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Psychedelics an alternative solution to fight against depression

Psychedelics: an alternative solution to fight
against depression
Used as a natural medicine capable of helping recovery from the effects of post-traumatic stress
after long periods of continuous stress, such as family problems.
They help us under social pressures or an accelerated and exhausting lifestyle. It is used in certain
religious rituals to heal people, or for some types of exorcisms in apparently possessed people.
Psychotropic mushrooms as therapy
Psilocybin in mazatapec mushrooms, an acid found in nearly 200 fungi, would improve mood in the
event of depression. Also known as psychotropic mushrooms, this drug has the effect of changing
mood and perceptions. After numerous tests and almost 200 MRI scans, researchers are certain: the
active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms is an alternative to conventional treatment. The
hallucinogenic effects of mdma pills molly ecstasy would be useful for patients resistant to
traditional therapies.
Depression: fighting mood swings
In small doses, these effects allow five weeks to reduce the symptoms of depression by resetting the
brain circuits. The clear changes in the brain activity of patients treated with psilocybin. The
psychedelic effects felt immediately by the patients but, above all, improved their condition over
The people you surround yourself with during the trip will make you feel better or worse.
Depending on the confidence and positivity of the group, one environment or another will be
Psilocybin remains a drug.
These trials have allowed some patients to be in remission. Regular scanners could verify the
significant decrease in stress and improvement in mood. These results are nonetheless presented
as a start due to reduced sampling.
The mexican magic mushrooms, the substance found in fungi, are known for their hallucinogenic
properties and for triggering intense spiritual experiences. They are already being studied for the
Small amounts of psilocybin are enough to produce therapeutic results according to
psilocybecubensis golden teacher. At high doses, however, the substance causes effects similar to
those of LSD: sensory illusions, spatiotemporal distortions, derealization, and transcendence.
Sensations that seek the followers of psychedelia who consume MDMA powder crystals are
mexicandutch king. They, too, would benefit from it. According to a study on Human Brain
Mapping, mushrooms can unlock regions of the brain that are generally active only when dreaming.
Simultaneously, they weaken those associated with high degrees of cognition, including selfawareness, expanding the mind.
The changadmt remember to have a good social interaction during its effects so that they are much
more comforting and share spiritual experiences. It is recommended that there be someone who is
not consuming them or at least an experienced counselor. In this way, they will strengthen the
minimum security necessary to consume them in a group. All people do not have the same role in a
certain group.
They are used as a natural medicine capable of helping recovery from the effects of post-traumatic
stress as they have nn dimethyltryptamine. They are used after long periods of continuous stress,
such as family problems, social pressures or an accelerated and exhausting lifestyle.