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What are Tendinitis and its diagnosis and treatment

What are Tendinitis and its diagnosis
and treatment
A most common question asked by many people is What Is Tendinitis. Tendinitis is
swelling of a tendon, the tough arrangement that link muscle to bone. It often develops into a
chronic condition that has a high recurrence rate and causes pain and increased sensitivity
around the joints.
The Tendinitis Causes are it arises as a consequence of muscle overload or injury. However,
it can also occur due to the development of another pathology or due to age since, with aging,
the tendons lose elasticity, and their degeneration can occur.
Among the most common areas are the shoulders, heels, elbows, and wrists.
They generally occur in young adults as a result of repetitive effort (often performed in poor
posture) or due to overloading in some areas of the body. In recent years, its prevalence has
increased due to more exertional sports activities. This causes some muscles to become
stronger than others and tendons to weaken. This pathology is also very frequent in certain
jobs in which repetitive and forceful movements are used. There are different kinds of
Tendinitis, one of them is the Tendinitis Of Knee.
The main manifestations of this pathology are:
Pain and tenderness in the mobilization of the tendon. These symptoms are exacerbated in the
areas near the joints.
Intensification and increase of discomfort and pain with movement or the performance of
some activity
Pain during the night.
The diagnosis is made through a physical examination in which the affected area is located
guided by pain, swelling, and heat on the skin that covers the sensitive area. Radiological
tests are not necessary, and they are only performed to rule out other pathologies.
Tendinitis treatment aims to reduce and relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area.
To achieve this, the main recommendation that specialists offer is rest to relax the affected
tendon and help it recover. If the Tendinitis is severe, the doctor can sometimes immobilize
the area to ensure that the rest is done. They also usually alleviate symptoms by applying cold
(immediately after exercising) or heat (48 hours later) on the affected area.
On many occasions, specialists advise combining rest with pharmacological treatment,
mainly with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs. The most widely
used is acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen. In more severe cases, specialists administer
corticosteroid injections.
Physical therapy is also often recommended to strengthen the area, ensure that the tendon
recovers, and prevent future injury of Tendinitis Of Wrist. Likewise, in the initial phases of
the injury, the practice of eccentric exercises is recommended in which, according to the
expert in sports medicine, "at the same time the muscle is tightened, instead of shortening the
tendon, what is done is lengthen it.”
When rest, medications, and physical therapy do not work, it may be necessary to move to
invasive therapies, including ultrasound-guided electrolysis and infiltration into the tendon
platelet-rich plasma.
If the patient follows the recommendations for rest and treatment, the symptoms should
improve in a short time. In situations where Tendinitis results from an overload, specialists
may sometimes recommend that the patient change some aspects of his life.