PEMERIAN NON CALASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK PEMERIAN BTN NON KLASTIK BASED ON: Texture, and composition MINERAL STRUCTURE: Texture 1.KRISTALIN consists of Kristal-Kristal THE INTERLOCKING, namely KRISTALNYA Sharing Lock SAMA ONE OTHER. 2.AMORF: Comprising MINERAL NOT Establish Kristal-Kristal AMORF OR. NON KLASTIK STRUCTURE Reaction form PROCESS OF CHEMICAL OR ACTIVITY Organic MACAMNYA BETWEEN OTHER: 1. FOSSILIFEROUS: STRUCTURE shown by OR IS fossil fossil consists of a composition (sediment organic) 2. OOLITIK: STRUCTURE WHERE A fragment KLASTIK veiled BY MINERAL NONKLASTIK, are KONCENTRIS with the diameter <2mm 3. PISOLITIK: SAMA OOLITIK BUT THE SIZE OF LARGE DIAMETERNYA MORE 2mm. 4. ONKRESI: SAMA KENAMPAKAN STRUCTURE WITH THIS STRUCTURE OOLITIK BUT IS NOT showed concentric nature. 5. Cone in Cone: STRUCTURE PADABATUGAMPING KRISTALIN refers to the growth cone PERKERUCUT. 6. BIOHERM: BY organisms composed Pure and INSITU. 7. BIOSTROM: BUT AS BIOHERM are KLASTIK. BIOSTROME is BIOHERM AND STRUCTURE OF FOREIGN FIELD IN only appear. 8. SEPTARIA: similar KONKRESI BUT HAVE LEMPUNGAN composition. Something special REKAHAN IS - THAT REKAHAN Disorders Depreciation RESULTING MATERIAL-MATERIAL LEMPUNGAN IS BECAUSE THEN THE PROCESS Dehidrasi midst that filled Kristal-Kristal BY carbonic of coarse. 9. GEODE: cavity-RONGA Kristal BY charged that grow toward the hollow CENTER IS. 10. STYOLIT: CONNECTING THE BEGERIGI ANTAR Butir. NON KLASTIK SEDIMENTARY ROCK MINERAL COMPOSITION VERY Simple MINERALNYA composition that is consisting of one or two types of MINERAL SAJA: EXEMPLARY: BATUGAMPING: KALSIT, dolomite CHERT: KALSEDON Gypsum: Gypsum MINERAL ANHIDRIT: MINERAL ANHIDRIT.