PENGARUH SUHU DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN PADA SIFAT SENSORIS, MIKROBIOLOGIS, DAN ANGKA PEROKSIDA DARI PRODUK MIE BASAH YANG DIBUAT DENGAN BAHAN DASAR FORMULASI TEPUNG TERIGU, TEPUNG GARUT, DAN TEPUNG GEMBILI Arif Rahmat Kurnia1, Sri Naruki2, Lily Arsanti Lestari1, Siti Helmyati1 INTISARI Latar Belakang : Mie formulasi tepung terigu, tepung gembili, dan tepung garut merupakan mie dengan kandungan gizi yang tepat bagi penderita diabetes. Mie ini merupakan jawaban bagi permasalahan Indonesia yang di satu sisi memiliki kebiasaan memakan mie setiap hari sedangkan di sisi lain harus mengimpor tepung terigu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pabrik mie. Mie formulasi juga merupakan jawaban atas pertumbuhan penderita diabetes global yang diperkirakan mencapai 2-3 kali pada tahun 2030. Mie formulasi baru diketahui bermanfaat bagi penderita diabetes sehingga jika ingin memberikan dampak ke masyarakat luas, harus diketahui lama umur simpan yang aman digunakan. Tujuan : Mengetahui umur simpan dari formulasi mie tepung terigu , tepung gembili, dan tepung garut sebagai subtitusi makanan pokok bagi penderita diabetes. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penellitian eksperimental dengan desain spesifik rancang acak lengkap. Mie dengan formulasi 50% tepung terigu, 25% tepung gembili, dan 25% tepung garut diuji sifat sensoris, sifat mikrobiologis, dan sifat kimiawinya pada suhu rendah (10-11oC) dan suhu ruang (30-31oC). Mie kemudian diamati per 12 jam untuk uji sensoris, uji angka peroksida, dan uji lempeng total kecuali pada suhu ruang (per 6 jam). Hasil : Setelah diamati selama 96 jam, ditemukan perbedaan umur simpan antara penyimpanan di suhu rendah dan di suhu ruang (p= 0,020). Pada suhu ruang mie tetap layak hingga 24 jam penyimpanan dan pada suhu rendah mie tetap layak hingga 48 jam penyimpanan. Nilai angka peroksida dan nilai angka lempeng total mengalami perubahan signifikan di awak hingga akhir masa penyimpanan. Kesimpulan : Suhu rendah dan suhu ruang memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sifat sensoris, sifat kimiawi, dan sifat mikrobiologis dari produk mie formulasi. Kata kunci : mie formulasi, umur simpan, suhu penyimpanan ________________________ 1 Program Studi Gizi Kesehatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Yogyakarta 2 Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, UGM, Yogyakarta xii EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND STORAGE TIME ON SENSORY ATTRIBUTES, MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY, AND PEROXIDE VALUE OF FRESH NOODLE MADE FROM FORMULATION OF WHEAT FLOUR, ARROWROOT FLOUR, AND GEMBILI FLOUR Arif Rahmat Kurnia1, Sri Naruki2, Lily Arsanti Lestari1, Siti Helmyati1 ABSTRACT Background : Formulated noodle from wheat flour, gembili flour, and arrowroot flour have proper nutrients for diabetic patients. Noodles is an answer to the problem of Indonesia, on the one hand it has a habit of eating noodles every day while on the other hand it had to import wheat flour to meet the needs of the noodle factories. Formulated noodle also served as one of the solution to face the growing global diabetic patients that are estimated to be 2-3 times in 2030. Formulated noodle known to be beneficial for people with diabetes, if it wanted to give benefits to population, the shelf life of the formulated noodle must be determined. Objective : To determine the shelf life of the noodle formulation from wheat flour, gembili flour, and arrowroot flour as a substitute staple food for diabetic patients. Method : This research is a true experimental with specific designs is randomized design. Formulated noodle is noodle with a formulation of 50% wheat flour, 25% gembili flour, and 25% arrowroot flour. It was tested on sensory attributes, microbiological properties (total plate count) and chemical properties (peroxide value) at low temperature (10-11oC) and room temperature (30-31oC). Formulated noodle then observed per 12 hours for sensory test, peroxide value test, and total plate test except at room temperature (per 6 hours). Result : Having observed for 96 hours, we found significant differences between the storage shelf life at low temperature and at room temperature (p = 0.020). At room temperature noodles remain viable up to 24 hours of storage and at low temperature noodles remain viable for up to 48 hours of storage. Peroxide value and total plate count had undergone significant changes until the end of the storage period Conclusion : The low temperature and room temperature have a significant influence on the sensory properties, chemical properties, and microbiological properties of formulated noodle. Keywords: formulated noodles, storage time, storage temperature ________________________ 1 Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, UGM, Yogyakarta 2 Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Technology, UGM, Yogyakarta xiii