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sample cover letter

Cover Letter
Ratna Puspita, S.Si., M.Si
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
August, 3rd 2020
Dear Editor of Walailak Journal,
We wish to submit a new manuscript entitled “Antiproliferative Potency of God’s Crown Fruit (Phaleria
macrocarpa) Against Breast Cancer Cell” for consideration by the Walailak Journal.
We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under
consideration for publication elsewhere.
In this paper, we report on evaluating the potency of the crown fruit against breast cancer cells. This is
significant because the result can be used in the development of breast cancer treatment. The paper
should be of interest to readers in the areas of natural sciences (biochemistry).
This study discovered the design disease control strategies. On that basis, this study has the following
a. Provide accurate beseline data on the virulence of Ganoderma sp. by the land use chage. Currently
these data are not available by the relevant authorities since 3 decades. These data will also be a
national reference to estimate yield losses of oil palm and rubber production caused by Ganoderma.
b.Understanding the virulence of Ganoderma sp. In different land-uses is important for practical
management advise (in the long run) produced by this study.
Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email protected] .
Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.
Ratna Puspita, S.Si., M.Si