THYROID& ANTITHYROID Thyroid Gland One of the largest endocrine glands Secretes three hormones essential for proper regulation of metabolism – Thyroxine (T4) – Triiodothyronine (T3) – Calcitonin Located near the parathyroid gland Involved in many bodily processes, growth, body temperature regulation, cardiovascular, endocrine & neuromuscular functions. Iode from diet is responsible for the synthesis thyroglobuline Hypothalamus secretes TSH that stimulates the thyroid to break down thyroglobulin into T3(iodine 59%) & T4(iodine 65%) and is released into the circulation Tahapan sintesa & sekresi : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. uptake yodida oksidasi & yodinasi pembentukan T4 & T3 dari yodotirosin sekresi hormon tiroid konversi T4 T3 di jar. perifer enz.5-deyodinase dihambat oleh : malnutrisi, hipoglikemi, kortikosteroid, bloker, PTU, defisiensi Se dll. Kel.tiroid I- I- peroxidase I* tyroglobulin MIT, DIT, T3, T4 transport I- tyr MIT, DIT proteolisis exocytosis T4, T3 (ikt.protein) darah Jar. perifer : T4, T3 T3 Mekanisme Kerja : Melalui reseptor tiroid di dlm sel regulasi gen spesifik pertumbuhan & metabolisme 1. Tiroid diperlukan unt.tumbuh kembang termsk CNS hipotiroid (hamil)kretinisme 2. Efek kalorigenik : T4 meningkatkan metabolisme, katabolisme, pembentukan kalori , termogenesis, vasodilatasi perifer, curah jantug . 3. CVS takhikardia, CO , SV , hipertropi Hypothyroidism: Deficiency in Thyroid Hormones Primary: abnormality in the thyroid gland itself. Most common cause is hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Secondary: results when the pituitary gland is dysfunctional and does not secrete TSH Thyroid abnormalities Cretinism: Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during youth. Low metabolic rate, retarded growth and sexual development, possibly mental retardation Myxedema: Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone as an adult. Decreased metabolic rate, loss of mental and physical stamina, weight gain, loss of hair, firm edema, yellow dullness of the skin Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid gland. Results from overstimulation by elevated levels of TSH. TSH is elevated because there is little or no thyroid hormone in circulation Hypothyroidism Common symptoms – – – – – Thickened skin Hair loss Constipation Lethargy Anorexia Thyroid Preparations levothyroxine * most common – Synthetic thyroid hormone T4 liothyronine – Synthetic thyroid hormone T3 Mechanism of Action Thyroid preparations are given to replace what the thyroid gland cannot produce to achieve normal thyroid levels. Thyroid drugs work the same way as thyroid hormones Indications To treat all three forms of hypothyroidism levothyroxine is the preferred agent because its hormonal content is standardized; therefore, its effect is predictable Also used for thyroid replacement in clients whose thyroid glands have been surgically removed or destroyed by radioactive iodine in the treatment of thyroid cancer or hyperthyroidism Side Effects Cardiac dysrhythmia is the most significant adverse effect May also cause: – Tachycardia, palpitations, angina, hypertension, insomnia, tremors, headache, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, weight loss, sweating, heat intolerance, others Hyperthyroidism Excessive Thyroid Hormones: free T3 & T4 Caused by several diseases – – – – – – Graves’ disease Toxic nodular disease Multinodular disease Thyroid storm Thyroid cancer Pituitary hormones Hyperthyroidism Affects multiple body systems, resulting in an overall increase in metabolism – – – – – – – Wt loss Diarrhea Flushing Increased appetite Muscle weakness Sleep disorders Altered menstrual flow – Fatigue – Palpitations – Nervousness – Heat intolerance – Irritability Treatment of Hyperthyroidism Surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid gland Antithyroid drugs 1. Prevent hormone thyroid synthesis 2. Prevent yodide ion transport/anion inhibitors 3. Yodides prevent synthesis & release thyroid hormone 4. Radioactive iodine 5. bloker Kel.tiroid I- I- tyroglobulin MIT, DIT, T3, T4 peroxidase I* transport I- tyr PTU MIT, DIT SCN ClO4 proteolisis exocytosis Yod T4, T3 (ikt.protein) darah Jar. perifer : T4, T3 bloker T3 1. Prevent hormone thyroid synthesis contoh obat : PTU (propilthiourasil), Metimazol, Karbimazol, Metiltiourasil Farmakokinetik : per oral, distribusi slrh tubuh, ekskresi mel. urin & ASI masa kerja pendek 8 jam (PTU) Efek samping : demam, purpura, agranulositosis, ikterus, goiter pada fetus (dose dependent) Sering digunakan bersama yodium untuk mengurangi vaskularisasi pra operasi 2. Prevent iodide ion transport Drug exp : thiocyanate (SCN-), perchlorate(ClO4-). Effect : block uptake iodideprevent thyroid functions 3. Yodide Drug exp : natrium yodida, kalium yodida (lugol solution) Effect : inhibit release & organification thyroid horm decrease the size and vascularity of gland 4. Radioactive iodine Drug exp. : I131 Effect : I131 works by destroying the thyroid gland 5. BLOKER Prevent yodisation T4, clinical improvement Tugas : Buat ringkasan tentang hormon Paratiroid dan regulasi calcium Sifat kimia Sintesa dan sekresi Fungsi fisiologis Regulasi sekresi Efek pada organ : tulang dan ginjal