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Did you know that ECHA has applied SVHC to 2 new substances

Did you know that ECHA has applied SVHC to 2
new substances?
The ECHA or European Chemicals Agency works as a European Union
agency. The main function is to handle the various administrative and
technical facets of implementing the European Union chemical
regulations also referred to as REACH. Recently, on January 19, 2021,
ECHA has added two new substances to the SVHC candidate list which
now increases the total number of the SVHC materials to two hundred
and eleven. These two new substances are known to be reproductive
toxicants. The first one in this list is the Bis(2-(2-methoxy ethoxy ethyl)
either which is a solvent or an extraction agent. The other one is the
Dioctyltin dilaurate, stannane, dioctyl-, bis (coco acyloxy) derivs, and any
other stannane, dioctyl-, bis(fatty acyloxy) derivs, in which the C12
functions as a predominant carbon number for fatty acyloxy moiety. This
second substance is not registered under the REACH regulations and
does match the standards of regulatory and compliance consulting. The
unique mono-constituent form for this substance dioctyltin dilaurate can
be used as a type of additive during the production of rubber tires and
While it is true that adding a new chemical substance to the SVHC list
does not lead to an immediate ban or restriction, the importers and/or
producers of articles in the European Union that include the substances
included on the SVHC list with a concentration of more than 0.1% w/w
must be present with adequate information to all their customers and
the prop 65 regulations. This can help to make sure that they can use
such items and interact with them safely without getting negatively
affected by them. The information that is presented by the companies
dealing with such substances helps to make sure that the customers or
the end-users working with such substances are always safe.
The importers and producers of articles under the EU and EEA must send
notifications to ECHA in case any of their articles include a chemical
substance that is present in the SVHC list. It is mandatory to follow such
an obligation and in case the substance particular substance present in
these items has a concentration or percentage of 0.1% w/w for 6
months from the date of inclusion and more than 1t/y per importer or
producer. The companies dealing with such substances are required to
present detailed reports and compliant with rohs directive of such
inclusions so that the end-users immediately know if they are interacting
with such substances.
To make sure that a company within European Union is always
compliant with the rules set by ECHA, it is necessary to get in touch with
global regulatory compliance services and consultants that can help with
REACH Compliance. For any layman or common business owner, it is not
always possible to be aware of all the compliance rules and regulations
associated with the controlled substances and other MSDS services.
However, not following such regulations can only lead to serious legal
action being taken against the company and being updated with
the rohs compliance documentation. A compliance consultant expert
can guide a business step by step so that it follows all the REACH
regulations and ensures safety both for the people working for them as
well as the end-users of the products that they have to offer.