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Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Online Training Course

Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Online
Training Course
IgmGuru's VIM Training program is designed as per the updated content of Vendor Invoice
Management. This VIM online training program will leave with the proficiency to install the VIM system,
configure the business processes, and also to integrate functionality that is offered in the new release.
Participants will also become familiar with the avenues for customizing the VIM for client-specific
processes, optimizing VIM for the client's benefit, and streamlining VIM via Best Practices for getting
customers the most out of their VIM implementations.
VIM Online Course Overview
Vendor Invoice Management is a bundled business essentially that basically solves business issues
paying the impeccable amount of vendors in time. Vendor Invoice Management or VIM is an add-on to
your system, the major of its processes and functions run inside the system, which handles only invoices
that will be posted to ERP. Which accommodates standard Functions such as Financial Processing and
This software applications manage the content or unstructured data for most types of governance,
efficiency, and monetization requirements in large companies, government agencies, and professional
service firms. Vendor Invoice Management(VIM) solutions are aimed at addressing information
management requirements, including the management of large volumes of content compliance with
regulatory requirements, and mobile and online experience management.
What are the Objectives of VIM online training?
After completing Vendor Invoice Management(VIM) Online Training, the participant will also leave with
a solid knowledge of the VIM functionality.
The participant will be going through the use cases and business scenarios most often used at a
The participant is empowered with the insight of a power user along with the technical know-how of an
implementation consultant.
Participants will prepare to be a certified VIM Consultant
Participants will get the knowledge to install the VIM system, configure the business processes, and also
integrate functionality that is offered in the new release.
Participants will become familiar with the avenues for customizing the VIM for client-specific processes,
optimizing VIM for the client's benefit, and streamlining VIM via Best Practices for getting customers the
most out of their VIM implementations.