Komunikasi Tulisan

Komunikasi Tulisan
Bahan Kuliah IF3820 Socio-Informatika dan Profesionalisme
Program Studi Informatika STEI-ITB
Tujuan Komunikasi Tertulis
• Komunikasi tertulis bertujuan untuk menyampaikan:
1. Ide atau gagasan kepada pihak lain
2. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan (praktikum, tugas, pekerjaan, dll)
• Komunikasi tulisan ada bermacam-macam:
1. Karya sastra: puisi, cerpen, novel
2. Essay: tulisan opini di media massa
3. Tulisan akademik: laporan TA, tesis, disertasi, paper, jurnal
4. Laporan bisnis
• Materi ini hanya membahas tulisan akademik (academic writing)
Tahapan Membuat Tulisan
1. Mencari informasi
2. Menulis draft
3. Menyunting (edit) dan merevisi
• Menurut para ahli, mencari informasi meliputi 40% dari pekerjaan
• Menulis draft hanya merupakan 20% dari pekerjaan menulis
• Menyunting dan merevisi berbobot tak kala besar, yaitu 40%
1. Mencari informasi
• Agar tulisan didukung oleh fakta (jadi bukan berdasarkan intuisi),
maka penulis perlu mencari sebanyak mungkin informasi yang
• Informasi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
- Referensi (buku, paper, jurnal, tesis, disertasi, media massa, dll)
- Pengetahuan dari pakar
- Sumber dan fakta pendukung lainnya
2. Menulis draft
Draft adalah semacam sketsa kasar dari apa yang akan ditulis.
Lebih mudah menulis draft awal daripada tulsian yang suda jadi
Drfat akan disempurnakan pada tahap berikutnya
Untuk menulis draft, lakukan:
- brainstorming, keluarkan semua ide yang ada setelah membaca
- mulai tulisan pada bagian mana saja, tidak harus berurut
- jangan dulu mengkritik diri sendiri, yang penting tulisan tersebut jadi garis
- gunakan gaya sendiri dalam menjelaskan
- tinggalkan draft sejenak sebelum menyunting
3. Menyunting dan merevisi
• Menyunting bertujuan untuk memperhalus tulisan, membuat tulisan
lebih detil dan berisi.
• Merevisi bertujuan untuk memperbaiki hal-[hal yang kurang tepat,
perbaikan ejaan, perbaikan typo, dan memperbaiki cara penyampaian
• Penyuntingan dan revisi dapat dilakukan berulang-kali hingga kita
merasa nyaman dan puas dengan hasilnya.
Tulisan Akademik (Academic writing)
• Menulis adalah kemampuan yang dibutuhkan dalam semua konteks
• Contoh: menulis surel, menulis di buku harian, menulis laporan
• Tulisan akademik berbeda dengan tulisan personal lainnya.
Perbedaan itu adalah, di dalam tulisan akademik:
1. Terdapat struktur seperti bagian awal, tengah, dan bagian akhir.
2. Selalu ada teori yang menjadi landasan dasar dalam berargumen
3. Cara mengutip (citation) publikasi dari penulis lainnya
4. Selalu mematuhi aturan Tata Bahasa (grammar) dan tanda baca
Mengutip dan Mereferensi
• Dalam membuat tulisan akademik kita membutuhkan sumber informasi yang
dijadikan referensi.
• Sumber informasi dapat berbentuk: buku, artikel di jurnal atau prosiding, laporan
yang dipublikasikan.
• This kind of information is useful in that it provides evidence, which may be in the
form of –
theoretical ideas,
critical evaluations,
research findings, and
scholarly opinions
- to back up the points you are making.
Sumber informasi tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua kategori:
1. Kategori Primer
Primary sources relate to publicly available data, like historical
documents (e.g. a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data
from an experiment, or demographic records.
2. Kategori sekunder
Secondary sources draw on these primary sources of data, but have
been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or
a chapter in an edited book.
• Salah satu fitur di dalam tulisan akademik adalah menggunakan literatur
untuk mendukung ide kita.
• Hal ini mensyaratkan kita untuk membaca secara mendalam agar dapat
menemukan sisi berbeda perdebatan dalam bidang yang sedang diteliti.
• Kita perlu untuk menunjukkan bukti eksplorasi literatur dengan
memasukkan penulis literatur dalam tulisan kita dan menyebutkan
pandangan mereka.
• Teknik mengacu pada penulis dalam tulisan akademik sering disebut
mengutip (cite), mendokumentasikan (documenting), atau in-text
• Di dalam akademik, disiplin ilmu yang berbeda mempunyai konvensi
sendiri untuk menulis kutipan dari penulis literatur.
• Salah satu konvensi yang paling umum adalah cara mengacu yang
dikemukakan oleh American Psychologic Association (APA).
• Ada dua cara mengutip:
1. Di dalam badan kalimat: nama keluarga (surname atau family name)
diikuti dengan tahun literatur tersebut dipublikasikan di dalam tanda kurung.
2. Di akhir kalimat: di dalam tanda kurung berisi nama keluarga (surname
atau family name) diikuti dengan tahun literatur tersebut dipublikasikan.
Tips mengutip penulis literatur
• There is no rule concerning which citation method – whether citing
authors in the body of a sentence or in brackets – is best.
• Either method is fine. However, it is always useful for the reader to
provide variety when citing authors in your assignment. So, try to
alternate between these two methods.
To avoid relying on the same verbs when introducing authors into your sentence, as
in the case of “McDonald (1992) says…” or “Anderson (2003) states…”, a list of
verbs is provided to add variety to your sentence embedded citations.
examines; explains; explores; echoes
feels; felt that
focuses on
goes further
holds that
insists; includes; identifies
speaks of
states; suggests
summarises; supports
tells; tells of
touches on
writes that
defies; delves deeper
is clear that; was clear on
maintains; mentions
points out; points to
prefers; poses
recalls; recounts
refers to
reminds; responds
reports; reveals
says; sees
touches on
refers to
reminds; responds
reports; reveals
says; sees
states; suggests
summarises; supports
tells; tells of
• If there are two or more authors with the same surname, regardless
of year of publication, include their first initials to distinguish the
• If there are two or more publications written by the same author in
the same year, then add the letter “a” immediately after the year of
the fi rst publication mentioned in the text, and add the letter “b”
after the second, and so on. Ensure the same detail is refl ected in
your Reference List.
McMillan (1992a) illustrates cross-cultural awareness in organisations,
McMillan (1992b) argues for the significance of gender in cross-cultural
• When stating the same author twice in a single paragraph, the year
only needs mentioning the first time in the paragraph (unless it could
be confused with another reference, such as in the case of
publications written by the same author in the same year).
The notion of anger has been debated for centuries (Wilkinson, 1976).
Indeed, Wilkinson points out that….
• For works with no identifiable date, include n.d. in brackets.
The notion of anger has been debated for centuries (Wilkinson, n.d.).
• When citing a publication written by three to five authors, for the first text
citation, include all names. On subsequent citations, state the first author
followed by “et al.”, which is a Latin abbreviation for “et als”, meaning “and
In the body of a sentence
According to Slater et al. (1978, p. 120), it is important to establish the
grounds of the argument.
In brackets
It is important to establish the grounds of the argument (Slater et al. 1978, p.
• For works of six or more authors, for all citations, including the first,
include the first author’s surname followed by “et al.”
• In the case of secondary citations, that is when a source you are using cites
someone else’s work – which is the work you want to include, but you do
not have access to the original document – it is important to acknowledge
both the original source and the source you have access to. When
documenting both sources in brackets, use “as cited in” before the
secondary source.
Riechter’s (1984, as cited in Smith, 2003) study highlights how business
models offer a framework for understanding commercial mechanisms.
Meletakkan Gagasan Penulis di dalam Kalimat Kita
• It is important to be able to explain the ideas of authors in your own
words because this shows you understand the concepts and opinions.
• There are two approaches to putting authors’ ideas into your own
words: summarising and paraphrasing.
• Summarising involves selecting out some key features and then using those to create a shortened
version of the author’s prose.
• Examples
“Children spend a very large proportion of their daily lives in school. They go there to learn, not only in
a narrow academic sense, but in the widest possible interpretation of the word – about themselves,
about being a person within a group of others, about the community in which they live, and about the
world around them. Schools provide the setting in which such learning takes place.”
Leyden, S. (1985). Helping the child of exceptional ability. London: Croom Helm, page 38.
Author citation in the body of the sentence
As Leyden (1985) points out, schools are places for children to learn about life, themselves, other
people, as well as academic information.
Author citation in brackets
Schools are places for children to learn about life, themselves, other people, as well as academic
information (Leyden, 1985).
• Paraphrasing means to restate information using different words.
Unlike summarising though, paraphrasing focuses less on shortening
and condensing the information. Paraphrasing aims to rewrite the
information by drawing on different words and phrases.
• Before you begin to paraphrase, it is REALLY IMPORTANT to build-up
your OWN IDEA of the information or try to develop a picture in your
mind, and then use this as a model to help FRAME or GUIDE your
paraphrase of the author’s idea.
“Children spend a very large proportion of their daily lives in school. They go there to learn, not only in a narrow
academic sense, but in the widest possible interpretation of the word – about themselves, about being a person
within a group of others, about the community in which they live, and about the world around them. Schools provide
the setting in which such learning takes place.”
Leyden, S. (1985). Helping the child of exceptional ability. London: Croom Helm, page 38.
Author citation in the body of the sentence
As Leyden (1985) points out, schools are places where children spend a significant amount of time. Beyond merely
going to school to learn academic information, Leyden argues that learning occurs within a far wider context as
children also learn about who they are, by being in groups, their local community, as well as the wider world which
surrounds them. Hence, schools offer the settings to facilitate children’s learning about a great many things.
Author citation in brackets
Schools are places where children spend a signifi cant amount of time (Leyden, 1985). Beyond merely going to school
to learn academic information, learning occurs within a far wider context as children also learn about who they are,
by being in groups, their local community, as well as the wider world which surrounds them (Leyden). Hence, schools
offer the settings to facilitate children’s learning about a great many things.
Copying and Changing a Few Words – Not Paraphrasing
• As already highlighted, it is vital that you create enough distinction
between your paraphrased version and the author’s version.
• Commonly, however, many students do not make enough of a
difference between their words and the author’s. In some cases, for
instance, they may copy large phrases from the original, and only
change a few words.
“Capital represents human creations that are used in the production of goods and services. We often
distinguish between human capital and physical capital. Human capital consists of the knowledge and
skills people develop (through education and formal or on-the-job training) that enhance their ability
to produce, such as the taxi driver’s knowledge of the city’s streets or the surgeon’s knowledge of the
human body. Physical capital consists of buildings, machinery, tools, and other manufactured items that
are used to produce goods and services. Physical capital includes the driver’s cab, the surgeon’s scalpel,
the ten-ton press used to print Newsweek, and the building where your economics class meets.”
McEachern, W.A. (1991). Economics: A contemporary introduction (2nd ed.). Cincinnati, OH: SouthWestern, page 3.
Copying and changing a few words – Unacceptable paraphrasing
Capital signifies human products that are utilised in the creation of goods and services (McEachern,
1991). Human capital comprises knowledge and skills that people develop (through education and onthejob training) to enhance their capacity to produce. In contrast, physical capital comprises buildings,
machinery, tools, and other manufactured items that are utilised to produce goods and services
The paraphrased version has only substituted individual words, as follows:
represents = signifies ; creations = products ; production = creation
ability = capacity; used = utilized; consist of = comprises
Acceptable Paraphrasing
Capital is an economic concept referring to the things humans make, which are then used “in the
production of goods and services” (McEachern, 1991, p. 3). This broad concept can be divided into
human as well as physical capital, as McEachern illsutrates. Indeed, human capital focuses on the
products pertaining to individuals’ skills and expertise, which function to improve individuals’
production capacity. This type of capital can be gained through some form of education and/or
training. In contrast, physical capital involves the kinds of tools and equipment, including buildings
that are central to providing goods and services.
Membuat Petikan (quotation)
• In addition to using authors’ ideas in your writing by putting their
ideas into your own words, via summarizing and paraphrasing, you
can also embed authors’ ideas using quotations.
• A quotation is an exact copy of the words that someone else has
written or said. These words are placed within quotation marks “ ”,
which are also referred to as speech marks.
• In addition to documenting the author’s surname and year of
publication, as with all citations of others’ work in accordance with
APA referencing, you also need to include the page number where the
quotation was located.
Tips membuat petikan
1. Type the exact wording, spelling, and punctuation of the original source,
including American spelling.
2. If there are errors in the original, put the Latin word ‘sic’ after the errors in
square brackets to indicate that this was how the words appeared in their
original location
Braum (1999, p. 125) argues that “there is no way to determines [sic] moral laws.”
3. For publications without page numbers, such as online documents (excluding
those accessed through Acrobat Reader where page numbers are often specif
ed as they appear on the printed page), use paragraph numbers, indicated by
As noted by Handleman and Brown (1995, para. 8), …
4. If you need to add words into a quotation for clarifi cation, place the
additional words in square brackets.
“The PBRF [Performance Based Research Fund] ensures that tertiary
institutions are able to deliver robust research portfolios within a team of
professional, and internationally reputed, researchers” (Smith, 2004, p. 501).
5. If you need to remove details from a quotation, replace the words
removed with three dots, referred to as ellipses. This is a useful tool to
include when you want to incorporate a quotation into your sentence,
but some of it is irrelevant or too detailed for your assignment.
Jones (2001, p. 115) stated that “the ‘placebo effect’ … disappeared when all
the relevant behaviours were studied.”
6. For quotations of 40 or more words, indent the whole quotation (by about 5
spaces) as a block of text, and remove the quotation marks.
In respect of social behaviour, there are interesting American findings that
computer game play can promote high levels of family involvement, reviving
patterns of family togetherness in leisure that, for many, seemed to have
diminished or died out with the advent of television. (Durkin, 1995, p. 71)
For block quotes, the bracketed
information appears outside the full stop.
7. For secondary quotations, or quotations that are cited in another source,
providing that the original is not available, both sources must be mentioned.
When documenting both sources in brackets, use “as cited in” before the
secondary source.
In the body of the sentence
Smith (2003, p. 111), in reporting a study conducted by Reichter (1984, p. 99),
highlights how “commercialisation leads to four major outcomes.”
In brackets
Riechter’s (1984, p. 99, as cited in Smith, 2003, p. 111) study highlights how
“commercialisation leads to four major outcomes.”
Menulis Daftar Pustaka
• Having referred to sources by author in the body of your assignment,
you will also need to provide a detailed list of these sources at the
end of your assignment.
• If you are using APA conventions, then this is referred to as a
Reference List and is headed up References
1. APA follows an author-date style for listing references at the end of
your assignment. This involves placing the authors surname fi rst,
followed by initials. With two or more authors, an ampersand, &, is
required before the last author. The publication date appears in
brackets, with a full stop after it.
Title of book, chapter, or article.
2. When there are more than six authors, list the fi rst six followed by
et al. for the remaining authors.
Bligh, T., Johnson, P., Quok, S. K., Smart, G., Masters, Y., Tressler, U., et al. (1999).
3. If there is no individual author, but an organisation has created the document,
include the organisation as the author.
Ministry of Consumer Affairs. (1999). Pyramid schemes. Wellington, New Zealand:
When the author is also the publisher, avoid
duplicating information by substituting the
name of the publisher with “Author”.
4. When no author information is available, place the publication title in the
author position, followed by year of publication, location, and publisher’s
name. Retain formatting of the title, including italics.
Significance of the Human Rights Act 1993. (2000). Wellington, New Zealand:
Human Rights Commission.
5. When referencing a book, you need the book title, with only the first word of
the title capitalised, and thereafter, the first word after a colon or dash in the
title. Book titles are italicised.
6. When referencing chapters in edited books, include the authors of the chapter,
year of book publication, and title of the chapter.
• List the names of the editors in the order of fi rst initial followed by last name,
and place the abbreviation (Ed.) or (Eds.) after the editor or editors’ names.
• Italicise (or underline) the book title only.
• Include the page numbers of the chapter in brackets after the book title, but
before the full stop.
7. When referencing journal articles, italicise or underline the journal title and its
volume number.
• Capitalise all main words in the journal title.
• Put the issue or part number in brackets, immediately after the volume number.
• Page numbers are the last piece of information given, followed by a full stop.
8. Newspaper Articles (author and no author)
Brown, K. (1998, March 15). Health Ministry at loggerheads with Pharmac. The
Herald, p. 2.
New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15).
The Washington Post, p. A12.
9. Conference Proceedings
Bowker, N., & Tuffi n, K. (2002). Users with disabilities’ social and economic
development through online access.
In M. Boumedine (Ed.), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Sharing (pp. 122-127). Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press.
• Seluruh bahan di atas diambil dari buku
Workshop Penulisan Publikasi Ilmiah
di Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA)
Bandar Lampung, 19-20 Desember 2016
Teknik Penulisan Makalah Ilmiah
Bidang Informatika
Oleh: Rinaldi Munir
Struktur Makalah Ilmiah
Secara umum, makalah ilmiah (baik di jurnal, prosiding, paper conference) terdiri dari:
• Title
• List of authors
• Affiliation
• Abstract
• Keywords
• Main text
Literature Study
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgment
• References
List of author(s)
Affiliation and address
E-mail of author(s)
• Antara satu jurnal/prosiding dengan jurnal/prosiding lainnya mungkin
berbeda nama-nama strukturnya.
• Misalnya, di jurnal A bagian Introduction diberi nama Background,
Conclusion diberi nama Summary.
• Related works dapat dimasukkan ke dalam bagian Introduction atau
ditulis dalam bagian Literature Study setelah Introduction.
• Teori atau konsep-konsep yang fundamental (studi literatur) yang
terkait dapat dimasukkan ke dalam Related Works atau sebagai
bagian tersendiri setelah Introduction
• Judul (title) adalah bagian yang terpenting dalam sebuah makalah, sangat
menentukan ketertarikan seseorang untuk membacanya, misalnya apakah sesuai
dengan topik risetnya.
• Merupakan pintu utama untuk masuk ke dalam sebuah makalah. Jika orang
tertarik dengan judul, maka ia akan membaca abstrak, selanjutnya akan membaca
Introduction, dst.
• Judul seharusnya dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah untuk diindeks dan
dicari oleh mesin pencari (misalnya Google).
• Judul sebaiknya bersifat:
• attractive : menarik minat orang untuk membaca makalah lebih jauh
• effective: sesingkat mungkin, tidak mengandung singkatan kecuali akronim yang sudah umum.
• informative: memberikan informasi yang menjelaskan atau menerangkan bagi peneliti lain yang mencari
topik riset yang sejenis
• Sebuah judul sebaiknya megandung frasa yang mudah diindeks dan ditemukan oleh mesin
Security Analysis of Selective Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos and CBC-like Mode
Secured Video Streaming Development on Smartphones with Android Platform
Arithmetic Coding Modification to Compress SMS
A Chaos-based Fragile Watermarking Method in Spatial Domain for Image Authentication
• Gunakan frasa yang menggambarkan distinctive feature dari makalah tersebut,
dan membedakannya dengan makalah lain yang sejenis
- Vehicle Detection and Tracking Based on Corner and Lines Adjacent Detection Features
- Road Detection System based on RGB Histogram Filterization and Boundary Classifier
- Full-Text Search on Data with Access Control using Generalized Suffix Tree
- Scenes Categorization based on Appears Objects Probability
- A New String Matching Algorithm Based on Logical Indexing
- IntelligEnSia based Electricity Consumption Prediction Analytics using Regression Method
- Dynamic Path Planning for Mobile Robots with Cellular Learning Automata
- Image Description using Radial Associated Laguerre Moments
- Hybrid animation model of multi-object in fractal form based on metamorphic interpolation and
partitioned-random iteration algorithms
Author and Affiliation
• Yang dimaksud dengan penulis makalah adalah orang yang:
- memiliki kontribusi dalam penelitian yang menghasilkan makalah tersebut
- berkontribusi dalam membimbing, me-review, membuat draft makalah, dan
merevisi makalah
• Tidak termasuk dalam kategori penulis adalah orang yang membetulkan
grammar, ejaan, membantu mengetikkan makalah, dsb.
• Jika penulis lebih dari satu orang, maka urutan penulis sesuai dengan urutan
kontributor dari yang paling utama hingga kontributor utama
• Tidak perlu mencantumkan gelar (Dr, Prof, M.Sc,. M.Kom, dll)
• Di dalam bagian ini juga dituliskan afiliasi (institusi penulis), alamat
afiliasi, dan alamat e-mail para penulis.
• Biografi penulis sering juga disediakan tempatnya pada bagian akhir
• Setelah membaca judul, maka abstrak adalah bagian selanjutnya yang
menentukan bagi pembaca apakah tertarik membaca makalah atau dilewatkan
• Abstrak berisi ringkasan makalah yang lebih lengkap daripada judul, panjangnya
max 200 kata dan ditulis dalam satu paragraph saja.
• Abstrak berisi:
- pendahuluan (opsional)
- apa masalah yang dikerjakan (wajib ada)
- metode yang digunakan (wajib ada)
- apa hasil-hasil yang telah dicapai (wajib ada)
- penutup (opsional)
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menulis abstrak:
• Kalimat-kalimat di dalam abstrak harus kalimat baru, bukan hasil copy-paste dari
isi makalah.
• Kalimat-kalimat di dalam abstrak mengandung frasa penting untuk memudahkan
diindeks dan ditemukan oleh mesin pencari.
• Jangan memasukkan referensi di dalam abstrak
• Jangan memasukkan persamaan atau simbol-simbol rumus di dalam abstrak
• Penutup bisa berisi kesimpulan, kelebihan dan kekurangan solusi yang kita
hasilkan, atau implikasi yang timbl datri penelitian kita
• Kata kunci (keywords) harus pernah disebutkan di dalam abstrak
Abstract—EzStego is a steganography algorithm to embed the secret
message in the GIF images. The message is embedded into indices of
sorted color palette of the images. EzStego is a sequential embedding
type of stego-algorithm. There is no key required for embedding, so metode
anyone that know the algorithm can extract the message. For
improving security, a modified EzStego algorithm is proposed. Bits of
the message are embedded randomly in the image. Locations of
embedding is generated from a random permutation which need an
initial value as stego key. Before embedding, the message is encrypted
with random bit which is generated by a chaos map. Based on
experiments, the modified EzStego is more secure than the original
EzStego, because anyone who has no information on the key can not
extract the message from the stego-images.
Keywords—EzStego, GIF images, chaos, random, secure. Hasil dan kesimpulan
yang dicapai
*) Sumber: Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Tuntunan Praktis Menulis Makalah untuk Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional, ITB
*) Sumber: Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Tuntunan Praktis Menulis Makalah untuk Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional, ITB
*) Sumber: Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Tuntunan Praktis Menulis Makalah untuk Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional, ITB
• Bagian ini berisi pengantar untuk memahami masalah yang akan diselesaikan.
• Dimulai dari hal-hal yang umum dan diakhiri dengan hal yang khusus berkaitan
dengan topik riset yang dikerjakan.
• Secara umum, struktur Intruduction berisi bagian-bagian berikut:
1. Konteks dan area penelitian secara umum
Uraikan di sini latar belakang permasalahan, berisi hal-hal yang menimbulkan
munculnya masalah penelitian yang dibahas,
2. Perkenalkan topik masalah yang diteliti
Jelaskan juga mengapa masalah tersebut penting dan menarik untuk dikerjakan
3. Apa yang sudah dilakukan orang lain tentang topik masalah tersebut?
Jelaskan apa yang sudah dikerjakan oleh peneliti-peneliti lain sebelumnya
terkait topik masalah tersebut, mereka pakai metode/pendekatan apa, kalau
perlu jelaskan juga kelebihan dan kekurangannya sehingga terdapat peluang
masalah yang masih ada untuk diselesaikan.
4. Pendekatan penyelesaian masalah yang anda gunakan
Jelaskan secara garis besar pendekatan penyelesaian masalah yang anda
gunakan, berdasarkan asumsi/hipotesis yang anda nyatakan.
5. Sistematika pembahasan
Jelaskan susunan pembahasan materi yang akan disampakan di dalam
Contoh konteks dan area penelitian secara umum
Besides of cryptography, information security can be done
using steganography. Steganography means hidden writing.
Steganography is the art and science of hiding message in the
communication by embedding the secret message into a cover
media (usually digital data such as image, video, or audio). Goal
of steganography is hiding existence of message in the cover. By
using steganography, transmission of secret information can be
done securely, so that the presence of the information can’t be
known from the third party.
Images are common cover in message hiding. The message
can be embedded into the image in spatial domain or transform
domain. In the spatial domain, the message is embedded into
pixel values, meanwhile in the transform domain the message is
embedded into coefficient values such as discrete cosine
transform (DCT) coeficients.
Contoh memperkenalkan topik masalah yang diteliti
One of popular steganography technique in spatial domain is
the least significant bit (LSB) embedding. In this technique, bits
of the message are embedded into LSB of pixel values.
However, majority of based-LSB algorithms use images in
bitmap (BMP) format. In the bitmap format, pixel values
represent graylevel of the pixel. The message is embedded
directly by replace LSB of pixel values with bits of the message.
Actually, besides of bitmap images, there are another popular
formats such as GIF images, but only a few
steganography research about GIF image. GIF (Graphics
Interchange Format) image, a kind of indexed image, was
introduced as an image format by Compuserve in 1987. An
indexed image uses a pallete of up to 256 colors from the 24-bit
RGB color space with values in the range [0,1]. The pixel values
represent index to a pallete row. Color of the pixel is
combination of each channel red (R), green (G), and blue (B) in
the pallete row.
Contoh apa yang sudah dilakukan orang lain tentang topik masalah tersebut (1)
One of the most popular steganography algorithm for GIF images has
been proposed by Machado (2002). Her algorithm is called EzStego. In
order to minimize color degradation, the palette is sorted so that the
difference between two adjacent color is minimized. EzStego embeds
message into the LSB of indices (pixel values) pointing to the sorted
palette. Besides of EzStego, there is another steganographic algorithm for
GIF images, i.e. S-Tool. S-Tool was developed by Andy Brown. S-Tool
encrypt the message before embedding with various encryption algorithm
such as DES and IDEA (Johnson, 1998).
The disadvantage of EzStego is there is no key required in embedding
process, so anyone who know that the stego-image is made using EzStego
can extract the message.
Contoh apa yang sudah dilakukan orang lain tentang topik masalah tersebut (2)
Contoh apa yang sudah dilakukan orang lain tentang topik masalah tersebut (3)
Penelitian tentang pengenalan wajah (face recognition) sudah banyak
dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan. Wildan dkk (1998) telah mengembangkan
metode pengenalan wajah dengan jaringan syaraf tiruan, namun tingkat
keberhasilan pengenalan wajah hanya sekitar 65%. Metode yang lebih
advanced adalah menggunakan kombinasi jaringan syaraf tiruan dan
otomata (Peter, 2002). Metode ini dapat meningkatkan tingkat pengenalan
wajah, namun waktu komputasinya relatif lama. Oleh karena itu diperlukan
sebuah metode yang tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi namun waktu
kompuatsinya cepat.
Contoh Pendekatan penyelesaian masalah yang anda gunakan
In this paper, we present a modified EzStego for improve
security. In the modified EzStego, the pixels for message
embedding are chosen randomly using a random permutation
that seeded with a secret key. To make the embedding more
secure, the secret message is encrypted before it is inserted in
the image. The secret message is encrypted by XOR-ing it with
random bits that is generated from a chaos system. Thus, there
are two keys needed, one for a seed for the random permutation,
and another key for encryption. The chaos system is chosen
because it is sensitive to very little change of initial values. This
characteristics is important on security, because it makes the
exhaustive key search becomes more difficult.
Contoh sistematika pembahasan
This paper is organized into five sections. The first section is
introduction. The second section will explain some study of
literatures such as GIF images, chaos system that called logistic
map, and an original EzStego algorithm. In the third section, we
propose a modified EzStego algorithm that improve security of
original EzStego. The fourth section describe the experiments
and discuss the results. Finally, in last section we give
conclusion and suggest future works.
Related Works/Literature Study
• Studi literatur dapat berisi:
- Konsep/teori yang fundamental yang terkait dengan penelitian
- Review (ulasan singkat) beberapa penelitian terkait (related works),
termasuk kelebihan dan kekurangannya.
• Dengan memaparkan related works, kita menempatkan posisi
penelitian kita diantara penelitian yang sudah ada. Dengan demikian
terlihat state of the art penelitian-penelitian yang relevan dikaitkan
dengan penelitian yang kita kerjakan.
Contoh penelitian terkait:
• Bagian ini menjelaskan metode yang kita usulkan dalam
menyelesaikan masalah penelitian (proposed method).
• Dapat menggunakan bagan/diagram untuk menjelaskan metode yang
kita usulkan.
• Jika perlu menuliskan algoritma, maka algoritma ditulisa dlaam notasi
pseudo-code atau dalam bentuk uraian deksriptif.
Results and Discussion
• Bagian ini memaparkan hasil-hasil eksperimen.
• Dijelaskan juga data uji yang digunakan di dalam eksperimen
• Hasil-hasil eksperimen dapat ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar,
grafik, dan tabel
• Diskusi hasil-hasil eksperimen dapat digabung pada bagian ini atau
ditulis dalam bagian terpisah sesudah Results.
• Contoh hasil-hasil eksperimen digabung dengan diskusi hasil-hasil
• Penting untuk memilih tipe grafik:
1. Grafik batang untuk memperlihatkan perbandingan
2. Grafik garis untuk memperlihatkan kecenderungan (trend)
3. Grafik pie untuk memperlihatkan persentase
• Bagian ini merangkum simpulan dari hasil-hasil penelitian, yetrmasuk
kelebihan dan kekurangan.
• Juga memasukkan saran penelitian selanjutnya (future works)
• Bagian ini opsional, memaparkan:
1. Sponsor penelitian
2. Ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak yang membantu
penelitian (namun bukan anggota peneliti), membantu
proofreading, orang-orang yang diajak berdiskusi, reviewer yang
telah memberi saran konstruktif, dan sebagainya.
*) Sumber: Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro, Penulisan Makalah Ilmiah, STEI-ITB
• Semua referensi yang dirujuk di dalam makalah dituliskan pada
bagian ini.
• Cara penulisan referensi bergantung pada aturan jurnal atau prosiding
yang dituju.
Daftar Pustaka
1. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Tuntunan Praktis Menulis Makalah untuk
Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional, ITB.
2. Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro, Penulisan Makalah Ilmiah, STEI-ITB
3. Ismunandar, Mempublikasikan Hasil Penelitian