BIOLOGI MOLEKULER I. Pengenalan Biologi Molekuler II. Materi Genetik Struktur dan Sifat Asam Nukleat Replikasi DNA, Mutasi dan Repair DNA III. Ekspresi Gena Transkripsi, Translasi, dan Regulasi IV. Pertumbuhan Sel Eukariot Sel Signaling dan Siklus Sel V. Transformasi Genetik Rekombinasi, Transposon dan Retrovirus III. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, A.L., Matsudaira, P., Baltimore, D., Darnell, J., 2000, Molecular cell Biology, 4th ed., Freeman and Company, New York. Alberts,B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Robert, K., Watson, JD., 1994, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3th ed.,Garland Publishing, Inc, New York. Devlin T.M., 2002, Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations, 5th ed., wiley-Liss, New York. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., Stryer.,2002, Biochemistry, 5th ed.,W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. Freifelder, D.,1987, Molecular Biology, 2th ed., Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Boston. Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J., 1998, Molecular Biotechnology, Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, 2nd. Ed. ASM Press, Washington DC. Brown, T.A., 2001, Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis, An Introduction, 4th ed., Blackwell Science, UK Human 2.9x109 bp 46 (Berg JM et al, 2002) REKAYASA GENETIK TEKNOLOGI GENA FARMASETIK PERBEDAAN PROKARIOT & EUKARIOT Prokariot Eukariot Organisme Bakteria dan sianobakteria Fungi, hewan, manusia Ukuran sel 1 - 10m 5 - 100m Organel Beberapa / tidak ada Inti, mitokondria, kloroplast GENOM Sirkuler dalam sitoplasma, Satu molekul kromosom Linier panjang, dipak rapi dgn protein histon dalam inti. Manusia mempunyai 46 cromosom RNA dan protein Disintesis dalam sitoplasma RNA : dalam inti, Protein: dalam sitoplasma Organisasi Unisel Multisel DNA mRNA mRNA RNAses IFs, EF, RF Translation Regulatory factors Proteins Decay Turnover Localization Interactions Modification Pre-mRNA Capping Polyadenylation Splicing mRNA Storage mRNA RNAses eIFs, eEF, eRF Translation Regulatory factors Proteins Decay Turnover Localization Interactions Modification (PO4/dPO4, glycosylation) II. MATERI GENETIK Mahluk hidup tersusun dari SEL yang dapat membelah dan menurunkan INFORMASI GENETIK nya Dibawa oleh DNA : rantai polimer panjang yang merupakan rangkaian dari jutaan nukleotida Fragmen DNA yang mengkode protein, suatu unit keturunan Gena Molekul DNA yang terdiri dari beberapa gena di paking membentuk CHROMOSOM Total informasi genetik yang tersimpan dalam kromosom GENOM What Is Cloning? • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism, such as the famous sheep ‘Dolly’ • Similar to an identical twin The Making of Dolly Cloning depends on DNA Step 1: Take the Nuclei out of a sheep egg Step 2: Transfer nuclei from the Mother Empty DNA DNA Sheep Egg Mother’s Egg Hello Dolly July 5, 1996, Dolly was born at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland She was cloned using a cell taken from a healthy six-year-old sheep Cloning and the Cell Nucleus Its all about DNA Cloning Depends on DNA Nucleus Chromosome Good-Bye Dolly At age 3 Dolly showed signs of premature aging. Dolly died at 6 years old from progressive lung disease (symptom of old age) • Dolly’s DNA was already 6 years old when she was born - WHY? It’s all about DNA Telomeres Telomeres TTAGGG Gene 1 Gene 2 Chromosome DNA Telomere Length Declines 8,000 Telomere length in base pairs (human white blood cells) 3,000 1,500 0 35 65 Age (years) More on Dolly and Cloning Dolly’s experimenters used 277 cloned embryos to produce one sheep, meaning 276 failed. Question How many failures will it take to produce a human Other Cloned Animals July 1998 cloned calves Cloned mouse Cloned mule Future Experiments ButterCat CatCow Future Experiments SparrowBoxer TigerOwl JUMLAH BASA VS KOMPLEKS MAKHLUK Chromosomes 16 6 24 Chromosomes 78 40 46 Human Genome • Genome inti 23 pasang kromosome 2x (4x109 bp) 2 m DNA/sel • Genome mitokondria Some organisms are diploid - that is, they have paired homologous chromosomes in their somatic cells, and thus contain two copies of each gene. An organism in which both copies of the gene are identical - that is, have the same allele - is said to be homozygous for that gene. An organism which has two different alleles of the gene is said to be heterozygous Human 4 x 109 22 autosom yang berbeda 2 sex kromosom Masing2 single linier DNA E. Coli 4.7 x 106 1 Chromosom 40 – 50 loop superkoil Kromosom tanpa histon DNA CHROMOSOME KROMOSOM CENTROMER region dari chromosom yang diperlukan untuk pengikatan mitotic spindle saat proses mitosis TELOMER fragmen di ujung chromosom linier replikasi secara khusus untuk mencegah perpendekan chromosom ORIGIN REPLIKASI tempat awal replikasi berlangsung Introduction The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Cell Transcription Translation Reverse tanscription DNA mRNA Ribosome Polypeptide (protein) KOMPOSISI GENA FUNGSIONAL PROMOTER OPERATOR ACTIVATOR BINDING SITE STRUKTURAL GEN : mRNA TERMINATOR