EFFICIENT OPTIMIZATION OF SPACE TRUSSES HOJJATADELI? and OSAMAKAMAL: Department of Civil Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A. (Rcwivd I2 Dawmhrr 1985) efficient and robust algorithm is developed for minimum weight design of space trusses with fixed geometry employing the general geometric programming (GGP) technique. The nonlinear projamming (NLP) problem is formulated based on the virtual work method of structural analysis. The objective function is linear, subjected to linear size and stress constraints and nonlinear displacement constraints. Based on an arbitrary starting point, the signomiais are condensed into ~synomials and su~uentiy into monomials. Next, the monomials are linearized through logarithmic transformation, The resulting linear programming (LP) problem is solved iteratively using a dual simplex algorithm until the optimal feasible solution eventually coincides with a local optimum of the approximated problem. This solution point is then used to formulate a new approximated problem and the same procedure is automatically repeated until the solution of the original problem is found. Five examples are presented to illustrate the application of the algorithm presented in this paper. Abstract-An GENERAL GEOMETRIC PROGRAMMING (GGP) subject to In general, the generalized or signomial (positive and negative term constraints) geometric programming (GGP) problem can be expressed in the following C,(x) m=O,l,...,M, ----<I ~,W form. (5) where C,,,(x) and D,(x) are both posynomial functions of the form: Minimize P,(x) 11) 4&x) = subject to ,$, 4,Ax) = C cm,fj x2* _ II-0 I P,,,(x)bqm m=1,2,...,M, m =O,i,...,M (6) (2) C,(x) = same form. where We will make use of the generalized arithmeticgeometric mean inequality [I] which takes the following form: P,(x)= f &C", fixp n-l r-i m =0,1,2,...,M. 13) In this formulation, x is the vector of design variables, P,(x) represents a signomiaf objective function, P,(x) are m signomial constraints, qm= f 1, qmr= f 1 and c,,,, are positive constants, u,,,,~are arbitrary real constants, M is the number of constraints, N is the number of design variables and T, is the number of terms in the mth constraint. The previous GGP can be written in the following posynomial (positive term ~onstr~nts) form through straightforward algebraic mtnipulations [2]: L This inequality applies whenever U, > 0 and the w, are non-negative ‘weights’ such that: cup t Associate Professor. $ Graduate student. 1. We will identify the terms d,(x) in eqn (6) with the U, terms in eqn (7). The d,, terms obviously satisfy the necessary condition, since for any vector x, d,,(x) > 0. minimize x0 I D,(x>=~d,,(x)=~U,. (4) , I (9) Next, consider the posynomial function D,(x) evaluated at a particular vector, X. At x = R, we 501 502 HOJJ~TADELIand OSAMAKAMAL define the ‘weight’ of the tth term in the denominator of the mth constraint by: plex method, we can proceed from one iteration to the next at only a modest amount of computation. OJ’TJMAL Application of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality of eqn (7) results in the following condensed posynomial: dJx) D,(x) 2 D,,,(x,2) = l-‘j I w,, [ 1 W*l . (11) The denominator of eqn (5) can now be substituted by a single-term posynomial ~monomja~). Thus the problem is expressed as a standard posynomial problem through condensation around an arbitrary starting vector. Similarly, the posynomials are condensed again into monomials. This second condensation reduces all the constraints into single-term constraints. Although this second condensation can be executed at any particular vector, it will bc convenient to define this vector as the same vector at which the first condensation took place. Finally, logarithmic transformation yields the monomials into a linear programming form. Following Dembo [4], we use the following iterative solution technique (GGP algorithm): (1) Based on an arbitrary starting solution vector, jz, transform the primal problem into a linear programming problem through condensing twice and subsequently linearizing. Set the ‘No. of cuts’ counter, k, equal to zero. (2) Solve the resulting LP problem for an optimal solution vector and evaluate the corresponding x: . (3) Evaluate the primal constraints of eqn (5) at x,+. (a) If the constraints of the original problem are all satisfied, then the solution xz is optimal and terminate the algorithm. (b) If one or more of the constraints are violated, condense the most violated constraint twice at the solution, x$, then linearize it through the use of logarithmic transformation. (41 Add this new constraint (usually called cut constraint) to the initial LP problem, increment k by I, and return to step 2. This algorithmic procedure is based on the successive solution of the LP problem. Step 4 adds constraints iteratively to the initial simplex tableau, each of which reduces the allowable feasible region of the LP problem until the optimal feasible soiution eventually coincides with that of the original problem. Further, it should be noted that the LP problem at a ‘cut’ k f I differs from the one at ‘cut’ k only in that it has an additional constraint. Using the dual sim- DESIGN OF SPACE TRUSSES The cross-sectional design variables in optimal design of truss systems are usually assumed to be continuous, even if in practice only discrete values may be available. The members are assumed to be prismatic and each member is described by a single design variable represented by its cross-sectional area, xi. The problem can be stated in the following nonhnear programming form: Find the vector of design variables x = {xi, . . . , x,,,} such that: W=y i&x,--yL’x+min (12) i-l subject to design constraints xL<x<xU (13) displacement constraints r’<r<r” (14) aLCage”, (19 stress constraints where xL, XC; rL, r”, uL and u” are lower and upper bounds on the design variables x, displa~ments r and stresses u, respectively, and L is the vector of member lengths. The superscript T in eqn (12) indicates the transpose of the L vector and y is the specific weight of the truss material. For any given value of x, the corresponding t and e can be computed using either the force or the displacement method of analysis. The displacement method of analysis is most suitable for general formulation and computer applications. Therefore, it will be employed for analyzing the structure in the present formulation. For a given value of x, the joint degrees of freedom I are computed by solving the set of simultaneous linear equilibrium equations: Kr=R, (16) where K is the structure stiffness matrix and R is the nodal load vector. If the loads are applied at the joints, the stress vector a can be computed from the following equation: u =Sr, jn which S is the structure matrix. (17) stress transfo~ation Efficient optimization In this formulation, the elements of S are independent of the design variables. The elements of R are constants. The elements of K arc linear functions of the cross-sectional areas. For an explicit value of the design variables x (cross-sectional areas), the displacements of eqn (16) and the stresses of eqn (17) are used to formulate the problem based on the virtual work theory. Let us re-state our goal before deriving the necessary equations for solving the problem. The aim here is to find the minimum weight design of a space truss (fixed geometry) subjected to a set of loads (multiple independent loading conditions). The truss is subjected to lower-bound and upper-bound limits placed on the member stresses, joint displacements and member sizes (cross-sectional areas of members). Let us consider the case of a truss with N members each of length Li and cross-sectional area x, (i=l,. . ., N) and subjected to a typical load case j. If member stresses are limited to a specified tension upper limit r~,”or compression lower limit a:, there will be N constraints of the form: 503 of space trusses Examining the stress constraints, eqn (18), and the fabricational constraints, eqn (19), we realize similarity in their basic form. Thcrcfore, these equations can be written as: c,<x,<x: i= 1,2 ,..., N, where C, is the greatest value occurring in the set comprising x: and the values of F,,/(aF or CJ,‘)for all load cases j. Thus, there is a total of N constraints covering the stress and size limits, each of which has only one term. The nonlinear programming problem (NLP) can now be expressed as: W-y :L,x,+min, ,-I (23) subject to C,,<xi,<x,U i=1,2 ,..., km. i=l,2,. ..,N, (18) where Fj, is the force in member i due to the loading casej, uu and c” are the maximum permitted tensile and compressive stresses in member i, respectively, and x,” is the upper-size limit of the member i. In addition, fabricational limits may require the following N constraints on member sizes (crosssectional areas): x:<x,<x,~ i=1,2 ,..., N, (19) where xF is a strictly positive lower bound on the size of member i. Using the virtual work method, the deflection r, of the joint k under the action of a typical load case j can be expressed using the following formula: (20) If this displacement at joint k is to be limited to maximum and minimum values of +rlrm, then the constraint equation takes the following form: (21) In this formulation fkiis virtual force in member i caused by the application of unit load at joint k in the direction in which the displacement rk is restricted, and Ei is the modulus of elasticity of member i. One constraint is present for each constrained joint displacement and for each loading case. (22) N (24) (25) The nonlinearity in the previous formulation arises from eqn (25) since the design variables are in the denominator of these constraints. Equation (24) represents N design variable constraints and eqn (25) represents the displacement constraints. Also, it should be noted that this formulation has the capability of handling all cases of loading at the same time, thus eliminating the need for solving for each loading condition separately. Furthermore, eqn (23) is in the form of eqn (1). Equation (25) can be readily substituted by two equations of the following form: N c QlCIXl-’ < 1, i-l where q, = f 1 and c, are non-negative constants. Equation (26) is in the form of eqn (2). Now the problem is in the GGP form and can be solved using the GGP algorithm presented earlier. Let us now discuss some of the merits of this formulation before presenting an algorithm for solving the truss optimization problem. Regarding the case of statically determinate structures, the values of 4, and fki are constant and independent of the design variables x,. This is not the case in statically indeterminate structures, where these values are dependent on the design variables x,. The method of obtaining a solution to the problem would be to select a starting solution vector for variables x, (i = 1,2,. . ., N), to analyze the structure using eqns (16) and (17), and to find the values of 4, and hi using the selected set of variables xi. Then, the optimization problem represented by eqns (23x25) is solved assuming that F,, and fk, do not vary. Next, the resulting solutions are 504 HOBAT ADELI and OSAMAKAMAI. used to re-analyze the structure, find new values of F,, and& and repeat the solution until the value of the objective function is practically constant. This design process is one of analysis/optimization/analysis/optimization, etc. This process will converge to at least a local minimum of the problem. This convergence is guaranteed provided that 4, andhi are not especially sensitive to the changes in member sizes x,, which is usually the case in this type of problem. On the other hand, since the solution time is directly related to the number of variables and constraints, any reduction in these numbers will speed up the solution process considerably. In many truss problems it is required that some members he identicat in their cross-sectional areas such as in cases of symmetry. In this case, the number of variables is reduced from number of truss members to the number of different types of cross-sections; the same thing happens with the number of eqn (24). Also, it can be shown that if any of eqn (24) is not assigned an up~r-bound limit, it can be dropped in the final formulation of the problem [2]. In cases where none of the design variables requires an upperbound, which is a characteristic of many truss problems, the number of constraints is independent of the number of the members or joints of the truss. It is only dependent on the number of constraint displacements and cases of loading, which is not large in most problems. This characteristic enables us to optimize large structures through solving a relatively small number of constraints. In fact, the procedure will be to solve the probem with only lower bounds on the solution variables hoping that the solution space is compact. If this condition is not satisfied and the convergence to optimal is slow, upper bounds will be imposed on the variables in order to provide a compact solution space. Finally, if all the terms in eqn (25) are positive, the negative lower bound will be satisfied automaticaIIy. Similarly, if all the terms are negative, the positive upper bound could be ignored during the solution of the problem (trivial rejection.) Based on the aforementioned discussion, the problem parameters are now defined as follows: No. of variables = No. of different cross-sections f 1 (objective function) No. of constraints = 1 (objective function) + No. of variables with upper-bounds (if any) + (No. of loading conditions x 2) x (No. of constrained displacements) - Trivially rejected displacement constraints + ‘cuts’ constraints. Finally, this method requires all the design variables to be strictly positive, thus preventing any of them from being exactly zero even if the actual situation at optimality requires that. In these cases, a lower bound close to zero (practically zero, e.g. 0.01) can be assigned as a lower bound to the design variables. Based on the previous formulation and comments, the following algorithm is adopted for solving the truss optimization problem. The alprirhm (1) Choose any starting point (different types of cross-sectional areas). Set the iteration counter of the GGP algo~thm, NGGP, equal to 1. (2) Solve the problem for the values of 4, and f;, using eqns (16) and (17). Set up the objective function and the constraints using eqns (23)(25). (3) Solve for the design variables using the GGP algorithm presented earlier (using the current solution vector) until all the primal constraints are satisfied with an allowable tolerance of 1%. (4) If NGGP is equal to 1, go to step 5. If not, check if the stopping criteria are satisfied. If these stopping conditions are met, terminate the algorithm. The current value of the objective function is the desired optimal solution. Otherwise, go to step 5. (5) Increment NGGP by 1. Define the new starting point as the solution point of step 3. If the truss is statically determinate, go to step 3. If the truss is statically indeterminate, go to step 2. The aforementioned algorithm is based on successive use of the GGP algo~thm presented earlier. The underlying concept of this algorithmic procedure is to iteratively reformulate the approximate optimization problem (based on the current solution vector) until the value of the objective function becomes practically constant. Thus, once the starting point has been fed into the computer, a set of solution vectors to the approximated problems is automatically generated until the optimum design is achieved. The stopping criterion used in the following examples is that the relative change in two successive values of the objective function should not exceed 0.1% and all the original primal constraints shouid be satisfied with an allowable tolerance less than 1%. APPLICATIONS The algorithm presented in this paper is applied to several space trusses in order to find the minimum weight design for each case. The machine used for these applications was an IBM 3081-D mainframe computer. For each problem, a uniform structure (all members having equal cross-sectional areas) was used as the starting point. The program automatically generates successive solution vectors to the approximated problems until the optimum solution to the original problem is found. 505 Efficient optimization of space trusses Table I. Design history for example 1 Variable (in’) Iteration 1 2 3 4 Start 2.5000 1.5770 1.4959 1.2671 1.3794 1.0380 0.8831 0.5800 0.5377 0.3399 0.1000 0.1000 2.5000 3.3215 3.8950 3.5323 3.5957 3.8972 3.9812 4.0968 3.9960 4.2669 3.4942 4.0108 2.5000 2.2070 2.0050 2.2066 I.7941 1.7063 1.4699 1.3888 1.0828 0.8092 0.7316 0.7409 2.5000 1.4958 1.3558 1.5674 I .8238 I .9037 2.1829 2.2639 2.4996 2.5152 2.8148 2.4314 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II Fig. 1. Four-bar pyramid truss. All the examples presented in this section are statically indeterminate structures except example 3, which is a statically determinate one. The dimensions on the figures are all in inches. Example 1 C/our-bar pyramid truss) The four-bar space truss shown in Fig. 1 has been solved by Morris [8] using the dual geometric programming approach. It has the following preassigned parameters: loads: P, = 10 kips P2 = 20 kips P,= -60kips modulus of elasticity = 10,000 ksi specific weight = 0.1 lb/in’. 176.0 0’ I 2.00 I 4.00 I 6.00 I 6.00 174.296 143.449 143.071 142.666 143.038 141.488 140.680 138.243 135.419 130.989 121.521 120.554 Note: I in* = 6.452cm’; I lb = 4.45 N. respectively. Using a uniform structure (all members having equal cross-sectional areas) as the starting point, a minimum weight of 120.554 lb is achieved in 11 interations. The active constraints at optimality are the compression stress in member 3, the zdisplacement of joint 5, and the minimum crosssectional area of member 1. Table 1 and Fig. 2 show the design history and the final design. It is of interest to mention that the minimum weight for this problem reported by Morris [8] is 130.7 lb. This value is 8% greater than the minimum weight value obtained in this investigation. Example 2 your -bar pyramid 1ru.w) The members are subjected to the stress limitations of 225 ksi. Also, the zidisplacement of joint 5 is limited to f0.3 in., and the cross-sectional areas of the members should not be less than 0.1 in*. We define the variables for this problem as follows: x,, xz, x3 and xq are the areas (in*) of members l-4 1121) Weight (lb) I IO.00 I 12.00 ftrration Fig. 2. Design history for example 1. I 14.00 The four-bar space truss shown in Fig. 1 has also been solved by Gellatly et al. [5] using the optimality criteria approach and the following pre-assigned parameters: load condition 1: P, = 5 kips, P2 = P, = 0 load condition 2: P, = 5 kips, P, = P, = 0 load condition 3: P, = 7.5 kips, P, = Pz = 0 modulus of elasticity = 10,000 ksi specific weight = 0. I lb/in). The members are subjected to the stress limitations of 225 ksi. Also, the jl-displacement of joint 5 is limited to kO.3 in., the z-displacement of joint 5 is limited to f 0.4 in. and the members’ cross-sectional areas should not be less than 0.1 in*. The variables are defined in the same manner as in example I. Using a uniform structure (all members having equal cross-sectional areas) as the starting point, a minimum weight of 14.238 lb was obtained after seven iterations. The active constraints at optimality are the y- and z-displacements of joint 5, and the minimum cross-sectional area of member 4. Table 2 lists the final design and the design history. Figure 3 presents a comparison between the results obtained by Gellatly et al. [5] and those obtained in this investigation. It is of interest to mention that the minimum weight for this problem reported by Gellatly et al. [S] is 14.2834 lb, which is slightly larger than the value obtained in this research. They re- HOJJATADELI and OSAMAKAMAL 506 Table 2. Design history for example 2 Variable (in*) 2 3 Iteration I start : 0.2270 0.2241 0.2582 0.2270 0.3012 0.3091 3 4 5 6 7 0.2516 0.2326 0.2475 0.2388 0.2320 0.3211 0.2895 0.3148 0.2751 0.3294 Note: 1 in* = 4 Weight (lb) 0.2270 0.2039 0.1622 0.2270 0.1277 0.1375 15.826 14.251 14.344 0.1746 0.2202 0.1890 0.2340 0.2073 0.1189 0.1158 0.1133 0.1112 0.1000 14.235 14.287 14.235 14.357 14.238 6.452 cm’; 1 lb = 4.45 N. ported the following cross-sectional mality (in*): areas at opti- x, = 0.2134, x1 = 0.3363, Plan I x,= 0.1508. x3=0.164, X 5 6 3 2 Y&7 6 7 Example 3 (12-bar space rruss) Fig. 4. Twelve-bar space truss The algorithm presented in this paper has been applied to the ACOSS-FOUR (Active Control Of Space Structures) finite element model [7) shown in Fig. 4. For this problem, the determinancy option was used to avoid analyzing the structure more than once. The dimensions (in.) are given in Table 3. The truss has the following pre-assigned parameters: load condition 1: PI load condition 2: P, modulus of elasticity specific weight = = = = -60 kips, P, = 0 15 kips, P, = 0 10,000 ksi 0.1 lb/in’. IS.00 r The allowable stresses for the members are 20 ksi in tension and 15 ksi in compression. The z- and y-displacements of joint 1 are not allowed to exceed 0.25 and 0.4 in., respectively. The cross-sectional areas of the members are not allowed to be less than 0.1 in2. Due to symmetry of the topological configuration, the truss is required to be symmetric in its element cross-sectional areas. This condition groups the members in three different groups, shown in Table 4. Using a uniform structure (all members having the same cross-sectional areas) as a starting point and assigning a relative change less than 0.1% for two successive values of the objective function as the stopping criterion, the program performed 18 iterations without stopping. Choosing a stopping criterion of l%, an optimum weight of 143.64 lb was obtained after only 2 iterations. The active constraints at optimality are the y- and :-displacements of joint 1. Table 4 and Fig. 5 summarize the iteration history and the final design. Table 3. Coordinates of the joints of example 3 Node 14.2014.00 I 1.00 1 2.00 1 2.00 I 4.00 I 6I)o I 6.00 I T.00 Itrrotion Fig. 3. Design history for example 2. , 0.00 X (in.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; 00.00 -60.00 60.00 00.00 - 72.00 -48.00 48.00 -24.00 72.00 IO 24.00 Note: 1 in. = 2.54 cm. Y (in.) oo.ooo - 34.644 - 34.644 69.282 - 13.856 - 55.426 - 55.426 - 13.856 69.282 69.282 Z (in.) 121.98 24.00 24.00 24.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 Efficient optimization of Table 5. Loading conditions for example 4 Table 4. Design history for example 3 Variable Member I I. 3. 4 2 3 2; 5: 6 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12 Weight (lb) Start (in2) Iteration I (in2) Iteration 2 (in’) Loading condition Loaded node X 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.3214 0.970 1 1.2147 2.2282 0.9455 1.4431 I I 1.0 277.1 143.23 143.64 2 2 3 6 : 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 Note: I in* = 6.452 cm’; 1 lb = 4.45 N. ’ ’ ’ 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 -20.0 Z -5.0 -5.0 0.0 0.0 - 5.0 -5.0 Table 6. Allowable stresses for example 4 The 2%bar transmission tower shown in Fig. 6 has been solved by Venkayya et al. 1121,Gellatiy ef 01. [S] and Khan and Willmert [6] using the optimality criteria approach, Tempelman and Winterbottom [ 1I] using the dual geometric programming approach, Schmit and Farshi [9] using the inscribed hyperspheres technique, Schmit and Miura [IO] using both the CONstrained function MINimization (CONMIN) and NEW Unconstrained Sequential Minimization Technique (NEWSUMT) and Chao et of. (31 using the reduced quadratic programming technique. This space truss is subjected to the two independent cases of loadings shown in Table 5. The structure is required to be doubly symme&ric about the X and Y axes. This condition groups all the truss members into eight groups, given in Table 6. In addition, the maximum displa~ments at nodes I and 2 are not allowed to exceed _+0.35 in. in the X and Y directions. The maximum allowable compressive and tensile stresses in the truss members are given in Table 6. The compressive stresses are based upon allowable buckling in thin wall circular tubes. The cross-sectional areas of the members are not allowed to be less than 0.01 in’. The modulus of elasticity is assumed to be 10,000 ksi and the specific weight is 0.1 Ib/in3. o>’ Load (kips) Y Note: I kip = 4.45 N. Example 4 (2S-bar space truss) IS00 507 space trusses ’ ’ ’ ’ Members Compression (ksi) Tension (ksi) I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2, 3, 4, 5 6. 7, 8, 9 10, II 12, 13 14. 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24, 25 35.092 11.590 17.305 35.092 35.092 6.759 6.959 11.082 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Variable Note: 1ksi = 6.89 MPa. Using a uniform structure (all members having equal cross-sectional areas) as a starting point, the program was allowed to perform nine iterations in order to compare the results with those reported in the literature. An optimal solution of 545.66lb is obtained after six iterations. Table 7 summarizes the design history and the final design. It is found that the active ~nstrain~ at optimality are they-displacement of joints 1 and 2, the compression stress in members 19 and 20, and the minimum cross-sectional .oQ Itoration Fig. 5. Design history for example 3. Fig. 6. Twenty-five-bar transmission tower. 508 HOJJAT ADELI and &AMA KAMAL Table 7. Design history for example 4 lteratlon wt (lb) I Start 734.20 2 543.39 563 76 3 545.76 4 544.71 5 544.54 6 545.66 Note: 1lb = 4.45 N area of members 1 and 10-13. Figure 7 shows a compdrison between the results obtained by Gellatly [5], Templeman [I I] and the results obtained in this investigation. Table 8 lists a comparison between the optimal solutions reported in the literature and the present work. Note that number of iterations in the present approach is less than other methods used for optimization of space trusses. Example 5 (72-bar Finally. the cross-sectional arca\ of thz mcmbcr\ are not allowed to be less than 0.1 in’. The modulus of elasticity is assumed to be 10,000 ksi and the specific weight is 0.1 lb/in’. Using a uniform structure (all members having equal cross-sectional areas) as the starting point, the program was allowed to perform eight iterations in space Iruss) The 72-bar space truss shown in Fig. 8 has been solved by Venkayya et al. 1121,Gellatly et al. [S] and Khan and Willmert [6] using the optimality criteria approach, Schmit and Farshi [9] using the inscribed hyperspheres technique, Schmit and Miura [IO] using both the CONstrained function MINimization (CONMIN) and NEW Unconstrained Sequential Minimization Technique (NEWSUMT) and Chao et al. [3] using the reduced quadratic programming technique. This space truss is subjected to the two independent cases of loadings shown in Table 9. The structure is required to be doubly symmetric about the A’ and Y axes. This condition groups all the truss members into 16 groups, shown in Table 11. In addition, the maximum displacements of the uppermost nodes are not allowed to exceed + 0.25 in. in the X and Y directions. The maximum allowable stress limits are &25 ksi in all the truss members. Typicat storey Fig. 8. Seventy-two-bar space truss. 750.0r 680 0 r 5oo.oo ’ 1.00 I 2.w 1 3.00 I 4.00 0 Rd. 5 . Rd. II . Thlr Work I 3.00 I s.00 Itrrotion Fig. 7. Design history for example 4 I 1.00 J 1.00 330.01 0 1 , 00 ’ 2.00 I 3.00 I 4.00 I 5.00 t 6.00 Itoration Fig, 9. Design history for example 5. L 7.00 , 1.00 Efficient optimization of space trusses 509 Table 9. Loading conditions for example 5 Loading condition Loaded node : 17 17 18 x 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :‘o Load (kips) Y 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Z -5.0 -5.0 - 5.0 -5.0 -5.0 Note: I kip = 4.45 N. fible IO. Design history for example 5 lleratlon Weight (lb) Start 656.879 403.776 379.609 379.306 1 2 3 Note: 1 lb = 4.45 N. order to compare the results with those reported in literature. An optimal sot&ion of 379.306lb is obtained after three iterations. Table 10 summarizes the design history and the final design. It is found that the active constraints at optimality are the x-displacement of joint 17, the y-displacement of joint 17, the z-displacement of joints 17-20, the compression stress in members 55-58 and the minimum crosssectional areas of members 13-18, 31-36 and 49-54. Figure 9 shows a comparison between the results obtained by Gellatfy et al. [S] and the results obtained in this work. Table 11 lists a comparison between the optimal designs reported in the literature and present work. The number of iterations for convergence to the optimum solution is three in the present approach while number of iterations in the other methods varies from 8 to 22. CONCLUSIONS An efficient and robust algorithm and computer program is developed for optimization of space trusses (fixed geometry) using the general geometric programming technique. The program is capable of handling multiple loading conditions, initial stresses in members and settlement of supports. Compared to other optimization techniques used for solving the truss optimization problem, this method proves to be very efficient in terms of computation time and storage. In addition, general geometric programming technique can be coded in a very general manner since it does not suffer from the shortcomings associated with many other optimi~tion techniques, such as the concern about the status of the constraints at optimality (loose or binding). Furthermore, the present formulation of the probIem based on the principle of virtual work makes the GGP algorithm more attractive. In this formulation, I. 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, IO, II, 12 13, 14, IS. 16 17, 18 19. 20, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 32, 33, 34 35, 36 37, 38, 39, 40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. 47, 48 49. 50, 51, 52 53, 54 55, 56, 57, 58 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 67, 68, 69, 70 71, 72 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 Note: I in* = 6.452 cm*; I lb = 4.45 N. Weight (lb) Iterations Members Variable 381.2 12 1.818 0.524 0.100 0.100 I .246 0.524 0.100 0.100 0.61 I 0.532 0,100 0.100 0.161 0.557 0.377 0.506 Venkayya 395.97 8 I .4636 0.5207 O.IiWO 0.1000 1.0235 0.5421 O.IODO 0.1000 0.5521 0.6084 0.1000 0.1000 0.1492 0.1133 0.4534 0.3417 Gellatly 388.63 22 2.0780 0.5030 0.1000 0.1000 1.1070 0.5790 0.1000 0.1000 0.2640 0.5480 0.1000 0.1510 0.1580 0.5940 0.3410 0.6080 379.64 9 I .8850 0.5125 0.1000 0.1000 I .2670 0.5118 0.1000 0.1000 0.5233 0.5173 0.1000 0.1000 0.1565 0.5458 0.4105 0.5699 379.79 8 I .8850 0.5118 0.1000 0.1000 I .2680 0.511 I 0.1000 0.1000 0.5228 0.5161 0.1000 0.1133 0.1558 0.5484 0.4105 0.5614 Optimal areas (in*) Schmit and Miura NEWSUMT CONMIN results for example 5 Schmit and Farshi Table 11. Comparative 387.67 IO I .8589 0.5259 0.1000 0.1000 I .2526 0.5244 0.1000 0.1000 0.5814 0.5273 0.1000 0.1583 0.1519 0.5614 0.4378 0.5317 Khan and Willmert 379.62 8 1.8321 0.5119 0.1000 0.1000 I .252 I 0.5241 0.1000 0.1000 0.5127 0.5289 0.1000 0.1000 0.1565 0.5493 0.4061 0.5550 Chao et al. 379.31 3 2.0259 0.5332 0.1000 0.1000 1.1567 0.5689 0.1000 0.1000 0.5137 0.479 1 0.1000 0.1000 0.1579 0.5501 0.3449 0.4984 This work Efficient optimization the number of constraints in the problem is not dependent on the size of the problem (number of joints and members). Instead, it is dependent on the number of loading conditions and constrained displacements, which are not large in most practical problems. This feature allows one to solve large truss problems by considering a fairly small number of constraints. of space trusses 6. 7. 8. REFERENCES 1. C. S. Beightler, D. T. Phillips and D. J. Wilde, Foundulions of Optimizations.Prentice-Hall, Englewood ClilTs, NJ (1979). 2. C. S. Beightler and D. T. 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