Butter packing machines Address: Czech Republic Our Website : https://www.beho.cz The company B e H o spol. s ro is a Czech company with a long tradition in the field of engineering and food industry. All manufactured devices belong to modern machines meeting high customer requirements. We form one team and we are still working to strengthen the company's reputation, which is based on honest and serious dealings with customers. We emphasize the reliability, quality and timeliness of order fulfillment. Customer satisfaction is always our number one priority. Good technical equipment, an established system of work and qualified staff ensure the quality of the delivered machines and products. Flawless processes are guaranteed by ISO 9001 certification . •Butter production lines •Butter silos •Butter packing machines •Butter making machines •Bottle loaders We provide our customers with warranty and post-warranty service. In the case of repairs and maintenance of delivered machines and equipment, we guarantee fast and professional intervention of our employees, including the supply of spare parts. B E H O Spol. S R.O. offers a wide range of continuous butter making machines for various scale production requirements. We supply full lines for butter production with continuous butter making machines – KM, ZKU and KZ. Contact us at – (420) 561-202- 022