STRUKTUR KURIKULUM BIDANG KEAHLIAN TELEKOMUNIKASI MULTIMEDIA 2009-2014 Kode MK Code SEMESTER I 1 TE.092303 Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) Course Title sks Credits Proses Acak dan Pengolahan Sinyal Random Process & Signal Processing 3 2 TE.092320 Sistem Komunikasi Digital Digital Communication System 3 3 TE.092300 Rekayasa Trafik dan Jaringan Traffic & Network Engineering 2 4 TE.092092 Pengenalan Bidang Riset Introduction to Research Topics 2 Jumlah sks/Total of credits SEMESTER II 1 TE.092351 10 Pengolahan Sinyal & Komunikasi Multimedia Multimedia Signal Processing & Communication 3 2 TE.092301 Propagasi Gelombang Elektromagnetik Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 2 3 TE.092342 Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel & Bergerak Wireless & Mobile Communication System 3 4 TE.092093 Penulisan Ilmiah Scientific Writing 2 SEMESTER III 1 TE.092353 2 TE.092323 Jumlah sks/Total of credits 10 Jaringan Komunikasi Multimedia Multimedia Communication Network Pengkodean Kanal Channel Coding Mata Kuliah Pilihan Additional optional courses Jumlah sks/Total of credits 2 2 4 8 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 No. 1 Tesis Thesis 4 Mata Kuliah Pilihan Additional optional courses Jumlah sks/Total of credits 4 MATA KULIAH PILIHAN ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL COURSES No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) Code Course Title 1 TE.092343 Sistem Komunikasi dan Jaringan Optik Optical Communication System and Network 2 TE.092345 Jaringan Mobile dan Ad-Hoc Mobile and Ad-Hoc Network 3 TE.092346 Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Wireless Sensor Network 4 TE.092347 Sistem Komunikasi Antena Jamak Multiple Antennas Communication System 4 TE.092357 Software defined radio dan jaringan nirkabel kognitif Software defined radio and cognitive wireless network 5 TE.092355 Teknik-teknik kompresi video Advanced Video compression techniques 6 TE.092348 Rekayasa Internet dan Web Internet and Web Engineering 7 TE.092349 Mobile e-learning Mobile e-learning 8 TE.092331 Deteksi dan estimasi terdistribusi Distributed detection and estimation 9 TE.092332 Sistem komunikasi pita lebar Broadband communication system 10 TE.092333 Sistem komunikasi multicarrier Multicarrier communication system 11 TE.092334 Sistem komunikasi dan jaringan kooperatif Cooperative communication system and network 12 TE.092335 Game theory dan jaringan nirkabel Game theory and wireless network 13 TE.092336 Keamanan informasi dan multimedia Information and multimedia security 8 sks Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 SEMESTER IV 1 TE.092099 2 SILABUS KURIKULUM/COURSE SYLLABUS TE – 092303: Proses Acak dan Pengolahan Sinyal TE – 092303: Random Process & Signal Processing Sks /Credits: 3 Semester: I TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari representasi variabel acak dan proses acak, serta sifat-sifat dan karakteristiknya, terutama untuk penerapan pada berbagai permasalahan pada sistem komunikasi dan pengolahan sinyal. To study various representations and characteristics of random variables and processes, as well as their applications in communication systems and signal processing. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menerapkan konsepkonsep berikut: x Aksioma dan operasi-operasi probabilitas x Probabilitas bersyarat dan saling bebas x Variabel, vektor dan proses acak, serta transformasinya x Pengolahan sinyal acak dan karakterisasi pada ranah ruang dan waktu The students will understand and be able to apply following concepts: x Axioms of and operations on probability x Conditional and independent probability x Random variables, vectors and processes, and their x Random signal processing and its characterisation in time and frequency domains] Himpunan, field dan kejadian. Ruang sample. Definisi aksiomatik probabilitas. Probabilitas gabungan, bersyarat dan total. Kesalingbebasan; Teorema Bayes; Kombinatorial, percobaan Bernoulli, binomial dan multinomial, pendekatan terhadap distribusi normal; Definisi variabel acak; fungsi distribusi dan kerapatan probabilitas; Kerapatan dan distribusi bersyarat dan gabungan; Transformasi variabel acak. Ekspektasi variabel acak; ekspektasi bersyarat; momen dan momen gabungan; variabel-variabel acak tak terkorelasi; Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE 3 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN x Henry Stark & John W. Woods, Probability and Random rd Processes with Applications to Signal Processing, 3 ed., Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 variabel acak gabungan Gaussian; ketidaksamaan Chebysev dan Schwartz; fungsi-fungsi pembangkit momen. Batas Chernoff; Fungsi karakteristik; estimator untuk rata-rata dan varians; keyakinan interval untuk rata-rata dan varians. Distribusi dan kerapatan gabungan; transformasi jamak variabel acak; vektor ekspektasi dan matriks kovarians; Sifatsifat matriks kovarians. Diagonalisasi matriks kovarians; proyeksi; Distribusi Gaussian multidimensi. Spesifikasi statistik urutan acak; sistem linier waktu-diskrit ; urutan acak dan sistem linier; urutan acak WSS; PSD dan korelasi; urutan acak Markov; Model ARMA . Definisi dan contohcontoh proses acak: Poisson, Wiener, Markov dll. Sistem linier time invariant dengan input acak. Klasifikasi proses acak; ketasioneran; proses stasioner arti luas; power spectral density; derau putih. Orthogonalitas dan estimasi linier. Filter Kalman; filter Wiener. Sets, field and events. Sample sets. Axiomatic definition of probability. Joint, conditional and total probabilities. Independence; Bayes theorem; Combinatorial, Bernoulli, binomial and multinomial experiments. Random variable definition; distribution function and probability density function. Conditional and joint density and distribution function. Transformations of random variables. Expectations of random variables; conditional expectation; moments and moment generating functions; uncorrelated random variables; jointly Gaussian random variables; Chebysev and Chernoff inequality; characteristics functions; mean and variance estimators. Expectation vector and covariance matrix. Covariance matrix diagonalization. Random sequences. Linear discrete-time systems; Wide sense stationary sequence. Power spectral density and correlation. Markov random sequence. ARMA model. Definition and examples of random processes: Poisson, Wiener, Markov. Linear time-invariant system with random input. White noise. Orthogonalization and linear estimation. Kalman and Wiener filters. 4 REFERENCES Prentice Hall, 2002. x x x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES Robert M. Gray & Lee D. Davisson, An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Todd K. Moon & Wynn C. Stirling, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 2000. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing 5 Sks /Credits: 3 Semester: I TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Mempelajari prinsip-prinsip teori informasi, teknik-teknik pengkodean dan modulasi digital untuk menjawab berbagai permasalahan pada sistem komunikasi digital. To study principles of information theory, coding and digital modulation techniques to address various problems in digital communication system. Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: x Memahami dasar-dasar teori informasi: entropi sumber, informasi bersama, sifat ekuipartisi asimtotik (AEP) dan kapasitas kanal, serta teknik-teknik pengkodean sumber x Mendisain sistem komunikasi digital secara optimum, dan melakukan analisis unjuk kerja sistem dalam lingkungan gangguan yang dimodelkan dengan proses acak menggunakan bantuan model probabilitas dan stokastik. The students are expected to able to: x Understand basics of information theory: source entropy, mutual information, asymptotic equipartition property (AEP), and channel capacity, as well as source coding technique x Design optimal digital communication system and analyze its performance under degrading effects of transmission media, by using statistical model and framework x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x Konsep Sistem Komunikasi: Analog & Digital. - Proses dan tujuan tiap blok elemen dalam Siskomdig. Permasalahan yang timbul dalam proses transmisi sinyal digital. - Klasifikasi Sinyal : Deterministik & Acak. Sinyal Energi dan sinyal Daya Korelasi dan otokorelasi. - Konsep rapat spektral Energi dan Daya. - Pengertian Bandwidth. Konsep Sampling, Kuantising dan coding. - PCM, PAM, PPM, Biner dan M-ary. Line coding, Bandwidth, laju bit dan laju simbol. Konsep Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092320: Sistem Komunikasi Digital TE – 092320: Digital Communication System 6 x x x Communication system concepts Signals classification Correlation and autocorrelation x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x dasar unsur-unsur teori informasi Efisiensi dan kehandalan suatu bentuk pengkodean. Entropy dan informasi Entropy maksimum dan minimum. Informasi timbal balik Gambaran statistik dari probabilitas gabungan, probabilitas bersyarat Sumber informasi bermemori dan tanpa memori, stasioner, ergodic. Sumber informasi markov, diagram keadaan untuk sumber Markov Klasifikasi sumber Markov, matriks probabilitas transisi Penjelasan statistik kanal tanpa memori dan bermemori Matrik kanal dan Diagram kanal. Kriteria kanal BSC Kanal burst error, Model Gilbert. Permasalahan pemodelan kanal Kondisi perlu untuk pengkodean. Teknik-teknik pengkodean sumber (kode pohon) Pertidaksamaan Kraft, Teori Mc Millan’s, Shannon-Fano, Lempel-Ziv Pemodelan Huffman coding, q-ary Huffman coding, pengkodean sumber tidak sama, run-length Probabilitas akumulatif. Metode dasar, metode tanpa perkalian Efisiensi pengkodean Aritmatik. Review kapasitas kanal, kanal uniform, kanal BSC, kanal BEC, kanal tambahan. Konsep Penerima Optimum. - Konsep Matched-filter. Konsep Korelator. Representasi sinyal dalam bentuk vektor. Inner product, norm, jarak euclidian. - Prosedur Gram Schmidt dan fungsi basis. Dimensi ruang sinyal. - Konstelasi Sinyal Modulasi passband : ASK, PSK, FSK biner dan m-ary, QPSK, OQPSK, MSK. Demodulasi/Deteksi. - Penurunan Kinerja BER sistem. Parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi bentuk spektral sinyal hasil modulasi digital. Distorsi akibat kanal tidak ideal. - Filter Nyquist, sinyal bebas ISI. - Terjadinya ISI. Pola mata. - Disain Ekualiser MMSE dan Zero forcing. x 7 x x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES Sampling and quantization Line coding, bandwidth, bit rate & symbol rate Entropy and information, mutual information Memoryless source and source with memory Markov information source, state diagram Channel matrix, binary symmetric channel (BSC) Bursty error channel, Gilbert model. Channel modeling Kraft inequality, McMillan theorem, Variable length codes: Shannon-Fano code, Lempel-Ziv code & Huffman coding. Arithmetic coding. Optimum receiver concepts, Matched filter Signal representation in vector space. Signal space dimension and signal constellation Passband modulation: ASK, PSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK Demodulation and detection. BER performance Channel induced distortion: ISI Eye pattern. MMSE and zero-forcing equalizers x John G. Proakis & Massoud Salehi, th Communications, 5 ed., McGraw-Hill, 2007. x Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals nd and Applications, 2 ed., Prentice Hall, 2001. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah, IEEE Trans. on Communication IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Digital Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x x x x x x x 8 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: I TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari berbagai pemodelan dan karakterisasi trafik untuk berbagai sumber informasi: suara, data, citra dan video, yang dilewatkan pada berbagai jenis jaringan: misal: fixed, seluler, nirkabel, LAN, MAN, WAN, serta teknik-teknik dan protokol yang berkaitan. To study various modeling and characterization of traffic of information sources: voice, data, image and video, transported in various networks: fixed, cellular, wireless, LAN, MAN, WAN, as well as related techniques and protocols. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x dasar-dasar, analisa dan penerapan rekayasa trafik dalam rancangan jaringan telekomunikasi. x arsitektur router untuk jaringan IP beserta unjuk kerjanya dengan menggunakan berbagai model trafik dan teknik routing The students understand: x basics of traffic engineering and its analysis, as well as implementation in telecommunication network x principles of router architecture for IP network, as well as its performance in relation to various traffic models and routing techniques Definisi trafik, satuan trafik, macam-macam trafik, karakteristik trafik; Model-model trafik : Trafik voice, trafik data; Sistem Kegagalan (loss system) : model sistem, Erlang B, probabilitas blocking, penentuan sirkit; Peramalan demand dan peramalan trafik; QoS jaringan nirkabel; Proses Markov, rantai Markov, Sistem tunggu (queueing system) : sistem dengan antrian tak terbatas (Erlang C) dan sistem dg antrian terbatas, probabilitas tunggu, probabilitas blocking; Arsitektur router internet,Token leaky bucket, multiplexing flow, Jaringan antrian dengan routing statis, jaringan rugi, jaringan antrian stable open, Routing dinamis dan routing dengan insentif, Algoritma shortest path dan widest path. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092300: Rekayasa Trafik dan Jaringan TE – 092300: Traffic & Network Engineering 9 Traffic definition and unit. Traffic charactristics and models: voice and data. Loss system. System model: Erlang B, blocking probability, Poisson process; circuit dimensioning. Demand and traffic forecast. QoS in wireless network. Markov process and chain. Queueing system: infinite and finite waiting time system, Erlang C. Internet router architecture. Token leaky bucket, multiplexing flow. Queueing network with static routing, loss network. Stable open queueing network. Dynamic routing, routing with incentive. Shortest and widest path algorithms. PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - ITU-D,Teletraffic Engineering Handbook, 2003 Kesidis, G., An introduction to communication network analysis, Wiley, 2007 Chuah, M.C. dan Zhang, Q., Design and Performance 3G Wireless Networks and Wireless LANs, Springer, 2006. Medhi, D. dan Ramasamy, K. Network Routing, The Morgan Kaufmann Series, 2007 Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x 10 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: I x TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES x x x x x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ x x Mahasiswa memahami berbagai cluster riset dalam bidang teknik sistem tenaga, telekomunikasi multimedia, teknik elektronika, jaringan cerdas multimedia, dan telematika; dan dapat memilih cluster riset yang akan ditekuni dengan tetap memperhatikan cluster-cluster riset yang berhubungan. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan sikap ilmiah sesuai dengn kebidangan masing-masing. To have an understanding of many research fields in power system engineering, multimedia communication, electronic engineering, intelligent multimedia network, and telematics; and to have a skill to select own research cluster by considering all supporting clusters. To have a capability to apply scientific mindset and attitude in the own research filed. Mahasiswa memahami berbagai cluster riset bidang teknik sistem tenaga, telekomunikasi multimedia, teknik elektronika, jaringan cerdas multimedia, dan telematika. Mahasiswa mampu memilih pendekatan ilmiah yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan melalui kegiatan riset untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup manusia dan lingkungan. Mampu melaksanakan dan memelihara sikap dan kegiatan ilmiah dalam kehidupan profesi. To have an understanding many research clusters in the fields of power system engineering, multimedia communication, electronic engineering, intelligent multimedia network, and telematics. To have a capability to choose an appropriate scientific approach to solve a certain engineering problem through activities for improvement of human life quality and environment. To have a skill of actualizing and to keep scientific attitude and scientific activities in professional tasks. Pembekalan bidang-bidang riset Seminar ilmiah Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092092: Pengenalan Bidang Riset TE - 092092: Introduction to Research Fields 11 PUSTAKA UTAMA/MAIN REFERENCES x x x x x x Review jurnal ilmiah Telaah kasus Penyusunan laporan. Provisioning of research fields Journal article review Case studies and report. x x Artikel journal terpilih. Selected scientific journals in power system engineering, multimedia communication, electronic engineering, intelligent multimedia network, and telematics. PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES - PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 SUBJECTS 12 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092351: Pengolahan Sinyal & Komunikasi Multimedia TE – 092351: Multimedia Signal Processing & Communication Sks /Credits: 3 Semester: II KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY The students will understand the following: x Characterisation of multimedia signals in time, space and frequency domains, as well as probabilistically x Transform coding techniques x Dynamics of 2-D signal (image & video) and its exploitation for compression x Efficient compression techniques POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x x x Pembentukan, persepsi dan representasi video Analisa Fourier sinyal video Karakteristik sistem pendengaran dan penglihatan manusia Pencuplikan video Pemodelan video Estimasi gerakan 2-D Entropi sumber dan model-model distribusi sinyal Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari representasi dan karakteristik sinyal-sinyal multimedia: audio, citra dan video, serta teknik-teknik pengkodean untuk kompresi yang efisien. To study representation and characterisation of multimedia signals: audio, image & video, as well as coding techniques for efficient compression. Mahasiswa mampu memahami hal-hal berikut: x Karakterisasi berbagai jenis sinyal multimedia pada ranah waktu, ruang dan frekuensi, serta dalam konteks probabilistik x Teknik-teknik pengkodean transformasi x Dinamika sinyal 2-D pada citra dan video serta pemanfaatan untuk kompresi x Teknik-teknik kompresi sinyal multimedia yang efisien 13 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE x H.J. Trussell & M.J. Vrhel, Fundamentals of Digital Imaging, Cambridge University Press, 2008. x Al Bovik, ed., The Essential Guide to Video Processing, Academic Press, 2009. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Multimedia IEEE Transaction on Image Processing - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x multimedia Dasar-dasar pengkodean video Pengkodean video berbasis gelombang Pengkodean video berbasis content Pengkodean video scalable Teknik-teknik pengkodean audio Standar-standar kompresi video Video formation, perception and representation Fourier analysis of video signals Human hearing and visual systems Video sampling Video modeling 2-D Motion estimation Foundations of video coding Waveform-based video coding Content-based video coding Scalable video coding Audio coding techniques Video compression standards Yao Wang, Jorn Ostermann, Ya-Qin Zhang, Video Processing and Communications, Prentice Hall, 2002. 14 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: II TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari teori dan mekanisme perambatan gelombang elektromagnetik (GEM) pada berbagai jenis dan kondisi media, terutama untuk aplikasi sistem komunikasi radio. To study theory and mechanisms of electromagnetic propagation over various media and diverse conditions, especially for application in radio communication systems. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x Teori Maxwell serta penerapan pada permasalahan perambatan dan radiasi GEM x Mekanisme perambatan GEM pada berbagai kondisi lingkungan dan fenomena-fenomena yang timbul pada lapisan-lapisan atmosfer serta karakteristiknya x Mendisain sistem komunikasi radio The students will understand: x Maxwell theory and its applications in EM wave propagation and radiation x EM wave propagation mechanisms in various environment conditions and related phenomena in atmospheric layers, as well as its characteristics x Design radio communication systems x x x x x x x x x x x Review persamaan Maxwell untuk medan dinamis Persamaan Helmholtz Gelombang datar serbasama Perambatan gelombang pada medium dielektrik Perambatan gelombang pada penghantar Mekanisme pantulan dan transmisi Perambatan gelombang pada saluran transmisi Radiasi oleh antena kecil. Parameter-parameter antena Jenis-jenis antena. Persamaan radiasi untuk medan jauh. Mekanisme propagasi ruang bebas. Daya sebagai fungsi jarak. Mekanisme pantulan. Model propagasi dua lintasan. Model propagasi N lintasan Mekanisme difraksi Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092301: Propagasi Gelombang Elektromagnetik TE – 092301: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 15 Difraksi knife-edge (tabir tunggal) Elipsoid Fresnel zone Pendekatan untuk difraksi tabir jamak Model analitis difraksi tabir jamak Model kanal deterministik Metode ray-tracing Model kanal stokastik Model geometris penghambur elips dan elipsoid Model-model prediksi empiris Variasi kanal propagasi terhadap ruang dan waktu Variasi skala besar: Lognormal shadowing Variasi skala kecil: Model kanal Rayleigh dan Rician Hamburan. Duct. Redaman hujan Lapisan ionosfir. Refraksi. Sintilasi Penggunaan model dalam desain dan evaluasi sistem komunikasi radio x x x x Maxwell equation for dynamic field Helmholtz equation Homogenous planewave Wave propagation in dielectric medium and in conductor Reflection and transmission mechanisms Wave propagation in transmission line Radiation by small antenna. Antenna parameters, Radiation equation for far fields Freespace propagation mechanism. Power as a fucntion of distance. Reflection mechanism. Two path propagation model Diffraction mechanism Knife-edge diffraction Ellipsoid Fresnel zone Analytical model of multiple diffraction Deterministic channel model Ray tracing method Stochastic channel model Scattering geometrical models. Empirical prediction models Propagation channel variation in space and time Large scale variation: log normal shadowing. Small scale radiation: Rayleigh and Rician channel model. Scattering. Ducting. Rain attenuation. Ionosphere layer. Reffraction. Scintillation. Design and evaluation of radio communication system. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 16 x H. Sizun, Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications, Springer, 2005. x Jean G. Van Bladel, Electromagnetic Fields, Wiley-IEEE, 2007. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Antenna and Electromagnetic Propagation IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES 17 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092342: Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel & Bergerak TE – 092342: Wireless & Mobile Communication System Sks /Credits: 3 Semester: II x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Capability to explain and understand in: x Basic concept, elements and system of wireless and mobile communications. x System engineering and technology of broadband wireless communications x Traffic engineering in wireless and mobile broadband communications x Design of wireless and mobile communication system and networks x Konsep dasar sistem komunikasi nirkabel dan bergerak, termasuk terminnologi, elemen sistem dan lapisan komunikasi, permasalahan dan optimasi sistem x Propagasi: model kanal nirkabel dan bergerak, model dan pengaruh fading skala besar dan kecil, estimasi cakupan dan jangkauan, diversity x Modulasi dan ekualisasi adaptif: modulasi adaptif, review model kanal frekuensi selektif, ekualisasi adaptif x Modulasi pita lebar: konsep spread spectrum, OFDM, multi carrier dan sistem akses jamak (CDMA) serta Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mahasiswa memahami konsep, elemen, dan kinerja sistem komunikasi nirkabel dan bergerak meliputi lapisan fisik, MAC, datalink, dan jaringan. x Students understand concept, elements and performance of wireless and mobile communication system including physical layer, MAC, datalink and networks. Kemampuan menjelaskan dan memahami: x konsep dasar, elemen dan sistem komunikasi nirkabel dan bergerak. x Rekayasa sistem dan teknologi komunikasi nirkabel pita lebar. x Rekayasa trafik pada sistem komunikasi nirkabel dan bergerak pita lebar. x Rancangan sistem dan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel dan seluler bergerak. 18 x x x x x x x x x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x sistem akses acak: CSMA, ALOHA, slotted ALOHA. Jaringan seluler: konsep jaringan seluler, interferensi dan kapasitas sistem Rekayasa sistem: antenna larik, larik adaptif, pengantar MIMO, pengkodean ruang waktu, multipleks spatial (SDMA). Rekayasa trafik: rekayasa trafik sistem seluler, probabilitas blok sistem sel tunggal dan sel jamak dengan handover, trafik multimedia pada sistem nirkabel pita lebar. Kinerja jaring sistem komunikasi pita lebar: model dan analisis kinerja jaringan pita lebar : delay, jitter, packet loss, throughput. Kemajuan sistem komunikasi nirkabel dan bergerak pita lebar, optimasi lintas lapisan dan aplikasi sistem: kooperatif, jaring sensor dsb. Basic concepts of wireless and mobile communications including terminologies, elements of system and layer of communications, problems and optimizing system. Propagation: wireless and mobile channel models, large and small scale fadings, coverage estimation, diversity Adaptif modulation and equalization: adaptif modulation, review on frequency selective channel model, adaptif equalization. Cellular networks: concepts, interference and capacity of system. System engineering: array antenna, adaptive array, introduction to MIMO, time space coding, spatial multiplexing (SDMA). Traffic engineering: traffic in cellular system, blocking probability in single cell and in multiple cells with handover systems, multimedia traffic in broadband systems Performance in broadband communication networks: model and analysis of broadband networks: delay, jitter, packet loss, throughput. Trend in broadband wireless and mobile communications, cross-layer optimization and applications: cooperative system, sensor networks etc. Theodoere S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002. K. Pahlavan & P. Krishnamurthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 19 x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE TE – 092320: Sistem Komunikasi Digital TE – 092320: Digital Communication System Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005. x K. Pahlavan & Allen H. Levesque, Wireless Information Networks, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2005. David Tse & Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of x Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005. TE – 092303: Proses Acak dan Pengolahan Sinyal TE – 092303: Random Process & Signal Processing 20 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: II TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Memberikan persiapan bagi mahasiswa sebelum memulai thesis, dengan memahami identifikasi dan perumusan masalah yang akan menjadi topik thesis, memahami metodologi penelitian yang diperlukan, serta memahami teknik penulisan karya tulis ilmiah yang berupa proposal thesis, buku thesis, dan makalah ilmiah. Giving preparation for the students before getting thesis by understanding problem identification and formulation related to the thesis topic. x x x x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x Memahami metodologi riset. Memahami cara menulis ilmiah untuk proposal thesis, thesis dan makalah ilmiah. Understanding research methodology. Understanding technical writing for the proposal thesis, thesis and scientific papers. Memahami metodologi riset: Identifikasi masalah, studi literature, data plant, pemodelan system, diagram system, algoritma solusi, pengembangan metoda, simulasi dan analisis, justifikasi hasil. Memahami format penulisan ilmiah: judul, pengarang, afiliasi, lembar pengesahan, abstrak, daftar isi, pendahuluan, penukilan, penjabaran konsep, metodologi, tabel, gambar, grafik, jadwal, analisis hasil simulasi, kesimpulan, daftar pustaka, riwayat hidup dan ucapan terima kasih. Understanding research methodology: Problem identification, Literature study, plant data, systems modeling, system diagram, solution algorithm, method development, simulation and analysis, result justification. Understanding technical writing format: Title, author, affiliation, authentication sheet, abstract, content, introduction to problem, citation, concept, methodology, data table and graphics, figure, schedule, simulation result and analysis, conclusion, references, biography and acknowledgement. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092093 : Penulisan Ilmiah TE – 092093 : Scientific Writing 21 x x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES - PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE x ITS, Buku Pedoman Akademik, ITS, 2009. ITS, Metodologi Penelitian, Puslit ITS, 2008. Imam Robandi, Becoming The Winner: Riset, Menulis Ilmiah, Publikasi Ilmiah, dan Presentasi, Penerbit ANDI, 2008. Pengenalan Bidang Riset Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/MAIN REFERENCES 22 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: III TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari berbagai permasalahan pada transmisi dan distribusi sinyal-sinyal multimedia pada jaringan dan teknikteknik pengolahan dan pengkodean yang berkaitan. To study various problems encountered in transmission and distribution of multimedia signals over network and related signal processing techniques and coding. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menyelesaikan permasalahan pada komunikasi dan distribusi sinyal-sinyal multimedia pada jaringan sebagai berikut: x Teknik-teknik pengkodean citra, video dan audio digital untuk distribusi pada jaringan x Karakterisasi saluran transmisi dan jaringan serta pengaruhnya terhadap pengiriman sinyal multimedia x Teknik-teknik untuk mengatasi kesalahan pada transmisi, kehilangan paket dan pengaruh fluktuasi pada trafik di jaringan The students will understand and be able to solve various problems in communication and distribution of multimedia signals over network, as follows: x Coding techniques of image, video and audio for network distribution x Characterisation of transmission media and network and its relation to multimedia signal transmission x [Techniques to counter error in transmission, packet loss and effects of traffic fluctuation in network] Teknik-teknik pengkodean yg tahan terhadap kesalahan: slice structured coding, flexible MB ordering, scalability, data partitioning, flexible reference frame concept. Resynchronisation dan teknik-teknik penyembunyian kesalahan: spatial, temporal & hybrid error concealment. Arsitektur adaptasi: berbasis pengirim, klien, proxy dan server. End-to-end delay, waktu reaksi dan latensi. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092353: Jaringan Komunikasi Multimedia TE – 092353: Multimedia Communication Network 23 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 Kompleksitas. Rate control dan transcoding. Mode-mode scalability: temporal, spatial, SNR dan hybrid. MPEG-4 FGS. Motion compensated wavelet video coding. Model kehilangan paket pada kanal dengan memory. Streaming pada Internet. Panjang burst ; heavy tails ; underflow, round trip delay ; jitter ; packet reordering. Transmisi paket dengan prioritas : packet erasure; layered MDC ; CRC+RCPC; proteksi kesalahan : interleaving & product code. Rantai Markov untuk model kanal nirkabel; panjang memory; Model-model QoS: IntServ dan DiffServ. Bandwidth management, channel quality monitoring; delay differentiation. Middleware adaptation service. Arsitektur, protocol dan format file. Model buffering dan leaky bucket. CBR dan VBR. Compund streams. Pengkodean sumber, pengkodean kanal dan laju kedatangan. Multicast addressing, struktur multicast router; hubungan dengan protokol lapis lain; IGMP. Routing pada mode flood-&prune. Link state routing dan MOSPF. Interdomain multicast routing. Prinsip-prinsip multicast; macam-macam protokol: DVMRP, PIM, MOSPF, IP multicast dan keterbatasannya. Multicasting hirarkis: HDVMRP, LGC, HIP, QHMRP. Video streaming pada jaringan P2P. Transmisi paket video dan retransmisi. Sender-driven prioritization; distortionoriented; scheduler evaluation. Contoh-contoh eksperimental: CoDiO P2P Teknik-teknik transmisi video digital: terrestrial, cable, satelit dan jaringan IP. Desain jaringan dan coverage. Coding techniques for error resilience: slice structured coding, flexible MB ordering, scalability; data partitioning; flexible reference frame concept. Resynchronisation and error concealment techniques: spatial, temporal & hybrid error concealment. Adaptive arrchitecture: sender, client, proxy and server based. End-to-end delay, reaction time and latency. Complexity. Rate conrol and transcoding. Scalability modes: temporal, spatial, SNR dan hybrid. MPEG-4 FGS. Motion compensated wavelet video coding. Packet loss model over channel with memory. Streaming over internet. Burst length; heavy tails; underflow; round trip delay; jitter; packet reordering. Packet transmission with priority: packet erasure; layered MDC; CRC+RCPC; error protection; interleavingand product code. Markov chain for wireless channel modeling; memory length. QoS 24 models: InsServ and DiffServ. Bandwidth management, channel quality monitoring; delay differentiation. Middleware adaptation service. Architecture, protocol and file format. Buffering model and leaky bucket: CBR and VBR. Compound streams. Source coding, channel coding and arrival rate. Multicast addressing, multicast router structure; IGMP. Routing in flood & prune mode. Link state routing and MOSPF. Interdomain multicast routing. Multicast principles. Protocols for multicast: DVMRP, PIM, IP and their limitations. QoS. Hierarchical routing: HDVMRP, LGC, HIP, QHMRP. Video streaming over P2P network. Sender-driven prioritization; distortion oriented; scheduler evaluation. Experimental examples: CoDiO P2P. Digital video transmission techniques: terrestrial, cable, satellite and IP networks. Network design and coverage. PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Philip A. Chou & Mihaela van der Schaar, eds., Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks: Compression, Networking, and Systems, Elsevier, 2007. Lin Cai, Xuemin Shen & Jon W. Mark, Multimedia Services in Wireless Internet, Wiley, 2009. Abderrahim Benslimane, ed., Multimedia Multicast on the Internet, ISTE, 2007. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Multimedia IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 25 Sks /Credits: 2 Semester: III TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Untuk mempelajari berbagai teknik pengkodean kanal pada komunikasi digital beserta karakterisasi unjuk kerja masingmasing teknik. To study various channel coding techniques for digital communication as well as their performance caharacterisations. Mahasiswa mampu memahami hal-hal berikut beserta menerapkan pada sistem komunikasi digital: x Batas-batas teoritik dan kapasitas yang berkaitan dengan sistem pengkodean kanal x Teknik-teknik pengkodean kanal modern x Analisa unjuk kerja berbagai teknik pada bermacammacam jenis kanal The students will understand the following topics as well as their applications in digital communication system: x Theoritical limits and capacities related with channel coding x Modern channel coding techniques x Performance analysis of channel coding techniques for various channel conditions POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Dasar-dasar kapasitas kanal Kapasitas Shannon, Bandwidth, Daya, dan efisiensi kode, kapasitas diskrit,kompleksitas sistem, deteksi optimal, kesalahan dua codeword, batas Battacharyya Bound, laju Cutoff. Batas unjuk kerja pengkodean acak Batas kesalahan Gallager. Fungsi eksponen kesalahan, Batas-batas untuk kode linier dan laju. Batas bawah spherepacking. Konsep-konsep dasar teknik pengkodean kanal Kode Hamming, persamaan cek paritas, batas Hamming, Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092323: Pengkodean Kanal TE – 092323: Channel Coding 26 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 matriks pembangkit kode, representasi kode secara grafis; konstruksi trellis secara sistematis untuk kode blok. Pengkodean LDPC Definisi. LDPC reguler dan tak reguler. Algoritma pendekodean untuk kanal biner penghapusan dan simetrik. Pendekodean untuk kanal derau Gaussian aditif. Analisa kerapatan probabilitas untuk LDPC, evolusi kerapatan, desain LDPC, pertimbangan praktis, kode Repeataccumulate. Pengkodean Turbo Pengkodean kode Turbo, konkatenasi paralel; pertukaran informasi secara iteratif dan pesan informasi-lunak, kuantifikasi penyaluran pesan. Pertukaran informasi ekstrinsik bersama (EXIT). Analisa EXIT Pengkodean Konvolusional Trellis untuk deskripsi konvolusional, Pengkode Umpan balik, Sistematik dan Rekursif. Pendekodean Maximum Likelihood, Spektrum jarak. Algoritma APP, Log-APP dan implementasi biner. Pengkodean Aljabar Pendekatan aljabar untuk pengkodean kanal. Finite field dan kode pada Galois field. Persamaan koreksi kesalahan. Kode Reed-Solomon, pendekodean aljabar dasar, kode BCH, algoritma Berlekamp-Massey. Analisa unjuk kerja dan implementasi Analisa unjuk kerja, prinsip pencuplikan pentingPerformance Analysis, Importance Sampling Principles, Himpunan penghentian pendekodean dan jebakan. Aspek implementasi. Metode implementasi. Basic, History, Towards Channel Capacity: Introduction, Shannon Capacity, Bandwidth, Power, and Code Efficiencies, Discrete Capacities, System Complexity, Optimal Detection, Two-Codeword Error, Battacharyya Bound, The Cutoff Rate. Random Coding Performance Bounds : Gallager's Error Bound, The Error Exponent Function, Exponent Function and Capacity, Bounds for Linear Codes, Bounds for low Rates, Code Ensemble Expurgation, The Expurgated Bounds for Block and Trellis Codes, Sphere-Packing Lower Bounds. Fundamental Coding Concepts : Hamming Codes, Parity Check Equations, Hamming Bound, Code Generator 27 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x Todd K. Moon, Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms, Wiley, 2005. x Tom Richardson & Ruediger Urbanke, Modern Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2008. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Information Theory IEEE Transaction on Communications Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 Matrices, Graphical Representations of Codes: Parity Check Trellis, Systematic Trellis Construction for Block Codes, Tailbiting trellises and the square root bound. LDPC Coding (Algorithmic Coding): Low-density paritycheck codes (LDPC), definition, regular and irregular LDPCs, decoding algorithms for binary erasure and binary symmetric channel models. Decoding on the additive white Gaussian noise channel, Probablility density analysis of LDPCs, probability propagation for the BEC and BSC channels, density evolution for the additive white Gaussian noise channels, designs of LDPCs, Variations of LDPC codes, practical considerations, Repeat-accumulate codes. Turbo Coding (Introduction): Turbo Code Encoding, Parallel Concatenation, Iterative Information Exchange and SoftInformation Message, Quantifying Message Passing, Mutual Extrinsic Information Transfer, Mutual Extrinsic Information Exchange (EXIT) Analysis. Convolutional Coding: Trellis of Convolutional Description, Algebraic Description, Feedback-, Systematic-, and Recursive Systematic Encoders. Maximum-Likelihood Decoding, The Union Bound, The Distance Spectrum, The A Posteriori Probability (APP) Algorithm, Log-APP, Max-Log APP and Binary Implementations. Algebraic Coding Algebraic Approaches to Error Control Coding, Finite Fields, Codes in the Light of Galois Fields, Error Correction and Error Correcting Equations. Reed-Solomon Codes, Basic Algebraic Decoding, BCH Codes, Fast Decoding, The BerlekampMassey Algorithm, Performance Analysis and Implementation Code Performance Analysis, Importance Sampling Principles, when can IS be applied, Stopping Sets and Trapping Sets, Implementation Aspects, Implementation Methods. 28 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - 29 Sks /Credits: 4 Semester: IV TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS PUSTAKA UTAMA/MAIN REFERENCES PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan metode ilmiah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam bidang keilmuan teknik elektro dengan kontribusi ilmiah yang disesuaikan dengan program magister. The student can apply the methods to solve the problems in the field of electrical engineering that have the contribution related the master program. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan metode ilmiah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sesuai bidang keilmuan. The Student have the ability to apply the methods for the problem solving. Disesuaikan dengan tema yang diambil masing-masing mahasiswa. Depend on the students topics Pedoman Penyusunan Thesis, Program Pascasarjana ITS, 2006. - x x x Pengenalan Bidang Riset Introduction to Research Fields Research Proposal Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092099 : Tesis TE – 092099 : Thesis 30 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Untuk mempelajari karakteristik media optik, aplikasi optik dalam sistem komunikasi dan rancangan jaring komunikasi optik sebagai tulang punggung transmisi dan jaringan akses. To study optical media characteristics, application of optical in communication system and design of optical communication networks as transmission backbone and access networks. Mahasiswa mampu memahami hal-hal berikut : x Prinsip dasar dan karakteristik media optik x Teknik pengujian dan pengukuran karakteristik pada sistem komunikasi optik x Analisa unjuk kerja sistem komunikasi optik Mahasiswa mampu merancang aplikasi optik dalam sistem komunikasi dan jaring komunikasi. The students will understand the following aspects: x Basic principal and characteristics of optical media x Testing and measurement techniques in optical communications x Performance analysis of optical communication systems POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS The students will be capable to design optical application in communication system and networks. x Prinsip komunikasi optik, termasuk prinsip dasar optik, bumbung gelombang optik: elektromagnetik, sifat gelombang cahaya, x Pengantar komponen optik, sumber optik dan penguat, detektor cahaya, coupler, konektor, jaring distribusi dan komponen optik lainnya. x Distribusi dan integrasi sinyal, modulasi dan akses jamak, rancangan pemancar dan penerima optik, kommunikasi optik koheren x Kinerja sistem komunikasi optik, redaman sinyal, delay dan distorsi sinyal. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092343: Sistem Komunikasi dan Jaringan Optik TE – 092343: Optical Communication System and Network 31 x x x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x x x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Teknik pengujian dan pengukuran: teknik dan perangkat, pengujian fisik dan mekanik, pengukuran daya optik, panjang gelombang dan pengukuran spektrum. Kemajuan kkomunikasi optik: WDM, DWDM, EDFA, photonic switching, dan aplikasi komunikasi optik Principle of optical communications, including the basic principle of the optical, Optical waveguides: Electromagnetics, wave nature of light. Introductions to optical components, optical sources and amplifiers, light detectors, coupler, connectors, distribution networks and other optical components. Signal distributions and integrations, modulation and multiple access, design of optical transmitters and receivers, coherent optical communications, Perfomance of optical communication system, Attenuations of signals, Signal delays, signal distortions. Optical testing and measurements: techniques and apparatus, physical and mechanical testing, optical power measurement, light wavelength, spectrum measurements. Trends in Optical Communications (WDM, DWDM, EDFA, Photonic Switching), Applications of optical communications. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications, McGrawHill, 2005. Joseph C. Palais, Fiber Optic Communications, , PrenticeHall, 2005. Robert J.Hoss, Fiber Optic Communications Design Handbook, Prentice Hall, 1990. D.K. Mynbaev , S.C. Gupta and Lowell L. Scheiner, Fiber Optic Communications, PearsonEducation, 2005. S.C.Gupta, Text Book on Optical Fibre Communication and its Applications, PHI, 2005. Govind P. Agarwal, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, John Wiley, 2004. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 32 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Mempelajari berbagai arsitektur dan karakteristik jaringan ad hoc dan mobile, beserta teknik-teknik akses dan routing yang diperlukan, selain aspek keamanan. To study various architecture and characteristics of mobile and ad hoc networks, as well as related access, routing techniques and security aspects. Mahasiswa diharapkan memahami: x Karakteristik dan arsitektur jaringan ad hoc x MAC dan unjuk kerja berkaitan dengan berbagai model trafik x Penentuan lokasi dan teknik-teknik terkait x Konsep keamanan pada jaringan ad hoc dan protokolprotokol terkait x Simulasi jaringan ad hoc The students will understand: x Architectures and characteristics of ad hoc network x MAC and its performances in relation to various traffic models x Localization techniques x Security concepts and protocols x Ad hoc network simulation x x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x Penyegaran system komunikasi data nirkabel Medium access control: pemodelan trafik, pemodelan tunda, model antrian, multiple access, demand assigned MA, CSMA, MAC pada jaringan ad hoc Akses nirkabel ad hoc: jaringan Bluetooth, pencarian simpul, algoritma pembentukan Bluetooth, mode mesh pada WiMAX/802.16 Pemrograman jaringan nirkabel: struktur informasi, socket, parameter dan control, frame terima dan frame kirim Protokol jaringan ad hoc: IP routing normal, pendekatan reaktif, pendekatan proaktif, pendekatan hibrida, pengelompokan, QoS, protokol jaringan sensor Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092345: Jaringan Mobile dan Ad-Hoc TE – 092345: Mobile and Ad-Hoc Network 33 x x x x x x x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE Review of wireless data communication Medium access control: traffic modeling, delay model, queueing models, multiple access, demand assigned MA, CSMA, MAC in adhoc network Ad hoc wireless access: Bluetooth networks, node discovery, Bluetooth formation algorithms, mesh mode of WiMAX/802.16 Wireless network programming: structure of information, socket, parameters and control, receiving frames, sending frames Ad hoc network protocols: normal IP routing, reactive approach, proactive approach, hybrid approach, clustering, QoS, sensor network protocols Network simulation: ns2 Location awareness: geographic proximity, constructing spanner, information dissemination, geographic location determination, random unit disc graphs, coverage and connectivity Ad hoc network security: authentication techniques, physical layer attacks, security application protocols, routing security, broadcast security, secure location verification x Michel Barbeau & Evangelos Kranakis, Principles of Ad Hoc Networking, Wiley, 2007. x Ian F. Akyildiz and Xudong Wang, Wireless Mesh Networks, Wiley, 2009. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Communications IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication x - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 Simulasi jaringan: ns2 Kesadaran tentang lokasi: kedekatan geografik, pembentukan spanner, diseminasi informasi, penentuan lokasi geografik, graf lingkaran satu acak, cakupan dan konektivitas Keamanan jaringan ad hoc: teknik-teknik otentifikasi, serangan lapis fisik, protokol aplikasi keamanan, kemanan routing, keamanan broadcast, verifikasi lokasi yang aman 34 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Mempelajari prinsip kerja komponen dan arsitektur jaringan sensor nirkabel (JSN), beserta berbagai protokol yang diperlukan untuk operasi JSN untuk bermacam-macam aplikasi. To study principles of components and architectures of wireless sensor network (WSN), as well as various protocols and computation techniques necessary for the operation WSN for applications. Mahasiswa diharapkan memahami dan menguasai pengetahuan tentang: x arsitektur dan komponen-komponen jaringan sensor nirkabel beserta karateristiknya x permasalahan-permasalahan pada jaringan JSN, antara lain: estimasi dan deteksi terdistribusi, desain protocol untuk routing dan koleksi data yang hemat energi. x pemodelan, simulasi dan implementasi jaringan sensor dengan perangkat keras yang tersedia di lab (Crossbow) The students will understand the following: x architectures and components of WSN and their characteristics x problems in design and operation of WSN, i.e.: distributed estimation and detection, energy aware protocol design for routing and data collecting x modelling, simulation and implementation of WSN by using the available hardware in the laboratory (Crossbow) POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Perangkat pemancar dan penerima nirkabel untuk JSN, karakteristik kanal nirkabel, arsitektur JSN, protokol MAC, protokol kontrol kesalahan, dasar pengalamatan dan manajemen alamat; sinkronisasi waktu; teknik-teknik routing: forwarding; gossiping, flooding, single hop dan Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092346: Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel TE – 092346: Wireless Sensor Network 35 multihop, coverage dan deployment. Teknik-teknik estimasi dan deteksi terdistribusi. Implementasi JSN pada MICAz dan simulasi dengan NS2 dan Tossim. Wireless transmitter and receiver for WSN. Wireless channel characteristics, WSN architectures, MAC protocols, error control protocols, addressing and address management; time synchronization; routing techniques: forwarding; gossiping, flooding; single hop and multihop, coverage and deployment. Distributed estimation and detection techniques. WSN implementation using MICAz and simulation using ns2 and TOSSIM. PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE x Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, Wiley, 2005. x Shashi Phoha, Thomas La Porta, & Christopher Griffin, eds., Sensor Network Operations, Wiley/IEEE, 2006. x Ananthram Swami, Qing Zhao, Yao-Win Hong & Lang Tong,eds., Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing and Communications Perspectives, Wiley, 2007. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah, misal: IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES 36 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Mempelajari teknik komunikasi digital modern untuk pengiriman data berkecepatan tinggi dan andal dengan menggunakan antena jamak, beserta karakterisasi secara teroritik, kapasitas dan unjuk kerjanya. To study modern digital communication techniques for high speed and reliable data tranmission by using multiple antennas, as well as its characterisation, capacity and and performance from theoretical point of view. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x Struktur dan karakterisasi sistem komunikasi dengan antena jamak x Teknik-teknik pengolahan sinyal larik x Teknik-teknik pengkodean ruang dan waktu untuk transmisi data kecepatan tinggi dan andal, serta unjuk kerjanya The students will understand: x Structure and characterisation of multi antenna communication systems x Array signal processing techniques x Space-time coding techniques for high bit rate and reliable transmission, and its performance POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Review radiasi gelombang EM oleh antena x Parameter-parameter antena. Jenis-jenis antena. Pola radiasi x Antena larik dengan dua elemen isotropis. x Sintesa pola dengan perkalian pola x Antena larik linear dengan N elemen isotropis x Antena larik dengan distribusi amplitudo tak seragam x Antena larik persegi x Steering vector x Algoritma LCMV x Antena cerdas x Deteksi arah kedatangan sinyal x Algoritma MUSIC Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092347: Sistem Komunikasi Antena Jamak TE – 092347: Multiple Antennas Communication System 37 Algoritma ESPRIT Algoritma SAGE Kapasitas sistem komunikasi dengan antena jamak Model sistem komunikasi MIMO Kapasitas sistem komunikasi MIMO Kanal keyhole Kapasitas rata-rata dan outage Multipleks spasial Struktur BLAST BLAST pada kanal frekuensi selektif Transmit diversity dan pengkodean ruang-waktu STBC Alamouti STBC ortogonal orde tinggi STTC MIMO dengan antena terdisitribusi Pengantar sistem komunikasi kooperatif x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Review: EM wave propagation by antenna Antenna parameters Array antenna with two isotropical elements Pattern synthesis with array factor Linear array antenna with N isotropical elements Array antenna with amplitude distribution Rectangular array antenna Steering vector LCMV algorithm Intelligent antenna Signal direction of arrival (DOA) detection MUSIC algorithm ESPRIT algorithm SAGE algorithm Communication system capacity with multiple antenna MIMO communication system model MIMO communication system capacity Keyhole channel Average capacity and outage Spatial multiplexing BLAST structure BLAST in frequency selective channel Transmit diversity and space-time coding STBC Alamouti Higher order orthogonal STBC STTC Distributed MIMO antenna Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 38 x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE x Ezio Biglieri, Robert Claderbank, Anthony Constatinides, Andrea Goldsmith, Arogyaswami Paulraj, H. Vincent Poor, MIMO Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2007. x Alex Gershman, Space-Time Processing for MIMO Communication, Wiley, 2005. x Artikel-artikel jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Transaction on Communications IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing IEEE Transaction on Information Theory IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES Introduction to cooperative communication system 39 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092357: Software defined radio dan jaringan nirkabel kognitif TE - 092357: Software defined radio and cognitive wireless network Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS The students will understand: x Concepts of cognition, awareness and adaptation in radio communication system. x SDR architecture and its components. x Signal processing and computation techniques for the implementation of cognitive radio. x Pengantar radio adaptif, sadar dan kognitif x Jaringan kognitif x Arsitektur radio kognitif x Arsitektur SDR untuk radio kognitif x Kode dan game untuk akses spektrum dinamik x Efisiensi & strategi operasi bersama untuk radio kognitif x Penginderaan spektrum untuk aplikasi radio kognitif x Sistem manajemen informasi lokasi x Aplikasi radio kognitif x Introduction to adaptive, aware and cognitive radios Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari konsep-konsep arsitektur radio dan jaringan kognitif beserta teknik-teknik pengolahan sinyal dan komputasi yang dibutuhkan untuk implementasi radio kognitif. To study concepts of cognitive radio architecture and networks, as well as signal processing and computation techniques required for the implementation of cognitive radio. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x Konsep-konsep tentang kognisi, kesadaran dan adaptasi pada sistem komunikasi radio. x Arsitektur software defined radio (SDR), beserta komponen-komponennya. x Teknik-teknik pengolahan sinyal dan komputasi untuk implementasi radio kognitif. 40 x x x x x x x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE x Joseph Mitola III, Cognitive Radio Architecture: The Engineering Foundations of Radio XML, Wiley, 2006. x Huseyin Arslan, Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio and Adaptive Wireless Systems, Springer, 2007. x S. Haykin, “Cognitive radio: brain empowered wireless communications,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Communications, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 201-220, Feb. 2005. x I.F. Akyildiz, W.-Y, Lee, M.C. Vuran, & S. Mohanty, “Next generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey,” Computer Network, vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 2127-2159, Sep. 2006. - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES Cognitive networks Cognitive radio architecture Software defined radio architectures for cognitive radios Codes and games for dynamic spectrum access Efficiency & coexistence strategies for cognitive radio Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio applications Location information management system Applications of cognitive radio 41 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari teknik-teknik mutakhir pengkodean video yang efisien untuk komunikasi dan distribusi multimedia. To study modern efficient techniques of video coding for multimedia communications and distribution. Mahasiswa mampu: x Memahami karakteristik sinyal video dan eksploitasinya untuk kompresi. x Memahami teknik-teknik kompresi video berbasis gelombang dan obyek. x Mensimulasikan implementasi dari teknik-teknik yang dibahas dan menganalisa unjuk kerjanya. The students are expected to: x Understand video characteristics and how to esploit them for compression. x Understand video compression algorithms: waveformand content-based. x Be able to simulate the implementation of discussed techniques and analyze its performance. x Penyegaran: teori informasi x Karakteristik video: keberlebihan dan aspek penglihatan manusia x Prinsip pengkodean video x Deteksi dan estimasi gerakan x H264/AVC x Pengkodean video yang scalable x Pengkodean video terdistribusi x Pengkodean video multi pandang berbasis transformasi x x x x x x Review: information theory Video characteristics: redundancy aspects Video coding principles Motion detection & estimation H264/AVC Scalable video coding & psychovisual Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092355: Teknik-teknik Kompresi Video TE - 092355: Video Compression Techniques 42 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x Distributed video coding x Transform-based multiview video coding x Ahmet Kondoz, Visual Media Coding and Transmission, Wiley, 2009. x Al Bovik, The Essential Guide to Video Processing, Academic Press, 2009. x Yun Q. Shi & Huifang Sun, Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Standards, 2nd ed., CRC Press, 2008. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Multimedia IEEE Trans. on Image Processing Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE 43 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari tentang arsitektur dan berbagai jenis protokol yang digunakan pada Internet serta pemodelan dari struktur jaringan Web dan teknik-teknik untuk menganalisa unjuk kerja dan berbagai aplikasi content yang terdapat di Intenet. To study Internet architecture and various protocols used for the operation of Internet, as well as Web modeling and techniques used to analyze performance and content application in Internet. Mahasiswa mampu: x Memahami tentang arsitektur dan berbagai jenis protokol yang digunakan pada Internet x Memahami pemodelan dari struktur jaringan Web dan teknik-teknik untuk menganalisa unjuk kerja dan berbagai aplikasi content yang terdapat di Intenet The students are expected to: x Understand Internet architecture and various protocols used in Internet x Understand modeling of Web structure and techniques to analyze performance and content applications x IPv4, pengalamatan : address space, broadcast addreess, NAT, implementasi, ICMP; unicast dan multicast, IGMP. Pengalamatan pada IPv6, packet format, interoperasi antara IPv4 dan IPv6. Teknik-teknik routing dan forwarding, sistem autonomous, routing table; informasi routing terdistribusi: vektor jarak, link state routing, penghitungan lintasan, OSPF, rekayasa trafik, RIP, IS-IS, BGP-4, multicast. Manajemen layanan: DiffServ, integrated services, RSVP. Protokol-protokol transport: UDP, TCP, SCTP & RTP. Rekayasa trafik, ECMP, routing IP flows, service-based routing; offline & dynamic traffic engineering. Dasar-dasar MPLS, pelabelan paket, pemetaan data, protokol pensinyalan, LDP, rekayasa trafik, GMPLS. Switch terdistribusi, GSMP, Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092348: Rekayasa Internet dan Web TE – 092348: Internet and Web Engineering 44 x x x x x x IPv4, addressing: address space, broadcast address, NAT, ICMP; unicast & multicast, IGMP. Addressing in IPv6, packet format, interoperation between IPv4 and IPv6. Routing and forwarding techniques, autonomous system, routing table; distributed routing information: distance vector, link state routing, path calculation, OSPF, traffic engineering, RIP, IS-IS, BGP-4, multicast. Service management: DiffServ, integrated services, RSVOP. ECMP, IP flows routing, service based routing; offline and dynamic traffic engineering. Introduction to MPLS, packet labeling, data mapping, signaling protocol, LDP, GMPLS. Distributed switch, GSMP, switch configuration, port management and connection. Application protocols: DNS, host, DNS message format, Telnet, FTP, HTTP. Web documents: SGML and HTML; resource identifiers: URI, URL; log files & search engines. Web representation using graph: power law connectivity, small-world network, generation model for web graph. Text indexing, lexical processing, contentbased ranking, latent semantic analysis, document clustering. Link analysis techniques, nonnegative matrix, dominant eigenvector, PageRank, probabilistically link stability and analysis; crawling technique: selective and distributed. Web dynamics. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 konfigurasi switch, manajemen port dan koneksi. Protokol-protokol aplikasi: DNS, host, DNS message format, Telnet, FTP, HTTP. Dokumen-dokumen Web: SGML dan HTML; resource identifiers:URI, URL, URN; log files & search engines. Representasi Web dengan graph: power-law connectivity, jaringan small-world, model pembangkitan untuk web graph. Pengindeksan teks, pengolahan leksikal, content-based ranking, latent semantic analysis, document clustering. Teknik-teknik analisa link, matriks nonnegative, eigenvector dominant, PageRank, stabilitas dan analisa link secara probabilistic; teknik-teknik crawling: selective dan distributed; dinamika Web. 45 x x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE Adrian Farrel, The Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. Pierre Baldi, Paolo Frasconi & Padhraic Smyth, Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Deepankar Medhi & Karthikeyan Ramasamy, Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. Gustavo Rossi, Oscar Daniel Schwabe & Luis Olsina, eds.,Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2008. Artikel-artikel pada jurnal ilmiah: IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES 46 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092349: Mobile e-learning TE - 092349: Mobile e-learning Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari permasalahan dan konsep dalam sistem pembelajaran berbasis elektronik serta teknologi pendukung and implementasi manajemen pengetahuan pada pada sistem berbasis open-source dan multiplatform. To study problems and concepts in e-learning as well as supporting technology and knowledge management implementation over open-source based and multiplatform system. Mahasiswa mampu: x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Memahami permasalahan dan konsep-konsep pada pembelajaran berbasis elektronik Memahami teknologi pendukung dan menguasai perangkat lunak untuk implementasi e-learning Mengimplementasikan suatu aplikasi content e-learning The students are expected to: x Understand problems and concepts in e-learning x Understand supporting technology and software to implement e-learning x Implement a content application of e-learning POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x x x Pengantar e-learning Prinsip-prinsio teknologi jaringan dan nirkabel Prinsip-prinsip teknologi web Integrasi teknologi nirkabel pada sistem e-learning Studi kasus Moodle Implementasi dan evaluasi sistem x x x x x Introduction to e-learning Principles of networking and wireless tecnology Principles of web engineering Wireless technology integration in e-learning system Case study Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 47 Moodle Implementation and evaluation PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x David Metcalf, mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of Your Hand, HRD Press, 2006. x Jason Cole & Helen Foster, Using Moodle: Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management System, O’Reilly Media, 2007. PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x Fawzi Albalooshi, Virtual Education: Cases in Learning and Teaching Technologies, IRM Press, 2003. x Mahbubur Syed, ed., Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions, Information Science Reference, 2009. x William Rice, Moodle 1.9 E-Learning Course Development: A complete guide to successful learning using Moodle, Packt Publishing, 2008 x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Multimedia IEEE Trans. on Education PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x 48 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari teknik-teknik deteksi dan estimasi terdistribusi, terutama untuk aplikasi pada jaringan sensor nirkabel. To study distributed and estimation techniques, with special interest for wireless sensor network. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x Teknik-teknik deteksi sinyal dan estimasi parameter secara statistik x Formulasi permasalahan deteksi dan estimasi untuk kondisi terdistribusi, serta teknik-teknik yang diusulkan The students will understand: x Signal detection and parameter estimation techniques in stochastic framework x Formulation of detection and estimation problems in distributed setting, as well as proposed techniques in the litterature x Pengantar: tantangan koleksi dan ekstraksi data pada jaringan sensor x Teknik deteksi: uji hipotesa biner dan M-ary x Teori estimasi parameter: maximum likelihood, Bayesian, MVUE, BLUE, batas Cramér-Rao x Deteksi sinyal yang terpengaruh derau aditif x Dasar dan prinsip kerja jaringan sensor nirkabel x Deteksi terdistribusi pada jaringan sensor x Estimasi terdistribusi pada jaringan sensor x Filter adaptif terdistribusi pada jaringan sensor x Pengkodean kanal terdistribusi pada jaringan sensor x x x x x x Introduction: problems in data collection and extraction in sensor network Detection theory: binary and M-ary hypothesis testing Parameter estimation theory: maximum likelihood, Bayesian, BLUE, MVUE, Cramér-Rao lower bound Detection of signal in additive noise Distributed detection in sensor network Distributed estimation in sensor network Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092331: Deteksi dan Estimasi Terdistribusi TE - 092331: Distributed Detection and Estimation 49 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x Distributed adaptive filter in sensor network x Distributed channel decoding in sensor network x Bernard C. Levy, Principles of Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation, Springer, 2008. x Ananthram Swami, Qing Zhao, Yao-Win Hong, Lang Tong, Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing and Communications Perspectives, Wiley, 2007. x S. Sitharama Iyengar & Richard R. Brooks, eds., Distributed Sensor Networks, Chapman Hall/CRC Press, 2005. x S x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Comm. - 50 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092332: Sistem Komunikasi Pita Lebar TE - 092332: Broadband Communication System Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari teknik-teknik komunikasi digital pada kanal pita lebar untuk transmisi data kecepatan tinggi dan tahan terhadap berbagai gangguan pada kanal. To study digital communication techniques over broadband channel for high speed data transmission and resistant to channel adverse effects. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Karakterisasi secara statistik kanal komunikasi pita lebar, baik nirkabel dan kabel Teknik-teknik pengkodean dan modulasi untuk komunikasi pita lebar serta analisa unjuk kerja sistem POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Konsep dan permasalahan sistem komunikasi nirkabel pita lebar, model kanal komunikasi frekuensi selektif, kapasitas kanal, konsep waterfilling: modulasi MQAM adaptif dan modulasi multi-carrier, prinsip modulasi multi-carrier tanpa dan dengan overlap subkanal, konsep OFDM, ortogonalisasi kanal: OFDM vs vector coding, kinerja OFDM pada kanal AWGN dan kanal frekuensi selektif, ICI cancellation, sinkronisasi frekuensi dan waktu, konsep dan kinerja sistem MC-CDMA, model kanal MIMO, kapasitas kanal dan waterfilling pada MIMO, prinsip multipleks spasial, arsitektur BLAST, diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, prinsip dan kinerja sistem UWB. Concept of and problems in broadband wireless Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 The students are expected to understand: x Statistical characterisation of wideband communication channel: wireless & wired x Coding and modulation techniques over broadband channel and system performance analysis 51 x H. Arslan, Z. N. Chen, M. G. Di Benedetto, Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication. PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Communications IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES communications, models of frequency-selective channels, channel capacity, principles of water-filling: adaptive MQAM modulation and multi-carrier systems, principles of multicarrier systems without and with sub-channel overlaps, principles of OFDM, channel orthogonalization: OFDM vs. vector coding, OFDM performance in AWGN and frequencyselective channels, ICI cancellation, frequency and timing synchronization, principles and performance of MC-CDMA, MIMO channel models, channel capacity and water-filling for MIMO systems, principles of spatial multiplexing, BLAST architecture, diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, principles and performance of UWB. x S. Haykin and M. Moher, Modern Wireless Communications, Wiley, 2004. x A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. x D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press x L. Hanzo and T. Keller, OFDM and MC-CDMA: A Primer. x U. S. Jha and R. Prasad, OFDM Towards Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access. x A. Hottinen, O. Tirkkonen and R. Wichman, Multiantenna Transceiver Techniques for 3G and Beyond. 52 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092333: Sistem Komunikasi Multicarrier TE - 092333: Multicarrier Communication System Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari teknik-teknik multicarrier untuk sistem komunikasi digital modern dengan kapasitas besar dan tahan terhadap gangguan pada kanal pita lebar. To study multicarrier techniques for high capacity modern digital communication systems. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Karakterisasi secara statistik kanal komunikasi pita lebar, baik nirkabel dan kabel Teknik-teknik komunikasi multicarrier, serta unjuk kerja masing-masing teknik Teknik-teknik deteksi multiuser pada sistem CDMA dan MC-CDMA dan unjuk kerja masing-masing The students are expected to understand: x Statistical characterisation of wideband communication channel: wireless & wired x Multicarrier communication techniques and their performance x Multiuser detection techniques in CDMA and MC-CDMA and their performance POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Model kanal frekuensi selektif Konsep dasar sistem komunikasi multi-carrier Kapasitas kanal frekuensi selektif Konsep sistem multi-carrier dengan waterfilling Ortogonalisasi kanal Konsep OFDM Konsep vector coding Kinerja OFDM pada kanal AWGN Kinerja OFDM pada kanal frekuensi selektif Efek dispersi kanal pada OFDM Teknik estimasi kanal untuk OFDM Interferensi antar-subcarrier (ICI) ICI cancellation Efek kesalahan frekuensi dan waktu pada OFDM Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 53 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES Teknik sinkronisasi frekuensi dan waktu Konsep MC-CDMA Kinerja MC-CDMA Pengantar MIMO-OFDM Tinjauan teknologi xDSL Tinjauan teknologi sistem seluler 3G (MC-CDMA) Teknologi WiFi, WiMAX, dan DVB-T/H x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Frequency selective channel Principles of multicarrier communication system Frequency selective channel capacity Concept of multicarrier system with waterfilling Channel orthogonalization OFDM concepts Vector coding concepts OFDM performance in AWGN channel Performance of OFDM in frequency selective channel Channel dispersion effects on OFDM Channel estimation techniques for OFDM Interchannel interference (ICI) and cancellation Frequency and time error effects on OFDM Frequency and time synchronisation techniques MC-CDMA concepts MC-CDMA performance Introduction to MIMO-OFDM xDSL technology 3G cellular tecnology (MC-CDMA) WiFi, WiMAX and DVB-T/H x LieLiang Yang, Multicarrier Communications, Wiley, 2009. x K. Fazel & S. Kaiser, Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems: From OFDM and MC-CDMA to LTE and WiMAX, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2008. x Ahmad R.S. Bahai, Burton R. Saltzberg, Mustafa Ergen, Multi-Carrier Digital Communications: Theory and Applications of OFDM, 2nd ed., Springer, 2004. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Communications IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x x x x x x 54 IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE 55 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092334: Sistem Komunikasi dan Jaringan Kooperatif TE - 092334: Cooperative Communication System and Network Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari teknik-teknik modulasi, pengkodean dan pengolahan sinyal untuk komunikasi dan jaringan yang kooperatif dengan memanfaatkan relay. To study modulation, coding and signal processing techniques for cooperative communication and networking using relay. Mahasiswa mampu memahami: x KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Permasalahan dalam komunikasi dan jaringan kooperatif, serta batasan dari sudut pandang teori informasi Teknik-teknik pengkodean dan modulasi untuk komunikasi kooperatif dengan berbagai konfigurasi Teknik-teknik akses jamak secara kooperatif pada suatu jaringan. The students are expected to understand: x Problems in cooperative communications and networking, as well as limits from information theoretical point of view x Coding and modulation scheme for cooperative communications for various configuration x Cooperative multiple acess techniques in networking POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x x x x x x Keragaman dan pengkodean ruang-waktu Keragaman dan pengkodean ruang-waktu-frekuensi Kanal dan protokol relay Batas teori informasi untuk kooperasi Komunikasi kooperatif dengan relay tunggal Komunikasi kooperatif simpul jamak Pengkodean ruang-waktu dan ruang–frekuensi terdistribusi Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x 56 PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE Pemilhan relay Akses jamak secara kognitif dengan kooperasi Akses jamak kooperatif yang sadar akan content Routing kooperatif yang terdistribusi Pengkodean sumber kanal secara kooperatif x x x x x x x x x x x x x Space-time diversity and coding Space-time-frequency diversity and coding Relay channels and protocols Information theoretical limits of cooperation Cooperative communications with single relay Multi-node cooperative communications Distributed space-time and space-frequency coding Relay selection Cognitive multiple access via cooperation Content-aware cooperative multiple access Distributed cooperative routing Source-channel coding with cooperation K.J. Ray Liu, Ahmed K. Sadek, Weifeng Su & Andres Kwasinski, Cooperative Communications and Networking, Cambridge University Press, 2009. x Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Communications IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications IEEE Trans. on Information Theory IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications - Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x x x x 57 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE - 092335: Game Theory dan Jaringan Nirkabel TE - 092335: Game Theory and Wireless Networks Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mempelajari prinsip-prinsip game theory dan penerapannya pada jaringan nirkabel, yang berkaitan dengan alokasi sumber daya yang merata dan efisien, serta peningkatan unjuk kerja. To study principles of game theory and its applications in wireless networks, especially for efficiency and fairness in resources allocation, as well as performance improvement. Mahasiswa mampu: The students are expected to able to: x Understand principles of game theory, as well as important parameters: Nash equilibrium, efisiensi Pareto efficiency. x Formulate problems in wireless networks within the game theoretic framework. x Analyze solutions for problems in wireless networks based on key parameters and performance. x x POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x x Pengantar game theory Keberadaan dan sifat-sifat kesetimbangan Nash, efisiensi Pareto Permainan berulang, permainan Bayesian dan kesetimbangan Bayesian Aplikasi pada jaringan nirkabel: routing, alokasi kanal secara dinamik, pengaturan daya, adaptasi linik, perilaku negatif pada lapis MAC, kerangka kerja untuk jaringan Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Memahami prinsip-prinsip game theory, serta parameter-parameter penting terkait, misal: kesetimbangan Nash, efisiensi Pareto, dll. x Memformulasikan permasalahan pada jaringan nirkabel dalam konteks game theory. x Menganalisa penyelesaian untuk suatu permasalahan pada jaringan nirkabel berdasarkan pada parameterparameter sistem yang penting. 58 x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES x x x PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES x PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - Introduction to game theory: games in strategic form and Nash equilibrium Existence and properties of Nash equlibrium, Pareto efficiency, correlated equilibrium, extensives form games Repeated games, Bayesian games and Bayesian equilibrium, Potential games, Learning in games: fictitious play and regret minimization Applications for wireless networks: routing, dynamic channel allocation, power control, link adaptation,selfish behavior in MAC layer, general game theoretic framework for cognitive radio networks and game theoretic solutions for cooperation in ad hoc networks. Secure protocols for behavior enforcement. Allen B. MacKenzie & Luiz A. DaSilva, Game Theory for Wireless Engineers, Morgan Claypool, 2006. Levente Buttyan & Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Martin J. Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press, 2003. Lars Berlemann & Stefan Mangold, Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access, Wiley, 2009. Artikel-artikel dari jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications IEEE Trans. on Communications IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 radio kognitif dan penyelesaian kooperasi pada jaringan ad hoc. Protokol yang aman untuk pengaturan perilaku pemain di jaringan 59 Sks /Credits: 2 MK Pilihan /Addittional Optional Courses TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Mempelajari konsep-konsep keamanan dan teknik-teknik yang digunakan untuk pengolahan, komunikasi dan distribusi informasi dan sinyal multimedia. To study security concepts and techniques required to implement security for processing, transmission, and distribution of information and multimedia signals. Mahasiswa mampu: x Memahami konsep-konsep keamanan dari sudut pandang teori informasi dan komputasi pada data dan sinyal multimedia x Memahami teknik-teknik kriptografi kunci rahasia dan publik x Memahami teknik-teknik steganografi dan watermarking digital untuk sinyal-sinyal multimedia x Memahami teknik-teknik biometrika untuk keamanan x Mengimplementasikan teknik-teknik yang dibahas serta menganalisa unjuk kerja terkait The students are expected to: x Understand security concepts from computation and information theoretic points of view, for data and multimedia signals x Understand cryptography techniques: secret key & public key x Understand steganographic and digital watermarking techniques for multimedia signals x Understand biometric techniques for security x How to implement discussed techniques and to analyze its performance x x x Pengantar keamanan sistem komputer dan kriptografi Konsep keamanan dari sudut pandang komputasi dan teori informasi Karakteristik sinyal-sinyal multimedia: suara, citra dan video Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE TE – 092336: Keamanan Informasi dan Multimedia TE – 092336: Information and Multimedia Security 60 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x PUSTAKA UTAMA/ MAIN REFERENCES PUSTAKA PENUNJANG/OPTIONAL REFERENCES Kriptografi dengan kunci rahasia Hash dan ringkasan pesan Kriptografi dengan kunci publik Distribusi dan manajemen kunci, sertifikasi sendiri Otentikasi Kontrol akses dan desain sistem yang aman Kriptografi dan keamanan sistem Teknik-teknik biometrika: sidik jari, suara, wajah, postur & cara berjalan, dll Teknik-teknik steganografi dan digital watermarking Aplikasi Computer security overview Computational and information theoretic security Introduction to cryptography Secret key cryptography Hashes and message digests Public key cryptography Key distribution, management, self-certification Authentication Access control and secure system design Cryptography and system security Biometric techniques: fingerprint, voice, face, gait, etc. Steganography and digital watermarking techniques Applications x Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private Communication in a Public nd World, 2 Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002. x Ingemar Cox, Matthew Miller, Jeffrey Bloom, Jessica Fridrich & Ton Kalker, Digital Watermarking and nd Steganography, 2 ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. x Borko Furht, Edin Muharemagic, Daniel Socek, Multimedia Encryption and Watermarking, Springer, 2005. x William Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, Prentice-Hall, 2000. x Artikel-artikel pada jurnal ilmiah: IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security IEEE Trans. on Multimedia IEEE Trans. on Image Processing Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 x x x x x x x x 61 Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PRASYARAT/PREREQUISITE - 62