x INTISARI Integrasi sistem diantara perusahaan yang

Integrasi sistem diantara perusahaan yang terlibat dan meramalkan jumlah
permintaan produk merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam membangun suatu
manajemen rantai pasokan. Kegiatan mendapatkan produk (Procurement,
Purchasing atau Supply) dan merencanakan produksi dan persediaan (Planning
dan Control) pada rantai pasokan akan dikelola dengan memanfaatkan semantic
web service berbasis WSMO dan peramalan dengan double exponential
smoothing dari Brown.
Semantic web service berbasis WSMO memiliki empat bagian utama yaitu
ontologi, web service, goal dan mediator yang membuatnya mampu memodelkan
setiap elemen pada integrasi web service. Proses Peramalan menggunakan double
exponential smoothing dari Brown dengan perhitungan mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE) untuk menghitung peramalan terbaik untuk setiap produk.
Verifikasi proses peramalan memanfaatkan moving range (MR). Peramalan yang
dapat diterima harus berada diantara batas kendali atas dan batas kendali bawah.
WSMO rantai pasokan terdiri atas 7 ontology, 11 web service dan 4 goal.
ontology dan web service akan disimpan dalam memori Web Service Modelling
eXecution environment (WSMX). Goal akan dieksekusi melalui fungsi
achieveGoal() yang dimiliki oleh WSMX. Hasil pengujian terhadap peramalan
double exponential smoothing terhadap produk P1, P2 dan P3 dengan
menggunakan MR dapat diterima karena berada diantara batas kendali atas dan
batas kendali bawah.
Kata kunci— manajemen rantai pasokan, semantic web service, WSMO,
peramalan, double exponential smoothing Brown
System integration between the companies involved and forecasting the
amount of product demand is very important thing in development a supply chain
management. Activities to get product (Procurement, Purchasing or Supply) and
plan production and inventory (Planning and Control) in the supply chain will be
managed by using WSMO-based semantic web services and forecasting based on
Brown's double exponential smoothing.
WSMO-based semantic web service has four main parts: the ontology, web
services, goals and mediators which makes it able to model every element on a
web service integration. Forecasting process using double exponential smoothing
of Brown by calculating the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) to calculate
the best forecasting for each product. Verify the forecasting process utilizing the
moving range (MR). Forecasting acceptable should be between the upper control
limit and lower control limit.
WSMO in supply chain consists of 7 ontologies, 11 web services and 4
goals. ontology and web service are stored in memory Modelling Web Service
Execution Environment (WSMX). Goal will be executed through achieveGoal()
function which is owned by WSMX. The test results of the double exponential
smoothing forecasting for products P1, P2 and P3 by using the MR is acceptable
because it is located between the upper control limit and lower control limit.
Keywords— supply chain management, semantic web service, WSMO,
forecasting, double exponential smoothing Brown