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Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
The Application of GIS and CARE-W on Water Distribution
Networks in Skärholmen Pressure Zone, Stockholm, Sweden
Tao Zhang
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Cities all over Europe spend in total about 1 billion Euro per year for urban network
rehabilitation. This amount is supposed to increase in the coming years. Urban
infrastructure management is becoming more and more important for cities around the
world. This paper presents the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and
Computer Aided Rehabilitation on Water Networks (CARE-W) in management of water
distribution networks and the rehabilitation planning. An advanced idea is to pay more
attention on pro- active approaches and to use predictive analysis to achieve long- term
economic efficiency.
The necessary maps for analysis were collected from Stockholm Water Company. A spatial
database was designed and created using related database analysis approaches for this
project. A number of GIS operation and analysis and CARE-W tools have been used to
calculate International Water Association Performance Indicators and do the failure
forecasting. Results obtained were displayed in GIS maps, tables, and graphics. It has been
proved that GIS is a competent and effective tool for managing networks. Moreover
CARE-W, designed as a professional tools for water network planning and rehabilitation,
has been proven to be useful. The project has been carried out in Skärholmen, Stockholm,
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
1. Introduction
Water distribution networks co-exist with human society for around two- millionaire years.
They serve people’s daily water consumption quietly after being laid underground. They are
necessary and important but seldom noticed by the public, except when they are under
construction or maintenance. Then people notice the inconvenience when these networks are
under “unhealthy conditions”.
Accidents caused by poor quality water distribution networks can be found in every country.
In the U.S., 24% of the waterborne disease outbreaks over the past decade were caused by
contamination entering the water distribution system. Recently the news announced that filthy
water leaked out of a pipe and poured into a section of the subway line that is under
construction in Beijing, P. R. China. This water burst caused the nearby road to sink into a
huge hole, 20 meters long, 10 meters wide and 10 meters deep, in a busy section of one of the
ring roads encircling the city. Moreover, in most Western European countries, water
infrastructures are up to, and in most cases over, 100 years old. Due to deterioration,
infrastructures of this age are likely to suffer from problems such as internal tuberculation and
corrosion, cracking and leakage, which can result in several operational problems.
Principally rehabilitation and relining are reactive methods after failure happens. However
there is one saying that “prevention is better than cure”. So ideally it is better to build up
strategies to find problems before they happen, although the benefits from prevention are
commonly overlooked. Meanwhile, the water distribution network problems are usually very
difficult to define, so until now management planning methods for network rehabilitation are
still poorly developed when compared with financial and technological investment.
The rapid growth of computer technology, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), has
been widely used in various fields since it was being born in year 1989. A GIS is a powerful
configuration of computer hardware and software used for compiling, storing, managing,
manipulating, analyzing, and mapping (displaying) spatially-referenced information.
(Haestad Methods, 2003) Computer Aided Rehabilitation on Water Network (CARE-W) is a
research project supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework
Programme of the European Union and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action
"Sustainable Management and Quality of Water" within the Energy, Environment and
Sustainable development program. The ultimate goal is to provide the most cost-efficient
system of maintenance and repair of water distribution networks, with the aim to guarantee
the security of water supply that meets social, health, economic and environmental
requirements. CARE-W includes modules for rehabilitation assessment and reporting.
2. Objective
Integrating GIS and CARE-W, in order to provide utility managers reliable and scientific
support on water distribution network management and rehabilitation. Three aims are
explained below:
Apply GIS and CARE-W for failure forecasting in order to give guidance on network
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
rehabilitation planning;
Apply GIS and CARE-W to implement Performance Indicators and compare the results
with IWA- PI guidance ranges;
Use CARE-W to test water distribution network reliability.
3. Test Area
Skärholmen is a suburb in the southern part of
Stockholm (Figure 1, the red colour area). It is
primarily made up of Skärholmen congregation.
The districts that make up the suburb are
Bredäng, Skärholmen, Sätra and Vårberg. The
population as of 2004 is 31,125 on an area of
8.86 km². One water reservoir and three pump
stations are located in this area. The total length
of water distribution mains is 221.3 km and total
service connections are 8225. The reason that
Skärholmen was selected as the test area is
because corrosions and burst problems happen
frequently in this area. Meanwhile, Stockholm Water Company has already built up a
comprehensive geodatabase in this area, which provides abundant information for this project.
Figure 1: Skärholmen Map
4. Methodology
Figure 2 shows maps used for the project. They were collected from Stockholm Water
Company’s geodatabase. Environmental information was surveyed, which includes rainfall,
temperature, and PH value. Meanwhile, a user- requirement survey was firstly carried out to
determine what the end users need. Based on the feedback, a design of database is carefully
taken in order to avoid unnecessary data collection, because data collection cost is usually
high and the processes are time- consuming.
Figure 2: Analysis Maps
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
Figure 3: Experiment Methodology
The methodology is shown in Figure 3. It gives
the general overview of how to fulfil this project.
Data preparation for CARE-W models occupied
80% time.
! CARE-W PI Tool provides users codes for
calculating performance indicators. The
input data for PI Tool is depending on data
from GIS analysis. The objects together with
their spatial relationships were carefully
identified and analysed.
CARE-W Failure Model is a sensitive model,
and currently users and the operators have to
hold the responsibility for data quality
control. Many correction works have to be
done in GIS and by manual methods.
CARE-W Reliability Model needs an
EPANET hydraulic model for network
reliability test. It is the easiest part in this
project, but conversely, there is an obstacle
to link results back to GIS platform.
Tools, which have been used in this project, are:
! ArcToolBox
! ArcMap
! ArcCataLog
! AutoCAD
! CARE-W Failure Model
! CARE-W Reliability Model
! CARE-W PI Tool and
The full experiment records can be read from the following report: Tao Zhang, (2006),
Application of GIS and CARE-W Systems on Water Distribution Networks, Skärholmen,
Stockholm, Sweden, (Unpublished, available on request from the author [email protected])
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
5. Results and Results Analysis
5.1 Failure Forecasting
A. Material Distribution
Figure 4: Material Distribution Map
Table 1: Material Distribution
Material Distribution
0.14 0.00 1.78
Percentage %
B. Diameter Distribution
Figure 5: Diameter Distribution Map
Table 2: Diameter Distribution
D >
< D ≤
D ≤
Diameter Distribution
Percentage %
C. Installation Year Distribution
Figure 6: Installation Year Distribution Map
Table 3: Installation Year Distribution
Installation Year Distribution
19 e 1
0 9
19 9-1 09
2 9
19 1-1 10
2 9
19 6-1 25
3 9
19 1-1 30
3 9
19 6-1 35
4 9
19 1-1 40
4 9
19 6-1 45
5 9
19 1-1 50
5 9
19 6-1 55
6 9
19 1-1 60
6 9
19 6-1 65
7 9
19 1-1 70
7 9
19 6-1 75
8 9
19 1-1 80
8 9
19 6-1 85
9 9
19 1-1 90
96 9 9
-2 5
Percentage %
D. Current Failure Rate
Figure 7: Failure Rate Map
Table 4: Failure Rate
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
Failure Rate
Failure rate by material group
Failure rate by material group
It has been proven that the difficulties of accurately predicting pipe failures are high, because
there are many factors that affect failures and influence maintenance decisions. In this project,
only four main factors are considered, which are material, diameter, pipe age (from
Installation Year), current failures, which are presented above as map A to D. They have been
used to generate Failure Forecasting map by considering different “Weights” and mathematic
methodology. The final failure forecasting map is showed below as Figure 8.
Figure 8: Failure Forecasting Map
5.2 Synergy between map A and C
If we look at the “Installation Year Distribution”, it is obvious that the 1960s is the
construction rush period for the water networks in Skärholmen. Meanwhile, by historical
records, gray cast iron is the major material for water pipes before 1970. After year 1976,
when ductile iron started to play the main role in pipe material market, the construction speed
had been slowed down a lot. These facts explained why gray cast iron is still the major
material group, although it has already been replaced from market by other pipe materials.
5.3 Performance Indicators Results
The experiment with International Water Association Performance Indicators ended with 12
PIs successfully calculated. To achieve this, 21 Utility Indicators have been analyzed by GIS
analysis. Utility managers can use the results to analyse the evolution from year to year, or
compare different results, and compare these results with Performance Indicators’ guidance
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
4 PIs were picked up for further discussion (See Table 5). A “DataSet Comparison Graph” for
each of them is presented for a better understanding. They only contain statistics from year
1996 to year 2000.
Table 5: Four PIs
Mains rehabilitation
Mains failures
Pressure complaints
Interruptions complaints
Op15- Mains Rehabilitation: 100% * (Length of transmission and distribution mains
rehabilitated during the year/ total length)
Figure 9: DataSet Comparison Graph for Op15
The light grey-green area is guidance range
scale. Guidance range is a normal range for
an event based on globe statistics support,
but it has been pointed out in CARE-W WP1
report that the proposed guidance ranges do
not correspond to the statistics of the test
made. The sample is not sufficiently big and
representative to provide valid values.
Rehabilitation” guidance range, the value
should be from 1.0% to 2.0% per year. The
result from Skärholmen shows that the mains
rehabilitated is below this guidance rage in every of these five years. The blue cycle, found at
the right side of this graph, is the average value for mains rehabilitation from these 5 years,
which is about 0.5%. This number is just reaching the half of the lowest guidance range line.
Op26- Mains failures:100*(Number of mains failures during the year, including failures of
pipes, valves, fittings and service connection insertion point failures/ total mains length)
Figure 10: DataSet Comparison Graph for Op26
The “Mains Failures” guidance range is from
No. 0 to 30 per 100km per year. The statistics
in year 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000 are within
this range. But the mains failures are over
this range and reach 42/100km/year in year
1999. However the average for these five
years is 28/100km/year.
If we consider a relationship between these
two results, a net graph based on these two
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
can be assumed (See Figure 11).
Figure 11: Trend Graphic for Op15 and Op26
Trend Graph for Op15 and Op26
Op15 Mains Rehabilitation
Op26 Mains Failures
The “Mains Rehabilitation” has been timed
100 to get a better view for finding the
trend because although values have been
changed by timing a number, the trend is
unchanged. By comparing values from
year 1996 to year 2000, “Mains
Rehabilitation” percentage goes up and
down with the same trend from “Mains
Qs23- Pressure Complaints: 100* (Number of pressure complaints during the year/ number of
service connections)
Figure 12: DataSet Comparison Graph for Qs 23
The “Pressure Complaints” guidance range
requires the value should be 0 %. However it is
difficult to reach in reality. The average value
for pressure complaints is around 8% in
Skärholmen from year 1996 to 2000. And in
year 1996, it reached the maximum value with
14.8 % and in year 1999, it reached the lowest
value 2.6 %.
Qs26- Interruptions complaints: 100*(Number of complaints due to supply interruptions
during the year/ number of service complaints during the year)
Figure 13: DataSet Comparison Graph for Qs 26
The “Interruptions Complaints” guidance
range for this PI is still 0 %, but in
Skärholmen, it has an average of 4.5% in
these five years. In year 1996, the
interruptions complaints were 0% but it
reached 10% in year 2000.
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
5.4 Network Reliability
The test on network reliability needs a combined application between EPANET and RelNet.
The aim is to assess hydraulic reliability of each junction, the total hydraulic reliability of the
network and hydraulic critical index (HCI) for each pipe segment.
A higher value of HCI means a higher impact of the discarded link on the total network
reliability. If the result HCI is equal to 1, it means no demand is satisfied in all nodes of the
network. The more HCI values close to 0, the more demand is satisfied at the required
pressure. If HCI is equal to 0, the demand is fully satisfied. The HCI results in Skärholmen for
all pipes are nearly zero.
5.5 Other Results
In this experiment, it has been found out there are some records missing in Stockholm Water
Company’s database. Moreover zincification pipes still exist in this network with rare quantity,
which should have been replaced long time ago.
6. Conclusion and Recommendation
This 6 month experiment succeeded with 90 percent of the aims and objective. They give
decision makers suggestions on where the failures are and they help utility managers
understand the whole situations by comparing with PIs’ guidance ranges.
The failure forecasting map was shown in different ranks. With this result, utility managers
will be able to know the spatial relationships that exist among these places with high potential
failure dangers. Such knowledge will help decision makers know the sections of the network,
to which they should pay more attention. Performance Indicator studies report decision
makers important PIs and enable them to analyze trends from one year to the other, to
compare different results.
The study shows there are still gaps between CARE-W system and GIS. Not all results from
CARE-W can be linked back to GIS platform and be presented as GIS maps. Moreover as it
has been mentioned in COST 236/03, there are still knowledge gaps between the current
know- how and an effective global assessment of areas of involving several – sometimes
conflicting- viewpoints. To achieve a reasonable and sound plan for water distribution
network management and rehabilitation planning is far important to make integrated analysis
of various factors and know how they related with surrounding environmental issues.
Conversely there is a major obstacle to innovation. Several researchers have demonstrated
that water industries are not very oriented to change approaches, analysis tools and software
that are very well established in their management process. So questions according to
implications coming from the integration of existing database and also puzzles on using GIS
in enterprises with cost- efficiency need answers.
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]
Pipeline Technology 2006 Conference
7. Reference
CARE-W Website, Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Water Networks, http://care-w.unife.it/
China, Digital Times, (2006). Beijing is coming a part at the seams-Clifford Coonan,
http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2006/01/beijing_is_coming_apart_at_the_seams_clifford_coonan.php, Access:
Clark, R.M., (1998). “Urban Drinking Water Distribution Systems: A U.S. Perspective.”
Proceedings of the Conference entitled Regional Water System Management: Water
Conservation, Water Supply and System Integration, held in Valencia, Spain
ESRI Website, GIS and Mapping Software, http://www.esri.com/, Access: 2006-01-17
European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research – COST-, (2003),
Draft Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of a European Concerted
Research Action Designated as COST Action C18 “Performance assessment of urban
infrastructure services: the case of water supply, wastewater and solid waste”
Haestad Methods, 2003, Advanced Water Distribution Modelling and Management, ISBN:
0-9714141-2-2, HAESTAD PRESS, Waterbury, CT USA
Helena Alegre, 2004, WP1 - Construction of a control panel of performance indicators for
rehabilitation, http://care-w.unife.it/intro.html, Access: 2005-10-26
Tao Zhang, (2006), Application of GIS and CARE-W Systems on Water Distribution Networks,
Skärholmen, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished, available on request from the author
[email protected])
Tao Zhang, 104 05, Stockholm, [email protected]