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SclerotherapyThe Revolutionary Way Of Treating Varicose Veins

SclerotherapyThe Revolutionary Way Of
Treating Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins are swollen, enlarged and twisted veins that usually appear in a blue or dark
purple hue. According to the best vein specialist in Houston, Varicose veins tend to affect
23 per cent of adults around the world. Studies have showcased that 1 out of every 4 adults
has been impacted by varicose veins once in their lifetime. The issue of varicose veins arises
when the faulty valves in the veins make the blood to flow in the opposite direction.
Varicose veins are painful and if not treated on time then can result in varicose ulcers on the
Often we tend to ignore the symptoms of varicose veins and leave the issue unattended.
However, some of us try the natural remedies for varicose veins. But often there are times
when the issue requires medical attention to prevent it from worsening. For worsened cases
of varicose veins, the cure is surgery. Surgery for varicose veins costs a fortune and not
many of us can afford it. That is when sclerotherapy comes to aid and helps in improving the
appearance of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy also known as injection technique is the best
treatment for varicose veins. Unsure about sclerotherapy? Need some convincing on it?
Then this post is meant for you. Here is everything that you need to know about
What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a way of reducing the soreness of the varicose veins. In the procedure, the
affected veins are injected with a solution called sclerosant which creates damage to the
internal lining of the vein leading to blood clotting within it. Over time the body destroys the
clot making the varicose vein to disappear. According to top vein specialists Houston the
solution used in the process makes use of varied concentrations which is dependent upon the
size of the veins.
How many types of Sclerotherapy are there?
Sclerotherapy is considered as the best solution for varicose veins. However, the process has
two types of treatment. One is the conventional sclerotherapy which involves the surgical
removal of the affected vein. The other is foam sclerotherapy which involves the injection of
a solution of sodium tetradecyl sulphate for treatment of the vein.
What does the process of Sclerotherapy involve?
According to experts a Houston vein clinic the process of sclerotherapy involves 2 or 3
sessions of the treatment. During the initial stages of the process, the main surface vein is
treated using ultrasound scanning. In the later stages, the vein is injected with a salt solution
containing heparin which acts as a blood-thinning agent. The procedure is followed by the
injection of smaller needles known as butterfly needles with foam solution in the infected
varicose veins. The process is repeated 2 to 3 times and is followed up by elastic
compression and bubble wrapping of the legs.
How long does it take for varicose vein sclerotherapy treatment?
The sclerotherapy treatment takes around 7 days. The removal of the varicose veins
procedure requires you to keep the elastic compression and bubble wrap intact for 7 days.
Post the treatment one is advised to do brisk walking regularly.
So this was all about Sclerotherapy. For more information on sclerotherapy visit