Uploaded by Evii Susanti

Gatsby Deodoran

Gatsby Deodorant Perfume Spray
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello all, how are you today? Sorry to bother a while.
Let me to introducing my selft, my name is Fajar Afrianto, you can call me Fajar. I’m
from Maju Makmur companies. I would like to tell you about the new products of our
company, it is a perfume. You must be familiar with the name of the perfume isn’t it?
And you need to know, this perfume yet on the market, so you will not get on other
Perfume that I will offer is the latest perfume with brand "Gatsby Deodorant Parfume
Spray". You know who's Cristian Sugiono? If you do not know, can find it with
yourself, via a google search for example. If this perfume is have to advertised on the
TV, He will the star of their ad for this perfume. So, you must to buy this perfume.
Gatsby Deodorant perfume spray is very perfect, and fit for teenagers like you.
Because it is made from fruits and flower arome that will remedy your days.
In addition, this perfume is made from materials that are environmentally friendly
will not interfere with life on Earth, such as:
LPG, which will not damage the environment;
SD Alcohol 40, which serves to soften / accelerate evaporation;
Aldehyde, This is a synthesis of material for the manufacture of perfume;
Melon Gama, is to make the perfume more fragrant;
Essential oils;
Certainly all of the ingredients above, very ozone friendly that will not damage the
How to use is also very easy, just shake it for a while, then spray the perfume gets
around your body.
And you need to consider when you are use perfume, all brands of perfume. Do not
let your eyes, because it can cause irritation your eyes, causing red eyes and feel sore.
Perfume is used for the body,not to used the mouth, so do not use perfume to your
mouth because it is very dangerous to your health.
Okay, I think quite like that, the description of our products. If anyone of you are
interested, please do not hesitate to contact me or come to our place. On the street of
Semampir km 3, Banjarnegara. The building is white ivory. Maybe there you can
look the other products, from our company.
If you buy this perfume now, you can get discon until 10%. the cost of this perfume is
Rp. 14.000 - 10%. So, you can get it at a price Rp.12.600.
I think enough for me, thank you very much for your attention. And if I disturb your
rest time, my apology for the inconvenience.
“Spray your Gatsby Deodorant Perfume Spray into your body, and enjoy the
freshness all day!”
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
See you…. Good bye!