English acne AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) allergic reaction allergy altitude sickness amnesia appendicitis arthritis asthma athlete's foot backache bleeding blister boil broken (broken bone, broken arm atau broken leg) bronchitis bruise cancer chest pain chicken pox cold cold sore concussion conjunctivitis constipation cramp corn cough dehydration dementia depression diabetes diarrhoea dizziness dyslexia earache eating disorder Indonesian jerawat AIDS (singkatan dari diakuisisi immunodeficiency syndrome) reaksi alergi alergi takut ketinggian amnesia radang usus buntu radang sendi asma kaki atlet sakit punggung pendarahan melepuh bisul patah (misalnya patah tulang, patah lengan atau patah kaki) bronkitis memar kanker sakit dada cacar air pilek sakit dingin gegar konjungtivitis sembelit kejang kulit kapalan batuk dehidrasi demensia depresi diabetes diare pusing disleksia sakit telinga gangguan Makan epilepsy fatigue fever flu (influenza) food poisoning fracture frostbite glandular fever gout graze haemophilia haemorrhoids hair loss atau alopecia hay fever headache heart attack heart disease heartburn heat stroke hepatitis hernia high blood pressure or hypertension HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) hypothermia indigestion infection inflammation injury ingrown toenail insomnia jaundice leukaemia low blood pressure or hypotension lump lung cancer malaria measles meningitis migraine miscarriage epilepsi kelelahan demam flu (singkatan dari influenza) keracunan makanan patah radang dingin demam kelenjar encok tergores penyakit darah wasir (juga dikenal sebagai tumpukan) rambut rontok atau alopecia demam sakit kepala serangan jantung penyakit jantung mulas stroke panas hepatitis burut tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi HIV (singkatan dari human immunodeficiency virus) hipotermia gangguan pencernaan infeksi peradangan cedera kuku tumbuh ke dalam insomnia penyakit kuning leukemia tekanan darah rendah atau hipotensi benjol kanker paru-paru malaria campak meningitis migrain keguguran MS (multiple sclerosis) mumps nausea nosebleed obesity pneumonia polio rabies rash rheumatism schizophrenia slipped disc sore throat splinter sprain spots STI (singkatan dari sexually transmitted infection) stomach ache stress stroke sunburn swelling tonsillitis tuberculosis typhoid fever atau typhoid ulcer virus wart MS (singkatan dari multiple sclerosis) penyakit gondok mual mimisan kegemukan pneumonia polio rabies ruam reumatik skizofrenia disk tergelincir sakit tenggorokan terpecah keseleo bintik-bintik IMS (singkatan dari infeksi menular seksual) sakit perut menekankan pukulan terbakar sinar matahari pembengkakan radang amandel TBC demam tifoid atau tifoid maag virus kutil INFORMATION QUESTION 1. When the spots came out? -It was come about 2 days ago. 2. Which part of your body that has the warts? -My hand and my leg sus. 3. What makes you get insomnia? -Because today I drink 2 glass of coffee 4. Who is your usually doctor to consul? -dr. R is my doctor 5. How can your hand get injury like this? -I got an accident few hours ago 6. Where this child has the cramps? -At the class sus. 7. How pain is your stomach? -It’s really pain 8. What are you doing to decrease the headache? -I drink lots of water 9. Why do you leg has a bruise? -I don’t know. It’s just suddenly appeared 10. How quickly does the pills work to my body? -It depends on your body. 11. Where is your family? -They don’t know I’m in hospitalization rite now. 12. Which doctor you want to consul? -dr. R please. YES/NO QUESTION 1. Are you a doctor? – Yes, I am 2. Are you okay? – No, I’m not 3. Do I have to drinks the pills? – Yes you do 4. Are you on the medical treatment rite now? – No, I’m not 5. Do you have any problems with your health status? – Yes I do 6. Do you sleep lately everyday? – Yes, I do 7. Are you still feeling fever? – No, I’m not 8. Do you work at this hospital? – Yes, I do 9. Do you believe you can survive with this cancer? – No, I’m not 10. Do I have to complete the registration rite now? – Yes, you do.