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Meeting 3- International Marketing

English Material for Meeting
International Marketing
International Marketing
Definition: The International Marketing is the application of
marketing principles to satisfy the varied needs and wants of different
people residing across the national borders.
Simply, the International Marketing is to undertake the marketing activities
in more than one nation. It is often called as Global Marketing, i.e.
designing the marketing mix (viz. Product, price, place, promotion)
worldwide and customizing it according to the preferences of different
nation people.
The foremost decision that any company has to make is whether to go
international or not, the company may not want to globalize because of its
huge market share in the domestic market and do not want to learn the
new laws and rules of the international market.
But however, there are following reasons that attract the
organization to be global:
 Increased Economies of Scale
 High-profit opportunities in the international market than
the domestic market
 Huge Market Share
 Elongated life of the product
 Untapped International Market
How to Enter the International Market?
There are following ways through which companies can
How to enter overseas markets in the first place? Philip Kotler
enumerates the various methods.
Inderect export, Exporters use an intermediary, such as an export agent,
to deal with buyers in the overseas market.
Direct export, Companies handle their own exports, for example by
setting up overseas sales offices.
Licensing, Companies sell the rights to use a manufacturing process,
trademark or patent for a fee or royalty. In services such as hotels, the
company may negotiate a management contract with a local business to
run the hotels on its behalf.
Joint ventures, Two companies, for example an overseas firm and a local
one, may work together to develop a particular market.
Direct investment. The company buys a local firm, or sets up its own
manufacturing subsidiaries.
Answer the following question!
1. What product do you know that are marketed internationally?
Discuss these questions.
- What are the advantages for a company of expanding beyond
its domestic market?
- What kind of problem do companies face when the go
2. What methods cam companies use to enter overseas markets?
3. Coca-Cola have had several successful slogans. For example, I’d
like o buy the world a Coke; Can’t beat the feeling; Coke adds life.
What slogans for product have impressed you? Explain why
4. Choose three product and discuss ideas for slogans which could
be used throughout the world.
Discuss these questions.
1. What are some of the main benefits of political
2. How would you describe the present economic
situation of your country compared to 10 years ago?
3. Would you like to see a more equal income distribution
in your country? Explain why or why not.
Problems 2 : Necessity, usually for repair or improvement
Remember that the following verbs phrase require an – ing form in
the complement :
This paragraph
This paragraph
Ing - form
To be
to be
Example :
Incorect : His car needs to fix.
Correct : His car needs fixing or His car needs to be fixed.
1. Incorrect : The rug needs cleaned before we move in.
Correct : ..............................................................................
2. Incorrect : Her watch needed repaired.
Correct : ..............................................................................
3. Incorrect : The hem of this dress needs mended before
I wear it again.
Correct : ................................................................................
Problems 3 : Past custom
Used to
used to
Verb word
used to
used to
in the country
-ing form
living in the country
Example :
Incorect : She was used to drink too much.
Correct : She used to drink too much or She was used to drinking
too much
1. Incorrect : We use to go to the movies quite frequently.
Correct : ..............................................................................
2. Incorrect : She was used to get up early
Correct : ..............................................................................
3. Incorrect : She used to speaking in public.
Correct : ................................................................................
Tense is the change of predicate of sentence, namely (1)
Auxiliary verb or (2) To Be or (3) Verb, in accordance with
the change of the following elements based on its
subsequent priorities : (1) Condition or (2) Deed or (3)
According to grammar in general, tense has 16 different
forms of application, when 12 tenses are real and 4 others
are unreal or conditional.
Each tenses relates one another.
Tenses cannot be learned block by block, as in daily
communication activities, one sentence may consist of
many different tenses. Therefore, learning types of tenses
entirely must be treated as if we saw the globe of earth,
where we can see clearly the correlation of one tenses
among others.
For the details, lets see the following examples :
1. I thought that he was still reading the book in the library, he has gone
(simple past)
(past continuous)
(present perfect)
Somewhere. Maybe
he is going
to the other building.
Adverb (simp.present) (present cont.)
2. I didn`t know
(simple past)
that you are a journalist. I knew it just now.
(simple present)
(simple past)
3. He said that he would be here before seven, but is has been
(Simple past)
(past future)
(Pres. Perfect)
almost 08.00 now, and He hasn`t come yet. I think that he is still having
(Pres. Perfect) (Simple present) (pres. Con.
his breakfast.
4. I have been to England, and last week, he had been there too.
(pres. Perfect)
(past perfect)
Translate into English (About `tenses` and `pasive voice`)
1. Setahu saya dia itu sakit, e... `nggak tahunya baik-baik saja, tuh.
2. Rumah ini baru saja dibangun, kira-kira beberapa bulan yang lalu.
3. Sebenarnya bogor kaya dengan obyek wisata, sayangnya kurang
promosi. Salah satunya kebun raya yang sudah ada sejak jaman
belanda, dan istana bogor yang katanya sudah dibangun pada abad
ke 18.
4. Rumahnya cukup besar, udaranya pun segar, karena letaknya di
daerah pegunungan dan dikelilingi oleh berbagai macam pepohonan.
5. Hutan pinus itu terbakar habis semalam, semuanya jadi arang.
6. Saya kira dia tak akan datang hari ini, karena tadi pagi diajak pergi
oleh kakaknya.
7. Gadis yang barusan saya ajak bicara, yang berambut panjang itu,
bekas teman sekelas di SMA, dan sejak lulus, saya tak pernah
melihat dia lagi sampai barusan kami bertemu di sini.
8. Sebaiknya besok saja kamu datang ke rumah saya antara pukul 4-5
sore, karena aku pasti akan ada di rumah.
9. Sungguh, tadi saya lihat dia duduk di sana waktu mau makan siang,
tapi setelah selesai makan, ternyata dia sudah tidak ada lagi disana.
10. Waktu pulang dari Jakarta kemarin sore, saya bertemu dengan
pamanmu yang dulu tinggal di Jakarta, dan sekarang sudah pindah
ke Bogor.
Thank you for your
see you next week.