Pengaruh perilaku ibu dan pola keluarga pada kebiasaan mengisap

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Pengaruh perilaku ibu dan pola keluarga pada kebiasaan mengisap jari
pada anak, dikaitkan dengan status oklusi geligi sulung:studi
epidemiologis pada anak TK di DKI Jakarta
Deskripsi Lengkap:
[Geligi sulung mempunyai arti yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan gigi permanen, karena ciri dan
anomali tertentu pada geligi sulung sexing masih terlihat pada geligi permanen. Di samping itu beberapa
kelainan oklusi atau maloklusi yang dapat terjadi pada periode geligi sulung, bila tidak dicegah dan dirawat
sedini mungkin, dapat menetap pada geligi permanen. Sebenamya, maloklusi pada geligi bukan suatu
penyakit, tetapi bila tidak dirawat dapat menimbulkan gangguan pada fungsi pengunyahan, penelanan,
bicara dan keserasian wajah, yang berakibat pada gangguan fisik maupun mental penderita. Di Indonesia,
prevalensi maloklusi masih tinggi yaitu sekitar 80%, dan merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan gigi dan
mulut yang cukup besar setelah karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal. Mengingat akan akibat yang
ditimbulkan, maloklusi seharusnya dirawat. Namun apabila maloklusi di masyarakat hams ditangani, maka
Pemerintah harus menyediakan dana yang cukup besar, sedangkan dana Pemerintah saat ini tampaknya
masih dibutuhkan untuk menangani masalah kesehatan lainnya yang lebih mendesak. Karena jumlah dan
keparahan maloklusi bertambah dengan bertambahnya usia, maka malokusi seharusnya dicegah atau
ditangani sedini mungkin. Untuk melakukan upaya pencegahan, perlu diketahui faktor-faktor yang dapat
menimbulkan maloklusi. Salah satu faktor penting yang dapat menimbulkan maloklusi ialah kebiasaan
mengisap jari. Kebiasan mengisap jari, terutama ibu jari, cukup banyak dilakukan oleh anak, dan
prevalensinya berkisar antara 13-45%. Kebiasaan mengisap jari sebenarnya merupakan hal yang normal
bagi bayi atau anak kecil, namun apabila kebiasaan ini dilakukan melebihi usia tiga setengah tahun maka
dapat menimbulkan malokusi. Mencegah atau menghentikan kebiasaan mengisap jari sebelum menimbulkan
kelainan yang menetap, merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mencegah terjadinya maloklusi. Sebagai salah
satu faktor lingkungan, kebiasaan mengisap jari dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor perilaku. Maka dalam hal
upaya pencegahan atau penanganan dini kebiasaan mengisap jari pada anak, faktor perilaku khususnya
perilaku ibu terhadap kebiasaan mengisap jari, diduga memegang peranan yang sangat penting, karena
umumnya yang merawat anak khususnya anak balita adalah ibu. Secara psikologis kebiasaan mengisap jari
dapat disebabkan oleh gangguan emosi pada anak, misalnya kesepian, kekecewaan, marah, atau dalam
keadaan stres. Akibat kemajuan di segala bidang, di kota besar seperti Jakarta, dapat dijumpai berbagai
macam pola keluarga, dan hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hubungan ibu-anak yang selanjutnya dapat
menimbulkan gangguan emosi pada anak. Maka dalam hal pencegahan kebiasaan mengisap jari pada anak,
pola keluarga mungkin juga memegang peranan yang cukup penting.
Bagaimana pengaruh perilaku ibu terhadap kebiasaan mengisap jari dan pola keluarga, terutama di kota
besar seperti Jakarta, pada timbulnya kebiasaan mengisap jari pada anak, dikaitkan dengan status oklusi
geligi, belum diketahui. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diajukan masalah yang periu diteliti, yaitu apakah
ada pengaruh perilaku ibu dan pola keluarga pada kebiasaan mengisap jari pada anak, dikaitkan dengan
status oklusi geligi sulung? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku ibu dan pola
keluarga pada kebiasaan mengisap jari pada anak, dikaitkan dengan status oklusi geligi sulung.
;Primary dentition is very important for the development of permanent dentition, to the extent that certain
traits and anomalies of primary dentition are often reflected in the permanent one. Besides, some
irregularities or malocclusion during primary dentition period, if not prevented and treated early, may persist
in the permanent dentition.
Actually, dental malocclusion is not a disease, but if left untreated, may disturb the function of mastication,
swallowing, speech, and facial appearance with the consequence of interfering the patient's physical and
mental health.
In Indonesia, malocclusion is one of the main dental health problems after dental caries and periodontal
disease, because of its high prevalence, about 80%.
Considering its bad consequences, malocclusion should be treated. However should malocclusion in society
be treated, the government has to finance heavily, whereas government's funding is at present still needed
for other more urgent health problems.
Malocclusion should be prevented or treated as early as possible, for it tends to become more numerous and
more severe with age.
One of the important factors which cause malocclusion is finger-sucking habit, especially thumb-sucking,
which is commonly done by children, with the prevalence of 13 to 45 %. Finger-sucking habit is actually
normal to infants, but if it is done beyond three and half years old, it will cause malocclusion.
Preventing or stopping finger-sucking habit before it causes any permanent abnormality is one of the efforts
in preventing malocclusion. As one of the
environmental factors, finger-sucking habit can be influenced by behavior. Therefore, in preventing fingersucking habit, especially mother's behavior can have an important role, since she is usually in charge with
the daily care of her children specifically those less than five years old.
Psychologically, finger-sucking habit may be caused by the child's emotional disturbances, such as feelings
of loneliness, disappointment, anger, boredom, or stress.
Due to the impact of progress in all sectors of life, such as living in a metropolitan city like Jakarta, may
cause a variety of family-patterns which may influence the quality of mother-child relationship and causing
possible emotional disturbances to the child. Therefore, the family-pattern may possibly play an important
role in the effort of preventing finger-sucking habit.
How the mother's behavior and how the family-pattern in a big city like Jakarta influence the development
of finger-sucking habit, are still unknown.
Having considered those matters, the following problems need to be studied : do mother's behavior and
family-pattern influence the finger-sucking habit of the children, in connection with the occlusal status of
primary dentition ?
The objective of the research is to discover the influence of mother's behavior and family-pattern on fingersucking habit in its relation to primary occlusion.
The result of the present study is expected to give an account of the existing relationship of dental science
and other disciplines of sciences, for instance psychology, so that dental health problems, such as
malocclusion, can be managed using a plan of interdisciplinary approach in order to acquire the most
optimal result. The acquired information about the influence of mother's behavior and the family-pattern on
finger-sucking habit of the child which further can influence the occlusal status of dentition will be
beneficial in preventing malocclusion to individuals and to the society. The result of the present study is also
expected to be beneficial to other future research and to the progress of dental sciences, especially
, Primary dentition is very important for the development of permanent dentition, to the extent that certain
traits and anomalies of primary dentition are often reflected in the permanent one. Besides, some
irregularities or malocclusion during primary dentition period, if not prevented and treated early, may persist
in the permanent dentition.
Actually, dental malocclusion is not a disease, but if left untreated, may disturb the function of mastication,
swallowing, speech, and facial appearance with the consequence of interfering the patient's physical and
mental health.
In Indonesia, malocclusion is one of the main dental health problems after dental caries and periodontal
disease, because of its high prevalence, about 80%.
Considering its bad consequences, malocclusion should be treated. However should malocclusion in society
be treated, the government has to finance heavily, whereas government's funding is at present still needed
for other more urgent health problems.
Malocclusion should be prevented or treated as early as possible, for it tends to become more numerous and
more severe with age.
One of the important factors which cause malocclusion is finger-sucking habit, especially thumb-sucking,
which is commonly done by children, with the prevalence of 13 to 45 %. Finger-sucking habit is actually
normal to infants, but if it is done beyond three and half years old, it will cause malocclusion.
Preventing or stopping finger-sucking habit before it causes any permanent abnormality is one of the efforts
in preventing malocclusion. As one of the
environmental factors, finger-sucking habit can be influenced by behavior. Therefore, in preventing fingersucking habit, especially mother's behavior can have an important role, since she is usually in charge with
the daily care of her children specifically those less than five years old.
Psychologically, finger-sucking habit may be caused by the child's emotional disturbances, such as feelings
of loneliness, disappointment, anger, boredom, or stress.
Due to the impact of progress in all sectors of life, such as living in a metropolitan city like Jakarta, may
cause a variety of family-patterns which may influence the quality of mother-child relationship and causing
possible emotional disturbances to the child. Therefore, the family-pattern may possibly play an important
role in the effort of preventing finger-sucking habit.
How the mother's behavior and how the family-pattern in a big city like Jakarta influence the development
of finger-sucking habit, are still unknown.
Having considered those matters, the following problems need to be studied : do mother's behavior and
family-pattern influence the finger-sucking habit of the children, in connection with the occlusal status of
primary dentition ?
The objective of the research is to discover the influence of mother's behavior and family-pattern on fingersucking habit in its relation to primary occlusion.
The result of the present study is expected to give an account of the existing relationship of dental science
and other disciplines of sciences, for instance psychology, so that dental health problems, such as
malocclusion, can be managed using a plan of interdisciplinary approach in order to acquire the most
optimal result. The acquired information about the influence of mother's behavior and the family-pattern on
finger-sucking habit of the child which further can influence the occlusal status of dentition will be
beneficial in preventing malocclusion to individuals and to the society. The result of the present study is also
expected to be beneficial to other future research and to the progress of dental sciences, especially