How To Build Great Design Team And Get Revenue $10K++ Yanuar Prisantoso JOIN 2013 JOIN 2018 Building Team If You Want To Fast Go Alone If You Want To Go Far Go Together False Belief System Makin banyak orang banyak masalah. Repot… Sibuk ngurusin orang. Gak bisa ngatur waktu. Ngapain sih gila kerja... harta gak dibawa mati. Gini aja udah nyaman. Belief System Makin banyak pekerjaan yang bisa diselesaikan. Makin banyak waktu untuk riset. Networking makin luas. Makin cepat goal tercapai. Hasil lebih meningkat. Productivi ty Bagaimana supaya produktif ? People. Communication. People. Energy Time Productivity Attention Recruitment Posisi Tim yang dicari Membuat kontrak Membuat basic rules Training Apresiasi Tim Communication. Teamwork SOP & Dokumentasi. Less meeting more work. Asynchronous Communications. Productivity Tools Trello Slack Marvelapp Google Drive Dropbox & DropboxPaper Office Lens LastPass Thank You