SYLLABUS FORM ISO 9001 : 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Doc. No : FRM/KUL/01/02 Revision No : 4 Date of Issue : October 01st , 2011 ISO : 7.5.1 & 7 Created by Checked by Approved by Ade Putra, M.Kom. Syahril Rizal, S.T., M.M., M.Kom. M.Izman Herdiansyah, PhD Faculty Study Program Subject Code Credit Prerequisite Status of Subject Description : : : : : : : : Computer Science Informatics Techniques Practical Internet Valid date Grade : S1 Degree compulsory Internet lab will discuss about the basic knowledge about internet and internet programming include HTML and CSS as well as an introduction to java script writing, website creation and training using the Joomla 1.7 CMS Software 9. Competence : the students are expected to understand about the Internet and basic Internet programming both on HTML and CSS, as well as the use of CMS Joomla 1.7 module which is a wizard in developing a website easily. 10. Implementation Process of weekly learning time : N Topics Sub Topics o 1. The introduction of the Internet 2. Discussion Regarding Search Enggine 1 The introduction of the Internet 3. Discussion About Email 4. Discussion of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google +) 1. Basic - Basic HTML 2. Usage and Writing List and type - the type of list 2 Basic HTML (List, Image, Table) 3. Use of Image 4. The use of tables and Format format tables 1. Use of Form and Form Writing Advanced HTML (Form, Frame, 2. Discussion of the frame and 3 Layout) kind - kind of frame 3. Website layout design 1. The introduction of CSS 2. The format of writing CSS 4 CSS Basics 3. Type - type of writing CSS 4. Command - the command basic CSS 1. Web design with CSS basic Exercise Basics CSS commands 5 2. Website design exercise 6 1. 7 8 CSS Advanced 2. 3. Exercise Advanced CSS 1. Kuis The introduction of command the command continued with CSS Pseudecode on CSS desaign web with advanced CSS Website design practice with References Eko Priyo Utomo, ST., Panduan Internet Untuk Pemula, Penerbit Mediakom Ed Tittle and Mary C. Burmeister, HTML 4 For Dummies 5th Edition, Willey Publishing Inc. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Explanation advanced CSS 2. manufacture 9 Menus with CSS 10 1. 2. 3. 4. Format menu with CSS vertical menu Horizontal menu Drop down menu with CSS MID With CSS Advanced Web 11 Design 12 The introduction of Java Script 1. Design a complete website with CSS 1. The introduction of java script 2. Writing java script 3. The use of java script 1. exercise the use of java script 13 Exercise Java Script 14 The introduction of CMS (Joomla 1.7) 15 Design CMS (Joomla 1.7) 16 Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. 1. The introduction of joomla 1.7 2. Installing Joomla 1.7 3. Input data - data in joomla 1.7 1. Choosing a template joomla 1.7 2. Manipulating the display joomla 1.7 3. Changing the header in joomla 1.7 UAS Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. Lucky Permana, Mengelola Website dengan Joomla 1.7 dengan 70 Ekstensi Terpopuler, Elex Media Komputindo. Lucky Permana, Mengelola Website dengan Joomla 1.7 dengan 70 Ekstensi Terpopuler, Elex Media Komputindo. 10. Evaluation : 11. References : 1. Eko Priyo Utomo, ST., Panduan Internet Untuk Pemula, Penerbit Mediakom 2. Ed Tittle and Mary C. Burmeister, HTML 4 For Dummies 5th Edition, Willey Publishing Inc. 3. Arif Ramadhan S.Kom, Pemrograman Web Dengan HTML, CSS dan Java Script, Elex Media Komputindo. 4. Lucky Permana, Mengelola Website dengan Joomla 1.7 dengan 70 Ekstensi Terpopuler, Elex Media Komputindo.