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All-night search for 3 missing children in South Carver

All-night search for 3 missing children in South Carver
SOUTH CARVER - Several hundred people-police. firefighters and volunteers-searched a large
area of swampland and woods for three children who disappeared yesterday afternoon.
The children, Seth and Cindy Erland. 7 and 5, and their cousin Bruce McCafIy, ll. were
last seen playing near the Erland's home on Kingston Street at about 3:30 p.m. and were reported
missing about four hours later, said Carver Police Sgt. Dan Preston.
The rescue efforts were hampered by winds of 20 to 30 m.p.h. and rain mixed with sleet
and snow. Temperatures last night hovered around freezing and police expressed concern about
the physical condition of the children.
The searchers formed human chains to try to cover all of the 4-by 5-mile area of the
swamp. The search teams included State Police, Civil Defense officials, Carver, Plymouth and
Middleboro police officers and firefighters, Coast Guard officers, and several hundred volunteers
from as far away Brockton and Attleboro. Up to seven bloodhounds and German Shepherds were
being used In the search, along With floodlights and Infrared lights from the Coast Guard
By late Inst night, there was no Sign of the children or their belongings. Earlier, some
footprints had been seen in the snow which may have been made by the children, but they were
washed away by the rain.
Seth is 4' 4" tall and weighs about 60 pounds. He has light brown hair and was wearing
a navy jacket with red stripes.
Cindy is 4'3" and weighs about 55 pounds. She has light brown hair and was wearing a
purple jacket With a Pink hood.
Bruce is about 4'10" and weighs 85 pounds. He has short. brown hair and was wearing a
red jacket and jeans.
A fourth child was playing with them in the woods during the afternoon, according to
the police. The boy reported that they had all fallen into the swamp. He had taken a different route
In getting out and had become inadvertently separated from the group.
The boy, whom police said is about 11 years old. managed to find his way home. He
arrived at about 5:00 p.m. and reported the other children missing. Though he was wet and cold,
he did not require medical attention.
The boy also said that the Erland's dog had been with the children when they fell into the
swamp. The dog returned home alone at about 6:00 p.m.
Carver Police Chief Anthony Marino warned of the danger of searchers getting lost.
Some parts of the swamp are “up to our shoulders,” he said.
The children may have headed east towards the beacon from the Plymouth Municipal
Airport. Marino added: "We're looking at trouble hare. That's the worst part of the swamp they
might have gone Into."
Richard Erland, the rather of Seth and Cindy, was out with the searchers. Though all
search efforts so far had been fruitless, he was still hopeful: “Those children know the woods well
and the two boys have some wilderness training from Boy Scouts. " He believed that the children
may have found some shelter from the bad weather.
However, Paul Mahoney, a neighbor, said "Those kids could be pretty lost. It'd be
Impossible to stay on a path In the dark. I've gotten lost there myself. "
Ken Thatcher, 22, of Plymouth. one of the volunteer searchers, said that the children
faced extreme conditions. “They're wet, and it's real cold out there. We've got to get to them soon."
What has happened to the three children from South Carver?
What do the people in South Carver think about the situation?
What do you think will happen to them?
They had all fallen into the swamp. He had taken a different route In getting out and had
become inadvertently separated from the group. They disappeared without a trace
One of the residents of the South Carver named Paul Mahoney, the boy's neighbor said :
"Those kids could be pretty lost. It'd be Impossible to stay on a path In the dark. I've gotten
lost there myself. "
In my opinion, the children could have died considering one of the volunteer searchers Ken
Thatcher said “They're wet, and it's real cold out there”. So it is somewhat impossible to
survive the cold weather accompanied by snow in a swamp with a wet body
Pencarian sepanjang malam untuk 3 anak hilang di South Carver
PEMANGKU SELATAN - Beberapa ratus orang-polisi. Petugas pemadam kebakaran dan
relawan menggeledah area rawa dan hutan yang luas untuk menemukan tiga anak yang hilang
kemarin sore.
Anak-anak, Seth dan Cindy Erland. 7 dan 5, dan sepupu mereka Bruce McCafIy, ll. terakhir
terlihat bermain di dekat rumah Erland di Kingston Street sekitar pukul 3:30 sore. dan dilaporkan
hilang sekitar empat jam kemudian, kata Sersan Polisi Carver. Dan Preston.
Upaya penyelamatan terhambat oleh angin berkecepatan 20 hingga 30 m.p.h. dan hujan
bercampur hujan es dan salju. Suhu tadi malam berkisar di sekitar titik beku dan polisi menyatakan
keprihatinan tentang kondisi fisik anak-anak tersebut.
Para pencari membentuk rantai manusia untuk mencoba menutupi semua area rawa
sepanjang 4 kali 5 mil. Tim pencari termasuk Polisi Negara, petugas Pertahanan Sipil, Carver,
polisi Plymouth dan Middleboro dan petugas pemadam kebakaran, petugas Penjaga Pantai, dan
beberapa ratus sukarelawan dari jauh Brockton dan Attleboro. Hingga tujuh anjing pelacak dan
Anjing Gembala Jerman digunakan dalam pencarian, bersama dengan lampu sorot dan lampu
Inframerah dari helikopter Penjaga Pantai.
Menjelang larut malam, tidak ada tanda-tanda anak-anak atau barang-barang mereka.
Sebelumnya, beberapa jejak kaki telah terlihat di salju yang mungkin dibuat oleh anak-anak, tetapi
mereka terhanyut oleh hujan.
Seth memiliki tinggi 4 '4 "dan berat sekitar 60 pon. Dia memiliki rambut coklat muda dan
mengenakan jaket biru tua dengan garis-garis merah.
Cindy adalah 4'3 "dan berat sekitar 55 pon. Dia memiliki rambut coklat muda dan
mengenakan jaket ungu Dengan tudung Pink.
Bruce memiliki tinggi sekitar 4'10 "dan berat 85 pon. Dia memiliki rambut coklat pendek
dan mengenakan jaket merah dan jeans.
Anak keempat sedang bermain dengan mereka di hutan pada sore hari, menurut polisi.
Anak laki-laki itu melaporkan bahwa mereka semua jatuh ke rawa. Dia telah mengambil jalan
yang berbeda untuk keluar dan secara tidak sengaja terpisah dari kelompoknya.
Anak laki-laki, yang menurut polisi berusia sekitar 11 tahun. berhasil menemukan jalan
pulang. Dia tiba sekitar pukul 5 sore. dan melaporkan anak-anak lainnya hilang. Meskipun dia
basah dan kedinginan, dia tidak membutuhkan perhatian medis.
Anak laki-laki itu juga mengatakan bahwa anjing Erland telah bersama anak-anak itu
ketika mereka jatuh ke rawa. Anjing itu pulang sendirian sekitar jam 6 sore.
Kepala Polisi Carver Anthony Marino memperingatkan bahaya tersesatnya pencari.
Beberapa bagian rawa “sampai ke bahu kita,” katanya.
Anak-anak mungkin telah menuju ke timur menuju suar dari Bandara Kota Plymouth.
Marino menambahkan: "Kami sedang mencari kelinci bermasalah. Itu bagian terburuk dari rawa
yang mungkin mereka lalui."
Richard Erland, bukan Seth dan Cindy, keluar bersama para pencari. Meskipun semua
upaya pencarian sejauh ini tidak membuahkan hasil, dia masih berharap: “Anak-anak itu mengenal
hutan dengan baik dan kedua bocah lelaki itu mendapat pelatihan di alam liar dari Pramuka. "Dia
percaya bahwa anak-anak mungkin telah menemukan tempat berlindung dari cuaca buruk.
Namun, Paul Mahoney, seorang tetangga, berkata, "Anak-anak itu bisa sangat tersesat.
Mustahil untuk tetap berada di jalan dalam kegelapan. Saya sendiri tersesat di sana."
Ken Thatcher, 22, dari Plymouth. Salah satu relawan pencari mengatakan, kondisi anakanak sangat ekstrim. “Mereka basah, dan sangat dingin di luar sana. Kita harus segera
mendapatkannya. "
1. Apa yang terjadi dengan ketiga anak dari South Carver?
2. Apa pendapat orang-orang di South Carver tentang situasi tersebut?
3. Menurut Anda, apa yang akan terjadi pada mereka?
Mereka semua jatuh ke rawa. Dia telah mengambil jalan yang berbeda untuk keluar dan secara
tidak sengaja terpisah dari kelompoknya. Mereka menghilang tanpa jejak