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CO2 Flue Gas Scrubber
Michael Ng
University of Texas
Department of Chemical Engineering
► Flue
gas is exhaust gas that exits to the
atmosphere, which come from boilers,
furnaces, or steam generators
► CO2 is a greenhouse gas that contributes to
global warming
► There are around 6,000 coal-fired power
plants around the world (Imai)
► 55% of global electricity comes from coal as
being the fuel source (Imai)
Coal-fired Power Plant
From http://www.biblelife.org/energy-coal-fired-plant.jpg
Post Combustion Technology
There are different ways to capture CO2 with
the use of amine solvents:
► Monoethanolamine (MEA)
► Mixture of MEA and methydiethanolamine
► Piperazine/ Potassium Carbonate
MEA Absorber/Stripper Configuration
From http://www.netl.doe.gov/publications/proceedings/01/carbon_seq/7c1.pdf
Piperazine/ Potassium Carbonate
► Current
research done by Dr. Rochelle and
graduate students
► Study the thermal properties and kinematics
of CO2 absorption using PZ/ K2CO3
► Degradation rate of solvent vs. MEA
 PZ/ K2CO3 degrades at 1.3 mm/hr
 MEA degrades at 5 mm/hr
► Corrosion
Integrated Gasification Combined
Economics (CO2 Capture)
Economics (Costs)
Six Rules to maximize the
effectiveness of PC
(adapted from Gibbins, Crane, et. Al)
1. Add heat to the steam cycle at as high a temperature as
2. Reject heat from the steam cycle, in the steam extracted
for solvent regeneration, at as low a temperature as
3. Produce as much electricity as possible from any
additional fuel used, consistent with rejecting heat at the
required temperature for solvent regeneration.
4. Make use of waste heat from CO2 capture and
compression in the steam cycle.
5. Use the latest solvent developments.
6. Exploit the inherent flexibility of post-combustion
Skyonic SkyMine Process
► Pursue
post combustion technology
 Use solvents that do not degrade as fast as MEA
(i.e. PZ/ K2CO3)
has a high capital investment, but
allows for high CO2 recovery