SILABUS PEMBELAJARAN LEARNING SYLLABUS PENDIDIKAN BUDAYA DAN KARAKTER BANGSA CHARACTER AND CULTURE EDUCATION Subject Department Class/Semester : Biology : Natural Science : SMA XI/I Teacher NIP School : Wenny Pintalitna Tarigan : 408 141 120 : …………… KURIKULUM TINGKAT SATUAN PENDIDIKAN (KTSP) Syllabus XI IA | 1 Nama sekolah / Name of School Mata Pelajaran / Subject Kelas/Program /Class/Program Semester/Semester Standar Kompetensi /CompetenceStandard Kompetensi Dasar / Basic Competences 1.1 Mendeskripsikan komponen kimiawi sel, struktur, dan fungsi sel sebagai unit terkecil kehidupan 1.1. Describing cell chemistry component, structure and function of cell as the smallestunit in the life Kompetensi Sebagai Hasil Belajar / Competences as the Result of Study Membuat peta konsep sel Membuat preparat pengamatan mikroskopis sel Menggunakan mikroskop untuk pengamatan sel Menggambar sel sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan mikroskopis Membedakan struktur sel hidup dan sel mati Membedakan struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan Menentukan nama bagianbagian sel hasil pengamatan mikroskopis : SMA NEGERI ……. : Biologi/Biology : XI/Ilmu Alam/XI/Science : I : 1.1. Memahami struktur dan fungsi sel sabagai unit terkecil kehidupan / 1.1. To understand structure and function of cell as the smallest unit of life Materi Pembelajaran / Learning Material Struktur sel dan fungsi sel meliputi: 1. Membran sel 2. Sitoplasma 3. Inti sel Sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan Sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik Structure and function of cell include of : 1. Cell membrane Kegiatan Pembelajaran / Learning Activities Mengamati struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan To observe structure of animal and plant cell Indikator Pencapaian / Attainment Indicators Membandingkan hasil penampakan sel dan bagian-bagiannya berdasarkan pengamatan di bawah mikroskop cahaya dengan gambar/foto pada literatur. Jujur , Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri, Melaksanakan pengamatan preparat mikroskopis sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan Jujur , Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri, Menggambar struktur sel berdasarkan hasil pengamatan mikroskopis Jujur , Mandiri Animal cell and plant cell Menggambarkan bagan fungsi sistem membran dan macam-macam organel Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell Membandingkan sel prokariotik dan eukariotik 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleolus Nilai Karakter/ Character Value Membandingkan struktur sel hidup dan sel mati Honest,Curiosity, Self supporting Honest,Curiosity, Self supporting Honest, Self supporting Jujur , Mandiri Honest, Self supporting Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri Curiosity, Self supporting Jujur, Tanggung Jawab Mampu membandingkan struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan Honest, Responsible Menerangkan perbedaan Komunikatif , Menghargai Penilaian / Assessment Jenis tagihan: 1. Laporan pengamatan mikroskopis sel 2. Uji kompetensi tertulis Kinds of Evaluation 1. Report of cell microscopic observation 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil praktikum 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation instrument : 1. Evaluation sheet of practical work report 2. Competention written test Alokasi Waktu (menit)/ Time Allocation (minutes) 4 X 45 ’ Sumber Belajar / Learning Resources Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Ign. Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab 1 Penerbit Erlangga Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Mikroskop Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono , Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Syllabus XI IA | 2 struktur sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik To make cell map concept Compare the results of cell appearance and its parts as observed under a light microscope with image / photo in the literature To make preparate for cell microscopic observation To use microscope to observe cell Draw the chart/diagram of membrane system function and the various organelles Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells To differentiate of animal and plant cell Compare the structure of living cell with non-living cell To determine the name of cell’s parts as the result of microscopic observation 1.2. Identifying organell of plant and animal cell Memberi nama organel-organel sel pada gambar skematis sel Menentukan fungsi organelorganel sel To draw picture schematic ultramicroscopic Rewarding the achievement Draw cell structure based on microscopic observation preparate To differentiate structure of living and nonliving cell Menggambar secara skematis struktur ultramikroskopis sel Communicative, Doing the microscopic preparate observation of animal and plant cell To draw cell according to the microscopic observation result 1.2 Mengidentifikasi organela sel tumbuhan dan hewan Microscope prestasi Able to compare the structure of animal and plant cell Explain the differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure Organel-organel sel dan fungsinya Cell organels and their function Mengamati gambar ultra mikroskopis sel, menentukan nama-organelorganel selnya dan menjelaskan fungsi masing-masing organel sel To observe cell ultramicroscopic picture, to determine the name of cell organells and explain the every function Mengidentifikasi organel yang ditemukan di sel tumbuhan (min.10 organel) Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri, Mengidentifikasi organel yang ditemukan di sel hewan (min.10 organel) Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri, Menentukan organel yang ditemukan baik di dalam sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan Rasa ingin tahu, Mandiri, Menerangkan fungsi organel pada sel tumbuhan Komunikatif Curiosity, Self supporting Curiosity, Self supporting Curiosity, Self supporting Communicative Jenis tagihan: 1. Poster tentang sel 2. Uji Kompetensi tertulis Kinds of evaluation : 1. Cell poster 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian poster 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation instrument 1. Cell poster 2 x 45’ Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Ign, Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab I Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Gambar sel Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono , Esis Syllabus XI IA | 3 cell Menguraikan fungsi organel pada sel hewan To name cell organelles on cell schematic To determine the function Mengaitkan hubungan antara struktur dan fungsi organel sel \ 1.3 Membandingkan mekanisme transpor pada membran (difusi, osmosis, transpor aktif, endositosis, eksositosis) 1.3. Comparing transport mechanism on membrane (diffusion, osmosis, active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis) Menunjukkan gejala difusi Mendefinisikan difusi berdasarkan percobaan Menunjukkan gejala osmosis Mendefinisikan gejala osmosis berdasarkan percobaan Menggambarkan struktur membrans sel Mendeskripsikan mekanisme pengangkutan melalui membran sel To show diffusion symptom To define diffusion based on experiment Struktur membran sel Plasmasilin Mekanisme pengangkutan zat melalui membran sel antara lain: 1. Difusi 2. Osmosis 3. Imbibisi 4. Transpor aktif Structure of cell membrane Plasmacillin Mechanism of substance transport through cell membran, such as : 1. Diffusion 2. Osmosis 3. Imbibition 4. Active Transport Komunikatif ,Tanggung Jawab Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Cell picture 2. Competention written test Communicative, Responsible Komunikatif Communicative Identify the organelles that found in plant cell (min.10 organelles) Identify the organelles that found in animal cell (min.10 organelles) Determine the organelles that found both of plant and animal cells only Explain the function of organelles in plant cell Decipher the function of organelles in animal cell Mengamati transpor melalui membran Menunjukkan adanya gejala difusi dan osmosis Rasa ingin tahu To observe transport through membrane Menjelaskan pengertian difusi dan osmosis Komunikatif Menjelaskan mekanisme transpor aktif Komunikatif Menjabarkan hubungan struktur membran sel dan fungsinya dalam transpor zat Rasa ingin tahu,tanggung jawab, mandiri Show the presence of diffusion and osmosis symptom Explain the meaning of diffuusion and osmosis Explain active transport mechanism Explain the connection between the structure of cell membrane and its function in substance transport Curiosity Communicative Communicative Curiosity, Responsible, Self supporting Jenis tagihan: 1. Laporan praktikum 2. Uji kompetensi tertulis Kinds of evaluation : 1.Cell poster 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil praktikum 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation instrument 1. Evaluation sheet of practical work report 2. Competency written test 2 x 45’ Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Ign, Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab I Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono , Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Book Syllabus XI IA | 4 XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada To show the symptom of osmosis To define the symptom of osmosis based on experiment To draw structure of cell membrane Standar Kompetensi /CompetenceStandard : 2. Memahami keterkaitan antara strktur dan fungsi jaringan tumbuhan dan hewan serta penerapannya dalam konteks saling temas 2.To understand the relation between structure and function of plant and animal tissue and the application in science, environment, Kompetensi Dasar / Basic Competences 2.1. Mengidentifikasi struktur jaringan tumbuhan dan mengkaitkannya dengan fungsinya, menjelaskan sifat totipotensi sebagai dasar kultur jaringan 2.1. To identify structure of tissue and to connect it with its function, explain characteristic totipotention as the basic of tissue culture Kompetensi Sebagai Hasil Belajar / Competences as the Result of Study Materi Pembelajaran/ Material Kegiatan Pembelajaran / Activities Indikator / Indicators Nilai Karakter/ Character Value Membuat peta konsep jaringan tumbuhan Mendeskripsikan struktur-fungsi berbagai jaringan tumbuhan Mengamati struktur akar dan batang tumbuhan dengan menggunakan mikroskop Menggambar hasil pengamatan mikroskopis struktur akar dan batang tumbuhan Memberi keterangan gambar struktur mikroskopis akar dan batang Membedakan struktur akar monokotil dan dikotil Membedakan struktur batang dikotil dan monokotil Membuat preparat mikroskopis potongan melintang daun Struktur berbagai jaringan yang terdapat pada tumbuhan: 1. Jaringan meristem 2. Jaringan permanen Struktur mikroskopis organ tumbuhan 1. Akar 2. Batang 3. Daun Studi membaca untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai jaringan yang terdapat pada tumbuhan Pengamatan mikroskopis struktur akar, batang, dan daun Mengidentifikasi berbagai jaringan pada tumbuhan Rasa ingin tahu Menyebutkan struktur dan fungsi berbagai jaringan tumbuhan Komunikatif Menggambar struktur akar, batang, dan daun Jujur , Kerja keras Structure of various plant tissue : 1. Meristematic tissue 2. Permanent tissue Microscopic structure of plant organ : 1. Root 2. Stem 3. Leave Study literature to identify various tissue in the plant Observation of microscopic structure on root, stem, and leave Curiosity Communicative Honest, Hard work Membandingkan struktur akar dan batang tumbuhan dikotil dan monokotil Rasa ingin tahu Menunjukkan letak epidermis, korteks, dan stele (silinder pusat) Rasa ingin tahu Mengaitkan sifat totipotensi jaringan dengan teknik kultur jaringan Rasa ingin tahu, komunikatif Identify various tissue in plant Curiosity Curiosity Curiosity, comunicative technology and community. Penilaian / Evaluation Jenis tagihan: 1. Laporan pengamatan akar, batang, dan daun 2. Uji kompetensi tertulis Kinds of Evaluation 1.Report of observation root, stem and leave 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil praktikum 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation Alokasi Waktu (menit) / Time (minutes) 4 x 45’ Sumber Belajar / Resources Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Ign. Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab 1 Penerbit Erlangga Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Mikroskop Akar, batang, dan daun Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono, Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Syllabus XI IA | 5 Membuat preparat mikroskopis potongan membujur daun Mengamati struktur daun dengan menggunakan mikroskop Menggambar struktur daun berdasarkan hasil pengamatan Memberi nama bagianbagian daun Menggambar struktur stomata Mention structure and function of various plant tissue Draw structure of root, stem and leave Compare structure of root and stem of dicotyledon and monocotyledon Point out the location of epidermis, cortex and stele Predict the relationship between totipotensi tissue with plant culture technique To make a concept map of plant tissue To describe structurefunction plant tissue To observe root and stem’s structure with microscope To draw microscopic observation result of root and stem’s structure To give a note on the picture of microscopic observation result of root and stem’s structure To differentiate structure of monocotyledon and dicotyledon stem To make a leave cross section microscopic preparate To make a leave longitude section microscopic preparate To observe leave structure by using microscope To draw leave structure based on observation result To name leave’s parts To draw stomata’ structure 2.2. Mendeskripsikan Membuat peta konsep Struktur berbagai jaringan Studi membaca untuk Mengidentifikasi tiap- instrument 1. Evaluation sheet of practical work report 2. Competention written test Rasa ingin tahu Jenis tagihan: Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Microscope Root, stem and leave Buku kerja Syllabus XI IA | 6 struktur jaringan hewan vertebrata dan mengkaitkan dengan fungsinya 2.2. Describing structure of vertebrata animal tissue and the connection with function jaringan hewan Mengidentifikasi struktur dan fungsi berbagai jaringan hewan Mengamati jaringan yang terdapat pada paha ayam Menggambar struktur paha ayam Menentukan berbagai jaringan yang terdapat pada paha ayam Mengamatai struktur mikroskopis jaringan hewan dengan preparat awetan Menggambar hasil pengamatan mikroskopis jaringan hewan Memberi keterangan bagian-bagian gambar mikroskopis jaringan hewan Membedakan struktur dan fungsi tulang rawan dan tulang keras Membedakan struktur dan fungsi otot polos, lurik dan jantung To make a concept map of animal tissue To identify structure and function of various animal tissue To observe the tissue on chicken’s thigh To draw structure of chicken’s thigh To determine various tissues on chicken’s thigh To observe microscopic structure animal tissue on preparate To draw observation result of animal tissue To give a note on the picture of microscopic structure animal tissue To differentiate structure hewan, 1. Jaringan epitel 2. Jaringan ikat 3. Jaringan otot 4. Jaringan saraf Organ pada hewan Sistem organ pada hewan Structure of various animal tissue, 1. Epithelial tissue 2. Connective tissue 3. Muscle tissue 4. Nerve tissue Organs of animal Organ system of animal mengidentifikasi berbagai jaringan pada hewan Pengamatan struktur berbagai jaringan hewan Study literature for identifying various tissue on animal Observation of structure of various animal tissue tiap jaringan pada hewan Curiosity Menggambar berbagai jenis jaringan pada hewan berdasarkan pengamatan mikroskopis Jujur, Kerja Keras, Kreatif Mendeskripsikan struktur dan fungsi berbagai jaringan pada hewan Menjelaskan hubungan antara jaringan, organ, dan sistem organ Rasa ingin tahu Identify the kinds of animal tissues Draw various kinds of tissue in animal based on microscope observation Describe structure and function of various animal tissue Explain relationship among of tissue, organ, and organ system. Honest, Hard Work,Creative Curiosity Komunikatif, Mandiri, Tanggung Jawab Communicative ,Self supporting, Responsible 1. Laporan pengamatan jaringan hewan 2. Uji kompetensi tertulis Kinds of Evaluation 1.Report of observation animal tissue 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil praktikum 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation instrument 1. Evaluation sheet of practical work report 2. Competention written test 4 x 45 Biologi 2A, Ign. Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab 1 Penerbit Erlangga Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Mikroskop Preparat awetan jaringan hewan Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono, Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Microscope Preparate of animal tissue Syllabus XI IA | 7 and function of bone and cartilage To differentiate structure and function smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. Standar Kompetensi /CompetenceStandard : 3. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi organ manusia dan hewan tertentu , kelainan/penyakit yang mungkin terjadi serta implikasinya pada Salingtemas 3. To explain structure and function organ of certain human and animal, disorder/diseases that can be happened and its implication in Science, environment, technology and community. Kompetensi Dasar / Basic Competences Kompetensi Sebagai Hasil Belajar / Competences as The Result of Study 3.1 Menjelaskan keterkaitan antara struktur, fungsi, dan proses serta kelainan/penyakit yang dapat terjadi pada sistem gerak pada manusia Membuat peta konsep sistem gerak pada manusia Mengidentifikasi komponen penyusun sistem gerak manusia Mengidentifikasi berbagai gerakan yang dapat dilakukan manusia Mengamati berbagai persendian dengan menggunakan kerangka manusia Menggambar berbagai persendian pada manusia Mengamati struktur tulang Mengamati dan mempelajari kontraksi otot Menguraikan gerakan yang dilakukan pada berbagai aktivitas manusia 3.1.To explain the connection between structure, function, process and disorder/diseases that can be happened on movement system in human To make a concept map of movement system in human To identify components that compile movement system in human Materi Pembelajaran / Material Komponen penyusun alat gerak manusia: 1. Rangka 2. Otot Hubungan antar tulang : 1. Sinartrosis 2. Amfiartrosis 3. Diartrosis Berbagai macam persendian Berbagai gerak yang dapat dilakukan manusia Gangguan pada sistem gerak manusia Former component of human movement organ : 1. Skeleton 2. Muscle Interbones relationship 1. Synarthrosis 2. Amphiarthrosis 3. Diarthrosis Various of joints Various movement Kegiatan Pembelajaran / Activities Studi membaca untuk mengidetifikasi sistem gerak manusia Pengamatan struktur tulang Pengamatan berbagai persendian pada manusia Pengamatan struktur persendian Pengamatan kontraksi otot Study literature to identify human movement system Observation of bone structure Observation of various joints in human Observation of joint structure Observation of muscle contraction Indikator / Indicators Nilai Karakter/ Character Value Menjelaskan stuktur dan fungsi rangka sebagai penyusun sistem gerak pada manusia Menggambarkan hubungan antartulang yang membentuk berbagai persendian Disiplin, Tanggungjawab, Kerja Keras Menggambarkan struktur persendian Kreatif, Menjelaskan struktur tulang Tanggung Discipline, Responsible, Hard work Jujur, Kreatif, Tanggung Jawab Honest, Creative, Responsible Creative Jawab Responsible Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi otot sebagai penyusun sistem gerak pada manusia Mendiskusikan berbagai gerakan dan persendian yang terlibat Kerja keras , Toleransi Mengidentifikasi berbagai penyakit Menghargai prestasi, Hard work, Tolerant Penilaian / Evaluation Jenis tagihan 1. Laporan praktikum 2. Uji kompetensi tertulis Kinds of Evaluation 1.Report of practical work 2. Competention written test Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil pengamatan 2. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis Evaluation instrument 1. Evaluation sheet of observation result 2. Competention written test Alokasi Waktu (menita) / Time (minutes) Sumber Belajar / Resources 5 x 45’ Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Ign. Khristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab 1 Penerbit Erlangga Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Mikroskop Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono, Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter 1 Publisher : Erlangga Biology Bilingual Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Microscope Rasa ingin tahu , Komunikatif Curiosity, Communicative Syllabus XI IA | 8 To identify various movements that can be done by human To observe various joint by using human skeleton To draw various joint in human To observe bone structure To observe and study muscle contraction To analyze movements are done in various human activity that can be done by human Human movement system disorder atau gangguan yang terjadi pada sistem gerak manusia mandiri Rewarding the achievement, Self supporting Explain skeleton’s structure and function as the composer of human movement system Draw the interbones relationship that form various joint Draw the joint structure Explain the bone structure Explain muscle’s structure and function as composer of human movement system Discuss the various movement and involved joint • Identify various diseases or disorders that happen in human movement system Syllabus XI IA | 9 3.2 Menjelaskan keterkaitan antara struktur, fungsi, dan proses serta kelainan yang dapat terjadi pada sistem peredaran darah 3.2. To explain interrelation between structure, function, and process along with disorder that happens in blood circulatory system Membuat peta konsep sistem peredaran darah manusia Mengidentifikasi komponen yang terlibat dalam sistem peredaran darah manusia Melakukan pengujian golongan darah manusia Membedah hewan untuk diamati jantungnya Mengamati letak jantung hewan vertebrata Mengamati struktur jantung hewan vertebrata Menggambar struktur jantung hewan vertebrata Mendeskripsikan denyut jantung berdasarkan hasil pengamatan Membandingkan struktur jantung pada berbagai hewan vertebrata Membuat kliping ganguan/penyakit pada siistem peredaran darah manusia dan teknologi mengatasinya To make a concept map of blood circulatory system To identify components are involved in blood circulatory system To do a test of human blood group To operate an animal to observe its heart To observe position of vertebrate’s heart Komponen penyusun sistem peredaran darah manusia: 1. Darah 2. Jantung 3. Pembuluh darah Mekanisme sistem peredaran darah manusia Penggolongan darah Berbagai gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada sistem peredaran darah manusia Former components of human blood circulatory system : 1. Blood 2. Heart 3. Blood vessel Mechanism of blood circulatory system Blood’s group Various disorder or diseases that happens in blood circulatory system Studi membaca untuk mengidentifikasi komponen penyusun sistem peredaran darah manusia Mengamati eritrotis dan menggambar hasil pengamatan Menguji golongan darah Pengamatan sistem peredaran darah pada berbagai hewan vertebrata Mengumpulkan informasi untuk membuat kliping tentang gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada sistem peredaran darah manusia Study literature for identifying former component blood circulatory system To observe erythrocyte and draw observation result To test blood group Observation of blood circulatory system in various vertebrata To collect information for making a clipping about disorder/disease that happens in human blood circulatory system Menjelaskan hubungan stuktur pembuluh darah dan fungsinya Menggambarkan lintasan peredaran darah pada manusia Menjelaskan hubungan antara berbagai komponen darah dan fungsinya Menggambarkan skema proses pembekuan darah Kreatif, Kerja Keras,Jujur Creative, Hardwork, Honest Kerja keras, Rasa ingin tahu Hard work, Curiosity Menjelaskan hubungan bagianbagian jantung dan fungsinya Komunikatif, Rasa Ingin Tahu Menjelaskan sistem limfe Menerangkan hubungan sistem peredaran darah dan sistem limfatik Honest, Self supporting Mencontohkan proses uji golongan darah golongan darah Jujur, Mandiri Menerangkan gangguan/penyakit yang terjadi pada sistem peredaran darah manusia Menjelaskan sistem sirkulasi pada hewan Communicative, Curiosity Kerja keras, Rasa ingin tahu Hard work, Curiosity Kreatif, Kerja Keras,Jujur Creative, Hardwork, Honest Kerja keras, Rasa ingin tahu Hard work, Curiosity Menghargai prestasi, Mandiri, Komunikatif Rewarding the achievement , Self supporting, Communicative a. Jenis tagihan: 1.Laporan praktikum uji golongan darah 2. Laporan praktikum pengamatan eritrosit 3.Laporan praktikum pengamatan sistem peredaran darah hewan vertebrata 4.Kliping 5.Uji kompetensi tertulis a. Kinds of Evaluation 1.Report of practical work in test blood group 2. Report of practical of erythrocyte observation 3. Report of practical work in observation of vertebrate’s blood circulatory sytem 4. A Clipping 5. Competention written test b. Instrumen penilaian: 1. Lembar penilaian laporan hasil praktikum 2. lembar penilaian kliping 3. Soal uji kompetensi tertulis 7 x 45’ Buku kerja Biologi 2A, Lgn, Kristiyono, Esis Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina dkk, Esis, Bab V Buku Biologi XI Bilingual, Penerbit Yrama Husada Koran, majalah , jurnal buku, sumber, dan informasi. Hewan vertebrata Workbook Biology 2A, Ign.Khristiyono, Esis Biology Book XI, Dyah Aryulina, dkk, Esis, Chapter V Biology Bilingual Book XI, Publisher : Yrama Husada Newspaper,magazi ne, journal, book, other resources Vertebrates b. Evaluation Instrument : 1. Evaluation sheet of report practical work result 2. Evaluation sheet of clipping 3. Competences written test Kerja keras, Rasa ingin tahu Hard work, Curiosity Kerja keras, Rasa ingin tahu Syllabus XI IA | 10 To observe structure of vertebrate’s heart To draw structure of vertebrate’s heart To describe heartbeat based on observation result To compare heart’s structure in various observation result To make a clipping about disorder/diseases in blood circulatory system and how to solve it with technology invertebrata Membandingkan sistem sirkulasi pada hewanhewan vertebrata Explain the relationship among various blood component and itf function Draw a scheme of blood coagulation process Examplizes the process of blood group Explain the relationship between the parts of heart and its function Explain the relationship between blood vessel structure and its function Draw the lines of human circulation blood Explain lymph system Explain the relationship between blood circulation system and lymphatic circulation system Explain the disorders of human circulatory system Explain the blood circulation system in invertebrates Compare circulation system in vertebrates Hard work, Curiosity Tanggungjawab , Rasa ingin tahu Responsible, Curiosity Syllabus XI IA | 11