DETERMINANTS OF MORALITY Fatima Nuestro-Bagnol PolytechnicBansud-Campus University of the Philippines B onu onum m ex inte integg ra ca caus us a, ma malum ex “ ” quocum qu ocumque que de defe fectu ctu Thing is good from the perfection of its o o parts, evil from any defect of its part. part. A human act to be morally acceptable must be morally perfect in all its aspects. determina The determi nants nts of Mora Mor ali ty. o They are the basis for judging whether an act is good or evil. T he E nd of the A c tt- is the natural termination termination or completion of an act. the end of the act determines whether an act is intrinsically or extrinsically good or evil. Any act which is consistent with the natural tendencies of human naturesuch is intrinsically But those that are contrary to reason are intrinsically evils, as murder murder,good. , abortion, kidnapping, robbery . We speak of these acts as being contrary to natural law. Actions which are neutral or indifferent to the norm of morality are extrinsically good or evil. These actions are either good or bad, not on account of their nature, but because of factors or circumstances concomitant to them. The act of eating is an amoral act and is neither morally good or bad. But either overe ove reati ating ng or exc excess essive ive die dietin ting g cou could ld be unh unheal ealthy thy and the there refor fore, e, mo moral rally ly objectionable. o Actions which are intrinsically evil are prohibited at all times es.. Actwhen ions the whicfactors h are which extrin ins srender ical allly e vil mevil ay are be permitted them removed or corrected. o It is a fact that some actions entail pain and suffering, whilile wh e some do bring bring pleas pleasur ures es to their their doers doers.. Pain or pleasure do not define whether an act moral or immoral. The sexual act, for example, could either be moral or immoral regardless whether it is painful or pleasurable experience. Th The e end of the doer o It is the purpose or motive which the doer wishes to accomplish by his action. Without a motive, an act is accidental and involuntary. A good motive is truthful, prudent, temperate and just. It is the most equitable for the most number of people or in the words of the existentialist the most loving of all in a given situation. o T H E E ND N D D O E S N O T J US U S TI T I F Y T H E ME A NS N S is a fundamental moral principle. o It affirms that one should not do wrong (means) in order to attain a good purpose (end). The motive of a person, no matter how noble does not excuse an act which is intrinsically evil. The desire to pass a subject does not justify a student who for cheats in the examination. Likewise, the need to feed a family does not justify stealing. The desire to know the truth does not justify torture of a suspect by the police. The rule is– don’t do wrong even if this will result in something good. Moti Motivv e and A c ti tion on o A n evi evill act whi whicc h i s done on acc accoun ountt of an evi evill motiv motive e is other words, words, a bad action action and a wrong wrong motive motive make g r i evo evous us ly wr wrong ong . In other for a dangerous combination. Stealing in order to buy shabu means double trouble. o o o A good action done on account of an evil motive . THIS MEANS that something nice and sweet may turn b ecand omsour es because evil itsofealfbad ugly motive. A g ood ac tio tion n done on acc accoun ountt of a g ood pur purpos pos e ac qui quirr es an addit itio ion nal meri ritt. Th This is means yo you u g o ahead and do the ri right ght thing . You You can never go wrong on this one. A n i ndi ndiffer fferent ent ac t ma mayy ei either ther bec become ome g ood or bad dependin ingg on the motiv ive e. This means you be CAREFUL of what you act or what to say. C ir ircum cumss tance ncess of the the A ct o o Are theofhistorical surrou surrounding nding of an such as the status the doer,elements the place, the time, orthe thecommission intensity of an act.act, The circumstances are hinted by the interrogative pronounspronouns- who, what, where, with whom, why , how and where. WHO- refers either to the doer of the act or the recipient of the act. It has to do with the age, status, relation, schooling, social standing, an economic situation of those involved in act. IN this regard we note the following. A. The moron, moron, insane, senile and children below the age of reason are are incapable of voluntary acts and are not morally accountable. B. Educated persons persons have greater greater accountability accountability than those with less or without education. C. Persons constituted constituted in authority authority have accountability accountability for the actions of those comma comm and res r espon ponss ibi ibillity ”. under them. them. This is the meaning of of “ o Thus par Thus paren ents ts ha have ve co comm mmand and re resp spon onsib sibililit ity y ov over er th thei eirr children who are minors; employers over the actuations of their employees and superiors over the acts of their subordinates. The law on sexual harassment is based on the th e do doct ctri rine ne of co comm mman and d re resp spon onsi sibi bili lity ty.. Th The e le lega gall or blood relation of people involved in act may modify the na natu ture re ofhomicide such su ch ac act. For ins nsttan anc ce, ki kill llin ing g of a pa pare rent nt changes tot. parricide. WHAT- refers refe rs to th the e ac actt it itse self lf,, or to th the e qu qual alit ity y an and d quantity of the results of such act. IN robbery, what is stolen sto len and how much much is stolen stolen are aggrava aggravatin ting g factors factors.. Likewise, the number of victims determines the seriousness of the murder. WHERE- refers to the place where the act is committed. A crime insi in side de a ch chur urch ch is mo more re sc scan anda dalo lous us th than an th that at co comm mmit itte ted d in a secluded place. Murder in a marketplace is more heinous than that done in a mountain trail. WITH WHOM refers to the companion or accomplices in an act. The more people are involved in the commission of an act, the more serious is the crime. WHY refers to the motive of the doer How – re refe fers rs to th the e ma mann nner er th the e ac actt is pe perp rpet etra rate ted. d. Ho Homi micid cide e committed with much cruelty is a heinous crime When- refers to the time of the act. A murder committed when the victim is sleeping is more offensive than the one done when the victim is wide awake CUMS S TI TIA A NT NTIAL IAL FA FA CTO CTOR RS CIR CUM 1. Cir Circu sta ancekilling may of eit ith her in incr cre epeople ase or indethe cre cr ecase ase thofe terrorists wro ron ngfu gfullexploding ness of an evi vilcum l am ctst . The innocent a bomb in public places constitutes a serious crime against humanity. On the other hand, killing a tyrant who has long oppressed the assailant accepts a mitigating factor and therefore is less evil. Nonetheless, the act remains an evil act. 2. C ir i r c ums ta tanc es als o may ei ther i nc r eas e or dec r eas e the mer i ts of a g ood act. Helping another at the risk of one’s life is an act of heroism. Helping another in expectation of a reward or fee is business transaction. 3. Circums tance Circums ncess may exe xem mpt tempor ora aril rilyy s omeon one e fro from m doin oingg a re req quire uired d act. A debtor may not pay his debt when he does not the money or if paying up would cause him great hardships. 4. C ir ir c ums ta tanc es do not pr ov e the g ui ui lt of a per s on. The presence of a person when when a crime is committed committed does not not prove he is is the criminal. Morallly G ood A ct The Mora o A morally good act is that which sound in all aspects– in its nature, motive and circumstance. In the scriptures, the morally upright a just one who weighs his actions in relation to is what theman, law demands, tow hat the circumstances would allow to what fits his stature as a rational being. A morally good action, is a o just act– “MAKA “MAKAT TARUNGAN” We also speak of it as “Makatao Makatao”” or “maka-dyos maka-dyos”” indicating that such action is fair to the other person and in accordance with the will of God. The R el eleva evanc nce e of La L aws o o Laws mandate some actions as prohibited others as permitted and required. We may therefore and consider laws as determinants of human behavior. Some people do not do what is good unless they are forced to. St. Thomas points out that laws are made for those who are weak in character. Soci So ciet ety y ad adop opts ts th the e la laws ws to pr prot otec ectt it its s me memb mber ers s fr from om themselves or from those who might want to hurt them. By pr pres escr crib ibin ing g pu puni nish shme ment nts s fo forr tr tran ansg sgre ress ssio ions ns,, la laws ws encourage and compel people to act for the good of all. Everyone Every one should obey the law or risk being punished. As authorities would put it– dura lex send lex”, the law is harsh but it si the law– and everyone must obey obey.. Defini ti on of Law The Definit Law o o o Law, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, is an ordinance of reason, promulgated for the common good by one who has charge of society. Laws are “ordinance of reason” because they are results of serious study,, deliberation or public debate. study They Th ey ar are e pr prom omul ulga gate ted d be beca caus use e th they ey ar are e ma made de kn know own n to th the e people who are bound to observe them. They are for the “common good” because the purpose of the law is the general welfare of the people. They are enacted “by who has charge of society” because only those who have legitimate authority to govern may pass laws. KINDS OF LAW o DIVINE DIV INE PO POSITI SITIVE VE LAW LAWS S – o HUMAN HUMA N POSI POSITIVE TIVE LAWS LAWS- are those made by legitimate human are made known to men by God like the 10 commandments commandments given to Moses. We also call them moral laws because they are concerned with moral acts,. Violation of these laws constitutes a sin. authority such as the laws enacted by the State or the Church. Human positive laws are intended to preserve peace and order and to direct members to work towards the common good. They may also have as their object the moral acts. Violation of these laws constitutes an illegal act. ac t. Th The e co cons nsti titu tuti tion on an and d th the e ci civi vill co code de emb mbod ody y th the e la laws ws of th the e Philippines. Canon Law embodies the laws of the t he Catholic Church. AoFthF IdRivMA MAT I Vd EhuAmNanD pNosEitG VsE aLreA W Se:r B ine T an iveA T laIw eith affirmative or negative. Affirmative laws are those that requ re quir ire e th the e pe perf rfor orma manc nce e of an ac act, t, li like ke th that at of gi givi ving ng o respect to parents and that of paying taxes when due. Negative laws are those that prohibit the performance of an act, like the prohibition against smoking in designated public places. inding ing in Cons Cons cie cience nce B ind o o Morall la Mora laws ws ar are e th thos ose e de deri rive ved d fr from om na natu tura rall la law w. Th They ey ar are e th the e inherent and essential tendencies of human nature so that they are thought as being “written’ iin n th the e he hear arts ts of me men. n. Th They ey re regu gula late te thoughts and feelings. Moral laws are enforced by personal commitment in the absence of the threat of corporal punishments or sanctions. Moral laws are said to bind in conscience, because they impose upon the person a moral obligation to accept the law and comply with it. Moral laws then are enforced by personal conviction rather than by the threat of corporal punishment. o Human laws regulate the when these are ar e ma mani nife fest sted ed and an d only obse ob serv rved ed.external . Th They ey acts do no not t re regu gula late te thoughts and feelings so that for example a person may not be arrested for wanting to commit murder until such time when he actually attempts it. Human laws do not bind in conscience and are purely penal, that is, they are enforced by police powers and justice is served when the culprit suffers the punishment. rope ert rtie iess of a J us t LA w P rop A human law in order to be accepted as just, must have the following properties: properties: 1. A huma hu man n law law mus mus t c onfo onform rm with divi div i ne laws laws . This is because all legitimate authority comes from God. o 2. A human law must promote the common good. good. The common good is the communal benefit, material and spiritual, necessary for the promotion of human life. The common good consists in economic prosperity, prosperity, peace and order, health, education and moral instruction of the members of society. 3. A huma hu man n law law mus mus t not dis cr i min minat ate e ag agains ains t c ertain indi i ndivi vi duals or g r oups . It must apply proportionately proportionately to all members of society so that the needs of each one are served. 4. A huma hu man n law law mus mus t be practic abl able. e. A law which imposes undue hardships and sacrifices in its compliance is not just. huma man n la law w mus t be flex flexii ble. It must provide limits 5. A hu and define the basis for exemptions. Laws are for the benefit of man, not for his destruction. 6. A la law w mus t be amenabl menable e. The conditions and reasons for a law do change. Therefore, a law should be amendable and changeable. The real vill reali ty of E vi o o o o There are good actions and there evil actions. Their realities do not come from the mind in spite of some people saying “evil is all in the mind” Some people do not see evil, accept it as something “normal” or identify it as something else. Some would regard pornography as an art. Some think of gambli gam bling ng and pr prost ostitu itutio tion n as me mean ans s of liv liveli elihoo hood. d. A te terro rroris ristt bel believ ieves es tha thatt murderin murd ering g unb unbeliev elievers ers is fulfi fulfilling lling God’s Will Will.. A gove governme rnment nt offic official ial belie believes ves accepting bribe is a privilege of his office. A pile pile of garba garbage ge is ga garb rbag age e ev even en if a sc scav aven enge gerr we were re to sa say y it is go good od.. Garbage represents represents what is ugly ugly,, dirty and bad in the surrounding. In contrast, a rose garden stands for what is clean, beautiful and wholesome. Therefore, only he who is intellectual dishonest would claim “evil is only in the mind: implying that evil is something imaginary imaginary an illusion. The expression “ang masama ay nasa isip lang” should not mean that evil is a fiction. It should mean rather that an evil act begins in the mind as an evil thought and is translated into an immoral act. Indeed, the mind is “t “the he de devi vil’ l’s s workshop” A ns wer B r i efly 1. What factors determine the moral moral quality quality of an act? 2. When is an action a “just act”? 3. Explain “the end does not justify the means”? 4. Why do we need laws? E XP XPLA LA IN the fol follo lowing wing term ermss 1. Moral law 2. Common good 3. Command responsibility 4. Negative law 5. Affirmative law