pelarut air dan elektrolit pendukung NaC10 4 pada beberapa nilai pH. Variasi pH dilakukan dengan menggunakan bufer Britton Robinson. pH terbaik bagi proses elektropolimerisasi pirol yang dilakukan pada daerah potensial 0 - 1100 mV terhadap Ag/AgCl dan laju selusur 100 mV/s adalah pH alami pirol clan pH 2-6. Dalam penelitian ini, asam amino digunakan sebagai biomolekul yang mudah dimuat clan dilepaskan dari polipirol. Keberadaan asam amino selama proses elektropolimerisasi pirol menyebabkan menurunnya laju pertumbuhan polipirol. Penurunan pertumbuhan polipirol diperbesar bila konsentrasi clan berat molekul asam amino dalam larutan semakin besar. Respon voltametrik asam amino yang ditransfer dalam membran polipirol dalam larutan asam amino memenuhi persamaan Nernst. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa polipirol dapat digunakan sebagai sensor asam amino, yaitu untuk membranmembran yang disintesis pada pH alami pirol clan pH 2. vii ABSTRACT Electropolymerization processes and electrochemical properties of polypyrrole as electroactive polymer have been studied by cyclic voltammetry technique. Pyrrole was electropolymerized to form polypyrrole in water based solvent containing sodium perchlorate as supporting electrolyte in several pH values. pH of the solutions varied by using Britton Robinson buffer. Electropolymerization processes were carried out within potential range 0-1100 mV vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode and at the scanning rate of 100 mV/s. In this study, amino acids have been used as biomolecules which could easily be loaded on and released from polypyrrole. The presence of amino acid during electropolymerization process reduced the rate of electropolymerization of polypyrrole. The effect increased along with the increasing of concentration and molecular weight of amino acid in the solution. Voltammetric responses of amino acid transfered into polypyrrole membrane from the solution containing amino acid were found to be Nernstian. The result indicated that polypyrrole could be used as sensor of amino acids, i.e. for the membranes synthesized at pyrrole's natural pH and at pH 2. viii