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PDF Download^! Super Moms Day Planner 2021: 2 Months of Daily Journal Planner Pages for Stressed Out Frazzled Tired Super Moms | Humor gifts to make Busy Schedule Moms Smile | 7 x 10 size Read #book #ePub

Super Moms Day Planner 2021: 2 Months of Daily Journal Planner Pages for
Stressed Out Frazzled Tired Super Moms | Humor gifts to make Busy Schedule
Moms Smile | 7 x 10 size
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ASIN : B08WK51ZTC Publisher : Independently published (February 12, 2021) Language : English Paperback : 144
pages ISBN-13 : 979-8708418067 Item Weight : 12 ounces Dimensions : 7 x 0.33 x 10 inches
Book Description
Daily Planner for Super Moms! Smile and Get Stuff Done Even with your Super Powers, do you sometimes still struggle
to accomplish everything you need to get done in a day? We hear you! With a fun light-hearted approach, our undated 62day planner is designed to make busy Moms smile AND help you get stuff done, wIth plenty of space to log those
important dates and appointments, jot down your to-do lists, and make notes. Features: Fun unique designs for each daily
2-page spreadAt a glance Annual Planner pages for 2021 / 2022Contacts pages2 months of undated Monthly Planner
pages2 months of undated Daily Planner pagesDot grid / wide lined notes pages for your to-do lists, notes and
journalingGlossy soft coverMakes an ideal gift for all Super Moms Read more Read less (function(f) {var
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Publication date February 12, 2021 Dimensions 7 x 0.33 x 10 inches ISBN-13 979-8708418067 See all details Next page
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