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Online Shop Application

Online Shop Application
1. Business Process
2. application requirements
3. who uses?
- Shop Owner (super admin)
- Shop Employee (admin)
- General Buyer (User)
4. function of each role
a. Super Admin
 Manage Admin
 See sales Report
b. Admin
 sign in, sign up
 Manage Product
 Manage Transaction
 see sales report
c. User
 sign in, sign up
 pick a product
 manage bag
 manage full shipping address
 manage payment method
5. User Flow
a. User Flow (general buyer)
1. visit website.com
2. account setting
3. search and choose product
4. add product to shopping bag
5. proceed to checkout or delete product (in bag)
6. checkout shipping
7. fill delivery address, choose payment method, order
8. view my order
6. pages that must exist by each role
a. super admin
 (page) sign in, sign out (super admin default sign in
 (page) reset data super admin
 (page) manage admin
 (page) view sales report
b. admin
 (page) sign, sign out
 (page) dashboard info graphic
 (page) dashboard manage product
 (page) dashboard manage transaction
c. user
 (page) sign in, sign out
 (page) account setting
 (page) view my order
 (page) manage shopping bag
 (page) manage delivery address, payment method
7. Design
1. Database Design
2. Website Design
a. Super Admin Design
b. Admin Design
c. User Design
d. Frontend Design
8. Resource
 background image
 icon
 button
 logos
 theme website (the website describes the store's