Dr. Hifni Alifahmi, IAPR - Marketing Public Relations

Dr. Hifni Alifahmi, IAPR
email: [email protected]
*) IAPR : Indonesia Accredited Public Relations
Communications & Media Studies, S3/Univ.
Indonesia (cumlaude); Marketing Communications,
S2/Magister of Communications Management & S1
Marketing/Business Adm. Universitas Indonesia.
Major Interests (Subjects/Expertise)
Branding & Marketing Communications,
Marketing Communications Planning, Public
Relations, Marketing PR, Corp. Communications,
Reputation Marketing/Management, News Framing
Analysis and Media Frame Building.
Book Publications (Writing)
Corporate Reputation Framing (2013);
Marketing Communications Orchestra (2008);
Spiritual Marketing communications (2008);
Sinergi Komunikasi Pemasaran (2005);
Marketing Public Relations (1994).
Experiences (Practitioner, Teaching, Consulting)
Public Relations & Corp Communications Manager
Indofood (1992-2002); Corporate Secretary Bank
Syariah Mandiri (2002-2006); Senior Consultant/
Trainer - Spirit PR/Marcom (2007-now); Holistic
Reputation (2014-now); Lecturer (MM Kom.
Univ.Indonesia, Univ.Brawijaya, LSPR,
Univ.Atmajaya, Univ. Pancasila).
Marketing Communications-Mix
Digital Marketing PR Radar
Online Marketing PR
The Moments
(a) Corporate advertising:
bagian dari iklan untuk
citra/PR & Marketing
(b) Marketing comm,
bagian dari Mkt
(c) Marketing
(d) Public relations
(e) Marketing PR, irisan
Marketing dan PR,
bagian dari Marcom
(f) Advertising, bagian
dari Mkt Comm
Marketing Public Relations
Marketing Public Relations is the use of public
relations strategies and techniques to achieve
marketing objectives. The purpose of MPR is
to gain awareness, stimulate sales, facilitate
communication, and build relationship between
consumers and companies & brands.
The principal functions of MPR are the
communication of credible information, the
sponsorship, and the support of causes that
benefit society.
Thomas L. Harris, Value-Added
Public Relations: the Secret Weapon
of Integrated Marketing, 1998.
Thomas L. Harris, The Marketer’s
Guide to Public Relations in the
21st Century, 2006.
Confidence with All of Me
Kriteria Marketing PR
PR Event Simpatik
Publisitas Media
(Brand Activation)
(Newsworthy Marketing)
CRM (CauseRelated
Marketing PR:
Pedang Bermata Dua
Kriteria Marketing PR
MPR, sentuhan pemasaran simpatik, humanis, penuh
kepedulian sehingga meraih dukungan publik:
PR Event yang mengundang empati-simpati publik dan
mengenalkan popularitas produk (brand activation);
Bernilai berita (news-value) tinggi sehingga muncul dalam
ulasan/publisitas media massa (newsworthy marketing);
Bukan sekadar program promosi/penjualan, namun juga
mengatasi masalah sosial seperti menyisihkan dana untuk
beasiswa/pendidikan, kelestarian lingkungan hidup,
kesehatan, dll. (cause-related marketing);
Mengundang keterlibatan khalayak konsumen atau
komunitas (community/stakeholder involvement);
MPR ibarat pedang bermata-dua: dua pistol penyampai
pesan kehumasan dan kampanye pemasaran yang kredibel.
Lima Model Kolaborasi
Marketing & PR
Separate but equal functions
Equal but overlapping functions
PR as the
dominant function
Marketing & PR as
the same function
Marketing as the
dominant function
Lima Model Kolaborasi
Marketing & PR
• Separate but equal functions. Pemasaran terkait
konsumen dan laba, PR urusan publik dan citra.
• Equal but overlapping functions. Pemasaran dan PR
sama-sama menangani publisitas dan citra produk.
• Marketing as the dominant function. Corporate
Marketing mengontrol Corporate PR.
• PR as the dominant function. Corporate PR jadi
pemegang kendali atas Corporate/Product Marketing.
• Marketing and PR as the same function. Pemasaran
dan PR sama-sama berkomunikasi dengan publik dan
pasar: mulai dari segmentasi, memetakan persepsi dan
citra, merencanakan hingga evaluasi program.
Segitiga Emas Marketing PR
Marketing Public
Public Relations
SWA, No 01/2007
Impact: The significance, importance, or consequence of an
event or trend create the newsworthiness.
Timeliness: The more recent, the more newsworthy. In some
cases, timeliness is relative.
Prominence: Occurrences featuring well-know individuals or
institutions are newsworthy: CEO, the President, or Celebrity.
Proximity: Closeness of the occurrence to the audience
(geographically or in terms of values, interest or expectations).
The Bizarre: The unusual, unorthodox, or unexpected attracts
attention. Mike Tyson’s biting off a piece of Evander Holyfield’s.
Conflict: Controversy and open clashes are newsworthy
(conflict of disagreement between individuals and institutions).
Currency: Occasionally something becomes an idea whose time
has come. A time assumes momentum in news reportage.
Human Interest: Those stories that have more of an
entertainment factor or an entertainment value.
News-Value Harris/Whalen
Significance (nilai yang cukup
besar atau dampak yang luas).
Unusualness (terbesar,
terkecil, terluas, tidak
biasa/aneh, dan sejenisnya).
Human interest (menyentuh
hati atau sisi kemanusiaan).
Conflict (kontroversial,
perdebatan, atau perseteruan).
Sumber: Thomas Harris & Patricia Whalen (2006: 113).
News-Value Harris/Whalen
Prominence (mengutip
pernyataan tokoh, pejabat
teras atau selebriti).
Proximity (kedekatan lokasi
dan/atau isu secara psikologis
di hati publik).
Timelines (kejadian terkini dan
tidak cepat basi).
Newsness (penemuan
teknologi, aplikasi atau cara
baru yang inovatif).
Sumber: Thomas Harris & Patricia Whalen (2006).
Anlene: Atas Nama Tulang
Anlene: 10.000 Langkah
Anlene: Generasi Bergerak
Marketing PR
Tersandung figur
Krishna Murti diganti
Syahrul Gunawan dan
figur lanjutan.
Area Kolaborasi Insan
Marketing & Public Relations
Market assessment
Customer segmentation
Corporate marketing
Kampenye logo produk
Produk sponsori event
Direct marketing
Customer perception
Publikasi produk
Iklan produk berlogo korp
Publikasi event marketing
Database marketing
Stakeholders mapping
Perceptual mapping
Corporate PR
Kampanye logo korporat
Event management
Corporate database
Iklan produk
Product merchandising
Duta Pemasaran
Product development
Promosi penjualan
Distribusi & penjualan
Iklan layanan masyarakat
Corporate merchandising
Duta Reputasi Produk
Media visit/events
Business gathering
Customer services
Internet marketing
Iklan korporat
Corporate publication
Duta Perusahaan
Corp media relations
Investor relations
Community relations
Public affairs
Ströh, U. (2007). The conundrum of public relations versus marketing: clarifying the differences in
terms of relationship management. PRism 5(1): http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/prism_online_journ.html
Ströh, U. (2007). The conundrum of public relations versus marketing: clarifying the differences in
terms of relationship management. PRism 5(1): http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/prism_online_journ.html
Ströh, U. (2007). The conundrum of public relations versus marketing: clarifying the differences in
terms of relationship management. PRism 5(1): http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/prism_online_journ.html
Harmonisasi iklan dan public relations,
bukan rivalitas dalam strategi, anggaran
dan implementasi program
Public Relations is
Advertising is
the wind, uses the big
bang, visual, reaches
everybody, self-directed,
dies, expensive, favors
line extensions, likes old
names, funny, incredible,
brand maintenance.
Source: Al Ries & Laura Ries, 2002
the sun, uses the slow
buildup, verbal, reaches
somebody, other-directed,
lives, inexpensive, favors
new brands, likes new
names, serious, credible,
brand building.
Molto Save Our Water
Ajang Khusus Pemasaran
Revitalisasi program
Gebyar BCA setelah
sepuluh tahun lebih
Promosi reputasi
korporat sekaligus
citra/reputasi produk
Gebyar (Tahapan) BCA sejak 1997
sebelum krisis moneter (krismon).
Corp PR atau Marketing PR?
Corp Trustmark vs Trademark
Corporate Brand Behind the Brand.
McDonald’s Core Values:
Give back to the communities.
Johnson & Johnson’s Trustmark
of the Tylenol crisis, representing
more than a trademark.
Trustmark is a distinctive name or
symbol that emotionally binds a
company with the desires and
aspirations of its customer. (Kevin
Roberts, Saatchi & Saatchi)
Source: Thomas Harris &
Patricia Whalen, 2006: 33-37.
PGA 2014
Konsistensi Marcom Plan
Peran New Media, Event & Iklan
Corporate Brand vs Product Brand
Celebrity Endorser
Nilai Berita (News-Value)
Fenomena Reputation Marketing
Siapa endorser-nya?
PGA atau Selebriti?
Marketing PR Rinso
Marketing PR
Ayo Main,
Jangan Takut Kotor
Tim Tujuh Rinso Ayo Main
Tim Marketing &
Tim Corporate
Ainul Yaqin
Roberto Saputra
Tanti & Juli
Maria Dewanti Dwianto
Elvera Nuriawati Makki
Marketing Manager Rinso
Senior Brand Manager Rinso
Assistant Brand Manager Rinso
External Comm Manager
External Comm Assistant
National Activation Manager
Trade Category Manager
Tim Sales
Ida Agustina
Lowe, strategi
R&R, hubungan
Ayu Fadjar
Rika Novriady, Vira
Madjid, Hanny Setiawan
Account Director
Senior Account Executive
Creative Director
Mindshare, media
Gordon Yap
Account Director
Ogilvy Action
NA, eksekusi lapangan
Sumber: Diolah dari majalah Mix 08, 23 Agustus-20 September 2007, hlm. 29.
Cause-related marketing: proses formulasi dan
implementasi kegiatan pemasaran yang ditandai
tawaran perusahaan untuk menyumbang sejumlah
dana guna mengatasi masalah sosial dengan cara
melibatkan pelanggan proses transaksi/pembelian
yang memuaskan tujuan organisasi dan individu
(Varadarajan & Menon, 1988).
“Cause-related marketing is the process of
formulating and implementing marketing
activities that are characterized by an offer
from the firm to contribute a specific
amount to a designated cause when
customers engage in revenue-providing
exchanges that satisfy organizational and
individual objectives”
CRM sinomin atau sering disamakan dengan pemasaran
sosial (social marketing). Pengertian awalnya berasal dari
prinsip yang simpel, yakni konsumen membeli produk, lalu
perusahaan mengalokasikan sejumlah dana dan
disumbangkan untuk mengatasi masalah sosial tertentu
(Harris & Whalen, 2006:225).
Tactical CRM
Strategic CRM
1. Congruence
(kesesuaian dengan
visi-misi dan bidang
usaha perusahaan dan
Kurang terkait Visi-Misi-Bisnis
Program/isu CRM kurang sesuai
atau terkait dengan visi-misi dan
tidak berasosiasi positif dengan
atribut produk, pasar, teknologi.
Erat terkait Visi-Misi-Bisnis
Isu sosial/program CRM dianggap
sesuai/terkait erat dengan visi-misi
perusahaan dan produk, pasar,
teknologi, atau atribut lain.
2. Duration
(jangka waktu program
dan kesinambungan
Jangka pendek 6-12 bulan
Jangka waktu program CRM
kurang dari enam bulan atau
setahun dianggap CRM taktis.
Jangka panjang/tahunan
Program CRM setahun lebih,
apalagi bertahun-tahun dipandang
sebagai CRM strategis.
3. Invested Resources
(alokasi dana dan
sumberdaya lain: SDM
atau fasilitas dan jasa
yang disediakan)
Dana-SDM-Fasilitas terbatas
Besaran alokasi dana, SDM dan
sumberdaya lain sangat relatif
karena tergantung skala usaha
dan kategori industri.
Kurang melibatkan level teras
CRM hanya melibatkan staf atau
level manajer, mulai dari rencana
dan implementasi atau evaluasi.
Dana-SDM-Fasilitas relatif besar
Alokasi anggaran yang tetap atau
berkesinambungan menjadi salah
satu ciri CRM strategis: cermin
dari dukungan dana permanen.
Melibatkan pimpinan puncak
Level pimpinan teras terlibat dari
awal perumusan visi CRM, strategi
dan program sampai evaluasi.
4. Management
Involvement (level
pejabat/pimpinan yang
ikut terlibat)
1. Believe in the program.
2. Be consistent & ethical.
3. Have a plan & responsive.
4. Be aware of laws and
5. Choose partners carefully.
6. Makes goals/objectives clear.
7. Put agreements in writing.
8. Keep everyone informed and
involved (at all levels).
9. Promote volunteerism.
Adaptasi dari Joe Marconi (2004: 218-220).
PR: The Complete Guide.
10. Create a Plan B (have a
contingency crisis).
11. Tell the truth (be honest).
12. Prepare for the negative.
13. Meet problems head-on
(respond quckly-directly).
14. Never compromise the
company’s integrity.
15. Give the program the same
attention as any other PR
project (goals to tactics).
16. Have the necessary PR tools
(messages-materials) ready.
17. Keep the proper records
(legal records/documents).
CRM Larutan Penyegar
◦ A cause-related promotion program involves a
partnership between a company and a charitable cause
◦ Example: A credit card company giving a portion of all
transactions to feed the hungry
◦ Used to better the company’s image and brand loyalty
by creating a positive feeling for consumers who use
their products
Offer funds to local causes
◦ Consumers feel optimistic about the purchase they have
◦ Example: the campaign that “McDonald’s will donate 5
percent of all sales to the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’, or
a minimum of $500,000” may sound more attractive
than “Ten Cents off on all burgers!” (Schultz), little
league teams, rebuilding neighborhoods
Marketing PR Plan Check-list-1
1. Reviewing the situation (situation analysis)
a. Consumer, Market, Product, Media
b. Research Tools: Primary/Secondary Research
c. Environmental Scanning & SWOT Analysis
2. Setting Marketing PR objectives
a. Objectives: awareness, attitude, behavior
b. Advertising and PR objectives
c. Publicity and PR objectives
3. Developing Marketing PR strategy
a. Segmentation, Target Market/Audience
b. Three Strategic Options
Thomas L. Harris, Value-Added Public Relations, 1998.
Marketing PR Plan Check-list-2
4. Marketing PR tactics
a. Message Development & Positioning
b. Message Delivery/Channel
5. Marketing PR execution
a. Action Plan
b. Time-table
c. Budget Allocation
d. Responsibilities/PIC
6. Measurement and evaluation
a. Outputs: message transmission
b. Outgrowths: message reception
c. Outcomes: attitude/behavioral change
Thomas L. Harris, Value-Added Public Relations, 1998.