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With spring upon us and the days getting longer, now is a great time to get healthy. We always
encourage our patients to be active and exercise. However, spring is the perfect time to shake off the
winter blues and get in shape. Here are some simple ways to feel good again.
Get Outside
There are so many benefits to being outside that just spending more time outdoors will make you feel
better. Getting some much needed sunshine will boost your Vitamin D levels which will help boost
your immune system and promote healthy bones. In the UK the ultraviolet rays in sunshine are only
strong enough to make vitamin D between April and September. With the sun still fairly low in the sky
try and get out of the office at lunchtime to get the maximum benefits. The Association of UK
Dietitians recommends 15 minutes of exposure 2 to 3 times each week without using sunscreen. If
you have skin that burns easily and need to use a sunscreen then make sure you are eating Vitamin D
rich foods such as oily fish (salmon), eggs, milk and fortified cereals. Vitamin D supplements can of
course also help.
Get Exercising
This could be simply deciding to walk or cycle to work if that is an option. With the longer days and
better weather there is less excuse to jump in the car first thing in the morning. If that’s not an option,
try a brisk walk at lunchtime. It will help boost your energy levels for the afternoon as well as helping
to keep your joints and muscles healthy and improve your aerobic fitness. Aim to walk briskly for 30
minutes five days a week for maximum benefits but even walking for 10 minutes each day will help.
Get Spring Cleaning
While for many of us the thought of spring cleaning might fill us with dread, a good cleanout and
declutter can have a positive impact on our health in a number of ways. Opening and cleaning
windows lets fresh air and light into your home. Dusting and washing away dust, mould and bacteria
that have built up over the winter months will help reduce exposure to allergens. Throwing out old
paints, cleaning products and medicines will help remove toxins from your home. There are also
psychological benefits to having a clean, organised and clutter free house. Clutter can increase stress
and distract us. Spring cleaning can improve our mood, decrease stress and heighten creativity.
Get an Osteopathic Check-up and Treatment
Many of our patients don’t realise that osteopath cambridge can be a great way of loosening up and
re-aligning joints and muscles even when they are symptom free. After the reduced activity that many
of us experience during the winter months, spring is a great time to get any joint restrictions or tight
muscles assessed and fixed. This will help keep you injury free and feeling good as you get healthy this
For more information about how osteopathy could help relieve your muscle and joint pain please visit
us at www.vivos.org.uk
To Book your osteopathic Check Up and Treatment:
call us on 01223 868300
or email us at [email protected]