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well today on the boiling point we're going to talk about daily maintenance on your boiler room
welcome to the boiling point we're here with 36 year veteran Michael Taylor Michael's actually in our
safety department and heads all to the safety department of where but more importantly he's last word
technically in the business so 36 years in the business got a lot of knowledge and so really I can't believe
I haven't had you on the the boiling point yet so glad that you're finally with us here hey what we're
talking about today's we're going to talk a little bit about daily maintenance of the boiler and taking
care of the boiler and we thought we'd go through a checklist of things that you could do on a daily basis
so Michael the first thing I believe that we would do is look a little bit about the blow downs
yeah the the biggest point is to the main blowdown to get all the solids out of the boiler that's
accumulated in there okay how those solids actually get to the bottom blowdown and they're they're
heavier than the water so they're going to fall to the bottom the chemical in the boiler actually keeps
it from attaching to the tubes and the other materials so they can't drop and you can blow them out
okay so this is a daily thing that should be done once you go through that process real quick for us
okay I main blowdown you you're going
to have a quick opening and a slow
opening on most boilers you always open
the quick opening first it's just a
backup you don't want to open it last
you want to open the slope make sure
that you don't stress the pipes and
stuff and blow them off so you open the
valve up all the way and depending on
how long your chemical guide tells you
to blow it then you close it back down
typically it's going to be a ten-second
blow okay and then shut your secondary
valve back off all right we've moved to
the front of the boiler now we're going
to be doing the water columns Michael
first of all what is the water column
for it's to control the level of the
water in the boiler and to prevent the
blower from going out on low water so it
it has switches in it that will shut the
burner off if the water gets too low
okay so what are we going to do going to
daily maintenance on this well this you
have settlement will settle in this bowl
just like it does in the bottom the
boiler so if you let it
too much build in there then the float
or the probes in this case will not
they take a little water conditions so
you have to blow that column down to
blow all that sediment out and on on
this one it's a probe so it doesn't
matter how quickly you do it but if
you've got a a float in there
you have to do it very slowly or you'll
collapse your float so you simply open
the valve up all the way the time you
get it open it's blown out so then you
close it back down okay
so it's not a ten second here no just
open up and close it back down okay and
when you do that the boiler the burner
should shut down because it's going to
drop the water off that switch if it
doesn't shut down there's something
wrong you need to shut it down and see
what's wrong with it
well having data is always important and
this next thing that we're going to do
is something that's also important tell
us a little bit about the boiler
pressure plea depending on your process
you're going to have a certain set point
on your boiler pressure and the ball
it's going to fluctuate some depending
on your load so you always want to check
your your pressure when you add a steady
load right not when it's you've got a
big load surge or it's back way off
whenever it's a steady load and check to
make sure that your bores maintaining
the pressure is this something that you
would actually write down daily sure you
should have a daily log book that you
would write that down a lot of places
they'll record that every hour and what
would you use that information for just
to see what your load is being on your
board to make sure that your boiler is
big enough and also to make sure that if
your load hasn't changed that your
boards working properly
well we've moved back to the back of the
boiler again and the stack seems to be
something that is really really
important to understand once you tell us
a little about the stack well the stack
will in stack temperature will tell you
what's going on inside the boiler
because scale is a great insulator soot
is a great insulator either one of them
is going to cut down the efficiency and
allow more heat to go out your stack
okay so if you check your stack
temperature daily the stack temperature
should always be from
1,500 degrees above your steam
temperature okay so if you've got 325
degrees steam temperature 225 psi then
your stocks going be between 375 and 425
if it gets out of that it starts rising
you know something is going haywire
inside the board okay and typically when
that stock temperature is going up a lot
of times it is a suet problem and maybe
a scaling problem something like it's
going to be one of the other either acid
or scaling and either one makes it well
really inefficient because you're
sending more heat out instead of
transferring it to your 16 okay all
right well we've moved to the fuel side
of things and what do we do with gas
here Mike well you got your gas very
buddy which is regulating your gas going
to the burner so it's real important
that you check to make sure that your
you got a good gas supply to it and that
your regulator is working with the gauge
after the regulator if it stops working
then you guess what you should check it
but it's a good daily load to load those
pressures to make sure everything is
supposed to be okay now that's gas
now what about oil with oil you have a
an old filter and you have a back engage
between the pump and the filter and that
backing gates will tell you that the
filter is getting stuck when those
filters getting stopped up okay so as
the gauge rises in vacuum you know to
need to change your filter out okay so
no fuel probably hard for the burner to
work yes very hard well we come back to
the back of the boiler again and we're
actually going to look into the site
board for looking at the flame I
remember as a little kid I'd be hanging
out with my dad not always going to the
boiler room and I always felt like a big
boiler man because I could look into the
site port so I still don't know what I'm
looking at Mike so why don't you tell us
a little bit about what what are we
looking for in here well we're looking
for to make sure that the flame stays
like it always is
every boiler is different but you'll get
used to what the flame looks like so
then when something goes how you are
like the diffuser or something on the
burner head you'll know it because
you've been looking in there every day
you say hey something
changed so then you'll know to call
somebody or to check into something and
you also look and see if you're building
up clinkers or anything because you can
see the Morrison to when you're looking
there with the flame in it
you can see all that area so you can see
if something is building up in there and
causing a problem okay what why don't
you explain flame impingement what that
flame impingement means that you've your
flame is actually instead of going
straight down the tube it's varying to
one side or up or down and really
hitting on the metal hard and then it
won't allow it to burn so it'll start
building up carbon which is unburnt fuel
and what we call in the boy industry
it's a Deadman and and it'll it can get
pretty big in there and actually start
closing off the area so in the mold that
grows the more engagement you have so
the worse it gets
okay so something really important that
this needs to become something that
you're just very familiar with your
flame it's just understanding it it's
just nice and it's just as gaudy no just
look through that every day or several
times a day and you get accustomed to
what it's supposed to look like and soon
as something changes you know it right
off the bat because you're used to see
it well obviously the boiler is
something that's important and we should
really look at but man there's a lot of
support equipment that goes with a
boiler so why don't we talk a little bit
about the next step and that is some of
the support equipment okay you got the
feed tank or da tank depending on your
application here we have a regular
condensate tank and we've got a chemical
pump here that's feeding chemical into
the system you always check that
everyday to make sure that one you've
got a ample amount of chemical and that
you haven't got any leaks and the pump
is actually pumping okay then on top of
that you have a this tank is also heated
you heat the water up so that the bore
doesn't have to work so hard so that you
don't shock the boiler
so there's temperature gauge on here and
a heater that speed steam into the tank
so you always want to check that to make
sure your
here is working probably you're not
shocking damaging your bowler from cold
water right okay then you can have water
softeners and other chemical feed tanks
you have to check the salt every day to
make sure to Gus salt in your softeners
to make sure all those things are
working properly like the supposed to be
okay so real important to just check the
salt levels right salt is what cleans
the salt and round so they can do this
job okay alright well now we're going
into water quality which we know is
something that's extremely important and
a lot of folks really don't take care of
so you know talking a little bit about
the water quality and actually how we
even know that the quality is good what
do we what do we do well it takes
samples every day to make sure that that
your water coming in is good and that
what you're doing with your chemical and
your blowdown is working for them so
first you take a sample of your of your
makeup water with its soft water city
water or what it is to see that it's
maintaining where you thought it was so
that you know what that your chemical
program is going to work okay because
your chemical program is set up
depending on what this water is which is
different in every area because of the
hardness of the water because the
hardness of water whether you're on a
softer or you're on deionized water what
kind of water supply you have okay then
you're going to have to take a sample of
your tank to see because you've got time
state coming back which is distilled
water so you don't have any solids in it
but you're making up water so you've got
a mixture so you have to take a sample
back down here to see what your water is
see how much chemical you need to add
okay alright and then you take a sample
of your boiler water so you can take it
you'll have a sample port set up on the
ball or someplace
this one is on the site glass you would
take it right after you did your
bro-down that way you've got fresh water
in it so you can take your sample to see
if your chemical program is working in
the board and your blowdown program is
properly okay right well if you want to
learn a little bit more about the water
softeners you can click or rate here and
we actually did a boiling point on the
water softeners and actually how they
work so make sure you check those out I
believe that's it we've covered all the
daily maintenance this is something that
we're going to be back each every other
week and we're going to be talking about
more than room maintenance from a daily
basis from a weekly basis you know from
some annual type things that you need to
do so tune in next time Mike appreciate
you hanging out with us and we'll see
you next time on the boiling point
we appreciate Mike stopping by and
talking to us a little bit about the
daily boiler maintenance you know boiler
equipment failures they can be dangerous
and they typically result in lost
productivity and revenue scaling a
boiler on the water side will cause
overheating and those result in boiler
failure when this occurs sometimes there
can be catastrophic failures that result
in a water side or fire side explosions
this has more serious consequence as
including actually injuries or maybe
even death and possible facility damage
with the right preventative maintenance
plan these issues can be avoided or
greatly reduced we appreciate you
stopping by make sure you like us on
Facebook and follow us on Twitter and if
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channel and if you love our videos
please share them and we'll see you next
time on the boiling point