EKONOMI POLITIK INTERNASIONAL Meeting 3 Sejarah Ekonomi Politik Dunia I: Era 1800an hingga Era PraPerang Dunia course menu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kawasan Ekonomi Dunia Ekspansi Eropa Revolusi Industri Pax Britannica Era Imperialisme WILAYAH EKONOMI DUNIA (O'Brien & Williams, 2007) 1.Timur Tengah 2.China 3.India 4.Africa 5.America 6.Eropa 1400's characteristics 1. New patterns of trade 2. Money and finance 3. Rise of sovereign territorial states 4. Coercion > cooperation 5. Agricultural production INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1.machinery 2.new energy sources 3.mechanized production 4.cotton 5. iron and coal power 6. railroad-building PAX BRITANNICA 1. Unipolar world system 2. Industrial and military power 3. Gold standard and capital flows 4. Free trade 5. Balance of Power Function of Pax Britannica 1.System of Credit 2.Automatic deflation IMPERIALISME • Empire: A structure of domination in which diverse cultures, ethnic groups or nationalities are subject to a single source of authority. (Heywood, 2011) • The Belle Epoque : peace and prosperity in Europe EKSPANSI EKONOMI 1. Meluasnya wilayah kekuasaan negara-negara Eropa 2. Tiga negara Eropa baru mulai membangun kolonisasi 3. Kolonisasi oleh AS dan Rusia 4. Kolonisasi oleh Jepang KEMUNCULAN EPI PRA PERANG DUNIA KARAKTERISTIK 1. PERGERAKAN MODAL 2. PERGERAKAN TENAGA KERJA DAN MIGRASI PENDUDUK Sejarah Ekonomi Politik Dunia II: Era Pasca-Perang Dunia hingga Era Ekonomi Modern the 20th century : world wars and the post 1945 order • kel 1-4 : hal 106-120 • kel 5-8 : hal 120 - 133