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The Best Neck Massagers to Knead Out Knots and Melt Stress

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All of those hours huddled over your computer, not to mention staring down at your cell
phone, can leave you with some pretty serious kinks in your neck. Plus, if you're like
most people, you're probably working from home—and specifically, from your kitchen
counter, dining room table, couch, or even your bed—at least part of the time now, so
you may be noticing new aches and pains that you didn't experience at the office.
The neck and shoulders carry a lot of weight, both literally and figuratively. When we’re
stressed or anxious, we often tense our neck muscles and raise our shoulders. Working
out with poor form can lead to strained neck muscles and sore shoulders, but so can
carrying a heavy briefcase or backpack all day, lifting small children into bed at night
and even lugging groceries up a flight of stairs. The neck and shoulders go through a lot
every day and that’s why it’s important to take care of them with a massager.
Neck and shoulder massagers can relieve tension and knots that may be causing
reoccurring headaches. As we spend extended portions of our days with our heads
stretch forward while looking at screens, massagers can provide relief on strained
muscles and relax users into a more comfortable, natural position. Tight or pulled
muscles can be treated thanks to the heat and pressure from a massager.
Treating yourself to a massage at a spa with a registered massage therapist is a great
way to relieve sore and tired muscles, but when time and money make that difficult, a
high-quality neck and shoulder massager can provide some much-needed reprieve.
So, what can you do? Thankfully, you don't have to splurge on a spa visit or beg your
partner for an at-home massage to get some relief. First things first, make sure your
laptop or computer screen is at eye level, so your head doesn't angle downward to read.
(To do this, you might need to put it on a pile of books or purchase an adjustable
monitor or laptop stand.) If you're still experiencing pain, the right tools—think electronic
massagers and lubricating oils—can help you knead out knots in a flash, plus provide
migraine relief and stress-busting benefits.
InvoSpa Back Neck and Shoulder Massager is equipped with eight massage roller balls
that provide deep tissue relief for your entire body. Additionally, three separate speed
strength levels are offered with two hand loops, so you’re able to push towards the
ground to optimize pressure. It even includes an infrared heat function that easily
soothes sore muscles and also comes with a carrying bag allowing you to take it
anywhere with you. In case your neck begins to ache during a future road trip, the
massager has wall and car adapters you can use on-the-go.
Are you trying to get rid of a massive headache? The LuxFit Trigger Point Manual
Muscle Massage is a manual massager that provides targeted pain relief. It has two
knobs made to apply direct pressure to the back of your neck or other pressure points to
promote healing for tension headaches and migraines. Its ergonomic handles allow you
to easily control all aspects of the massage such as pace, direction, and intensity, so
you can get the relief you need.
Wrap the HoMedics Shiatsu Deluxe Neck & Shoulder Massager around you for the
ultimate relaxation. Gone are the days of neck and shoulder cramps, this portable,
lightweight massager can be used anywhere. It features an ergonomic, U-shape design
that can be adjusted to fit snugly on your neck with loops for your arms to slip through.
The massager has two small and large nodes you can customize to rotate in any
direction you’d like. They can be controlled to rotate in or out and of course, there’s a
heated massage option. You’ll be able to regularly get a deep-kneading Shiatsu-style
massage every time you use this machine.
“Shiatsu neck massagers are helpful in releasing tight muscles and trigger points,"
explains chiropractor Dustin Martinez. "They’re not for the faint-hearted, however.
Shiatsu massagers are designed to target trigger points so they tend to be more deep
tissue to get a concentrated release of the muscle.”
Who knew this simple Massage Roller Ball by Vive can be the comfort you need? Two
come with each purchase and the handheld balls can be used together or kept in
separate spots for rapid, on-the-go relief.
This latex-free, hypoallergenic product won’t irritate your skin and is durable as it’s
made from high-quality resin that won’t crack no matter how much pressure you put on
it. You won’t have to worry about any friction either. The roller balls glide smoothly on
bare skin or clothing leaving you with an effective and soothing massage.
Stay on the go with Papillon Back Massager with Heat that delivers a heated massage
wherever life takes you. This device has a car adapter, so you can use it during long
drives or cold winter mornings.
The high-quality pillow kneads the uncomfortable kinks in your neck by rapidly changing
direction every minute. It also gives off heat and safely warms your tense muscles.
There’s no forgetting the massager’s ergonomic layout as it fits perfectly behind the
neck and contours to several parts of your body including the lower and upper back,
abdomen, calf, and thigh areas.
What to Look for in a Neck Massager
Nothing beats on-the-go pain relief. Whether you’re working from home or need a pickme-up after the gym, make sure you know exactly how your massager works. It may be
battery operated, which is easier to carry around, or if you're staying mostly at home, a
plug-in option may be best for longer use.
Heating and Cooling Therapy
Using heating or cooling remedies is always a common debate around alleviating pain.
Eeric Truumees, M.D., a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at Texas Spine and
Scoliosis in Austin, Texas, and the president of the North American Spine Society
(NASS) says for issues just below the surface, icing can be the remedy, but for deeper
tissue issues like neck pain, heat is often the best way to go. “I’ve had patients swear by
icing as a means to control their neck pain. For me, though, heating seems to be more
helpful overall. The major structures of the cervical spine cannot be iced, they are too
deep; the muscles will benefit from heat.”
However, Dr. Truumees cautions against jumping straight into using heat if your neck
pain is due to something like a sports-related injury. “I would avoid [heating] for a few
days if you’ve had a significant strain with any bruising or swelling. The soft, foam
cervical collar is another way to keep the neck muscles warm, but I try to avoid braces,
when possible, so as to avoid any increased stiffness.”
An important factor in purchasing a neck massager is how easy it is to use. As Dr.
Truumees says, if you suffer from pain that radiates to the skull causing headaches, you
may want to avoid percussive massagers that could only add to discomfort. If you suffer
from arthritis and cannot have things draped over your shoulders, wrap-around Shiatsu
massagers are not the right tool for you.
TENS units are very gentle and should not cause strain for people with more sensitive
neck and shoulder areas. According to Dr. Truumees, “Many people’s neck pain will
radiate well into the upper back. I would recommend taking that into account when
choosing machines you want to try.”
What Experts Say
"People experiencing neck pain should stay active overall. Bed rest is not the answer for
most causes of neck or back pain. Muscles do better when the blood is flowing. Walking
or other aerobic exercise is a good idea, while massagers and heat are another way to
keep the blood flowing,”
—Eeric Truumees, M.D., a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at Texas Spine and
Scoliosis in Austin, Texas, and president of the North American Spine Society (NASS)
Why Trust Verywell Health?
Isis Briones is a seasoned health writer who works to find products that work best for
you and your conditions. You can count on her to always provide a variety of
recommendations from licensed medical professionals because she has tested and
reviewed tons of products over the years to know everyone is different.
Additional reporting to this story by Janae Price and Simone Scully
As a health writer, Janae Price understands the importance of a knowledgeable and
honest review. When there are so many different opinions out there, it's great to have a
concise answer that cuts through all the junk online. Every product in this piece has
been thoroughly researched and sourced by professionals with potential user needs in
Simone Scully is a New York-based writer and editor with years of experience writing
about health, wellness, science, and lifestyle. Her byline has appeared at Healthline,
Well+Good, Narratively, Romper, Motherifigure’s magazine, Nautilus, Narratively,
AskMen, among other places.
But what can you do to get rid of neck pain? Going for a massage would be a good
choice, but a massage may not be the most convenient way for you to get rid of your
neck pain. But aside from a masseuse, you should get a neck massager of course.
Malaysia is filled to the brim with different neck massagers from different brands and
each has their own special features and functions. A neck massager is able to help you
alleviate the pain in your neck and help you out with mobility issues. Plus, you can also
help to improve your blood circulation and reduce the chances of getting an annoying
But what kind of neck massager should you buy? Out of so many models and brands,
which one do you even start to choose? Well, while it may be very difficult for you to
choose a neck massager if you don’t know anything and haven’t done your research,
we’re always available to help you out. Today, we’ve listed down a list of the best
massage guns in Malaysia. We’ve done all the necessary and compiled a nice list for
you to choose your very own neck massager.
What are some of the features of neck massagers I should look for?
According to neck massagers review from Consumer Ratings, there are several
important factors and features you should look at before you buy a neck massager.
These include:
1. Shape
Choose a neck massager that is shaped properly to be able to target your pain points
and is able to reach your required area.
1. Size and weight
You don’t want to have a neck massager that is too small or too big. Pick one that is the
right size, and if you need it to be portable, choose something that isn’t too heavy for
you to move around.
iii. Massage options
Whether it’s a percussion massage, shiatsu massage, kneading, tapping or vibration,
make sure you are able to choose one option that you are most likely to use for a long
time. Sure, some neck massagers come with a variety of different styles of massage,
but these may cost a little bit on the higher side. Try to pick something that you will
constantly use, without breaking the bank.
1. Massage nodes
For a deep and intense massage, you may want to look at how many massage nodes a
particular model has. The more massage nodes, the deeper and more intense the
massage is.
1. Intensity and speed
Speed and intensity are two things you will want to consider on your neck massager.
Being able to control the intensity and speed of your neck massage is great as a
customizing option. There may be some models which only come with the default
option, so choose wisely if you want to be able to control your massage.
1. Customization and attachments
Some neck massagers do come with different customization tools and attachments to
target different areas of your body. This may help to further increase the variety of your
massages, if that is something you want.
What are some benefits of neck massages?
Neck massages are able to help with a variety of different issues. These include:
1. Neck pain
2. Shoulder pain
iii. Stiff neck
1. Muscle tension
2. Migraine and headaches
3. Arthritis
Of course, as with any massager, you should always consult your doctor if you are in
any intense and long-lasting pain.
How long should I be using a neck massager?
Ideally, you should be using a neck massager around once a day, with each session
around 15 minutes. This is because overusing the neck massager might lead to
negative effects like overstimulating the nerves and the muscles. You should always
stop as soon as you feel any pain, and consult your doctor if there are any long-lasting
effects from using the neck massager.
So there you have it. After reading our article above, we hope that you have all the
information you need to make a decision on the right neck massager for you. Again, you
should look at the various features and your needs before making a choice to buy. We
know that a best neck massager in Malaysia will eventually help you get rid of that
annoying pain in your neck and shoulders. Happy massaging!