THE INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL LEARNING APPLICATION WITH REACT STRATEGY (RELATING, EXPERIENCING, APPLYING, COOPERATING, AND TRANSFERRING) ON RESULTS OF CHEMICAL LEARNING OUTCOMES IN CLASS XI HIGH SCHOOL IN MEDAN THESIS Submitted To Meet Requirements In Obtaining Bachelor of Education in Chemistry Education Study Program By: VERONIKA ANASTASYA SIMBOLON 4172131025 CHEMICAL EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM MEDAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2020 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background In this modern era, competition between countries is getting tougher. The competition encourages countries in the world, including Indonesia to prepare itself in various sectors, one of which is the education sector. In the sector education, humans are prepared to have resources quality and can compete in the modern era. In the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003 Article 1, Indonesian Education is divided into formal, non-formal and informal education. Formal education is carried out in several levels, starting from basic education, secondary education, and higher education. This formal education is structured and systematic as a means to educate the nation's children and develop students' talents. This is in accordance with the functions and objectives of education as stated in the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning functions and the objectives of National Education Chapter II Article 3 which reads as follows. "National Education functions to develop the ability and shape the nation's character and civilization with dignity in order to educate the life of the nation, aiming at developing the potential of students to become people of faith and devotion to God Almighty, noble, healthy, faithful, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible ". To achieve the goal of national education, curriculum implementation is designed to provide the broadest learning experience for students in developing the ability to behave, be knowledgeable, be skilled, and act. In the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003, the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements that contain the objectives, content, and learning material as well asways used as guidelines for organizing learning activities to achieve certain learning goals. Primary and secondary education curriculum in Indonesia contains several compulsory subjects, one of which is chemistry The 21st Century Commission on Education for the Century "21" recommends four strategies for the success of education; first, learning to learn, which includes how students are able to explore the information around them from the explosion of information itself; second, learning to be, namely students are expected to be able to recognize themselves, and be able to adapt to their environment; third, learning to do, which is in the form of actions or actions to bring up ideas related to mathematics; and fourth, learning to be together, which includes how we live in a community that is interdependent with one another, so that we are able to compete in a healthy and cooperative manner and are able to respect others (Trianto, 2008). Chemistry is not only a collection of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts or principles, but also a process of discovery, so that in learning activities teachers should not only teach facts, concepts, or principles, but more important is how students process in finding facts, concepts , or the principle (BSNP, 2006). In accordance with Permendikbud No.59 on the basic framework and structure of the high school / madrasah aliyah curriculum, it is explained that learning chemistry in high school should be more directed at developing the creativity of students in the learning process. Chemistry learning in high school has the aim to foster students' creative thinking abilities (Drafting Team, 2014). Observations that have been made at SMA N 10 Medan show that most students consider chemistry to be a very difficult and unattractive science, because there is too much material and many calculations making it difficult for students to understand. Some of the factors causing difficulties and lack of student interest include books and worksheets used in learning are considered to be students lacking understanding of the material being studied so that it requires supporting learning media that can help clarify the material. In addition, the limited complementary media for learning books so that learning media is needed to be able to facilitate educators in their duties as facilitators. The results of observations during the field study showed that the chemistry learning process at SMA N 10 Medan often uses the lecture method, because with the lecture method, educators can control the state of the class (Mulyono, 2012), but sometimes it makes students bored with ongoing learning. Students who are getting bored prefer silence and pretend to pay attention to educators. The existence of students who are bored with learning chemistry, it is necessary to use interesting learning media that can stimulate students' curiosity about chemical material. Students who are getting bored prefer silence and pretend to pay attention to educators. The existence of students who are bored with learning chemistry, it is necessary to use interesting learning media that can stimulate students' curiosity about chemical material. Students who are getting bored prefer silence and pretend to pay attention to educators. The existence of students who are bored with learning chemistry, it is necessary to use interesting learning media that can stimulate students' curiosity about chemical material. Seeing the development of an increasingly rapid era, especially in information technology, requires an education system able to adjust to achieve educational goals. The ease of access to the internet today is inevitable from human needs, especially in the field of education. This is what should be utilized and developed optimally in the learning process of students. Learning media that is appropriate to the character and needs of students can help students to learn more independently without relying on educators, they can rely on and utilize existing technology. This requires an educator creativity in the learning process that is with multimedia learning media that combines audio, images, animation, text, and interesting videos so that students can learn in one media only. One of them is with a website that can be used by educators in the classroom and students as learning resources (Suyanto, 2003). In the buffer solution material there are reaction mechanisms that involve abstract chemical reactions, there are calculations consisting of several stages, as well as contextual for example the use of buffer solutions in industry or its benefits to the body. Understanding of the buffer solution material cannot be achieved if students only memorize the concept of the material (Aulia Hikmah Dorotulaila, 2014). According to Trianto (2007), by using an appropriate learning model, students will be able to receive the subject matter and follow it to the fullest so that the learning objectives can be achieved. One learning model that matches the characteristics of the buffer solution material is a learning model with a REACT strategy. The REACT strategy is a learning model that is based on constructivism and is included in contextual learning (Crawford, 2001). Through the REACT strategy, students will carry out different learning activities that involve students learning actively. The REACT strategy consists of five strategies that must be visible, namely: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring. In the REACT strategy, students can associate what is being learned with the context of real life experiences with relating strategies, make students learn by doing activities (learning by doing) through exploration, discovery, search, problem solving activities, and laboratories in the experiencing stage. (experienced). Students will learn by applying the concepts they have learned to use, Some research results indicate that the use of REACT strategies in learning gives positive results. Akhmad Farid's research (2013) on the Effect of Application of Chemistry Learning with REACT Strategy on Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Class XI MAN Babakan Lebaksiu Tegal students showed that learning with REACT strategy had an effect of 20.25% on student chemistry learning outcomes. Research conducted by Aulia Hikmah Dorotulaila (2014) on the Effect of REACT Learning Models (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring) with Experimentation and Problem Solving Methods on Learning Achievement in Students' Evaluation Capabilities of Students shows the influence of using the REACT learning model with experimental and settlement methods problems with students' cognitive learning achievement. Based on the theory and facts in the field, a study was conducted on the REACT strategy and its effect on learning outcomes in buffer solution material. The purpose of this study is to determine the difference and how much influence the REACT strategy on student learning outcomes in the buffer solution material. 1.2.Problem Identification Based on the background of the problem stated above, the problem can be identified as follows: 1. Student activities only see, listen, and record the subject matter delivered by the teacher, so students become passive during the learning process taking place in class. 2. The teacher has not been able to maximize the right learning model to involve student activities. 3. Buffer Solution is one of the chemistry learning material that has a high level of memorization so that it requires varied learning media. 4. The spatial ability of Medan 10 High School students is still low. One reason for the low spatial ability and resilience include the selection and use of learning models that have not been provided opportunities to foster student learning activities. 5. Students with low resilience do not want to discuss and do not want to play an active role during learning so students give up quickly and do not want to try harder to solve the problems they face. 1.3. Research Scope Based on the identification of the problems revealed above, it is necessary to limit the problem so that the problems in this study are more focused and focused. So to make this research more specific the researchers focused the research on: 1. Supporting Material 2. Low student interest in chemistry learning 3. Effects of REACT Strategies on improving student learning 1.4. Problem Statement 1. What is the learning process of class XI chemistry with the REACT strategy on buffer material? 2. What is the response by the teacher to the validity and effectiveness of the REACT strategy on the buffer solution material? 3. AIs there a significant effect of the REACT cognitive conflict strategy on students' spatial abilities? 4. Are there interactions between the learning model and Chemistry's initial ability with students' spatial abilities? 5. How to increase motivation and learning outcomes of high school students towards learning chemistry using the REACT strategy on buffer solution material? 1.5. Research Objectives Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives to be achieved in this study are as follows: 1. Analyze significant effect of REACT cognitive conflict strategies on students' spatial abilities. 2. To find out the interaction of learning models and chemistry's initial ability with students' spatial abilities. 3. To find out the increased motivation and learning outcomes of high school students towards learning chemistry using the REACT strategy on the Buffer Solution material 1.6. Research Benefits With the achievement of research objectives, it is hoped that the results of this study will be useful: 1. For teachers a. As an alternative learning in the teaching and learning process. b. As an input for teachers to use the REACT learning strategy in the learning process. c. Can be used as an alternative and variation in learning media as well as a reference material to increase students' learning motivation. 2. For students By using this REACT learning strategy is expected to be one of the media and learning resources for students, so as to be able to increase motivation and student learning outcomes. 3. For Schools As an alternative effort to improve the quality of teaching and learning in mathematics learning by utilizing technological developments in the 21st century in the R1 4.0 era. 4. For Researchers It is useful to be able to see the effect of REACT cognitive conflict strategies on spatial abilities in terms of students' initial chemistry abilities compared to conventional learning that is often applied at school. 1.7. Operational Benefits 1. Learning using the REACT strategy 2. Motivation and learning outcomes of class XI high school students 3. Material buffer solution